Overview of the environmental impacts of agriculture in the UK

Skinner, John, Lewis, Kathleen, Bardon, Keith, Tucker, P., Catt, John and Chambers, Brian (1997) Overview of the environmental impacts of agriculture in the UK. pp. 111-128. ISSN 0301-4797

This review has been necessary to bring together and interpret much of the diverse literature relating to the key areas of environmental impact associated with agriculture. The main environmental impacts of agriculture in the United Kingdom are associated with pesticides, nitrogen compounds, farm livestock wastes and soil erosion. Impacts on fauna and flora, water bodies and humans, as well as the economic costs (e.g. those involved in reducing levels of pollutants in water bodies) are considered within this paper. Agricultural activities, particularly those associated with emissions to the air and water, can have significant effects many kilometres from their place of origin. There may also be inter-related impacts. For example, pollution incidents which directly affect aquatic populations can indirectly influence recreational activities, and may have economic effects in the form of remedial water treatment and clean-up costs. It is important that management techniques and systems are developed to reduce detrimental environmental impacts associated with agriculture. The information outlined in this paper has been used to assist in the design of an integrated computer-based system to support environmental management in agriculture