Number of items: 6.
  • The ITALK project : A developmental robotics approach to the study of individual, social, and linguistic learning. (2014) Frank Broz, C.L. Nehaniv, Tony Belpaeme, Ambra Bisio, K. Dautenhahn, Luciano Fadiga, Tomassino Ferrauto, Kerstin Fischer, Frank Förster, Onofrio Gigliotta, Sascha Griffiths, Hagen Lehmann, Katrin S. Lohan, Caroline Lyon, Davide Marocco, Gianluca Massera, Giorgio Metta, Vishwanathan Mohan, Anthony Morse, Stefano Nolfi, Francesco Nori, Martin Peniak, Karola Pitsch, Katharina J. Rohlfing, Gerhard Sagerer, Yo Sato, Joe Saunders, Lars Schillingmann, Alessandra Sciutti, Vadim Tikhanoff, Britta Wrede, Arne Zeschel and Angelo Cangelosi
  • Reports of the AAAI 2010 spring symposia. (2011) T. Barkowsky, S. Bertel, Frank Broz, V.K. Chaudhri, N. Eagle, N. Genesereth, H. Halpin, E. Hamner, G. Hoffmann, C. Holscher, E. Horvitz, T. Lauwers, D.L. McGuinness, M. Michalowski, E. Mower, T.F. Shipley, K. Stubbs, R. Vogl and M.A. Williams
  • Other
  • Mutual gaze, personality, and familiarity : Dual eye-tracking during conversation. (2012) F. Broz, H. Lehmann, C.L. Nehaniv and K. Dautenhahn
  • Designing POMDP models of socially situated tasks. (2011) F. Broz, I. Nourbakhsh and Reid Simmons
  • Evolving Sims's creatures for bipedal gait. (2011) A. Azarbadegan, F. Broz and C.L. Nehaniv
  • As time goes by: representing and reasoning about timing in human-robot interaction studies. (2010) H. Kose-Bagci, F. Broz, Q. Shen, K. Dautenhahn and C.L. Nehaniv