
Number of items: 79.
  • Disadvantage in English seaside resorts : A typology of deprived neighbourhoods. (2018) Sheela Agarwal, Steven Jakes, Stephen Essex, Stephen J. Page and Martin Mowforth
  • The dark side of high performance human resource practices in the visitor economy. (2018) Stephen J. Page, Tim Bentley, Stephen Teo and Adele Ladkin
  • 2017
  • Business engagement in a civil society : Transitioning towards a dementia-friendly tourism and visitor economy. (2017) Joanne Connell, Stephen Page, Ian Sheriff and Julia Hibbert
  • Case Study: Wellness, tourism and small business development in a UK coastal resort: Public engagement in practice. (2017) Stephen Page, Heather Hartwell, Nick Johns, Alan Fyall, Adele Ladkin and Ann Hemmingway
  • Emergency Management and Tourism Stakeholder Responses to Crises : A Global Survey. (2017) Yeganeh Morakabati, Stephen J. Page and John Fletcher
  • Tourism in Asia. (2017) Michael Hall and Stephen J. Page
  • 2016
  • Barriers to leisure participation for people with dementia and their carers : An exploratory analysis of carer and people with dementia’s experiences. (2016) Anthea Innes, Stephen J. Page and Clare Cutler
  • Understanding the nature of Project Management capacity in Sri Lankan non-governmental organisations (NGOs): A Resource Based Perspective. (2016) Y. Nanthagopan, N.L. Williams and S. Page
  • Conclusion : Prospects for tourism in Asia. (2016) C. Michael Hall and Stephen J. Page
  • Developing tourism in South and Central Asia : Introduction. (2016) C. Michael Hall and Stephen J. Page
  • Introduction: Tourism in Asia: region and context. (2016) C. Michael Hall and Stephen J. Page
  • Tourism in East and North East Asia : Introduction. (2016) C. Michael Hall and Stephen J. Page
  • Progress in tourism and destination wellbeing research. (2016) Heather Hartwell, Alan Fyall, Cheryl Willis, Stephen Page, Adele Ladkin and Ann Hemingway
  • Progress and prospects for event tourism research. (2016) Donald Getz and Stephen J. Page
  • Event Studies: Theory, Research and Policy for Planned Events. (2016) Stephen J. Page and Don Getz
  • 2015
  • Seasonality of Overseas Tourism Demand in Scotland: A Regional Analysis. (2015) J. Coshall, R. Charlesworth and S.J. Page
  • Marketing technology for adoption by small business. (2015) P. Alford and S.J. Page
  • Developing Dementia-Friendly Tourism Destinations: An Exploratory Analysis. (2015) S. Page, A. Innes and C. Cutler
  • Special issue: Journal impact factors. (2015) C. Ryan and S.J. Page
  • Visitor attractions and events : Responding to seasonality. (2015) Joanne Connell, Stephen J. Page and Denny Meyer
  • Tourism Management. (2015) Stephen J. Page
  • 2014
  • Air Passenger Duty and Outbound Tourism Demand from the United Kingdom. (2014) Neelu Seetaram, Haiyan Song and Stephen J. Page
  • Destination Marketing Organizations and destination marketing : A narrative analysis of the literature. (2014) Steven Pike and Stephen J. Page
  • Tourist attitudes towards water use in the developing world: A comparative analysis. (2014) S.J. Page, S. Essex and S. Causevic
  • Geography of Tourism and Recreation. (2014) M Hall and Stephen J. Page
  • Tourism: A Modern Synthesis. (2014) Stephen J. Page and Joanne Connell
  • 2011
  • Policy and Practice for Global Tourism. (2011) Stephen Page and Team Tourism Consulting
  • Tourism Management: An Introduction. (2011) Stephen J. Page
  • 2010
  • Leisure: An Introduction. (2010) Stephen J. Page and Joanne Connell
  • 2009
  • Transport and Tourism: Global Perspectives. (2009) Stephen J. Page
  • Tourism and entrepreneurship: International perspectives. (2009) J. Ateljevic and S.J. Page
  • Tourism Management: Managing for Change. (2009) Stephen J. Page
  • Tourism in Wartime Britain 1914-18: Adaptation, innovation and the role of Thomas Cook & Son. (2009) S.J. Page and A. Durie
  • Tourism: A Modern Synthesis. (2009) Stephen J. Page and Joanne Connell
  • 2008
  • Transport and tourism in Scotland: A case study of scenario planning at VisitScotland. (2008) S. Page, I. Yeoman and Chris Greenwood
  • Entrepreneurship and innovation in tourism: : Public sector experiences of innovation activity in tourism in Scandinavia and Scotland. (2008) J. Franchetti and S.J. Page
  • Transporte e turismo: perspectivas globais - 2a Ed. (2008) Stephen J. Page
  • 2007
  • International handbook on the economics of tourism. (2007) S. Page
  • 2006
  • Ecotourism. (2006) Stephen J. Page and R Dowling
  • Tourism Management: Managing for Change. (2006) Stephen J. Page
  • 2005
  • The Geography of Tourism and Recreation: Environment, Place and Space. (2005) Stephen J. Page and C. Michael Hall
  • Transport and Tourism: Global Perspectives. (2005) Stephen J. Page
  • 2004
  • Tourism: A Modern Synthesis. (2004) Stephen J. Page, P Brunt, G Busby and Joanne Connell
  • 2003
  • Preface. (2003) S.J. Page and L. Lumsdon
  • The geography of tourism and recreation: Environment, place and space: Second edition. (2003) C.M. Hall and S.J. Page
  • Tourism Management: Managing for Change. (2003) Stephen J. Page
  • Ecotourism. (2003) Stephen J. Page and R Dowling
  • 2002
  • Managing Urban Tourism. (2002) Stephen J. Page and Michael Hall
  • Geography of Tourism and Recreation : Environment, Place and Space. (2002) M Hall and Stephen J. Page
  • 2001
  • Tourism: A Modern Synthesis. (2001) Stephen J. Page, P Brunt, G Busby and Joanne Connell
  • Transport and Tourism. (2001) Stephen J. Page
  • Transporte e Turismo. (2001) Stephen J. Page
  • 2000
  • Review of Tourism Geography, S. Williams (London: Routledge, 1991). (2000) S. Page
  • Tourism, migration and emigration: Travel patterns of korean-New Zealanders in the 1990s. (2000) S. Kyung-Mi Kang and S.J. Page
  • 1999
  • Small business development and tourism: Terra incognita? (1999) S.J. Page, P. Forer and G.R. Lawton
  • The Geography of Tourism and Recreation. (1999) C.M. Hall and S.J. Page
  • Transport and Tourism: Global Perspectives. (1999) Stephen J. Page
  • 1997
  • Analysing the promotion, product and visitor expectations of urban tourism: Auckland, New Zealand as a case study. (1997) G. Lawton and S.J. Page
  • Towards sustainable tourism planning in New Zealand: Public sector planning responses. (1997) S. Page and K. Thorn
  • Evaluating travel agents' provision of health advice to travellers. (1997) G. Lawton and S. Page
  • 1996
  • Tourist Accidents: An Exploratory Analysis. (1996) S.J. Page and D. Meyer
  • Place marketing and town centre management: A new tool for urban revitalization. (1996) S.J. Page and R. Hardyman
  • Wellington. (1996) S.J. Page
  • New Zealand students: Risk behaviours while on holiday. (1996) C. Ryan, E. Robertson, S.J. Page and G. Kearsley
  • 1995
  • Urban Tourism. (1995) Stephen J. Page
  • 1994
  • Developing heritage tourism in Ireland in the 1990s. (1994) S.J. Page
  • Evaluating the environmental impact of a major transport infrastructure project: the Channel Tunnel high-speed rail link. (1994) R.A. Goodenough and S.J. Page
  • Managing Urban Parks: User Perspectives and Local Leisure Needs in the 1990s. (1994) S. Page, K. Nielsen and R. Goodenough
  • Spatial perspectives on the Channel Tunnel: an introduction. (1994) S.J. Page
  • Travel, lifestyles and health. (1994) S. Clift and S.J. Page
  • Transport for Tourism. (1994) Stephen J. Page
  • 1993
  • Urban tourism in New Zealand: the National Museum of New Zealand project. (1993) S.J. Page
  • Highlight on the channel tunnel: editorial introduction. (1993) S.J. Page
  • Planning for Tourism Education and Training in the 1990s: Bridging the gap between industry and education. (1993) R.A. Goodenough and S.J. Page
  • 1992
  • The channel tunnel: An opportunity for london's tourism industry? (1992) S.J. Page and M.T. Sinclair
  • 1989
  • Tourist development in London Docklands in the 1980s and 1990s. (1989) S.J. Page
  • Geographical approach to international tourism. (1989) S.J. Page
  • New Zealand - changing patterns of international tourism. (1989) S. Page
  • 1985
  • From dingy docks to desirable docklands ( London, renewal). (1985) S. Page