Number of items: 21.
  • Addressing the challenges of ECMO simulation. (2018) Guillaume Alinier, Ibrahim Fawzy Hassan, Abdullah Alsalemi, Mohammed Al Disi, Ali Ait Hssain, Ahmed Labib, Yahya Alhomsi, Faycal Bensaali, Abbes Amira and Abdul Salam Saif Ibrahim
  • Using thermochromism to simulate blood oxygenation in extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. (2018) Mohammed Al Disi, Abdullah Alsalemi, Faycal Bensaali, Abbess Amira and Guillaume Alinier
  • Revolutionizing ECMO simulation with affordable yet high-Fidelity technology. (2018) Mohammed Al Disi, Abdullah Alsalemi, Yahya Alhomsi, Fayçal Bensaali, Abbes Amira and Guillaume Alinier
  • Improved number plate character segmentation algorithm and its efficient FPGA implementation. (2015) Xiaojun Zhai and Faycal Bensaali
  • Real-time optical character recognition on field programmable gate array for automatic number plate recognition system. (2013) Xiaojun Zhai, Faycal Bensaali and Reza Sotudeh
  • Improved number plate localisation algorithm and its efficient field programmable gate arrays implementation. (2013) Xiaojun Zhai, Faycal Bensaali and Soodamani Ramalingam
  • Field programmable gate arrays-based number plate binarization and adjustment for automatic number plate recognition systems. (2013) Xiaojun Zhai, Faycal Bensaali and Reza Sotudeh
  • Real-time DSP-based Edge Detection Techniques for License Plate Detection : A Comparative Study. (2011) Zoe Jeffrey, Soodamani Ramalingam, Faycal Bensaali and Georgios Pissanidis
  • Intelligent co-operative processor-in-memory. (2007) R. Sotudeh, Z. Ahmad and F. Bensaali
  • A general framework for efficient FPGA implementation of matrix product. (2007) F. Bensaali, A. Amira and R. Sotudeh
  • Other
  • Real-Time Communication Network Using Firebase Cloud IoT Platform for ECMO Simulation. (2018) A. Alsalemi, Yahya Alhomsi, M. A. Disi, I. Ahmed, F. Bensaali, Abbes Amira and G. Alinier
  • Developing cost-effective simulators for patient management: A modular approach. (2017) A. Alsalemi, M. A. Disi, I. Ahmed, Y. Alhomsi, F. Bensaali, Abbes Amira and G. Alinier
  • Design and implementation of a modular ECMO simulator. (2017) Mohammad Aldisi, Abdullah Alsalemi, Yahya Alhomsi, Ibrahim Ahmed, Faycal Bensaali, Guillaume Alinier and Abbess Amira
  • Using thermochromic ink for medical simulations. (2017) Abdullah Alsalemi, Faycal Bensaali, Mohammad Aldisi, Yahya Alhomsi, Ibrahim Ahmed, Guillaume Alinier and Abbes Amira
  • Automatic Number Plate Recognition System on an ARM-DSP and FPGA Heterogeneous SoC Platforms. (2013) Zoe Jeffrey, Xiaojun Zhai, Faycal Bensaali, Reza Sotudeh and A. Ariyaeeinia
  • OCR-based neural network for ANPR. (2012) Xiaojun Zhai, Faycal Bensaali and Reza Sotudeh
  • Comparison of Real-Time DSP-Based Edge Detection Techniques for License Plate Detection. (2010) Zoe Jeffrey, F. Bensaali, S. Ramalingam and G. Pissanidis
  • License plate localisation based on morphological operations. (2010) X. Zhai, F. Bensaali and S. Ramalingam
  • Dynamic Co-operative Intelligent Memory. (2008) X. Wen, F. Bensaali and R. Sotudeh
  • xDSL Network Upgrade Employing FPGAs. (2008) M. Milosavljevic, F. Bensaali and P. Kourtessis
  • Floating-Point Matrix Product on FPGA. (2007) F. Bensaali, A. Amira and R. Sotudeh