
Number of items: 11.
  • Revising Max-min for Scheduling in a Cloud Computing Context. (2017) Paul Moggridge, Na Helian, Yi Sun, Mariana Lilley, Vito Veneziano and Martin Eaves
  • 2016
  • Machine code and metaphysics : a perspective on software engineering. (2016) Lindsay Smith, Vito Veneziano and Paul Wernick
  • 2014
  • Machine Code and Metaphysics : A Perspective on Software Engineering. (2014) Lindsay Smith, Paul Wernick and Vito Veneziano
  • 2012
  • Usability Analysis in Military Settings : How Advanced Wearable Computers Could Affect Communication, Decision Making and Operations. (2012) Vito Veneziano and Imran Mahmud
  • 2011
  • Is finding a Black Swan (Popper, 1936) possible in software development? (2011) Lindsay Smith, Paul Wernick and Vito Veneziano
  • Mind-mapping : An effective technique to facilitate requirements engineering in agile software development. (2011) I. Mahmud and V. Veneziano
  • Spatio-temporal Environmental Monitoring Systems : A data management and delivery approach based on PostGIS database and Google Maps mashup. (2011) Ezio Crestaz, Vito Veneziano and Maurizio Gibin
  • 2010
  • Requirements Engineering: A Tube-Map. (2010) Vito Veneziano
  • Software development : Out of the black box. (2010) Lindsay Smith, Vito Veneziano and Paul Wernick
  • 2009
  • Meeting stakeholder expectations of software, or looking for the “Black Swan” in software requirements. (2009) Lindsay Smith, Paul Wernick and Vito Veneziano
  • Using Speech Act theory to Analyse Activities in the Software Development Process. (2009) Paul Wernick, Jean Baillie and Vito Veneziano