Multiwavelength observations of the February 1996 high-energy flare in the blazar 3C 279

Wehrle, A. E., Pian, E., Urry, C.M., Maraschi, L., Ghisellini, G., Hartman, R.C., Madejski, G. M., Makino, F., Marscher, A.P., McHardy, I.M., Webb, J. R., Aldering, G. S., Aller, M. F., Aller, H. D., Backman, D.E., Balonek, T.J., Boltwood, P., Bonnell, J., Caplinger, J., Celotti, A., Collmar, W., Dalton, J., Drucker, A., Falomo, R., Fichtel, C.E., Freudling, W., Gear, W.K., Gonzalez-Perez, N., Hall, P., Inoue, H., Johnson, W. N., Kidger, M. R., Kollgaard, R. I., Kondo, Y., Kurfess, J., Lawson, A.J., McCollum, B., McNaron-Brown, K., Nair, D., Penton, S., Pesce, J. E., Pohl, M., Raiteri, C.M., Renda, M., Robson, E.I., Sambruna, R.M., Schirmer, A. F., Shrader, C., Sikora, M., Sillanpää, A., Smith, P.S., Stevens, Jason, Stocke, J., Takalo, L.O., Teräsranta, H., Thompson, D.J., Thompson, R., Tornikoski, M., Tosti, G., Turcotte, P., Treves, A., Unwin, S.C., Valtaoja, E., Villata, M., Wagner, S.J., Xu, W. and Zook, A. C. (1997) Multiwavelength observations of the February 1996 high-energy flare in the blazar 3C 279. American Institute of Physics (AIP).

We report CGRO, RXTE, ASCA, ROSAT, IUE, HST and ground-based observations of a large flare in 3C 279 in February 1996. X-rays and γ-rays peaked simultaneously (within one day). We show simultaneous spectral energy distributions prior to and near the flare peak. The γ-ray flare was the brightest ever observed in this source