Collaborative Control Methods for Automated Air-to-Air Refuelling

Bullock, S., Thomas, Peter R., Bhandari, U. and Richardson, T. S. (2012) Collaborative Control Methods for Automated Air-to-Air Refuelling. UNSPECIFIED.

Unmanned Air Systems are increasingly prevalent in the defence and civil sectors and there is a desire to increase their e ectiveness and versatility by adding the capability to perform air-to-air refuelling. Existing work on automated air-to-air refuelling focuses on leader/follower architectures, which do not fully exploit all available control authority. Developments in active drogue control make this premise equally applicable to probe-drogue and boom-receptacle refuelling. This paper presents a survey of control architectures which may be used to couple systems and improve capture e ectiveness or operational envelope, then follows with an initial implementation of two architectures. A virtual structure method is applied to a boom-receptacle system, and a MIMO approach is trialled on a two-aircraft formation

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