Number of items: 22.
A research note on the benefit of patient and public involvement in research: The experience of prostate cancer patients regarding information in radiotherapy. (2017)
Lynne Gordon,
Angela Dickinson,
Veronica Offredy
Jane Smiddy
You cannot choose your family : sociological ambivalence in the hemodialysis unit. (2015)
Patricia M. Wilson,
Jonathan D. Reston,
Rebecca Bieraugel,
Maria Da Silva Gane,
D. Wellsted,
Maxine Offredy
Ken Farrington
Evaluation of services for children with complex needs : mapping service provision in one NHS Trust. (2013)
F. Brooks,
Linda Bloomfield,
Maxine Offredy
Philomena Shaughnessy
The anatomy, physiology and pathogenesis of a significant untoward incident. (2009)
M. Offredy,
M. Rhodes
Y. Doyle
Improving health and care for patients by redesigning services: the development and implementation of a clinical assessment service in Harrow Primary Care Trust. (2008)
M. Offredy,
M. Cleary,
A. Bland,
A. Donovan
A. Kelshiker
The use of cognitive continuum theory and patient scenarios to explore nurse prescribers' pharmacological knowledge and decision making. (2008)
M. Offredy,
S. Kendall
C. Goodman
Ensuring successful implementation of advanced access in primary care: a qualitative study. (2006)
M. Offredy
A qualitative study of the impact of the implementation of advanced access in primary healthcare on the working lives of general practice staff. (2005)
S. Ahluwalia
M. Offredy
An exploratory study of the role and training needs of one Primary Care Trust's Professional Executive Committee members. (2005)
M. Offredy
The use of 'think aloud' technique, information processing theory and schema theory to explain decision making between nurse practitioners and general practitioners using patients scenarios. (2005)
M. Offredy
E. Meerabeau
A Critical Account of Gaining Research Governance Approval. (2005)
G. Byrne,
S. Kendall,
J. Morgan
M. Offredy
Improving safety and learning : case study of an accident involving medical equipment. (2004)
M. Offredy,
J. Scott
R. Moore
Decision-making in primary care : outcomes from a study using patient scenarios. (2002)
M. Offredy
Advanced nursing practice : the case of nurse practitioners in three Australian states. (2000)
M. Offredy
Nurse practitioners in primary care. (2000)
M. Offredy
J. Townsend
The nurse practitioner role in New South Wales : development and policy. (1999)
M. Offredy
Nurse practitioners in the United Kingdom : some considerations of the literature. (1998)
M. Offredy
The application of decision making concepts by nurse practitioners in general practice. (1998)
M. Offredy
Personal narratives of young people working in a caring environment. (1995)
M. Offredy