Design for testability of high-order OTA-C filters

Hasan, Masood ul, Zhu, Yanqing and Sun, Yichuang (2016) Design for testability of high-order OTA-C filters. ISSN 0098-9886

A study of oscillation-based test for high-order Operational Transconductance Amplifier-C (OTA-C) filters is presented. The method is based on partition of a high-order filter into second-order filter functions. The opening Q-loop and adding positive feedback techniques are developed to convert the second-order filter section into a quadrature oscillator. These techniques are based on an open-loop configuration and an additional positive feedback configuration. Implementation of the two testability design methods for nth-order cascade, IFLF and leapfrog (LF) filters is presented, and the area overhead of the modified circuits is also discussed. The performances of the presented techniques are investigated. Fourth-order cascade, inverse follow-the-leader feedback (IFLF) and LF OTA-C filters were designed and simulated for analysis of fault coverage using the adding positive feedback method based on an analogue multiplexer. Simulation results show that the oscillation-based test method using positive feedback provides high fault coverage of around 97%, 96% and 95% for the cascade, IFLF and LF OTA-C filters, respectively. Copyright Â

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