
Number of items: 33.
  • High-sensitivity Stokes spectropolarimetry on cyanobacteria. (2016) Bill Martin, E. Hesse, J.H. Hough and T.M. Gledhill
  • 2014
  • The VST photometric hα survey of the Southern Galactic Plane and Bulge (VPHAS+). (2014) J.E. Drew, Eduardo A. González-Solares, Robert Greimel, M.J. Irwin, A. Küpcü Yoldaş, J.R. Lewis, Geert Barentsen, Jochen Eislöffel, Hywel J. Farnhill, Bill Martin, Nicholas A. Walton, M. Mohr-Smith, Roberto Raddi, Stuart E. Sale, Nicholas J. Wright, Paul J. Groot, Michael J. Barlow, R.L.M. Corradi, Jeremy J. Drake, Juan Fabregat, David J. Frew, Boris T. Gänsicke, Christian Knigge, Antonio Mampaso, R.A.H. Morris, Tim J. Naylor, Quentin A. Parker, Steven Phillipps, Christine Ruhland, Danny T H Steeghs, Y.C. Unruh, Jorick S. Vink, Roger Wesson and Albert Zijlstra
  • 2013
  • The Effect of Retro-reflectivity and Reflectance of UK Number Plates on ANPR Performance. (2013) Robert Gurney, Mike Rhead, Bill Martin, Soodamani Ramalingam and Neil Cohen
  • 2012
  • BASIS: Bayfordbury single-object integral field spectrograph. (2012) S. Richards, Bill Martin, D. Campbell, H.R.A. Jones, J. Bland-Hawthorn, J. Lawrence, E. Brinks, J.J. Bryant, L. Fogarty, M. Gallaway, M. Goodwin, S. Leon-Saval, M. Sarzi and Daniel Smith
  • 2010
  • Polarized optical scattering signatures from biological materials. (2010) William Eugene Martin, E. Hesse, J.H. Hough, W.B. Sparks, C.S. Cockell, Z. Ulanowski, T.A. Germer and Paul H. Kaye
  • 2009
  • Correction for Sparks et al., Detection of circular polarization in light scattered from photosynthetic microbes [fig 1]. (2009) W.B. Sparks, J. Hough, T.A. Germer, F. Chen, S. DasSarma, P. DasSarma, F.T. Robb, N. Manset, L. Kolokolova, N. Reid, F.D. Macchetto and William Eugene Martin
  • Detection of circular polarization in light scattered from photosynthetic microbes. (2009) W. Sparks, J. Hough, T.A. Germer, F. Chen, S. DasSarma, P. DasSarma, F.T. Robb, N. Manset, L. Kolokolova, N. Reid, F.D. Macchetto and William Eugene Martin
  • 2007
  • High Average Power Phase-Coded Laser System for the CTF3 Photoinjector. (2007) G. Kurdi, I. O. Musgrave, M. Divall, E. Springate, G. Hirst, I. Ross and Bill Martin
  • 1988
  • Nonlinear effects on pulsed laser propagation in the atmosphere. (1988) Bill Martin and R.J. Winfield
  • 1986
  • Laser guiding of electron beams in the advanced test acceleration. (1986) G.J. Caporaso, F. Rainer, William Eugene Martin, D.S. Prono and A.G. Cole
  • 1985
  • Electron-beam guiding and phase-mix damping by a laser-ionized channel. (1985) William Eugene Martin, G.J. Caporaso, W.M. Fawley, D. Prosnitz and A.G. Cole
  • 1983
  • Large aperture harmonic conversion experiments at LLNL - comments. (1983) G.J. Linford, B.C. Johnson, J.S. Hildum, Bill Martin, K. Snyder, R.D. Boyd, W.L. Smith, C.L. Vercimak, D. Eimerl, J.T. Hunt, W. Seka, R.S. Craxton, S.D. Jacobs, L.D. Lund, R.L. McCrory and J.M. Soures
  • 1982
  • Large aperture harmonic conversion experiments at Lawrence Livermore National Lanoratory. (1982) G.J. Linford, B.C. Johnson, J.S. Hildum, William Eugene Martin, K. Snyder, R.D. Boyd, W.L. Smith, C.L. Vercimak, D. Eimerl and J.T. Hunt
  • Gain saturation in Nd:doped laser materials. (1982) William Eugene Martin and David Milam
  • 1981
  • Large aperture harmonic conversion experiments at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. (1981) G.J. Linford, B.C. Johnson, J.S. Hildum, K. Synder, R. Boyd, W.L. Smith, J.T. Hunt, D.R. Speck, J.E. Swain and Bill Martin
  • Optical-system for Argus 355-nm 90-mm aperture target illumination experiments. (1981) B.C. Johnson, J.S. Hildum, G. Linford, G. Hermes, R. Boyd and Bill Martin
  • Solid-state disk amplifiers for fusion-laser systems. (1981) William Eugene Martin, John B. Trenholme, Gary J. Linford, Stanley M. Yarema and Charles A. Hurley
  • 1980
  • Optical and lasing properties of fluorophosphate glass. (1980) S.E. Stokowski, William Eugene Martin and S.M. Yarema
  • 1978
  • Direct measurement of gain recovery in a saturated Nd-glass amplifier. (1978) William Eugene Martin and D. Milam
  • Optical rise-time measurements on KD*P transmission-line Pockels cells. (1978) B.C. Johnson, K.R. Guinn, William Eugene Martin and Wm.D. Fountain
  • Short-pulse oscillator for SHIVA. (1978) D.J. Kuizenga and William Eugene Martin
  • 1977
  • Shaping pulses for fusion. (1977) William Eugene Martin, Bertram C. Johnson, Kathleen R. Guinn and W.Howard Lowdermilk
  • Pulse stretching and spectroscopy of subnanosecond optical pulses using a Fabry-Perot interferometer. (1977) William Eugene Martin
  • Pulse shaping for laser fusion. (1977) William Eugene Martin, B.C. Johnson and K.R. Guinn
  • 1976
  • Interpulse interference and passive laser pulse shapers. (1976) William Eugene Martin and D. Milam
  • 1975
  • Refractive index profile optimization in diffused graded index lenses. (1975) William Eugene Martin
  • A new waveguide switch/modulator for integrated optics. (1975) William Eugene Martin
  • 1974
  • Refractive index profile measurements of diffused optical waveguides. (1974) William Eugene Martin
  • 1973
  • Photoluminescence determinations of Cd diffusion in ZnSe. (1973) William Eugene Martin
  • Waveguide electro-optic modulation in II-VI compounds. (1973) William Eugene Martin
  • 1972
  • Fabrication of single-crystal semiconductor optical waveguides by solid-state diffusion. (1972) H.F. Taylor, William Eugene Martin, D.B. Hall and V.N. Smiley
  • Fluorescence of graded-band-gap CdSxSe1-x crystals produced by diffusion. (1972) H.F. Taylor, V.N. Smiley, William Eugene Martin and S.S. Pawka
  • Optical waveguides by diffusion in II-VI compounds. (1972) William Eugene Martin and D.B. Hall