Product Service Systems : From Theory to Practice

Lindley, Julian, Catulli, Maurizio and Reed, Nick (2013) Product Service Systems : From Theory to Practice. UNSPECIFIED.

This paper summarises the findings of the scoping phase of a pilot project, Exploring and developing ways to help people increase the useful life of products, through a leasing rather than ownership model of consumption. The focus of the research was into the provision of Baby and Nursery Equipment (B&NE). A primary objective was to explore attitudes towards this mode of consumption within both consumers and manufacturers. A secondary objective was to explore and demonstrate the feasibility of the business model(s) linked to modes of consumption through leasing rather than ownership. The project was funded by the UK Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and was part of their exploration of a Sustainable Lifestyle Framework, published in July 2011.The paper presents the initial stages of the research and does not attempt to give definitive conclusions. The key purpose of the paper is to outline the positive and negative findings highlighting both a possible structure and the barriers to a successful implementation of Product Service System Model of Consumption within this market sector