Number of items: 20.
Diabetic dyslipidaemia is associated with alterations in eNOS, caveolin-1 and endothelial dysfunction in streptozotocin treated rats. (2018)
Yousif Shamsaldeen,
Rosemary Ugur,
Christopher Benham
Lisa Lione
The non-genomic effects of the PPARβγ agonist GW0742 on streptozotocin treated rat aorta. (2018)
Noelia Perez-Diaz,
Igor Pushkarsky,
Nadia Oweis,
Lisa Lione
Louise S Mackenzie
Altered detrusor contractility in MPTP-treated common marmosets with bladder hyperreflexia. (2017)
Sara Pritchard,
Atsuko Hikima,
Michael Jackson,
Lisa Lione,
Christopher Benham,
K. Ray Chaudhuri,
Sarah Rose,
Peter Jenner
Mahmoud Iravani
Methylglyoxal, A Metabolite Increased in Diabetes is Associated with Insulin Resistance, Vascular Dysfunction and Neuropathies. (2016)
Yousif Shamsaldeen,
Louise MacKenzie,
Lisa Lione
Christopher Benham
Selective inhibition of NADPH Oxidase reverses the over contraction of diabetic rat aorta. (2014)
Atif ur Rehman,
Elma Dugic,
Christopher Benham,
Lisa Lione
Louise Susan MacKenzie
Harnessing the benefits of PPARβ/δ agonists. (2013)
Louise Susan MacKenzie
Lisa Lione
Abnormal synaptic plasticity and impaired spatial cognition in mice transgenic for exon 1 of the human Huntington's disease mutation. (2000)
K. P. S. J. Murphy,
R. J. Carter,
L. Mangiarini,
A. Mahal,
G. P. Bates,
S.B. Dunnett,
A. J. Morton
Lisa Lione
Selective discrimination learning impairments in mice expressing the human Huntington's disease mutation. (1999)
Lisa Lione,
R. J. Carter,
M. J. Hunt,
G. P. Bates,
A. J. Morton
S B Dunnett
Novel selective compounds for the investigation of imidazoline receptors. (1999)
A.L. Hudson,
R. Gough,
Robin Tyacke,
Lisa Lione,
M.D. Lalies,
J. Lewis,
S. Husbands,
P. Knight,
F. Murray,
P. Hutson
D.J. Nutt
Characterization of progressive motor deficits in mice transgenic for the human Huntington's disease mutation. (1999)
Lisa Lione,
R. J. Carter,
T. Humby,
L. Mangiarini,
A. Mahal,
G. P. Bates,
S.B. Dunnett
A. J. Morton
Characterisation and localisation of [3H]2-(2-benzofuranyl)-2-imidazoline binding in rat brain : a selective ligand for imidazoline I2 receptors. (1998)
Lisa Lione,
D.J. Nutt
A.L. Hudson
Noradrenergic mechanisms in the prefrontal cortex. (1997)
D.J. Nutt,
M.D. Lalies,
Lisa Lione
A.L. Hudson
[3H]2-(2-Benzofuranyl)-2-imidazoline : a new selective high affinity radioligand for the study of rabbit brain imidazoline I2 receptors. (1996)
Lisa Lione,
D.J. Nutt
A.L. Hudson
Functional studies of specific imidazoline-2 receptor ligands. (1995)
D.J. Nutt,
N. French,
S. Handley,
A. Hudson,
S. Husbands,
H. Jackson,
S. Jordan,
M.D. Lalies,
J. Lewis,
Lisa Lione,
N. Mallard
J. Pratt
Global Survey on Novel Psychoactive Substances & Effects of Ketamine in Lower Urinary tract. (2016)
Elena Deligiani ,
John Corkery
Lisa Lione
The streptozocin model of diabetes induces neuropathic pain, anhedonia and impaired burrowing in rats. (2015)
Amy Fisher,
Polly Kennard,
Neil Upton
Lisa Lione
The streptozocin model of diabetes induces neuropathic pain, anhedonia and impaired burrowing in rats. (2015)
Lisa Lione
The spontaneous and neurogenic contractile responses of the isolated bladder smooth muscle are markedly enhanced in MPTP treated common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus). (2013)
Sara Pritchard,
Michael Jackson,
Lisa Lione,
Christopher Benham,
Sarah Rose,
Peter Jenner
Mahmoud M. Iravani
Senior lecturer to assessor: Appraisal of theories related to assessment from a new lecturer perspective. (2009)
Lisa Lione
Characterization of imidazoline receptors by radioligand binding. (1999)
A.L. Hudson
Lisa Lione