High Energy Gamma Radiation From PKS 0528+134 Observed by EGRET

Mukherjee, R., Gear, W.K., Marscher, A.P., Moore, E.M., Travis, J.P., Zhang, Y., Robson, E.I., Stevens, J. A., Terasranta, H., Tornikoski, M. and Wagner, S. (1996) High Energy Gamma Radiation From PKS 0528+134 Observed by EGRET. Astronomical Society of the Pacific.

A summary of EGRET observations of PKS 0528+134 is given, with special emphasis on the 1993 March observations when the source flared in gamma-rays. The flux history of PKS 0528+134 as well as spectra of the source are presented. Multiwavelength observations of PKS 0528+134 during the flare are also given. A detailed relativistic SSC jet model agrees well with the 1993 March multiwavelength spectrum. However, the data are insufficient to discriminate between this and other emission models.



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