Support and information about Down's syndrome

Gammons, S., Sooben, R.D. and Heslam, S. (2010) Support and information about Down's syndrome. pp. 700-708. ISSN 0969-4900

UK policies emphasize the importance of providing balanced and accurate information on Down's syndrome to pregnant women and supporting them to make informed choices about screening, diagnostic tests and, ultimately, whether or not to continue their pregnancy. This article presents key findings of a study that investigated the experiences of new parents of babies with Down's syndrome and the views of midwives and antenatal screening co-ordinators (ASCs) on what information and support is provided during pregnancy and at birth. While midwives/ASCs believe they provide information and support, the experience of parents indicates variability in how effectively these professionals deliver information to mothers and support them in making informed choices. This study reinforces the need for further training on what it is like to live with Down's syndrome in today's world for health professionals working in maternity services.