
Number of items: 94.
  • Agricultural climate change mitigation : Carbon calculators as a guide for decision making. (2017) Andrew Green, Kathleen Lewis, John Tzilivakis and Douglas Warner
  • Development of a data set of pesticide dissipation rates in/on various plant matrices for the Pesticide Properties Database. (2017) Kathleen Lewis and John Tzilivakis
  • Problems of Benchmarking Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Dairy Agriculture. (2017) Andrew Green, John Tzilivakis, Douglas Warner and Kathleen Lewis
  • Ecological Focus Areas and beneficial insect (Coleoptera: Carabidae) conservation for pest control: habitat suitability and farm specific factors. (2017) Douglas Warner, John Tzilivakis, Andrew Green and Kathleen Lewis
  • Spatial and temporal variability of greenhouse gas emissions from rural development land use operations. (2017) John Tzilivakis, Douglas Warner, Andrew Green and Kathleen Anne Lewis
  • Prioritising agri-environment options for greenhouse gas mitigation. (2017) Douglas Warner, John Tzilivakis, Andrew Green and Kathleen Lewis
  • 2016
  • An indicator framework to help maximise potential benefits for ecosystem services and biodiversity from ecological focus areas. (2016) John Tzilivakis, Douglas Warner, Andrew Green, Kathleen Lewis and Vincenzo Angileri
  • Rural Development Programme measures on cultivated land in Europe to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions – regional ‘hotspots’ and priority measures. (2016) Douglas Warner, John Tzilivakis, Andrew Green and Kathleen Lewis
  • A guidance tool to support farmers with ecological focus areas – the benefits of agroforestry for ecosystem services and biodiversity. (2016) Douglas Warner, John Tzilivakis, Andrew Green and Kathleen Lewis
  • An international database for pesticide risk assessments and management. (2016) Kathleen Lewis, John Tzilivakis, Douglas Warner and Andrew Green
  • Reduced tillage improves energy efficiency in winter sown combinable crops. (2016) Douglas Warner, Ron Stobart, Nathan Morris, John Tzilivakis, Andrew Green and Kathleen Lewis
  • Greenhouse gas emissions and rural development in the EU. (2016) John Tzilivakis, Douglas Warner, Andrew Green and Kathleen Lewis
  • Crop specific implications of yield and energy use efficiency in non-inversion tillage systems. (2016) Douglas Warner, Ron Stobart, Nathan Morris, John Tzilivakis, Andrew Green and Kathleen Lewis
  • 2015
  • The EFA calculator : A software tool to support farmers decisions on Ecological Focus Areas. (2015) John Tzilivakis, Douglas Warner and Vincenzo Angileri
  • Preparatory work to support the re-evaluation of botanically defined feed flavouring additives. (2015) Kathleen Lewis, John Tzilivakis, Andrew Green and Douglas Warner
  • 2014
  • Final evidence report as part of preparatory work for the setting of Dietary Reference Values for magnesium, copper, and phosphorus. (2014) Kathleen Lewis, Angela Madden, Jonathan Tammam, John Tzilivakis and Katerina Vafeiadou
  • Final evidence report as part of preparatory work for the setting of Dietary Reference Values for sodium and chloride. (2014) Kathleen Lewis, Angela Madden, Jonathan Tammam, John Tzilivakis and Katerina Vafeiadou
  • Identifying integrated options for agricultural climate change mitigation. (2014) John Tzilivakis, Andrew Green, Kathleen Lewis and Douglas Warner
  • 2013
  • A comparison of carbon accounting tools and an evaluation of their potential for greenhouse gas mitigation. (2013) Andrew Green, Douglas Warner, John Tzilivakis and Kathleen Lewis
  • Measuring the extent to which greenhouse gas emission savings achieved by Environmental Stewardship are displaced on-farm (NECR121). (2013) Douglas Warner, Kathleen Lewis, John Tzilivakis, Andrew Green and Richard Slater
  • Review of substances/agents that have direct beneficial effects on the environment : Mode of action and assessment of efficacy. (2013) Kathleen Lewis, John Tzilivakis, Andrew Green, Douglas Warner and Alun Stedman
  • Optimal design of climate change policies through the EU's rural development policy : Final Report. (2013) John Tzilivakis, Kathleen Lewis, Andrew Green, Douglas Warner, W. Fialkiewicz, Dorota Olearczyk, Charlotte Bordet and Brigitte Langevin
  • Agricultural carbon calculators’ – choosing the right one. (2013) Kathleen Lewis, John Tzilivakis and Andrew Green
  • 2012
  • A framework for practical and effective eco-labelling of food products. (2012) John Tzilivakis, Andrew Green, Douglas Warner, Kate McGeevor and Kathleen Lewis
  • Agricultural greenhouse gas emissions reduced by agri-environment schemes on improved grassland and grazed by intensive beef cattle. (2012) Douglas Warner, Andrew Green, John Tzilivakis and Kathleen Lewis
  • 2011
  • A revisit to previous research into the current and potential climate change mitigation effects of environmental stewardship (BD5007). (2011) Douglas Warner, John Tzilivakis and Kathleen Lewis
  • A Novel Technique for Identifying Environmental Outcomes from Agricultural Practices. (2011) J. Tzilivakis, Kathleen Lewis, A. Green and D. Warner
  • Effective Approaches to Environmental Labelling of Food Products : Final Report for Project FO0419. (2011) John Tzilivakis, Andrew Green, Douglas Warner, Kate McGeevor, Tom MacMillan and Kathleen Lewis
  • 2010
  • The Climate Change Mitigation Potential of an EU Farm: Towards a Farm-Based Integrated Assessment : Final Report for EC Project ENV.B.1/ETU/2009/0052. (2010) John Tzilivakis, Kathleen Lewis, Andrew Green and Douglas Warner
  • Environmental labels for food : Scientific, practical and economic issues. (2010) John Tzilivakis, Kathleen Lewis and Tom MacMillan
  • Greenhouse gas emissions and energy use in UK-grown short-day strawberry (Fragaria xananassa Duch) crops. (2010) D. Warner, M. Davies, N. Hipps, N. Osborne, J. Tzilivakis and Kathleen Lewis
  • Integrated Management options for agricultural climate change mitigation (IMPACCT). (2010) Douglas Warner, Kathleen Lewis, John Tzilivakis and Andrew Green
  • The contribution of UK farm assurance schemes towards desirable environmental policy outcomes. (2010) Kathleen Lewis, A. Green, J. Tzilivakis and D. Warner
  • 2009
  • The FOOT-FS software system: An overview. (2009) John Tzilivakis, Andrew Green and Kathleen Lewis
  • Assessment of Reduction in Environmental Burdens Through Targeted Measures Compared with Whole Farm Approaches in Cropping and Livestock Systems : Final Report for Project IF0131. (2009) John Tzilivakis, Kathleen Lewis, Andrew Green and Douglas Warner
  • The FOOTPRINT Software Tools : Pesticide Risk Assessment and Management in the EU at different spatial scales. (2009) I. Dubus, G. Azimonti, M. Bach, G. Bidoglio, E. Bouraoui, T. Centofanti, Y. Coquet, B. Feisel, W. Fialkiewicz, H. Fowler, F. Galimberti, B. Grizzetti, A. Hojberg, J. Hollis, N. Jarvis, N. Kajewski, J. Kjaer, S. Krasnichi, Kathleen Lewis, F. Lobnik, P. Lolos, J. Moeys, S. Reichenberger, M. Suhadolc, John Tzilivakis and D. Windhorst
  • Pesticide Properties Database : An overview. (2009) Andrew Green, Kathleen Lewis and John Tzilivakis
  • Pesticide Properties Database : Usage and Uptake. (2009) Kathleen Lewis, Andrew Green and John Tzilivakis
  • 2008
  • Research into the current and potential climate change mitigation impacts of environmental stewardship (BD2302). (2008) Douglas Warner, John Tzilivakis and Kathleen Lewis
  • GREENERGY - Energy optimisation in European greenhouses : D16: Core SME greenhouse growers final energy consumption data. (2008) Douglas Warner, John Tzilivakis, O. Korner, B. Eveleens, E. Heuvelink and Kathleen Lewis
  • GREENERGY - Energy optimisation in European greenhouses : D6/D7/D8: Reference Greenhouse, Core Calculation Module and Graphical User Interface for the Energy Auditing Tool (EAT). Final Version. (2008) Douglas Warner, John Tzilivakis, O. Korner, B. Eveleens, E. Heuvelink and Kathleen Lewis
  • Decision support for optimising energy consumption in European greenhouses. (2008) O. Korner, D. Warner, J. Tzilivakis, B. Eveleens and E. Heuvelink
  • FOOTPRINT: creating tools for pesticide risk assessment and management in Europe. (2008) Kathleen Lewis, Andrew Green and John Tzilivakis
  • Farm assurance schemes : can they improve farming standards? (2008) Kathleen Lewis, J. Tzilivakis, A. Green, D. Warner and A. Coles
  • GREENERGY - Energy optimisation in European greenhouses : D9: Delivery of the Energy Auditing Tool (EAT). (2008) Douglas Warner, John Tzilivakis, O. Korner, B. Eveleens, E. Heuvelink and Kathleen Lewis
  • 2007
  • The Agricultural Document Library (ADLib) and its applications. (2007) John Tzilivakis and Kathleen Lewis
  • Integrated Farming Standards and Eco-labelling : Information Note for Defra Workshop on improving the environmental performance of farming. (2007) John Tzilivakis and Kathleen Lewis
  • A Preliminary Review of Integrated Farming Standards and Food Eco-Labelling : Interim Report for Project IF0131. (2007) Kathleen Lewis, John Tzilivakis, Andrew Green and Douglas Warner
  • Development of an improved pesticide properties database for risk assessment. (2007) Kathleen Lewis, Andrew Green and John Tzilivakis
  • Environmental impacts of farm scenarios according to five assessment methods. (2007) H.M.G. van der Werf, J. Tzilivakis, Kathleen Lewis and C. Basset-Mens
  • 2006
  • Horticulture and the Environment in the Southern Region : Final Report for Environment Agency, Southern Region. (2006) Kathleen Lewis, John Tzilivakis, Douglas Warner and Andrew Green
  • 2005
  • Agricultural Advisory Services Content Audit. (2005) John Tzilivakis, Kathleen Lewis, Andrew Green and Douglas Warner
  • Comparison of the Assured British Pigs Farm Standard with EUREPGAP. (2005) John Tzilivakis, Kathleen Lewis, Andrew Green and Douglas Warner
  • Harmonisation of the Assured Food Standards (AFS). (2005) John Tzilivakis, Kathleen Lewis, Andrew Green and Douglas Warner
  • Environmental impact and economic assessment for UK sugar beet production systems. (2005) J. Tzilivakis, K. Jaggard, Kathleen Lewis, M. May and D. Warner
  • Comparison of Assured Food Standards to Cross Compliance. (2005) John Tzilivakis, Kathleen Lewis, Andrew Green and Douglas Warner
  • Sustainability of UK Strawberry Crop : Final report to Defra for Research Project HH3606. (2005) Douglas Warner, John Tzilivakis and Kathleen Lewis
  • An assessment of the energy inputs and greenhouse gas emissions in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) production in the UK. (2005) J. Tzilivakis, D. Warner, M. May, Kathleen Lewis and K. Jaggard
  • A prototype framework for assessing risks to soil functions. (2005) J. Tzilivakis, Kathleen Lewis and A.R. Williamson
  • 2004
  • Assessing the environmental impact of different crop protection strategies. (2004) J. Tzilivakis, D.B. Turley, Kathleen Lewis, S.E. Ogilvy and K. Lawson
  • Beet and the Environment. (2004) Keith Jaggard, John Tzilivakis, Douglas Warner and Kathleen Lewis
  • Challenges and opportunities for land managers to achieve a more integrated approach to land and water management. (2004) Kathleen Lewis, John Tzilivakis and Andrew Green
  • New initiatives for maintaining on-farm environmental protection. (2004) Kathleen Lewis and John Tzilivakis
  • The development and use of farm-level indicators in England. (2004) J. Tzilivakis and Kathleen Lewis
  • 2003
  • Investigation of Varietal Characteristics Required for Sustainable Agriculture : Final report for Defra Project VS0128. (2003) John Tzilivakis, Kathleen Lewis, Andrew Green and Douglas Warner
  • p-EMA (III): overview and application of a software system designed to assess the environmental risk of agricultural pesticides. (2003) Kathleen Lewis, C.D. Brown, A. Hart and J. Tzilivakis
  • Priorities for the Environmental Protection of Soil : Final report for Environment Agency project P5-055. (2003) John Tzilivakis, Kathleen Lewis, Andrew Green, Douglas Warner and Adele Calvert
  • Environment and Energy Impact Assessment for Sugar Beet Production Systems : Final report for the British Beet Research Organisation (BBRO). (2003) John Tzilivakis, Kathleen Lewis, Andrew Green, Douglas Warner, M. May and Keith Jaggard
  • Environmental impact assessment of the UK strawberry crop. (2003) Douglas Warner, John Tzilivakis, Kathleen Lewis, Neil Hipps, M. Davis and N. Osborne
  • p-EMA (II): evaluating ecological risks of pesticides for a farm-level risk assessment system. (2003) A. Hart, C.D. Brown, Kathleen Lewis and J. Tzilivakis
  • 2002
  • Environmental Auditing for the Hardy Nursery Stock Industry : Final report to Defra for project HH1945. (2002) Kathleen Lewis, John Tzilivakis and Adele Calvert
  • Environmental assessment of sugar beet production. (2002) John Tzilivakis, Keith Jaggard, Kathleen Lewis, M. May and Douglas Warner
  • Application of Sustainable Agriculture Indicators at Farm Level for England and Wales : Final Report to Defra for Research Project NT1855. (2002) Kathleen Lewis, John Tzilivakis, Andrew Green and Douglas Warner
  • Delivering the indicator message at farm level. (2002) John Tzilivakis and Kathleen Lewis
  • Development of software to plan conversion to organic production (OrgPlan). (2002) John Tzilivakis, Susanne Padel, Mark Measures, Elizabeth Stockdale and Christine Watson
  • Indicators of agricultural sustainability - are they relevant to grassland management? (2002) Andrew Green, Kathleen Lewis, John Tzilivakis and Douglas Warner
  • Monitoring environmental quality on farm. (2002) Kathleen Lewis and John Tzilivakis
  • The development and use of farm level indicators in England. (2002) John Tzilivakis, Kathleen Lewis and Richard Findon
  • 2001
  • On-farm risk assessment of agricultural pesticides. (2001) Kathleen Lewis, John Tzilivakis, C.D. Brown and A. Hart
  • The development of software to support planning conversion to organic agriculture. (2001) John Tzilivakis and Kathleen Lewis
  • Organic Farming Conversion Software. (2001) Kathleen Lewis and John Tzilivakis
  • 2000
  • Environmental Management For Agriculture (EMA) : A Catalyst for the Evolution of Sustainable Agriculture. (2000) John Tzilivakis and Kathleen Lewis
  • The role of the EMA software in integrated crop management and its commercial uptake. (2000) Kathleen Lewis and J. Tzilivakis
  • 1999
  • Developing an emissions inventory from farm data. (1999) Kathleen Lewis, M. Newbold and J. Tzilivakis
  • Environmental Management for Agriculture (EMA) and Sustainable Agriculture. (1999) John Tzilivakis and Kathleen Lewis
  • A strategic environmental assessment method for agricultural policy in the UK. (1999) J. Tzilivakis, C. Broom, Kathleen Lewis, P. Tucker, C. Drummond and R. Cook
  • 1998
  • Environmental Management for Agriculture: Grass & livestock enterprises. : Final report to Defra and Milk Development Council, NT1908, CSA 2628. (1998) Kathleen Lewis and John Tzilivakis
  • Evaluating a technique used to measure environmental performance within agriculture–case studies. (1998) Kathleen Lewis and J. Tzilivakis
  • In search of sustainable CAP: : Assessing the environmental impacts of agricultural policy. (1998) John Tzilivakis, Clare Broom and Kathleen Lewis
  • Integration of environmental assessment indicators into site assessment procedures. (1998) P. Tucker, C. Ferguson and John Tzilivakis
  • Sustainable waste management. (1998) John Tzilivakis
  • 1997
  • Environmental best practice advisory system for agriculture. (1997) Kathleen Lewis, John Tzilivakis, John Skinner and Keith Bardon
  • Options for informal environmental management : the agricultural industry highlighted. (1997) J. Newbold, Kathleen Lewis, J. Tzilivakis, J. Finch, T.M. Kaho, J.A. Skinner and K.S. Bardon
  • 1996
  • The development of a novel means of scoring and ranking the benefits and disbenefits arising from agriculture : Final report for MAFF Project CSA2958. (1996) John Tzilivakis, Kathleen Lewis, Clare Broom, P. Tucker, C. Drummond and R. Cook