
Number of items: 80.
  • Violent quenching : molecular gas blown to 1000 km/s during a major merger. (2018) J. E. Geach, C. Tremonti, A. M. Diamond-Stanic, P. H. Sell, A. A. Kepley, A. L. Coil, G. Rudnick, R. C. Hickox, J. Moustakas and Yujin Yang
  • Red, redder, reddest : SCUBA-2 imaging of colour-selected Herschel sources. (2018) S. Duivenvoorden, S. Oliver, J. M. Scudder, J. Greenslade, D. A. Riechers, S. M. Wilkins, V. Buat, S. C. Chapman, D. L. Clements, A. Cooray, K. E. K. Coppin, H. Dannerbauer, G. De Zotti, J. S. Dunlop, S. A. Eales, A. Efstathiou, D. Farrah, J. E. Geach, W. S. Holland, P. D. Hurley, R. J. Ivison, L. Marchetti, G. Petitpas, M. T. Sargent, D. Scott, M. Symeonidis, M. Vaccari, J. D. Vieira, L. Wang, J. Wardlow and M. Zemcov
  • Dust attenuation in 2<z<3 star-forming galaxies from deep ALMA observations of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field. (2018) R. J. McLure, J. S. Dunlop, F. Cullen, N. Bourne, P. N. Best, S. Khochfar, R. A. A. Bowler, A. D. Biggs, J. E. Geach, D. Scott, M. J. Michalowski, W. Rujopakarn, E. van Kampen, A. Kirkpatrick and A. Pope
  • The dust and [CII] morphologies of redshift ~4.5 sub-millimeter galaxies at ~200pc resolution : The Absence of Large Clumps in the Interstellar Medium at High-redshift. (2018) B. Gullberg, A. M. Swinbank, I. Smail, A. D. Biggs, F. Bertoldi, C. De Breuck, S. C. Chapman, C. -C. Chen, E. A. Cooke, K. E. K. Coppin, P. Cox, H. Dannerbauer, J. S. Dunlop, A. C. Edge, D. Farrah, J. E. Geach, T. R. Greve, J. Hodge, E. Ibar, R. J. Ivison, A. Karim, E. Schinnerer, D. Scott, J. M. Simpson, S. M. Stach, A. P. Thomson, P. van der Werf, F. Walter, J. L. Wardlow and A. Weiss
  • Observational constraints on the physical nature of submillimetre source multiplicity : chance projections are common. (2018) Christopher C. Hayward, Scott C. Chapman, Charles C. Steidel, Anneya Golob, Caitlin M. Casey, Daniel J. B. Smith, Adi Zitrin, Andrew W. Blain, Malcolm N. Bremer, Chian-Chou Chen, Kristen E. K. Coppin, Duncan Farrah, Eduardo Ibar, Michał J. Michałowski, Marcin Sawicki, Douglas Scott, Paul van der Werf, Giovanni G. Fazio, James E. Geach, Mark Gurwell, Glen Petitpas and David J. Wilner
  • 2017
  • The evolving far-IR galaxy luminosity function and dust-obscured star-formation rate density out to z~5. (2017) M. P. Koprowski, James S. Dunlop, Michał J. Michałowski, K. E. K. Coppin, J. E. Geach, Ross J. McLure, D. Scott and P. van der Werf
  • Cluster richness-mass calibration with cosmic microwave background lensing. (2017) J. E. Geach and J.A. Peacock
  • An automatic taxonomy of galaxy morphology using unsupervised machine learning. (2017) Alex Hocking, James E. Geach, Yi Sun and Neil Davey
  • VICS82 : the VISTA-CFHT Stripe 82 near-infrared survey. (2017) J. E. Geach, Y.-T. Lin, M. Makler, J-P. Kneib, N.P. Ross, W-H Wang, B-C Hsieh, A. Leauthaud, K. Bundy, H. J. McCracken, J. Comparat, G. B. Caminha, P. Hudelot, L.-Y. Lin, L. Van Waerbeke, M. E. S. Pereira and D. Mast
  • Evolution of cosmic star formation in the SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey. (2017) N. Bourne, J. S. Dunlop, E. Merlin, S. Parsa, C. Schreiber, M. Castellano, C. J. Conselice, K. E. K. Coppin, D. Farrah, A. Fontana, J. E. Geach, M. Halpern, K. K. Knudsen, M. J. Michalowski, A. Mortlock, P. Santini, D. Scott, X. W. Shu, C. Simpson, J. M. Simpson, D. J. B. Smith and P. van der Werf
  • The SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey: Multi-wavelength Properties of ALMA-identified Submillimeter Galaxies in UKIDSS-UDS. (2017) J. M. Simpson, Ian Smail, A. M. Swinbank, R. J. Ivison, J. S. Dunlop, J. E. Geach, O. Almaini, V. Arumugam, M. N. Bremer, Chian-Chou Chen, C. Conselice, K. E. K. Coppin, D. Farrah, E. Ibar, W. G. Hartley, C. J. Ma, M. J. Michalowski, M. Spaans, A. P. Thomson and P. P. van der Werf
  • A deep ALMA image of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field. (2017) J. S. Dunlop, R. J. McLure, A. D. Biggs, J. E. Geach, M. J. Michalowski, R. J. Ivison, W. Rujopakarn, E. van Kampen, A. Kirkpatrick, A. Pope, D. Scott, A. M. Swinbank, T. A. Targett, I. Aretxaga, J. E. Austermann, P. N. Best, V. A. Bruce, E. L. Chapin, S. Charlot, M. Cirasuolo, K. E. K. Coppin, R. S. Ellis, S. L. Finkelstein, C. C. Hayward, D. H. Hughes, E. Ibar, S. Khochfar, M. P. Koprowski, D. Narayanan, C. Papovich, J. A. Peacock, B. Robertson, T. Vernstrom, P. P. van der Werf, G. W. Wilson and M. Yun
  • The SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey : The EGS deep field I - Deep number counts and the redshift distribution of the recovered Cosmic Infrared Background at 450 and 850 um. (2017) J. A. Zavala, I. Aretxaga, J. E. Geach, M. Birkinshaw, E. Chapin, S. Chapman, Chian-Chou Chen, D. L. Clements, J. S. Dunlop, D. Farrah, R. J. Ivison, T. Jenness, M. J. Michałowski, E. I. Robson, Douglas Scott, J. Simpson, M. Spaans and P. van der Werf
  • 2016
  • VLA and ALMA IMAGING of INTENSE GALAXY-WIDE STAR FORMATION in z ∼ 2 GALAXIES. (2016) W. Rujopakarn, J. S. Dunlop, G. H. Rieke, R. J. Ivison, A. Cibinel, K. Nyland, P. Jagannathan, J. D. Silverman, D. M. Alexander, A. D. Biggs, S. Bhatnagar, D. R. Ballantyne, M. Dickinson, D. Elbaz, J. E. Geach, C. C. Hayward, A. Kirkpatrick, R. J. McLure, M. J. Michałowski, N. A. Miller, D. Narayanan, F. N. Owen, M. Pannella, C. Papovich, A. Pope, U. Rau, B. E. Robertson, D. Scott, A. M. Swinbank, P. Van Der Werf, E. Van Kampen, B. J. Weiner and R. A. Windhorst
  • ALMA Observations of Ly-alpha Blob 1: Halo Substructure Illuminated from Within. (2016) J.~E. Geach, D. Narayanan, Y. Matsuda, M. Hayes, L. Mas-Ribas, M. Dijkstra, C.~C. Steidel, S.~C. Chapman, R. Feldmann, A. Avison, O. Agertz, Y. Ao, M. Birkinshaw, M.~N. Bremer, D.~L. Clements, H. Dannerbauer, D. Farrah, C.~M. Harrison, M. Kubo, M.~J. Michalowski, D. Scott, M. Spaans, J.~M. Simpson, A.~M. Swinbank, Y. Taniguchi, P. van der Werf, A. Verma and T. Yamada
  • The SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey : 850um maps, catalogues and number counts. (2016) J. E. Geach, J. S. Dunlop, M. Halpern, Ian Smail, P. van der Werf, D. M. Alexander, O. Almaini, I. Aretxaga, V. Arumugam, V. Asboth, M. Banerji, J. Beanlands, P. N. Best, A. W. Blain, M. Birkinshaw, E. L. Chapin, S. C. Chapman, C.-C. Chen, A. Chrysostomou, C. Clarke, D. L. Clements, C. Conselice, K. E. K. Coppin, W. I. Cowley, A. L. R. Danielson, S. Eales, A. C. Edge, D. Farrah, A. Gibb, C. M. Harrison, N. K. Hine, D. Hughes, R. J. Ivison, M. Jarvis, T. Jenness, S. F. Jones, A. Karim, M. Koprowski, K. K. Knudsen, C. G. Lacey, T. Mackenzie, G. Marsden, K. McAlpine, R. McMahon, R. Meijerink, M. J. Michalowski, S. J. Oliver, M. J. Page, J. A. Peacock, D. Rigopoulou, E. I. Robson, I. Roseboom, K. Rotermund, Douglas Scott, S. Serjeant, C. Simpson, J. M. Simpson, D. J. B. Smith, M. Spaans, F. Stanley, J. A. Stevens, A. M. Swinbank, T. Targett, A. P. Thomson, E. Valiante, T. M. A. Webb, C. Willott, J. A. Zavala and M. Zemcov
  • ALMA observations of a z ≈ 3.1 protocluster : Star formation from active galactic nuclei and Lyman-alpha blobs in an overdense environment. (2016) D. M. Alexander, J. M. Simpson, C. M. Harrison, J. R. Mullaney, I. Smail, J. E. Geach, R. C. Hickox, N. K. Hine, A. Karim, M. Kubo, B. D. Lehmer, Y. Matsuda, D. J. Rosario, F. Stanley, A. M. Swinbank, H. Umehata and T. Yamada
  • A resolved map of the infrared excess in a Lyman Break Galaxy at z=3. (2016) M. P. Koprowski, K. E. K. Coppin, J. E. Geach, N. K. Hine, M. Bremer, S. C. Chapman, L. J. M. Davies, T. Hayashino, K. K. Knudsen, M. Kubo, B. D. Lehmer, Y. Matsuda, D. J. B. Smith, P. P. van der Werf, G. Violino and T. Yamada
  • Herschel protocluster survey : A search for dusty star-forming galaxies in protoclusters at z = 2-3. (2016) Y. Kato, Y. Matsuda, Ian Smail, A. M. Swinbank, B. Hatsukade, H. Umehata, I. Tanaka, T. Saito, D. Iono, Y. Tamura, K. Kohno, D. K. Erb, B. D. Lehmer, J. E. Geach, C. C. Steidel, D. M. Alexander, T. Yamada and T. Hayashino
  • The average submillimetre properties of Lyman-alpha Blobs at z=3. (2016) N. K. Hine, J. E. Geach, Y. Matsuda, B. D. Lehmer, M. J. Michalowski, D. Farrah, M. Spaans, S. J. Oliver, D. J. B. Smith, S. C. Chapman, T. Jenness, D. M. Alexander, I. Robson and P. van der Werf
  • The Spatially Resolved Dynamics of Dusty Starburst Galaxies in a z tilde 0.4 Cluster: Beginning the Transition from Spirals to S0s. (2016) H.~L. Johnson, C.~M. Harrison, A.~M. Swinbank, R.~G. Bower, I. Smail, Y. Koyama and J.~E. Geach
  • The impact of the dusty torus on obscured quasar halo mass measurements. (2016) M.~A. DiPompeo, J.~C. Runnoe, R.~C. Hickox, A.~D. Myers and J.~E. Geach
  • Modelling the number density of H$ emitters for future spectroscopic near-IR space missions. (2016) L. Pozzetti, C.~M. Hirata, J.~E. Geach, A. Cimatti, C. Baugh, O. Cucciati, A. Merson, P. Norberg and D. Shi
  • The SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey: galaxies in the deep 850 $m survey, and the star-forming `main sequence'. (2016) M.~P. Koprowski, J.~S. Dunlop, M.~J. Michalowski, I. Roseboom, J.~E. Geach, M. Cirasuolo, I. Aretxaga, R.~A.~A. Bowler, M. Banerji, N. Bourne, K.~E.~K. Coppin, S. Chapman, D.~H. Hughes, T. Jenness, R.~J. McLure, M. Symeonidis and P.~v.~d. Werf
  • Constraints on the circumstellar dust around KIC 8462852. (2016) M.A. Thompson, Peter Scicluna, F. Kemper, James Geach, M. M. Dunham, Oscar Morata, S. Ertel, Paul T. P. Ho, J. T. Dempsey, I.M. Coulson, G. Petitpas and L. Kristensen
  • A SCUBA-2 survey of FeLoBAL QSOs : Are FeLoBALs in a `transition phase' between ULIRGs and QSOs? (2016) Giulio Violino, Kristen Coppin, Jason A. Stevens, Duncan Farrah, James Geach, Dave M. Alexander, Ryan C. Hickox, Daniel Smith and Julie L. Wardlow
  • The SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey: Multiwavelength Counterparts to 10$^3$ Submillimeter Galaxies in the UKIDSS-UDS Field. (2016) C.-C. Chen, I. Smail, R.~J. Ivison, V. Arumugam, O. Almaini, C.~J. Conselice, J.~E. Geach, W.~G. Hartley, C.-J. Ma, A. Mortlock, C. Simpson, J.~M. Simpson, A.~M. Swinbank, I. Aretxaga, A. Blain, S.~C. Chapman, J.~S. Dunlop, D. Farrah, M. Halpern, M.~J. Michalowski, P. van der Werf, A. Wilkinson and J.~A. Zavala
  • Star formation in quasar hosts and the origin of radio emission in radio-quiet quasars. (2016) N.~L. Zakamska, K. Lampayan, A. Petric, D. Dicken, J.~E. Greene, T.~M. Heckman, R.~C. Hickox, L.~C. Ho, J.~H. Krolik, N.~P.~H. Nesvadba, M.~A. Strauss, J.~E. Geach, M. Oguri and I.~V. Strateva
  • An enhanced merger fraction within the galaxy population of the SSA22 protocluster at z = 3.1. (2016) N.~K. Hine, J.~E. Geach, D.~M. Alexander, B.~D. Lehmer, S.~C. Chapman and Y. Matsuda
  • 2015
  • ALMA Deep Field in SSA22: A Concentration of Dusty Starbursts in a z = 3.09 Protocluster Core. (2015) H. Umehata, Y. Tamura, K. Kohno, R.~J. Ivison, D.~M. Alexander, J.~E. Geach, B. Hatsukade, D.~H. Hughes, S. Ikarashi, Y. Kato, T. Izumi, R. Kawabe, M. Kubo, M. Lee, B. Lehmer, R. Makiya, Y. Matsuda, K. Nakanishi, T. Saito, I. Smail, T. Yamada, Y. Yamaguchi and M. Yun
  • The star formation history of BCGs to z = 1.8 from the SpARCS/SWIRE survey : evidence for significant in situ star formation at high redshift. (2015) Tracy M. A. Webb, Adam Muzzin, Allison Noble, Nina Bonaventura, James Geach, Yashar Hezevah, Chris Lidman, Gillian Wilson, H. K. C. Yee, Jason Surace and David Shupe
  • Cold dust emission from X-ray AGN in the SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey : dependence on luminosity, obscuration & AGN activity. (2015) Manda Banerji, R.G. McMahon, C.J. Willott, James Geach, C. M. Harrison, S. Alaghband-Zadeh, D. M. Alexander, N. Bourne, Kristen Coppin, J. S. Dunlop, D. Farrah, M. Jarvis, M. J. Michalowski, M. Page, Daniel Smith, A.M. Swinbank, M. Symeonidis and P. P. van der Werf
  • High radio-frequency properties and variability of brightest cluster galaxies. (2015) M.~T. Hogan, A.~C. Edge, J.~E. Geach, K.~J.~B. Grainge, J. Hlavacek-Larrondo, T. Hovatta, A. Karim, B.~R. McNamara, C. Rumsey, H.~R. Russell, P. Salomé, H.~D. Aller, M.~F. Aller, D.~J. Benford, A.~C. Fabian, A.~C.~S. Readhead, E.~M. Sadler and R.~D.~E. Saunders
  • A millimetre-wave redshift search for the unlensed HyLIRG, HS1700.850.1. (2015) S.~C. Chapman, F. Bertoldi, I. Smail, C.~C. Steidel, A.~W. Blain, J.~E. Geach, M. Gurwell, R.~J. Ivison, G.~R. Petitpas and N. Reddy
  • Early Science with the Large Millimeter Telescope: observations of dust continuum and CO emission lines of cluster-lensed submillimetre galaxies at z=2.0-4.7. (2015) J.~A. Zavala, M.~S. Yun, I. Aretxaga, D.~H. Hughes, G.~W. Wilson, J.~E. Geach, E. Egami, M.~A. Gurwell, D.~J. Wilner, I. Smail, A.~W. Blain, S.~C. Chapman, K.~E.~K. Coppin, M. Dessauges-Zavadsky, A.~C. Edge, A. Montaña, K. Nakajima, T.~D. Rawle, D. Sánchez-Argüelles, A.~M. Swinbank, T.~M.~A. Webb and M. Zeballos
  • The Red Radio Ring: a gravitationally lensed hyperluminous infrared radio galaxy at z = 2.553 discovered through the citizen science project SPACE WARPS. (2015) J.~E. Geach, A. More, A. Verma, P.~J. Marshall, N. Jackson, P.-E. Belles, R. Beswick, E. Baeten, M. Chavez, C. Cornen, B.~E. Cox, T. Erben, N.~J. Erickson, S. Garrington, P.~A. Harrison, K. Harrington, D.~H. Hughes, R.~J. Ivison, C. Jordan, Y.-T. Lin, A. Leauthaud, C. Lintott, S. Lynn, A. Kapadia, J.-P. Kneib, C. Macmillan, M. Makler, G. Miller, A. Montaña, R. Mujica, T. Muxlow, G. Narayanan, D.~Ó. Briain, T. O'Brien, M. Oguri, E. Paget, M. Parrish, N.~P. Ross, E. Rozo, C.~E. Rusu, E.~S. Rykoff, D. Sanchez-Argüelles, R. Simpson, C. Snyder, F.~P. Schloerb, M. Tecza, W.-H. Wang, L. Van Waerbeke, J. Wilcox, M. Viero, G.~W. Wilson, M.~S. Yun and M. Zeballos
  • The SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey : ALMA resolves the bright-end of the sub-millimeter number counts. (2015) James Simpson, Ian Smail, Mark Swinbank, Scott Chapman, James Geach, Rob Ivison, Alasdair Thomson, Itziar Aretxaga, Andrew Blain, Will Cowley, Chian-Chou Chen, Kristen Coppin, Jim Dunlop, Alastair Edge, Duncan Farrah, Edo Ibar, Alex Karim, Kirsten Knudsen, Rowin Meijerink, Michal Michalowski, Douglas Scott, Marco Spanns and Paul van der Werf
  • An extragalactic spectroscopic survey of the SSA22 field. (2015) C. Saez, B. D. Lehmer, F. E. Bauer, D. Stern, A. Gonzales, I. Rreza, D. M. Alexander, Y. Matsuda, J. E. Geach, F. A. Harrison and T. Hayashino
  • A blind CO detection of a distant red galaxy in the HS1700+64 protocluster. (2015) S.C. Chapman, F. Bertoldi, Ian Smail, A. W. Blain, J. E. Geach, M. Gurwell, R. J. Ivison, G. R. Petitpas, N. Reddy and C. C. Steidel
  • Galaxy formation: When the wind blows. (2015) J.~E. Geach
  • Weighing obscured and unobscured quasar hosts with the cosmic microwave background. (2015) M.A. DiPompeo, A. D. Myers, R. C. Hickox, James Geach, G. Holder, K.N. Hainline and S.W. Hall
  • The SCUBA-2 cosmology legacy survey : ALMA resolves the rest-frame far-infrared emission of sub-millimeter galaxies. (2015) J. M. Simpson, Ian Smail, A.M. Swinbank, O. Almaini, A. W. Blain, M.N. Bremer, S.C. Chapman, Chian Chou Chen, C. Conselice, Kristen Coppin, A. L. R. Danielson, J. S. Dunlop, A. C. Edge, D. Farrah, James Geach, W. G. Hartley, R. J. Ivison, A. Karim, C. Lani, C. J. Ma, R. Meijerink, M. J. Michałowski, A. Mortlock, D. Scott, C. J. Simpson, M. Spaans, A. P. Thomson, E. van Kampen and P. P. Van Der Werf
  • The SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey : the submillimetre properties of Lyman-break galaxies at z = 3-5. (2015) Kristen Coppin, J.E. Geach, O. Almaini, V. Arumugam, James S. Dunlop, W.G. Hartley, Rob J. Ivison, C.J. Simpson, Daniel Smith, A.M. Swinbank, Andrew W. Blain, N. Bourne, M. Bremer, C. Conselice, C. M. Harrison, A. Mortlock, S.C. Chapman, L.J.M. Davies, D. Farrah, A. Gibb, T. Jenness, A. Karim, K. Knudsen, E. Ibar, M. J. Michalowski, J.A. Peacock, D. Rigopoulou, E.I. Robson, D. Scott, J. Stevens and P. van der Werf
  • 2014
  • Stellar feedback as the origin of an extended molecular outflow in a starburst galaxy. (2014) James Geach, R. C. Hickox, A. M. Diamond-Stanic, M. Krips, G. H. Rudnick, C. A. Tremonti, P. H. Sell, A. L. Coil and J. Moustakas
  • A relationship between specific star formation rate and metallicity gradient within z ~ 1 galaxies from KMOS-HiZELS. (2014) John P. Stott, David Sobral, A. M. Swinbank, Ian Smail, Richard Bower, Philip N. Best, Ray M. Sharples, James E. Geach and Jorryt Matthee
  • A Submillimeter Galaxy Illuminating its Circumgalactic Medium : Ly-alpha Scattering in a Cold, Clumpy Outflow. (2014) J.E. Geach, R. G. Bower, D.M. Alexander, A.W. Blain, M.N. Bremer, E.L. Chapin, S.C. Chapman, D. L. Clements, Kristen Coppin, J.S. Dunlop, D. Farrah, T. Jenness, M.P. Koprowski, M. J. Michalowski, E.I. Robson, D. Scott, Daniel Smith, M. Spaans, A.M. Swinbank and P. van der Werf
  • Imaging the environment of A z = 6.3 submillimeter galaxy with scuba-2. (2014) E. I. Robson, R. J. Ivison, Ian Smail, W. S. Holland, J. E. Geach, A. G. Gibb, D. Riechers, P. A R Ade, D. Bintley, J. Bock, E. L. Chapin, S. C. Chapman, D. L. Clements, A. Conley, A. Cooray, J. S. Dunlop, D. Farrah, M. Fich, Hai Fu, T. Jenness, N. Laporte, S. J. Oliver, A. Omont, I. Pérez-Fournon, Douglas Scott, A. M. Swinbank and J. Wardlow
  • The angular clustering of infrared-selected obscured and unobscured quasars. (2014) M. A. DiPompeo, A. D. Myers, R. C. Hickox, J. E. Geach and K. N. Hainline
  • Massive compact galaxies with high-velocity outflows : Morphological analysis and constraints on AGN activity. (2014) P. H. Sell, C. A. Tremonti, R. C. Hickox, A. M. Diamond-Stanic, J. Moustakas, A. Coil, A. Williams, G. Rudnick, A. Robaina, J. E. Geach, S. Heinz and E. M. Wilcots
  • PdBI Cold dust imaging of two extremely red H-[4.5] > 4 galaxies discovered with SEDS and CANDELS. (2014) K. I. Caputi, M. J. Michałowski, M. Krips, J. E. Geach, M. L N Ashby, J. S. Huang, G. G. Fazio, A. M. Koekemoer, G. Popping, M. Spaans, M. Castellano, J. S. Dunlop, A. Fontana and P. Santini
  • The SCUBA-2 cosmology legacy survey : Ultraluminous star-forming galaxies in A z = 1.6 cluster. (2014) Ian Smail, J. E. Geach, A.M. Swinbank, K. Tadaki, V. Arumugam, W. Hartley, O. Almaini, M.N. Bremer, E. Chapin, S. C. Chapman, A. L. R. Danielson, A. C. Edge, D. Scott, C. J. Simpson, J. M. Simpson, C. J. Conselice, J. S. Dunlop, R. J. Ivison, A. Karim, T. Kodama, A. Mortlock, E.I. Robson, I. Roseboom, A. P. Thomson, P. P. Van Der Werf and T. M. A. Webb
  • The Herschel stripe 82 survey (HerS) : Maps and early catalog. (2014) M.P. Viero, V. Asboth, I.G. Roseboom, L. Moncelsi, G. Marsden, E. Mentuch Cooper, M. Zemcov, G. Addison, A. J. Baker, A. Beelen, J. Bock, C. Bridge, A. Conley, M. J. Devlin, O. Doré, D. Farrah, S. Finkelstein, A. Font-Ribera, J. E. Geach, K. Gebhardt, A. Gill, J. Glenn, A. Hajian, M. Halpern, S. Jogee, P. Kurczynski, A. Lapi, M. Negrello, S. J. Oliver, C. Papovich, R. Quadri, N. Ross, D. Scott, B. Schulz, R. Somerville, D. N. Spergel, J. D. Vieira, L. Wang and R. Wechsler
  • 2013
  • The SCUBA-2 cosmology legacy survey : Demographics of the 450-μm population. (2013) I.G. Roseboom, J.S. Dunlop, M. Cirasuolo, J.E. Geach, I. Smail, M. Halpern, P. van der Werf, O. Almaini, V. Arumugam, V. Asboth, R. Auld, A. Blain, M.N. Bremer, J. Bock, R.A.A. Bowler, F. Buitrago, E. Chapin, S. Chapman, A. Chrysostomou, C. Clarke, A. Conley, Kristen Coppin, A. L. R. Danielson, D. Farrah, J. Glenn, E. Hatziminaoglou, E. Ibar, R.J. Ivison, T. Jenness, E. van Kampen, A. Karim, T. Mackenzie, G. Marsden, R. Meijerink, M. J. Michałowski, S.J. Oliver, M.J. Page, E. Pearson, D. Scott, J.M. Simpson, Daniel Smith, M. Spaans, A.M. Swinbank, M. Symeonidis, T. Targett, E. Valiante, M. Viero, L. Wang, C.J. Willott and M. Zemcov
  • A submillimetre-bright z~3 overdensity behind a z~1 supercluster revealed by SCUBA-2 and Herschel. (2013) A. G. Noble, James Geach, A.J. van Engelen, T. M. A. Webb, Kristen Coppin, A. Delahaye, David G. Gilbank, M. Gladders, R. J. Ivison, Y. Omori and H. K. C. Yee
  • A Direct Measurement of the Linear Bias of Mid-infrared-selected Quasars at z ap 1 Using Cosmic Microwave Background Lensing. (2013) J.~E. Geach, R.~C. Hickox, L.~E. Bleem, M. Brodwin, G.~P. Holder, K.~A. Aird, B.~A. Benson, S. Bhattacharya, J.~E. Carlstrom, C.~L. Chang, H.-M. Cho, T.~M. Crawford, A.~T. Crites, T. de Haan, M.~A. Dobbs, J. Dudley, E.~M. George, K.~N. Hainline, N.~W. Halverson, W.~L. Holzapfel, S. Hoover, Z. Hou, J.~D. Hrubes, R. Keisler, L. Knox, A.~T. Lee, E.~M. Leitch, M. Lueker, D. Luong-Van, D.~P. Marrone, J.~J. McMahon, J. Mehl, S.~S. Meyer, M. Millea, J.~J. Mohr, T.~E. Montroy, A.~D. Myers, S. Padin, T. Plagge, C. Pryke, C.~L. Reichardt, J.~E. Ruhl, J.~T. Sayre, K.~K. Schaffer, L. Shaw, E. Shirokoff, H.~G. Spieler, Z. Staniszewski, A.~A. Stark, K.~T. Story, A. van Engelen, K. Vanderlinde, J.~D. Vieira, R. Williamson and O. Zahn
  • The evolution of dusty star formation in galaxy clusters to z = 1 : Spitzer infrared observations of the first red-sequence cluster survey. (2013) T. M. A. Webb, D. O'Donnell, H. K. C. Yee, D. Gilbank, Kristen Coppin, E. Ellingson, A. Faloon, J.E. Geach, M. Gladders, A. Noble, A. Muzzin, G. Wilson and R. Yan
  • The SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey: blank-field number counts of 450-mu m-selected galaxies and their contribution to the cosmic infrared background. (2013) James E. Geach, E.L. Chapin, Kristen Coppin, J. S. Dunlop, M. Halpern, Ian Smail, P. van der Werf, S. Serjeant, D. Farrah, I. Roseboom, T. Targett, V. Arumugam, V. Asboth, A. Blain, A. Chrysostomou, C. Clarke, R. J. Ivison, S. L. Jones, A. Karim, T. Mackenzie, R. Meijerink, M. J. Michalowski, Douglas Scott, J. M. Simpson, A.M. Swinbank, D.M. Alexander, O. Almaini, I. Aretxaga, P. Best, S. Chapman, D. L. Clements, C. Conselice, A. L. R. Danielson, S. Eales, A.C. Edge, A. G. Gibb, D. Hughes, T. Jenness, K. K. Knudsen, C. G. Lacey, G. Marsden, R. McMahon, S. J. Oliver, M. J. Page, J.A. Peacock, D. Rigopoulou, E.I. Robson, M. Spaans, J. Stevens, T. M. A. Webb, C. Willott, C. D. Wilson and M. Zemcov
  • The structure of the merging RCS 231953+00 supercluster at z ~ 0.9. (2013) A. J. Faloon, T. M. A. Webb, E. Ellingson, R. Yan, David G. Gilbank, J. E. Geach, A. G. Noble, L. F. Barrientos, H. K. C. Yee, M. Gladders and J. Richard
  • A redline starburst: CO(2-1) observations of an Eddington-limited galaxy reveal star formation at its most extreme. (2013) J. E. Geach, R. C. Hickox, A. M. Diamond-Stanic, M. Krips, J. Moustakas, C. A. Tremonti, A. L. Coil, P. H. Sell and G. H. Rudnick
  • Concurrent supermassive black hole and galaxy growth : linking environment and nuclear activity in z=2.23 alpha emitters. (2013) B.D. Lehmer, A. B. Lucy, D.M. Alexander, P.N. Best, J. E. Geach, C. M. Harrison, A. E. Hornschemeier, Y. Matsuda, J. R. Mullaney, Ian Smail, D. Sobral and A.M. Swinbank
  • The Evolution of Dusty Star formation in Galaxy Clusters to z = 1 : Spitzer infrared Observations of the First Red-Sequence Cluster Survey. (2013) Tracy Webb, Daniel O'Donnell, Howard K. C. Yee, David Gilbank, Kristen Coppin, Erica Ellingson, Ashley Faloon, James E. Geach, Mike Gladders, Allison Noble, Adam Muzzin, Gillian Wilson and Renbin Yan
  • 2012
  • The properties of the star-forming interstellar medium at z=0.8-2.2 from HiZELS II : star formation and clump scaling laws in gas-rich, turbulent disks. (2012) A.M. Swinbank, Ian Smail, D. Sobral, T. Theuns, P.N. Best and J. E. Geach
  • Predictions for the CO emission of galaxies from a coupled simulation of galaxy formation and photon-dominated regions. (2012) Claudia del P. Lagos, Estelle Bayet, Carlton M. Baugh, Cedric G. Lacey, Tom A. Bell, Nikolaos Fanidakis and James E. Geach
  • Observational limits on the gas mass of a z=4.9 galaxy. (2012) R. C. Livermore, A.M. Swinbank, Ian Smail, R. G. Bower, Kristen Coppin, R. A. Crain, A.C. Edge, J. E. Geach and J. Richard
  • The Spitzer Extragalactic Representative Volume Survey (SERVS) : Survey Definition and Goals. (2012) J.C. Mauduit, M. Lacy, D. Farrah, J. A. Surace, M.J. Jarvis, S. Oliver, C. Maraston, M. Vaccari, L. Marchetti, G. Zeimann, E. A. Gonzáles-Solares, J. Pforr, A. O. Petric, B. Henriques, P. A. Thomas, J. Afonso, A. Rettura, G. Wilson, J. T. Falder, James Geach, M. Huynh, R. P. Norris, N. Seymour, G.T. Richards, S. A. Stanford, D.M. Alexander, R.H. Becker, P.N. Best, L. Bizzocchi, D. Bonfield, N. Castro, A. Cava, S. Chapman, N. Christopher, D. L. Clements, G. Covone, N. Dubois, J. S. Dunlop, E. Dyke, A. Edge, H. C. Ferguson, S. Foucaud, A. Franceschini, R. R. Gal, J. K. Grant, M. Grossi, E. Hatziminaoglou, S. Hickey, J. A. Hodge, J. S. Huang, R. J. Ivison, M. Kim, O. LeFevre, M. Lehnert, C.J. Lonsdale, L. M. Lubin, R. J. McLure, H. Messias, A. Martínez-Sansigre, A. M. J. Mortier, D. M. Nielsen, M. Ouchi, G. Parish, I. Perez-Fournon, M. Pierre, S. Rawlings, A. Readhead, S. E. Ridgway, D. Rigopoulou, A. K. Romer, I. G. Rosebloom, H.J.A. Rottgering, M. Rowan-Robinson, A. Sajina, C.J. Simpson, I. Smail, G.K. Squires, J. A. Stevens, R. Taylor, M. Trichas, T. Urrutia, E. van Kampen, A. Verma and C. K. Xu
  • The Herschel Filament : a signature of the environmental drivers of galaxy evolution during the assembly of massive clusters at z=0.9. (2012) Kristen Coppin, James Geach, Tracy Webb, Ashley Faloon, Renbin Yan, Daniel O'Donnell, Nathalie Ouellette, Eiichi Egami, Erica Ellingson, David Gilbank, Amalia Hicks, L. Felipe Barrientos, Howard Yee and Michael Gladders
  • Herschel-PACS observations of [O I]63 um towards submillimetre galaxies at z~1. (2012) Kristen Coppin, A. L. R. Danielson, J. E. Geach, J. A. Hodge, A.M. Swinbank, J. L. Wardlow, F. Bertoldi, A. Biggs, W.N. Brandt, P. Caselli, S. C. Chapman, H. Dannerbauer, James S. Dunlop, T.R. Greve, F. Hamann, R. J. Ivison, A. Karim, K. K. Knudsen, K. M. Menten, E. Schinnerer, Ian Smail, M. Spaans, F. Walter, T. M. A. Webb and P. P. van der Werf
  • 2011
  • Herschel-Astrophysical Terahertz Large Area Survey: detection of a far-infrared population around galaxy clusters. (2011) Kristen Coppin, James Geach, Ian Smail, L. Dunne, A.C. Edge, R. J. Ivison, S. Maddox, R. Auld, M. Baes, S. Buttiglione, A. Cava, D. L. Clements, A. Cooray, A. Dariush, G. De Zotti, S. Dye, S. Eales, J. Fritz, R. Hopwood, E. Ibar, M.J. Jarvis, M. J. Michalowski, D. N. A. Murphy, M. Negrello, E. Pascale, M. Pohlen, E. Rigby, G. Rodighiero, D. Scott, S. Serjeant, Daniel Smith, P. Temi and P. van der Werf
  • On the evolution of the molecular gas fraction of star-forming galaxies. (2011) James E. Geach, Ian Smail, Sean M. Moran, Lauren A. MacArthur, Claudia del P. Lagos and Alastair C. Edge
  • 2010
  • Designing a space-based galaxy redshift survey to probe dark energy. (2010) Yun Wang, Will Percival, Andrea Cimatti, Pia Mukherjee, Luigi Guzzo, Carlton M. Baugh, Carmelita Carbone, Paolo Franzetti, Bianca Garilli, James E. Geach, Cedric G. Lacey, Elisabetta Majerotto, Alvaro Orsi, Piero Rosati, Lado Samushia and Giovanni Zamorani
  • The Herschel ATLAS. (2010) S. Eales, L. Dunne, D. Clements, A. Cooray, G. de Zotti, S. Dye, R. Ivison, M.J. Jarvis, G. Lagache, S. Maddox, M. Negrello, S. Serjeant, Mark Thompson, E. van Kampen, A. Amblard, P. Andreani, M. Baes, A. Beelen, G. J. Bendo, D. Benford, F. Bertoldi, J. Bock, D. Bonfield, A. Boselli, C. Bridge, V. Buat, D. Burgarella, R. Carlberg, A. Cava, P. Chanial, S. Charlot, N. Christopher, P. Coles, L. Cortese, A. Dariush, E. da Cunha, G. Dalton, L. Danese, H. Dannerbauer, S. Driver, J. Dunlop, L. Fan, D. Farrah, D. Frayer, C. Frenk, James Geach, J. Gardner, H. Gomez, J. González-Nuevo, E. González-Solares, M. Griffin, M.J. Hardcastle, E. Hatziminaoglou, D. Herranz, D. Hughes, E. Ibar, W.-S. Jeong, C. Lacey, A. Lapi, A. Lawrence, M. Lee, L. Leeuw, J. Liske, M. López-Caniego, T. Müller, K. Nandra, P. Panuzzo, A. Papageorgiou, G. Patanchon, J. Peacock, C. Pearson, S. Phillipps, M. Pohlen, C. Popescu, S. Rawlings, E. Rigby, M. Rigopoulou, A. Robotham, G. Rodighiero, A. Sansom, B. Schulz, D. Scott, Daniel Smith, B. Sibthorpe, I. Smail, J. Stevens, W. Sutherland, T. Takeuchi, J. Tedds, P. Temi, R. Tuffs, M. Trichas, M. Vaccari, I. Valtchanov, P. van der Werf, A. Verma, J. Vieria, C. Vlahakis and G.J. White
  • An AzTEC 1.1-mm Survey for ULIRGs in the field of the Galaxy Cluster MS 0451.6-0305. (2010) J. L. Wardlow, Ian Smail, G.W. Wilson, M. S. Yun, Kristen Coppin, R. Cybulski, J. E. Geach, R.J. Ivison, I. Aretxaga, J.E. Austermann, A. C. Edge, G. G. Fazio, J. Huang, D. H. Hughes, T. Kodama, Y. Kang, S. Kim, T. A. Perera and K. S. Scott
  • 2009
  • Bright Lyα emitters at z ~ 9 : Constraints on the LF from HizELS. (2009) D. Sobral, P.N. Best, J.E. Geach, I. Smail, J. Kurk, M. Cirasuolo, M. Casali, R.J. Ivison, Kristen Coppin and G.B. Dalton
  • HiZELS - A high-redshift survey of Hα emitters - II : the nature of star-forming galaxies at z = 0.84. (2009) D. Sobral, P.N. Best, J.E. Geach, I. Smail, J. Kurk, M. Cirasuolo, M. Casali, R.J. Ivison, Kristen Coppin and G.B. Dalton
  • CO interferometry of gas-rich spiral galaxies in the outskirts of an intermediate redshift cluster. (2009) J.E. Geach, I. Smail, Kristen Coppin, S.M. Moran, A.C. Edge and R.S. Ellis
  • A 100 kpc inverse Compton x-ray halo around 4C 60.07 at z = 3.79. (2009) I. Smail, B.D. Lehmer, R.J. Ivison, D.M. Alexander, R. Bower, J. A. Stevens, James Geach, C. Scharf, Kristen Coppin and W. van Breugel
  • A submillimetre galaxy at z=4.76 in the LABOCA survey of the Extended Chandra Deep Field South. (2009) Kristen Coppin, Ian Smail, David M. Alexander, Axel Weiss, Fabian Walter, Mark Swinbank, Thomas Greve, Attila Kovacs, Carlos De Breuck, Mark Dickinson, Edo Ibar, Rob Ivison, Naveen Reddy, Hyron Spinrad, Daniel Stern, Niel Brandt, Scott Chapman, Helmut Dannerbauer, Pieter van Dokkum, James Dunlop, David Frayer, Eric Gawiser, James Geach, Minh Huynh, Kirsten Knudsen, Anton Koekemoer, Bret Lehmer, Karl Menten, Casey Papovich, Hans-Walter Rix, Eva Schinnerer, Julie Wardlow and Paul van der Werf
  • 2008
  • HiZELS: a high-redshift survey of H alpha emitters - I : The cosmic star formation rate and clustering at z=2.23. (2008) James E. Geach, Ian Smail, P.N. Best, J. Kurk, M. Casali, R. J. Ivison and Kristen Coppin
  • 2007
  • A Detailed Study of Gas and Star Formation in a Highly Magnified Lyman Break Galaxy at z=3.07. (2007) Kristen Coppin, A.M. Swinbank, R. Neri, P. Cox, Ian Smail, R. S. Ellis, J.E. Geach, B. Siana, H. Teplitz, S. Dye, J-P. Kneib, A. C. Edge and J. Richard
  • The discovery of a massive supercluster at z = 0.9 in the UKIDSS Deep eXtragalactic Survey. (2007) A.M. Swinbank, A.C. Edge, I. Smail, J.P. Stott, M. Bremer, Y. Sato, C. van Breukelen, M.J. Jarvis, I. Waddington, L. Clewley, J. Bergeron, G. Cotter, S. Dye, James Geach, E. Gonzalez-Solares, P. Hirst, R.J. Ivison, S. Rawlings, C. Simpson, G.P. Smith, A. Verma and T. Yamada