
Number of items: 35.
  • HBO and the Aristocracy of TV Culture : : Affiliations and Legitimatising Television Culture, post-2007. (2018) Kim Akass and Janet McCabe
  • Adieu Carmela Soprano! : Lessons from the HBO Mobster Wife on TV Female Agency and Neo-liberal (Narrative) Power. (2017) Kim Akass and Janet McCabe
  • Invisible Motherhood Both Sides of the Screen. (2016) Kim Akass and Lyndsay Duthie
  • The Show That Refused To Die : The Rise and Fall Of AMC’s The Killing. (2015) Kim Akass
  • From Here to Maternity : Motherhood in the Media. (2015) Kim Akass
  • Motherhood and the media under the Microscope : The backlash against feminism and the Mommy Wars. (2013) Kim Akass
  • The Gendered Politics of a Global Recession : A News Media Analysis. (2013) Kim Akass
  • Motherhood and Myth-making : Despatches from the front-line of the US mommy wars. (2012) Kim Akass
  • The Book of Ruth. (2011) Kim Akass
  • The Best of Everything : Dilemmas of the Working Girl in 'Mad Men'. (2011) Kim Akass and Janet McCabe
  • ”Blabbermouth Cunts”; or, Speaking in Tongues : Narrative Crises for Women in The Sopranos and Feminist Dilemmas. (2011) Kim Akass and Janet McCabe
  • Postscript : Little Britain USA. (2010) Kim Akass
  • What Has HBO Ever Done for Women? : Towards a New Feminist TV Criticism. (2010) Kim Akass and Janet McCabe
  • Who Said Crime Doesn’t Pay? : Introduction to Dossier FoxCrime and the CSI franchise in Italy. (2009) Kim Akass and Janet McCabe
  • Six Feet Under : In Requiem. (2008) Kim Akass and Janet McCabe
  • What Has HBO Ever Done For Women? (2008) Kim Akass and Janet McCabe
  • Analysing Fictional Television Genres. (2007) Kim Akass and Janet McCabe
  • CSI at the bfi ... (2007) Kim Akass
  • Introduction : Debating Quality. (2007) Kim Akass and Janet McCabe
  • Married to the Mob : Separation and Divorce in The Sopranos. (2007) Kim Akass and Janet McCabe
  • Sex, Swearing and Respectability : Courting Controversy, HBO’s Original Programming and Producing Quality TV. (2007) Kim Akass and Janet McCabe
  • Feminist Television Criticism : Notes and Queries. (2006) Kim Akass and Janet McCabe
  • Introduction : Airing the Dirty Laundry. (2006) Kim Akass and Janet McCabe
  • A Perfect Lie : Visual (Dis)Pleasures and Policing Femininity in Nip/Tuck. (2006) Kim Akass and Janet McCabe
  • Preface. (2006) Kim Akass and Janet McCabe
  • Still Desperate After All These Years : The Post-Feminist Mystique and Desperate Housewives. (2006) Kim Akass
  • What Has Carmela Ever Done For Feminism? : Carmela Soprano and the Post-feminist Dilemma. (2006) Kim Akass and Janet McCabe
  • What Is A Straight Girl To Do? : Ivan’s Serenade, Kit’s Dilemma,. (2006) Kim Akass and Janet McCabe
  • You Motherfucker : Al Swearengen’s Oedipal Dilemma. (2006) Kim Akass
  • Mother Knows Best : Ruth and Representations of Mothering. (2005) Kim Akass
  • Why do people have to die? : To make contemporary television drama important, I guess. (2005) Kim Akass and Janet McCabe
  • Introduction : Welcome to the Age of (Un)Innocence. (2004) Kim Akass and Janet McCabe
  • Ms Parker and the Vicious Circle : Female Narrative and Humour in Sex and the City. (2004) Kim Akass and Janet McCabe
  • Throwing the Baby out with the Bath Water : Miranda and the Myth of Maternal Instinct on Sex and the City. (2004) Kim Akass
  • Beyond the Bada Bing : Negotiating Female Narrative Authority in The Sopranos. (2002) Kim Akass and Janet McCabe