Learning Feature Weights for Density-Based Clustering
K-Means is the most popular and widely used clustering algorithm. This algorithm cannot recover non-spherical shape clusters in data sets. DBSCAN is arguably the most popular algorithm to recover arbitrary shape clusters; this is why this density-based clustering algorithm is of great interest to tackle its weaknesses. One issue of concern is that DBSCAN requires two parameters, and it cannot recover widely variable density clusters. The problem lies at the heart of this thesis is that during the clustering process DBSCAN takes all the available features and treats all the features equally regardless of their degree of relevance in the data set, which can have negative impacts. This thesis addresses the above problems by laying the foundation of the feature weighted density-based clustering. Specifically, the thesis introduces a densitybased clustering algorithm using reverse nearest neighbour, DBSCANR that require less parameter than DBSCAN for recovering clusters. DBSCANR is based on the insight that in real-world data sets the densities of arbitrary shape clusters to be recovered within a data set are very different from each other. The thesis extends DBSCANR to what is referred to as weighted DBSCANR, WDBSCANR by exploiting feature weighting technique to give the different level of relevance to the features in a data set. The thesis extends W-DBSCANR further by using the Minkowski metric so that the weight can be interpreted as feature re-scaling factors named MW-DBSCANR. Experiments on both artificial and realworld data sets demonstrate the superiority of our method over DBSCAN type algorithms. These weighted algorithms considerably reduce the impact of irrelevant features while recovering arbitrary shape clusters of different level of densities in a high-dimensional data set. Within this context, this thesis incorporates a popular algorithm, feature selection using feature similarity, FSFS into bothW-DBSCANR andMW-DBSCANR, to address the problem of feature selection. This unsupervised feature selection algorithm makes use of feature clustering and feature similarity to reduce the number of features in a data set. With a similar aim, exploiting the concept of feature similarity, the thesis introduces a method, density-based feature selection using feature similarity, DBFSFS to take density-based cluster structure into consideration for reducing the number of features in a data set. This thesis then applies the developed method to real-world high-dimensional gene expression data sets. DBFSFS improves the clustering recovery by substantially reducing the number of features from high-dimensional low sample size data sets.
Item Type | Thesis (Doctoral) |
Uncontrolled Keywords | clustering; density-based clustering; feature weighting; feature selection; DBSCAN; reverse nearest neighbour |
Date Deposited | 18 Nov 2024 11:12 |
Last Modified | 18 Nov 2024 11:12 |
picture_as_pdf - 14070866 CHOWDHURY Stiphen Final Version of PhD Submission.pdf