
Number of items: 98.
  • Mechanism of excitation and emission of papaverine molecule : fluorescence polarization spectroscopy study and MO calculation of transition moments. (1994) A.Dj. Aleksić, Mire Zloh and I. Juranić
  • Spectroscopy and modelling of the cytoplasmic domain of the gamma-subunit of the high affinity immunoglobulin E receptor. (1994) G. J. Anderson, R. R. Biekofsky, Mire Zloh, G. K. Toth, I. Toth, E. Benedetti and W. A. Gibbons
  • Behavioural assessment of the effects of embryonic nigral grafts in marmosets with unilateral OHDA lesions of the nigrostriatal pathway. (1994) L.E. Annett, F.L. Martel, D.C. Rogers, R. M. Ridley, H. F. Baker and S.B. Dunnett
  • Hidden broad-line regions and anisotropy in AGN. (1994) D.J. Axon, J. Hough, S. Young and M.D. Inglis
  • Kinetic dissociation of nickel titanate and nickel tungstate in oxygen potential gradients. (1994) D.C. Azubike, A. Chrysanthou and B.S. Terry
  • The absorption, distribution and elimination of anthelmintic drugs : the role of pharmacokinetics. (1994) J. D. Baggot and Quintin McKellar
  • The shock-excited P-Cygni nebula. (1994) M.J. Barlow, J.E. Drew, J. Meaburn and R.M. Massey
  • Optimization and automatic differentiation in Ada : some practical experience. (1994) M. Bartholomew-Biggs, Lynda Bartholomew-Biggs and B. Christianson
  • Discrimination between citrulline and arginine transport in activated murine macrophages: inefficient synthesis of NO from recycling of citrulline to arginine. (1994) A. R. Baydoun, R.G. Bogle, J.D. Pearson and G.E. Mann
  • Selective targeting of nitric oxide synthase inhibitors to system y+ in activated macrophages. (1994) A. R. Baydoun and G.E. Mann
  • The infectivity of dimeric potato yellow mosaic geminivirus clones in different hosts. (1994) A.K. Buragohain, Y.K. Sung, R.S. Coffin and Robert H.A. Coutts
  • Variation in myoplasmic Ca2+ concentration during contraction and relaxation studied by the indicator fluo-3 in frog muscle fibres. (1994) C. Caputo, K.A.P. Edman, Fang Lou and Y-B. Sun
  • Effects of physiological increments in human alpha-atrial natriuretic peptide and human brain natriuretic peptide in normal male subjects. (1994) B.M. Cheung, Claire Dickerson, M.J. Ashby, M.J. Brown and J. Brown
  • Reverse accumulation and attractive fixed points. (1994) B. Christianson
  • Carbothermic reduction of a columbite concentrate to produce cemented carbides and metal-matrix composites. (1994) A. Chrysanthou, D. Macfarlane and O.S. Chinyamakobvu
  • Preparation and microstructure of AlOTiC composites by self-propagated high temperature synthesis. (1994) A. Chrysanthou, A. Saidi, C.E.W. Aylott and J.V. Wood
  • Preparation of ceramic composite powders from waste colliery minestones. (1994) A. Chrysanthou and T. Sanchuan
  • Travel, lifestyles and health. (1994) S. Clift and S.J. Page
  • "A cheaper sort of member"? Welsh MPs, select committees and the representation of local interests in Parliament 1852-65. (1994) M. Cragoe
  • In vitro recognition of a 190 kda putative attachment receptor from the cuticle of Meloidogyne javanica by Pasteuria penetrans spore extract. (1994) Keith Davies
  • Endospore heterogeneity in Pasteuria-Penetrans related to adhesion to plant-parasitic nematodes. (1994) Keith Davies, M. Redden and T. K. Pearson
  • Effects of Temperature and Leaf Weness on the Latent Period of Rbynchosporium Secalis (Leaf Blotch) on Leaves of Winter Barley. (1994) H. Davis and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Atypical, green leaf blotch lesions on barley leaves infected by Rhynchosporium secalis (OUD) Davis. (1994) H. Davis, Bruce D.L. Fitt and R.L. Evans
  • Cognition for science. (1994) W. Dittrich
  • Childhood antecedents of schizophrenia and affective illness: social adjustment at ages 7 and 11. (1994) D.J. Done, T.J. Crow, E.C. Johnstone and A. Sacker
  • Soft x-ray observations of the early b-giants beta and epsilon CMA. (1994) J.E. Drew, M. Denby and M.G. Hoare
  • Characterization of resistance breaking Meloidogyne-ingognita-like populations using lectins, monoclonal-antibodies and spores of Pasteuria-penetrans. (1994) M. Fargette, Keith Davies, M. P. Robinson and D. L. Trudgill
  • The polarization and magnetic field of REJ1938-461 during its low state. (1994) L. Ferrario, D.T. Wickramasinghe, J. Bailey, D.A.H. Buckley and J. Hough
  • Effects of previous cropping and fungicide timing on the development of light leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza brassicae), seed yield and quality of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus). (1994) L. Figueroa, M.W. Shaw, Bruce D.L. Fitt, H. A. McCartney and S.J. Welham
  • The problem of the justification of a theory of knowledge. Part II : Morphology and diagnosis. (1994) L. Floridi
  • Neutral hydrogen absorption in NGC 1068 and NGC 3079. (1994) J.F. Gallimore, S.A. Baum, C.P. O'Dea, E. Brinks and A. Pedlar
  • The use of complementary and alternative therapies in health care: a selective review of the literature and discussion of the implications for nurse practitioners and health-care managers. (1994) Robert Gates
  • A Comparison of the Radio / Submillimetre Spectra of Bl-Lacertae Objects and Flat Spectrum Radio Quasars. (1994) W.K. Gear, Jason Stevens, D.H. Hughes, S.J. Litchfield, E.I. Robson, H. Terasranta, E. Valtaoja, H. Steppe, M. F. Aller and H. D. Aller
  • Evaluating the environmental impact of a major transport infrastructure project: the Channel Tunnel high-speed rail link. (1994) R.A. Goodenough and S.J. Page
  • Eastern promise? : Foreign investment in Poland. (1994) Jane Hardy
  • Poland's economic transformation : the role of foreign direct investment and small firms. (1994) Jane Hardy and Al Rainnie
  • Light scattering from non-spherical airborne particles : experimental and theoretical comparisons. (1994) E. Hirst, Paul H. Kaye and J.R. Guppy
  • Radio continuum and far-infrared observations of low surface brightness galaxies. (1994) G. Hoeppe, E. Brinks, U. Klein, C. Giovanardi, D.R. Altschuler, R.M. Price and H-J. Deeg
  • Plasma disposition of amikacin and interactions with gastrointestinal microflora in Equidae following intravenous and oral administration. (1994) L. J. Horspool, D. T. Taylor and Quintin McKellar
  • A new imaging infrared polarimeter. (1994) J. Hough, A. Chrysostomou and J. Bailey
  • Atomic-cascade experiment with detection of the recoil atom. (1994) S.F. Huelga, M. Ferrero and E. Santos
  • Neuropeptide Y in rat detrusor and its effect on nerve-mediated and acetylcholine-evoked contractions. (1994) Mahmoud M. Iravani and M. A. Zar
  • Presence of Neuropeptide-y in the rat seminal-vesicle and its effects on Noradrenaline-induced and nerve-induced contractions. (1994) Mahmoud M. Iravani and M. A. Zar
  • Bovril and moclobemide: a novel therapeutic strategy for central autonomic failure. (1994) F.E. Karet, Claire Dickerson, J. Brown and M.J. Brown
  • The variability in the UV resonance lines of the cataclysmic variables MU Cen, AH Her and QU Car. (1994) C. Knigge, J.E. Drew, M.G. Hoare and C. Ladous
  • Two classes of homeodomain proteins specify the multiple a mating types of the mushroom Coprinus cinereus. (1994) U. Kües, R. N. Asante-Owusu, Euphemia Mutasa-Gottgens, A. M. Tymon, E. H. Pardo, S. F. O'Shea, B. Göttgens and L.A. Casselton
  • The owl and the pussycat. (1994) B. Larvor
  • Factors affecting growth and yield of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus), 1985--89. (1994) J.E. Leach, R.J. Darby, I.H. Williams, Bruce D.L. Fitt and C.J. Rawlinson
  • Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of carprofen in the horse. (1994) P. Lees, Quintin McKellar, S.A. May and B. Ludwig
  • Appropriacy judgements and pragmatic performance. (1994) E. Leinonen and B.R. Smith
  • Humour and incongruity. (1994) John Lippitt
  • Infrared Photometry of Blazars - 8 Years of Observations. (1994) S.~J. Litchfield, E.~I. Robson and Jason Stevens
  • Moderate fatigue studied at great sarcomere lengths in frog single muscle fibres. (1994) Fang Lou and Y-B. Sun
  • Technique for authentication, access control and resource management in open distributed systems. (1994) M.R. Low and B. Christianson
  • Dissection of the contributions toward dimerization of glycopeptide antibiotics. (1994) J.P. Mackay, U. Gerhard, D.A. Beauregard, R.A. Maplestone and D.H. Williams
  • Glycopeptide antibiotic activity and the possible role of dimerization : A model for biological signaling. (1994) J.P. Mackay, U. Gerhard, D.A. Beauregard, M.S. Westwell, M.S. Searle and D.H. Williams
  • A comparison of skinfold anthropometry and bioelectrical impedance analysis for measuring percentage body fat in patients with cirrhosis. (1994) A M Madden and M Y Morgan
  • The 1993 multiwavelength campaign on 3C 279 : the radio to gamma-ray energy distribution inlow state. (1994) L. Maraschi, P. Grandi, C.M. Urry, A. E. Wehrle, G.M. Madejski, H. Fink, G. Ghisellini, R.C. Hartman, A.P. Koratkar, C. von Montigny, E. Pian, H.C. Thomas, A. Treves, M. F. Aller, H. D. Aller, C. D. Bailyn, T.J. Balonek, H. Bock, W. Collmar, I.S. Glass, S.J. Litchfield, I.M. McHardy, R. Mendez, J. Pesce, H.-P. Reuter, E.I. Robson, H. Steppe, Jason Stevens, H. Teraesranta and S.J. Wagner
  • Chemotherapy and delivery systems - helminths. (1994) Quintin McKellar
  • Stereospecific pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of carprofen in the dog. (1994) Quintin McKellar, P. Delatour and P. Lees
  • Pharmacodynamics of tolfenamic acid in dogs : Evaluation of dose response relationships. (1994) Quintin McKellar, P. Lees and G. Gettinby
  • Diseases of linseed in the United Kingdom. (1994) P.C. Mercer, N.V. Hardwick, Bruce D.L. Fitt and J.B. Sweet
  • Infrared line emission in 10-Lacertae. (1994) K.A. Murdoch, J.E. Drew and L.S. Anderson
  • Nucleotide sequence of RNA 3 of the British type isolate (Blencowe strain) of tomato aspermy virus. (1994) D. O'Reilly, C.J.R. Thomas and Robert H.A. Coutts
  • Alpha-clustering and the stellar nucleosynthesis of carbon. (1994) H. Oberhummer, H. Krauss, K. Grun, T. Rauscher, H. Abele, P. Mohr and G. Staudt
  • Modelling the perception of musical sequences with self-organizing neural networks. (1994) M.P.A. Page
  • Managing Urban Parks: User Perspectives and Local Leisure Needs in the 1990s. (1994) S. Page, K. Nielsen and R. Goodenough
  • Developing heritage tourism in Ireland in the 1990s. (1994) S.J. Page
  • Spatial perspectives on the Channel Tunnel: an introduction. (1994) S.J. Page
  • Dispersal of conidia of Ascochyta fabae f. sp. lentis from infected lentil plants by simulated wind and rain. (1994) E.A. Pedersen, R.A.A. Morrall, H. A. McCartney and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Production of heavy-elements in inhomogeneous cosmologies. (1994) T. Rauscher, J.H. Applegate, J.J. Cowan, F.K. Thielemann and M. Wiescher
  • An examination of the relationship between staff behaviour and stress levels in residential care. (1994) J. Rose, E. Mullan and Ben Fletcher
  • Characteristics of the combustion synthesis of TiC and Fe-TiC composites. (1994) A. Saidi, A. Chrysanthou, J.V. Wood and J.L.F. Kellie
  • Ampicillin and its congener prodrugs in the horse. (1994) P. Sarasola and Quintin McKellar
  • The Dioxygenation Rate in Lipoxygenase Catalysis Is Determined by the Amount of Iron( HI) Lipoxygenase in Solution. (1994) M. Schilstra, G.A. Veldink and J.F.G. Vliegenthart
  • Effect of Nonionic Detergents on Lipoxygenase Catalysis. (1994) M. Schilstra, G.A. Veldink and J.F.G. Vliegenthart
  • Recurrent erythema multiforme : tissue typing in a large series of patients. (1994) J. Schofield, F. Tatnall, J. Brown, D. McCloskey, C. Navarrete and I. Leigh
  • Recurrent erythema multiforme : clinical treatment and features in a large series of patients. (1994) J. Schofield, F. Tatnall and I. Leigh
  • Government Manipulation of the Press during the 1956 Suez Crisis. (1994) Tony Shaw
  • Ethical principles at the beginning of life. (1994) J. Singleton
  • Multifrequency observations of blazars. 5: Long-term millimeter, submillimeter, and infrared monitoring. (1994) Jason Stevens, S.J. Litchfield, E.I. Robson, D.H. Hughes, W.K. Gear, H. Terasranta, E. Valtaoja and M. Tornikoski
  • On Improving the Calibration of Millimetre and Submillimetre Photometry at the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope / JCMT. (1994) Jason Stevens and E.~I. Robson
  • Structure and expression of an inhibitor of fungal polygalacturonases from tomato. (1994) Henrik Stotz, J.J.A. Contos, A.L.T. Powell, A.B. Bennett and J.M. Labavitch
  • Re-evaluation of the role of auxin binding site II. (1994) Henrik Stotz and R. Hertel
  • Star formation thresholds in H II galaxies with H I companions. (1994) C.L. Taylor, E. Brinks, R. Pogge and E.D. Skillman
  • WW Horologii - x-ray and optical observations. (1994) A.F. Tennant, J. Bailey, D.T. Wickramasinghe, K. Wu, L. Ferrario and J. Hough
  • Reduction/carburisation of columbite concentrate. (1994) B.S. Terry, D.C. Azubike and A. Chrysanthou
  • Astrophysics and nuclei far from stabilitys. (1994) F.K. Thielemann, K.L. Kratz, B. Pfeiffer, T. Rauscher, L. van Wormer and M. Wiescher
  • 'Saying "I": Sylvia Plath as Tragic Author or Feminist Text?'. (1994) Anna Tripp
  • Effects of the Tubulin-Colchicine Complex on Microtubule Dynamic Instability. (1994) A. Vandecandelaere, S.R. Martin, M. Schilstra and P.M. Bayley
  • Characterization of Polymyxa species by restriction analysis of PCR-amplified ribosomal DNA. (1994) Elaine Ward, Michael J. Adams, E. S. Mutasa, C. R. Collier and M. J. C. Asher
  • Identification of fungi in the Gaeumannomycesp-Phialophora complex by RFLPS of PCR-amplified ribosomal DNAs. (1994) Elaine Ward and A. Y. Akrofi
  • A Study of the Chamaeleon-I Dark Cloud and T-Association - Part Six - Interstellar Polarization Grain Alignment and Magnetic Field. (1994) D.C.B. Whittet, P.A. Gerakines, A.L. Carkner, J. Hough, P. Martin, T. Prusti and D. Kilkenny
  • Johnson 2 : Knowledge goes to Hollywood. (1994) Karel Williams, Colin Haslam, Tony Cutler, Sukhdev Johal and Robert Willis
  • Deconstructing car assembler productivity. (1994) Karel Williams, Colin Haslam, John Williams and S. Johal
  • An evaluative study of a community health service development. (1994) K.R. Young
  • Spectroscopic and conformational studies of the C-terminal cytoplasmic beta subunit 46-peptide of the high affinity IgE receptor. (1994) Mire Zloh, G. Anderson, I. Clark-Lewis, A. Nicolau, R. Thomas, I. Toth and W.A. Gibbons
  • N.m.r. studies of the cytoplasmic C-terminal β-subunit domain of the high-affinity IgE receptor. (1994) Mire Zloh, G. Anderson, I. Clark-Lewis, R. Thomas, E. Benedetti, I. Toth and W.A. Gibbons