Number of items: 46.
  • Reductions in Radiographic Progression in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis Over Twenty-Five Years: : Changing Contribution From Rheumatoid Factor in Two Multicenter UK Inception Cohorts. (2017) Lewis Carpenter, Sam Norton, Elena Nikiphorou, Keeranur Jayakumar, Daniel F. McWilliams, Kirsten L. Rennie, Josh Dixey, Patrick Kiely, David Andrew Walsh, Adam Young and on behalf of the Early Rheumatoid Arthritis Study and the Early
  • 2016
  • Have Radiographic Progression Rates in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis Changed? : A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Long-term Cohorts. (2016) Lewis Carpenter, Elena Nikiphorou, Rachel Sharpe, Sam Norton, Kirsten Rennie, Frances Bunn, David Scott, Josh Dixey and Adam Young
  • 2015
  • The Influence of Deprivation and the Food Environment on Food and Drink Purchased by Secondary School Pupils Beyond the School Gate : final report. (2015) Wendy Wills, Ariadne Beatrice Kapetanaki, Kirsten Rennie, Giada Danesi, Alice Martin, Laura Hamilton and Aiden Bygrave
  • 2014
  • Children's physical activity assessed with wrist- and hip-worn accelerometers. (2014) Alex Rowlands, Kirsten Rennie, Robert Kozarski, Rebecca Stanley, Roger Eston, Gaynor Parfitt and Tim Olds
  • Beetroot supplementation lowers daily systolic blood pressure in older, overweight subjects. (2014) A. Jajja, A. Sutyarjoko, J. Lara, Kirsten Rennie, K. Brandt, O. Qadir and Mario Siervo
  • Evaluation of waist-to-height ratio to predict 5 year cardiometabolic risk in sub-Saharan African adults. (2014) L.J. Ware, Kirsten Rennie, H. Salome Kruger, I.M. Kruger, M. Greeff, C.M.T. Fourie, H.W. Huisman, J.D.W. Scheepers, A.S. Uys, R. Kruger, J.M. Van Rooyen, R. Schutte and A.E. Schutte
  • Physical activity and hypertension in South African adults. (2014) L.J. Ware, Kirsten Rennie, L Gafane, Jade Collard, T. Nell and Aletta Shutte
  • 2013
  • Marketing foods to children : a comparison of nutrient content between children's and non-children's products. (2013) Amelia Lythgoe, Caireen Roberts, Angela Madden and Kirsten Rennie
  • Influence of nutrition labelling on food portion size consumption. (2013) Mary T. McCann, Julie M. W. Wallace, Paula J. Robson, Kirsten L Rennie, Tracy A. McCaffrey, Robert W. Welch and M. Barbara E. Livingstone
  • A pilot study to investigate the effect of using current, reported and surrogate height measurements in nutritional screening of the elderly. (2013) Rose Butler, Jane McClinchy and Kirsten Rennie
  • 2010
  • Snacking patterns according to location among Northern Ireland children. (2010) Maeve A. Kerr, Tracy A. Mccrorie, Kirsten L. Rennie, Julie M. W. Wallace and M. Barbara E. Livingstone
  • 2009
  • Added sugars and micronutrient dilution. (2009) M.B.E. Livingstone and K.L. Rennie
  • Associations between the portion sizes of food groups consumed and measures of adiposity in the British National Diet and Nutrition Survey. (2009) M.T. Kelly, K.L. Rennie, J.M. Wallace, P.J. Robson, R.W. Welch, M.P. Hannon-Fletcher and M.B.E. Livingstone
  • Associations of Physical Activity With Inflammatory Factors, Adipocytokines, and Metabolic Syndrome in Middle-Aged and Older Chinese People. (2009) Z. Yu, X.W. Ye, J. Wang, Q.B. Qi, O. Franco, K.L. Rennie, A. Pan, H. Li, Y. Liu, F.B. Hu and X. Lin
  • Increased portion size leads to a sustained increase in energy intake over 4 days in normal weight and overweight men and women. (2009) M.T. Kelly, J.M. Wallace, P.J. Robson, K.L. Rennie, R.W. Welch, M.P. Hannon-Fletcher, S. Brennan, A. Fletcher and M.B.E. Livingstone
  • Independent associations of body-size adjusted fat mass and fat-free mass with the metabolic syndrome in Chinese. (2009) J. Wang, K.L. Rennie, W. Gu, H. Li, Z. Yu and X. Lin
  • Moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and sedentary behaviours in relation to body mass index-defined and waist circumference-defined obesity. (2009) E. Stamatakis, V. Hirani and K.L. Rennie
  • Obesity related metabolic abnormalities: Distribution and geographic differences among middle-aged and older Chinese populations. (2009) Z. Yu, X. Lin, J. Haas, O. Franco, K.L. Rennie, H. Li, Y. Wang, H. Xu, X. Pang, H. Liu, A. Zhang, S. Zou and S. Jiao
  • Snacking patterns among adolescents: a comparison of type, frequency and portion size between Britain in 1997 and Northern Ireland in 2005. (2009) M.A. Kerr, K.L. Rennie, T.M. McCaffrey, J.M. Wallace, M.P. Hannon-Fletcher and M.B.E. Livingstone
  • 2008
  • Dietary determinants of childhood obesity : the role of the family. (2008) T.A. McCaffrey, K.L. Rennie, J.M. Wallace and M.B.E. Livingstone
  • Energy density of the diet and change in body fatness from childhood to adolescence : is there a relation? (2008) T.A. McCaffrey, K.L. Rennie, M.A. Kerr, J.M. Wallace, M.P. Hannon-Fletcher, W.A. Coward, S.A. Jebb and M.B.E. Livingstone
  • Rates and Determinants of Uptake and Use of an Internet Physical Activity and Weight Management Program in Office and Manufacturing Work Sites in England: Cohort Study. (2008) L.J. Ware, R. Hurling, O. Batavelijic, B.W. Fairley, T. Hurst, P. Murray, K.L. Rennie, C.E. Tomkins, A. Finn, M. Cobain, D.A. Pearson and J.P. Foreyt
  • An investigation of a novel three-dimensional activity monitor to predict free-living energy expenditure. (2008) J.M. Carter, D.W. Wilkinson, S.D. Blacker, M.P. Rayson, J.L.J. Bilzon, R. Izard, A. Coward, A. Wright, A. Nevill, K.L. Rennie, T.A. McCaffrey and B. Livingstone
  • 2007
  • Associations between dietary added sugar intake and micronutrient intake: a systematic review. (2007) K.L. Rennie and M.B.E. Livingstone
  • Differences in bone mineral status between urban and rural Chinese men and women. (2007) W. Gu, K.L. Rennie, X. Lin, Y. Wang and Z. Yu
  • Estimating under-reporting of energy intake in dietary surveys using an individualised method. (2007) K.L. Rennie, A. Coward and S.A. Jebb
  • 2006
  • Can Self-Reported Dieting and Dietary Restraint Identify Underreporters of Energy Intake in Dietary Surveys? (2006) K.L. Rennie, M. Siervo and S.A. Jebb
  • Childhood obesity prevention studies: lessons learned and to be learned. (2006) M.B.E. Livingstone, T.A. McCaffrey and K.L. Rennie
  • Symposium on ‘Nutrition and health in children and adolescents’ Session 4: Obesity prevention in children and adolescents The effect of physical activity on body fatness in children and adolescents. (2006) K.L. Rennie, J.C.K. Wells, T.A. McCaffrey and M.B.E. Livingstone
  • 2005
  • Association of physical activity with body-composition indexes in children aged 6–8 years at varied risk of obesity. (2005) K.L. Rennie, M.B.E. Livingstone, J.C.K. Wells, A. McGloin, W.A. Coward and S.A. Jebb
  • Behavioural determinants of obesity. (2005) K.L. Rennie, L. Johnson and S.A. Jebb
  • Positive, site-specific associations between bone mineral status, fitness, and time spent at high-impact activities in 16- to 18-year-old boys. (2005) F. Ginty, K.L. Rennie, L. Mills, S. Stear, S. Jones and A. Prentice
  • Prevalence of obesity in Great Britain. (2005) K.L. Rennie and S.A. Jebb
  • Secular trends in under-reporting in young people. (2005) K.L. Rennie, S.A. Jebb, A. Wright and W.A. Coward
  • 2004
  • Adjusting for energy intake—what measure to use in nutritional epidemiological studies? (2004) R.W. Jakes, N.E. Day, R. Luben, A. Welch, S. Bingham, J. Michell, S. Hennings, K.L. Rennie and N.J. Wareham
  • Increased 24-h Energy Expenditure in Type 2 Diabetes. (2004) C. Bitz, S. Toubro, T.M. Larsen, H. Harder, K.L. Rennie, S.A. Jebb and A. Astrup
  • Prevalence of overweight and obesity among young people in Great Britain. (2004) S.A. Jebb, K.L. Rennie and T.J. Cole
  • 2003
  • Effects of Moderate and Vigorous Physical Activity on Heart Rate Variability in a British Study of Civil Servants. (2003) K.L. Rennie, H. Hemingway, M. Kumari, E. Brunner and M. Marmot
  • Nutritional management of rheumatoid arthritis: a review of the evidence. (2003) K.L. Rennie, J. Hughes, R. Lang and S.A. Jebb
  • Validity and repeatability of a simple index derived from the short physical activity questionnaire used in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study. (2003) N.J. Wareham, R.W. Jakes, K.L. Rennie, J. Schuit, J. Mitchell, S. Hennings and N.E. Day
  • 2002
  • Validity and repeatability of the EPIC-Norfolk Physical Activity Questionnaire. (2002) N.J. Wareham, R.W. Jakes, K.L. Rennie, J. Mitchell, S. Hennings and N.E. Day
  • 2001
  • Estimating energy expenditure by heart-rate monitoring without individual calibration. (2001) K.L. Rennie, S. Hennings, J. Mitchell and N.J. Wareham
  • Physical activity patterns in a nationally representative sample of adults in Ireland. (2001) M.B.E. Livingstone, P.J. Robson, S. McCarthy, M. Kiely, K. Harrington, P. Browne, M. Galvin, N.J. Wareham and K.L. Rennie
  • 2000
  • Quantifying the association between habitual energy expenditure and blood pressure. (2000) N.J. Wareham, M-Y. Wong, S. Hennings, J. Mitchell, K.L. Rennie, K. Cruickshank and N.E. Day
  • A combined heart rate and movement sensor: proof of concept and preliminary testing study. (2000) K.L. Rennie, T. Rowsell, S.A. Jebb, D. Holbourn and N.J. Wareham
  • 1998
  • The validation of physical activity instruments for measuring energy expenditure: problems and pitfalls. (1998) K.L. Rennie and N.J. Wareham