
Number of items: 45.
  • In labor or in limbo? : The experiences of women undergoing induction of labor in hospital: findings of a qualitative study. (2018) Annabel Jay, Hilary Thomas and Fiona Brooks
  • Induction of labour: how do women get information and make decisions? Findings of a qualitative study. (2018) Annabel Jay, Hilary Thomas and Fiona Brooks
  • 2016
  • Mixed Methods. (2016) Victoria Alexander, Hilary Thomas, Ann Cronin, Jane Fielding and Jo Moran-Ellis
  • 2015
  • After ICU : the longer-term experiences of patients following discharge. (2015) Hilary Thomas, Sarah Earthy and Judith Sleney
  • Women’s views on partnership working with midwives during pregnancy and childbirth. (2015) Sally Boyle, Hilary Thomas and Fiona Brooks
  • Resilience and survival : black teenage mothers 'looked after' by the State tell their stories about their experience of care. (2015) Nadia Mantovani and Hilary Thomas
  • 2014
  • Science review in research ethics committees: : Double jeopardy? (2014) Stephen Humphreys, Hilary Thomas and Robyn Martin
  • Medical Dominance within Research Ethics Committees. (2014) Stephen Humphreys, Hilary Thomas and Robyn Martin
  • Patients’ Perceptions of a Changing Body: Coming to Terms with Heart Attack. (2014) Judith Sleney, Sarah Earthy and Hilary Thomas
  • Choosing Motherhood : The complexities of pregnancy decision-making among young black women 'looked after' by the State. (2014) Nadia Mantovani and Hilary Thomas
  • Stigma, intersectionality and motherhood : Exploring the relations of stigma in the accounts of black teenage mothers 'looked after' by the State. (2014) Nadia Mantovani and Hilary Thomas
  • 2013
  • Practitioner and patient experiences of giving and receiving healthy eating advice. (2013) Jane McClinchy, Angela Dickinson, Duncan Barron and Hilary Thomas
  • Stillbirth and loss : family practices and display. (2013) Samantha Murphy and Hilary Thomas
  • 2008
  • Chronic illness, reproductive health and moral work: women’s experiences of epilepsy. (2008) D. Thompson, S. Kendall, Hilary Thomas, J. Solomon and L. Nashef
  • Qualitative Interviewing. (2008) Nigel Fielding and Hilary Thomas
  • The analytic integration of qualitative data sources. (2008) Ann Cronin, Victoria Alexander, Jane Fielding, Jo Moran-Ellis and Hilary Thomas
  • 2007
  • Practice and Process in Integrating Methodologies (PPIMs). (2007) Jo Moran-Ellis, Victoria Alexander, Ann Cronin, Jane Fielding and Hilary Thomas
  • 2006
  • Triangulation and integration : Processes, claims and implications. (2006) J. Moran-Ellis, V.D. Alexander, A. Cronin, M. Dickinson, J. Fielding, J. Sleney and Hilary Thomas
  • Analytic integration and multiple qualitative data sets. (2006) Jo Moran-Ellis, Victoria Alexander, Ann Cronin, Jane Fielding and Hilary Thomas
  • 2004
  • From women's health to gender and health. (2004) Sara Arber and Hilary Thomas
  • Hard labour. (2004) Hilary Thomas
  • Women's postnatal experience following medically complicated pregnancy. (2004) Hilary Thomas
  • 2003
  • Pregnancy, illness and the concept of career. (2003) Hilary Thomas
  • 2002
  • Measurement of Satisfaction with Health Care: implications for practice from a systematic review of the literature. (2002) H. Crow, H. Gage, S. Hampson, J. Hart, A. Kimber, L. Storey and Hilary Thomas
  • 2001
  • Qualitative Interviewing. (2001) Nigel Fielding and Hilary Thomas
  • 2000
  • The Placebo Effect : Methodological Process and Implications of a Structured Review. (2000) Rosemary Crow, Sarah Hampson, Jo Hart, Alan Kimber and Hilary Thomas
  • 1999
  • Women's experiences of major illness during pregnancy. (1999) Hilary Thomas
  • The role of expectancies in the placebo effect and their use in the delivery of health care : a systematic review. (1999) R. Crow, H. Gage, S. Hampson, J. Hart, A. Kimber and Hilary Thomas
  • 1998
  • Reproductive health needs across the lifespan. (1998) Hilary Thomas
  • 1997
  • Women with special needs. (1997) Hilary Thomas
  • 1992
  • Time and the cervix. (1992) Hilary Thomas
  • Women, health and work : gynaecological problems in the context of women's lives. (1992) Hilary Thomas
  • 1990
  • An assessment of a hospital-based pregnancy testing service. (1990) Hilary Thomas and Marion Pye
  • 1987
  • Evaluation of an integrated community antenatal clinic. (1987) Hilary Thomas, J. Draper, S. Field and M. J. Hare
  • Day case laparoscopic sterilization : time for a rethink? (1987) Hilary Thomas and M. J. Hare
  • 1986
  • Women's views on keeping fetal movement charts. (1986) J. Draper, S. Field, Hilary Thomas and M. J. Hare
  • Antenatal visits : A comparative study between integrated and shared antenatal care. (1986) J. Draper, S. Field, Hilary Thomas and M.J. Hare
  • Should women carry their antenatal records? (1986) J. Draper, S. Field, Hilary Thomas and M. J. Hare
  • 1985
  • Fitting it all in : aspects of the health visitor's work. (1985) Hilary Thomas, Juliet Draper, Sylvia Farmer, Susan Field and M. J. Hare
  • The health visitor's place of work. (1985) Hilary Thomas, Juliet Draper, Sylvia Farmer, Susan Field and M. J. Hare
  • The medical construction of the contraceptive career. (1985) Hilary Thomas
  • 1984
  • The working relationship between the general practitioner and the health visitor. (1984) J. Draper, S. Farmer, S. Field, Hilary Thomas and M. J. Hare
  • Community antenatal care : a local study. (1984) Susan Field, Juliet Draper, Hilary Thomas and M. J. Hare
  • The working relationship between the health visitor and community midwife. (1984) Juliet Draper, Susan Field, Hilary Thomas and M. J. Hare
  • 1983
  • An evaluation of the practice of shared antenatal care. (1983) Hilary Thomas, Juliet Draper, Susan Field and M. J. Hare