Number of items: 69.
  • Differences in MAT gene distribution and expression between Rhynchosporium species on grasses. (2015) K. M. King, Jon S. West, Bruce D.L. Fitt and P. S. Dyer
  • Arable crop disease control, climate change and food security. (2013) Bruce D.L. Fitt, Neal Evans, Peter Gladders, David Hughes and Jon S. West
  • R gene-mediated resistance in Brassica napus that limits asexual sporulation but allows sexual sporulation by Pyrenopeziza brassicae (light leaf spot). (2013) Emily F. Boys, Jon S. West, C. Peter Werner, Graham J. King, Paul S. Dyer and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Evolutionary relationships between Rhynchosporium lolii sp. nov. and other Rhynchosporium species on grass. (2013) Kevin M. King, Jon S. West, Paul S. Dyer, Patrick C. Brunner and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Effects of R gene-mediated resistance in Brassica napus (oilseed rape) on asexual and sexual sporulation of Pyrenopeziza brassicae (light leaf spot). (2012) Emily F. Boys, Susan Roques, Jon S. West, C. Peter Werner, G. J. King, Paul S. Dyer and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Comparative biology of different plant pathogens to estimate effects of climate change on crop diseases in Europe. (2012) Jon S. West, J.A. Townsend, M. Stevens and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Impacts of changing climate and agronomic factors on fusarium ear blight of wheat in the UK. (2012) Jon S. West, Sarah Holdgate, J.A. Townsend, Simon G. Edwards, Philip Jennings and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • A comparision of GHG emissions from UK field crop production under selected arable systems with reference to disease control. (2012) Robert R. Carlton, Jon S. West, Pete Smith and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Effects of disease control by fungicides on greenhouse gas emissions by UK arable crop production. (2011) David J. Hughes, Jon S. West, Simon D. Atkins, Peter Gladders, Michael J. Jeger and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Erratum: The impact of climate change on disease constraints on production of oilseed rape (vol 2, pg 143, 2010). (2011) Neal Evans, Michael H. Butterworth, Andreas Baierl, Mikhail A. Semenov, Jon S. West, Andrew Barnes, Dominic Moran and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Arable crop disease control, climate change and food security. (2011) Bruce D.L. Fitt, Neal Evans, P. Gladders, David Hughes, M.J. Jeger, J.A. Turner and Jon S. West
  • Both mating types are present in Rhychosporium commune, R. agropyri and R. secalis populations. (2011) K. M. King, Jon S. West, T. S. Steffanson, B. A. McDonald, W Knogge, Paul S. Dyer and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Climate change and arable crop disease control : mitigation and adaptation. (2011) Bruce D.L. Fitt, Neal Evans, Peter Gladders, D. J. Hughes, J.W. Madgwick, M.J. Jeger, J.A. Townsend, J.A. Turner and Jon S. West
  • Development of typical and atypical Rhynchosporium lesions on different grass hosts. (2011) K. M. King, Jon S. West, Paul S. Dyer and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Disease control on UK winter oilseed rape contributes to climate change mitigation. (2011) M. Mahmuti, Jon S. West, J. Watts, Peter Gladders, D.J. Hughes and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Effects of Leptosphaeria maculans race structure and fitness cost of virulence on management of phoma stem canker of oilseed rape. (2011) Yongju Huang, Marie-Helene Balesdent, A. P. Van de Wouw, Jenna F. Stonard, Neal Evans, Jon S. West, Thierry Rouxel and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Impact of climate change on diseases in sustainable arable crop systems : CLIMDIS. (2011) Jon S. West, Bruce D.L. Fitt, J.A. Townsend, M. Stevens, S.G. Edwards, J.A. Turner, D. Ellerton, A. Flind, J. King, Julian Hasler, C. Peter Werner, C. Tapsell, Sarah Holdgate, R. Summers, W. Angus and John Edmonds
  • Impacts of climate change on phoma stem canker and light leaf spot on UK oilseed rape. (2011) Bruce D.L. Fitt, Neal Evans, Yongju Huang, Jon S. West and P. Gladders
  • Impacts of climate change on wheat anthesis and fusarium ear blight in the UK. (2011) J.W. Madgwick, Jon S. West, R.P. White, M.A. Semenov, J.A. Townsend, J.A. Turner and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Resistance to Pyrenopeziza brassicae (light leaf spot) in Brassica napus. (2011) Emily F. Boys, Susan Roques, Jon S. West, C. Peter Werner, Graham J. King, Paul S. Dyer, David Hughes and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Resistance to Pyrenopeziza brassicae (light leaf spot) in Brassica napus, in International Consultative Research Group on Rapeseed. (2011) Emily F. Boys, Susan Roques, Jon S. West, C. Peter Werner, G. J. King, Paul S. Dyer, David Hughes and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Determining frequencies of avirulent alleles in airborne Leptosphaeria maculans inoculum using quantitative PCR. (2010) A. P. Van de Wouw, J. F. Stonard, B. J. Howlett, Jon S. West, Bruce D.L. Fitt and S. D. Atkins
  • Geographic variation in severity of phoma stem canker and Leptosphaeria maculans/L. biglobosa populations on UK winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus). (2010) J. F. Stonard, A. O. Latunde-Dada, Yongju Huang, Jon S. West, N. Evans and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Air sampling to forecast risk of mycotoxin-producing fusarium species in wheat crops. (2010) Jon S. West, J.A. Townsend, A. East, G. Canning, J. B. Halder and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • North-South divide : contrasting impacts of climate change on crop yields in Scotland and England. (2010) Michael H. Butterworth, Mikhail A. Semenov, Andrew Barnes, Dominic Moran, Jon S. West and Bruce D. L. Fitt
  • Use of qPCR techniques to predict light leaf spot resistance of oilseed rape varieties. (2010) E. J. Booth, Jon S. West, Bruce D.L. Fitt, S. L. Rodgers, Rodger White, A.D. Todda, A. O. Latunde-Dada, J.E. Thomas and Peter Gladders
  • Controlling crop disease contributes to both food security and climate change mitigation. (2009) M. Mahmuti, Jon S. West, J. Watts, P. Gladders and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Controlling crop disease to mitigate climate change. (2009) Jon S. West, M. Mahmuti, J. Watts, J. Townsend, P. Gladders, Bruce D.L. Fitt, E. Stockdale and W. Martindale
  • Detection and quantification of airborne inoculum of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum using quantitative PCR. (2009) S. L. Rogers, Simon D. Atkins and Jon S. West
  • Determining frequencies of avirulent alleles in airborne inoculum of Leptosphaeria maculans using molecular assays. (2009) A. P. Van de Wouw, J. F. Stonard, Simon D. Atkins, B. J. Howlett, Jon S. West and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • North-south divide; contrasting impacts of climate change on crop yields in Scotland and UK. (2009) Michael H. Butterworth, M.A. Semenov, A. Barnes, Dominic Moran, Jon S. West and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Components of resistance to diseases in winter oilseed rape cultivars: CORDISOR. (2008) Jon S. West, Bruce D.L. Fitt, S. L. Rogers, R.P. White, A.D. Todd, A.O. Latunde-Dada, P. Gladders, J. Thomas, E. Booth, R. Jennaway, M. Clarke, P. Padbury, J. Bowman, M. Nightingale, C. Peter Werner and G. J. Jellis
  • Detection and monitoring of airborne pathogens by optical reflectance and air sampling. (2008) Jon S. West, S. L. Rogers, Simon D. Atkins and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Detection and quantification of airborne ascospores of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum by QPCR. (2008) S. L. Rogers, Simon D. Atkins, Jon S. West and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Investigating the phenotype of a major gene-mediated resistance to Pyrenopeziza brassicae in Brassica napus. (2008) Emily F. Boys, K. H. Reilly, Jon S. West, C. Peter Werner, Paul S. Dyer and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Quantifying DNA of Leptosphaeria maculans and Pyrenopeziza brassicae in oilseed rape tissues using QPCR. (2008) Jon S. West, S. L. Rogers, A. O. Latunde-Dada, E. J. Pirie, J. F. Stonard, Yongju Huang, Simon D. Atkins and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Resistance to Pyrenopeziza brassicae (light leaf spot) in Brassica napus (winter oilseed rape). (2008) Emily F. Boys, Jon S. West, C. Peter Werner, G. J. King, Paul S. Dyer and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Factors affecting canker and light leaf spot severity in oilseed rape. (2008) Jon S. West, P. Gladders, E. Booth, J. Thomas, R. Jennaway, P. Werner, J. Bowman, M. Nightingale, N. Padbury, M. Clarke, S. L. Rogers, D. Kenyon, Simon D. Atkins, Emily F. Boys, Yongju Huang, Neal Evans, A. O. Latunde-Dada, Q. Li and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Forecasting oilseed rape diseases from airborne inoculum. (2008) Jon S. West, Simon D. Atkins, S. L. Rogers and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Investigating the phenotype of major gene-mediated resistance to Pyrenopeziza brassicae in Brassica napus. (2008) Emily F. Boys, K. H. Reilly, Jon S. West, P. Werner, Paul S. Dyer and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Climate change to worsen severity of stem canker. (2008) Jon S. West, Sam Rogers, Peter Gladders and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Detecting airborne inoculum to forecast arable crop diseases. (2008) Jon S. West, Simon D. Atkins, H. A. McCartney and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Preharvest qPCR diagnostics for better management of phoma stem canker and light leaf spot in oilseed rape [P17]. (2008) A.O. Latunde-Dada, K. Downes, J. F. Stonard, S. L. Rogers, Jon S. West and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Resistance to infection by stealth : Brassica napus (winter oilseed rape) and Pyrenopeziza brassicae (light leaf spot). (2007) E.F. Boys, S.E. Roques, N. Evans, A.O. Latunde-Dada, Jon S. West, Bruce D.L. Fitt, A.M. Ashby and J.E. Thomas
  • Effects of temperature and rainfall on date of release of ascospores of Leptosphaeria maculans (phoma stem canker) from winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus) debris in the UK. (2007) Y. J. Huang, Z. Liu, Jon S. West, A. D. Todd, A. M. Hall and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Leptosphaeria maculans avirulence management for durable control of phoma stem canker of oilseed rape. (2007) Jon S. West, Akinwunmi O. Latunde-Dada, S. L. Rogers, Yongju Huang, Neal Evans and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Coexistence of related pathogen species on arable crops in space and time. (2006) Bruce D.L. Fitt, Yongju Huang, Frank van den Bosch and Jon S. West
  • Dispersal of foliar plant pathogens : mechanisms, gradients and spatial patterns. (2006) Bruce D.L. Fitt, H.A. McCartney and Jon S. West
  • Patterns of ascospore release in relation to phoma stem canker epidemiology in England (Leptosphaeria maculans) and Poland (Leptosphaeria biglobosa). (2005) Yongju Huang, Bruce D.L. Fitt, M. Jedryczka, S. Dakowska, Jon S. West, P. Gladders, J. M. Steed and Z. Q. Lil
  • Evidence for eastward spread of the aggressive oilseed rape pathogen Leptosphaeria maculans in Europe. (2005) Bruce D.L. Fitt, Jon S. West, M. Jedryczka and Z. Karolewski
  • Factors affecting co-existence of related pathogen species on arable crops. (2005) Jon S. West, Yongju Huang, Frank van den Bosch and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Population dynamics and dispersal of Leptosphaeria maculans (blackleg of canola). (2005) Jon S. West and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Development of phoma canker (Leptosphaeria maculans) on stems of winter oilseed rape in England in relation to thermal time. (2003) Bruce D.L. Fitt, P. Sun, J. M. Steed, C. Toscano-Underwood and Jon S. West
  • Use of fungicides to control early and late epidemics of stem canker (Leptosphaeria maculans) in winter oilseed rape in England. (2003) P. Gladders, S. McDonough, Bruce D.L. Fitt, J. M. Steed and Jon S. West
  • Effects of timing of Leptosphaeria maculans ascospore release and fungicide regime on phoma leaf spot and phoma stem canker development on winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus) in southern England. (2002) Jon S. West, Bruce D.L. Fitt, P. K. Leech, J. E. Biddulph, Yongju Huang and M. H. Balesdent
  • Colonization of winter oilseed rape tissues by A/Tox(+) and B/Tox(0) Leptosphaeria maculans (phoma stem canker) in France and England. (2002) Jon S. West, M. H. Balesdent, T. Rouxel, J. P. Narcy, Yongju Huang, J. Roux, J. M. Steed, Bruce D.L. Fitt and J. Schmit
  • New perspectives on the epidemiology and management of phoma stem canker of winter oilseed rape in England. (2002) Jon S. West, Yongju Huang, J. M. Steed, P. K. Leech, Bruce D.L. Fitt and P. Gladders
  • Development of phoma lesions on oilseed rape leaves inoculated with ascospores of A-group or B-group Leptosphaeria maculans (stem canker) at different temperatures and wetness durations. (2001) C. Toscano-Underwood, Jon S. West, Bruce D.L. Fitt, A.D. Todd and M. Jedryczka
  • Epidemiology and management of Leptosphaeria maculans (phoma stem canker) on oilseed rape in Australia, Canada and Europe. (2001) Jon S. West, P. D. Kharbanda, M. J. Barbetti and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Effects of temperature on germination and hyphal growth from ascospores of A-group and B-group Leptosphaeria maculans (phoma stem canker of oilseed rape). (2001) Yongju Huang, C. Toscano-Underwood, Bruce D.L. Fitt, A. D. Todd, Jon S. West, B. Koopmann and Marie-Helene Balesdent
  • Factors affecting development of phoma canker (Leptosphaeria maculans) on stems of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus) in southern England. (2001) P. Sun, Bruce D.L. Fitt, J.M. Steed, C.T. Underwood and Jon S. West
  • Improving stem canker control in winter oilseed rape by accurate timing of fungicide applications based on disease forecasting. (2001) P. Gladders, M. R. Green, J. M. Steed, Jon S. West and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Effects of severity and timing of stem canker (Leptosphaeria maculans) symptoms on yield of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus) in the UK. (1999) Y. Zhou, Bruce D.L. Fitt, S.J. Welham, P. Gladders, C.E. Sansford and Jon S. West
  • Epidemiology of Leptosphaeria maculans in relation to forecasting stem canker severity on winter oilseed rape in the UK. (1999) Jon S. West, J.E. Biddulph, Bruce D.L. Fitt and P. Gladders
  • Effects of temperature and wetness duration on infection of oilseed rape by ascospores of A-group or B-group Leptosphaeria maculans (stem canker). (1999) J. E. Biddulph, Bruce D.L. Fitt, P. Gladders, M. Jedryczka, Jon S. West and S.J. Welham
  • Optimising the use of fungicides to control stem canker of oilseed rape. (1999) Jon S. West, P. K. Leech, Bruce D.L. Fitt, S.J. Welham, A. Penaud, A. Peres and B. Poisson
  • Yield loss of winter oilseed rape in relation to severity of stem canker (Leptosphaeria maculans ) in the UK. (1999) Y. Zhou, Bruce D.L. Fitt, S.J. Welham, P. Gladders, C.E. Sansford and Jon S. West
  • The effect of climate on the Release of Ascospores of Leptosphaeria maculans (Stem Canker of Oilseed Rape). (1999) Jon S. West, Neal Evans, P. K. Leech and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • The effects of rainfall on numbers of air-borne ascospores of Leptosphaeria maculans and the development of phoma leaf lesions on winter oilseed rape. (1998) Jon S. West, P. K. Leech and Bruce D.L. Fitt