
Number of items: 11.
  • Protein droplet actuation on superhydrophobic surfaces: A new approach toward anti-biofouling electrowetting systems. (2017) Eli Nadia Abdul Latip, Loic Coudron, M.B. McDonnell, Ian Johnston, Daniel McCluskey, Rodney Day and Mark Tracey
  • 2016
  • The Design of an Innovative Research Led, Undergraduate Programme for Effective Development of R&D Skills and Learning. (2016) Daniel McCluskey, Christabel Tan, Mark Tracey, Ian Johnston and Loic Coudron
  • The Design of an Innovative Research Led, Undergraduate Programme for Effective Development of R&D Skills and Learning. (2016) Daniel McCluskey, Christabel Tan, Mark Tracey, Ian Johnston and Loic Coudron
  • New Strategies towards the Next Generation of Personal Worn Bio Detector. (2016) Loic Coudron, T. Foat, W. Sellors, M. Walker, P. Rachwal, J. Jones, D. Despeyroux, M.B. McDonnell, Daniel McCluskey, Ian Munro, Ian Johnston, Christabel Tan and Mark Tracey
  • A prototype personal aerosol sampler based on electrostatic precipitation and electrowetting-on-dielectric actuation of droplets. (2016) T. G. Foat, W. J. Sellors, M. D. Walker, P. A. Rachwal, J. W. Jones, D. D. Despeyroux, L. Coudron, I. Munro, D. K. McCluskey, C. K L Tan and M. C. Tracey
  • 2015
  • Electromagnetic Stirring in a Microbioreactor with Non-conventional Chamber Morphology and Implementation of Multiplexed Mixing. (2015) Christabel Tan, Matthew Davies, Daniel McCluskey, Ian Munro, Mauryn Nweke, M.C. Tracey and Nicolas Szita
  • 2014
  • Dean flow focusing and separation of small microspheres within a narrow size range. (2014) Ian Johnston, M.B. McDonnell, Christabel Tan, Daniel McCluskey, Matthew Davies and M.C. Tracey
  • Mechanical Characterisation of Bulk Sylgard 184 for Microfluidics and Microengineering. (2014) Ian Johnston, Daniel McCluskey, Christabel Tan and M.C. Tracey
  • 2009
  • Optimizing the hydrocyclone for ballast water treatment using computational fluid dynamics. (2009) Daniel McCluskey and Arne Holdo
  • 2005
  • A review of ballast water technologies. (2005) Daniel McCluskey, Arne Holdo and Rajnish Calay
  • An overview of ballast water treatment methods. (2005) D. K. McCluskey, A. E. Holdo and R. K. Calay