
Number of items: 24.
  • Incubation and suppression processes in creative problem solving. (2015) Kenneth Gilhooly, George Georgiou, Miroslav Sirota and Antonia Paphiti-Galeano
  • Framing the detection of financial elder abuse as bystander intervention : Decision cues, pathways to detection and barriers to action. (2013) M. L. Gilhooly, Deborah Cairns, P. Harries, Kenneth Gilhooly and E. Notley
  • Incubation and Creativity : Do Something Different. (2013) Kenneth Gilhooly, George Georgiou and Ultan Devery
  • Effectiveness of a decision training aid on referral prioritisation capacity : a randomized controlled trial. (2012) P. Harries, C. Tomlinson, E. Notley, M. Davies and Kenneth Gilhooly
  • Creativity and ease of ambiguous figural reversal. (2011) Richard Wiseman, Caroline Watt, Kenneth Gilhooly and George Georgiou
  • Factors used in the detection of elder financial abuse: A judgement and decision-making study of social workers and their managers. (2011) Miranda Davies, Priscilla Harries, Deborah Cairns, David Stanley, Mary Gilhooly, Kenneth Gilhooly, Elizabeth Notley, Anthony Gilbert, Bridget Penhale and Catherine Hennessy
  • Training novices to make expert, occupationally focused, community mental health referral decisions. (2011) P. Harries and K. Gilhooly
  • Verbalization and problem solving: insight and spatial factors. (2010) K. Gilhooly, E. Fioratou and N. Henretty
  • Executive functions in insight versus non-insight problem solving: an individual differences approach. (2009) K. Gilhooly and E. Fioratou
  • Divergent thinking: strategies and executive involvement in generating novel uses for familiar objects. (2007) K. Gilhooly, E. Fioratou, S. Anthony and V. Wynn
  • Regression versus fast and frugal models of decision-making : the case of prescribing for depression. (2006) L. Smith and K. Gilhooly
  • Differentiating insight from non-insight problems. (2005) K. Gilhooly and P. Murphy
  • Assessing patients' participation and quality of decision-making: insights from a study of routine practice in diverse settings. (2004) V.A. Entwistle, I.S. Watt, K. Gilhooly, C. Bugge, N. Haites and A.E. Walker
  • Age, working memory and the Tower of London task. (2003) L. Phillips, K. Gilhooly, R.H. Logie, S. Della Sala and V. Wynn
  • Factors influencing prescribing decisions in the treatment of depression : a social judgement theory approach. (2003) L. Smith, K. Gilhooly and A.E. Walker
  • Identifying occupational therapists' referral priorities in community health. (2003) P. Harries and K. Gilhooly
  • Visuospatial and verbal working memory in the five disc Tower of London task: an individual-differences approach. (2002) K. Gilhooly, V. Wynn, L. Phillips, R.H. Logie and S. Della Sala
  • The effects of adult aging and induced positive and negative mood on planning. (2002) L. Phillips, L. Smith and K. Gilhooly
  • Other
  • Incubation in creative thinking. (2014) Kenneth Gilhooly and George Georgiou
  • Don't wait to incubate - and do something different. (2012) Kenneth Gilhooly and George Georgiou
  • Detecting elder financial abuse : Cues used by health, social care and banking professionals in classifying cases as true instances of financial abuse. (2011) M. L. Gilhooly, D. Cairns, M. Davies, P. Harries, K. Gilhooly, A. Gilbert and D. Stanley
  • Key factors influencing decision making in relation to elder financial abuse : A case scenario study of certainty, likelihood of taking action, and action taken. (2011) M. L. Gilhooly, M. Davies, P. Harries, K. Gilhooly and D. Cairns
  • Incubation effects in problem solving : unconscious work, selective forgetting or attentional shift? (2010) Kenneth Gilhooly and George Georgiou
  • Incubation mechanisms : Unconscious work v. forgetting v. attentional withdrawal. (2009) George Georgiou and Kenneth Gilhooly