
Number of items: 368.
  • An intelligent approach to prevent distributed systems attacks. (2002) Nasser Abouzakhar and Gordon Manson
  • Magnetic fields in discs : what can be learned from infrared and mm polarimetry ? (2002) D. Aitken, A. Efstathiou, A. McCall and J. Hough
  • Adaptive simulated annealing for CT image classification. (2002) A. Albrecht, M.J. Loomes, K. Steinhofel and C.K. Wong
  • Do as I Do: Correspondences across Different Robotic Embodiments. (2002) A. Alissandrakis, C.L. Nehaniv and K. Dautenhahn
  • Imitation with ALICE: Learning to Imitate Corresponding Actions across Dissimilar Embodiments. (2002) A. Alissandrakis, C.L. Nehaniv and K. Dautenhahn
  • Deriving Star Formation Histories : Evolutionary or Population Synthesis Codes versus Color-Magnitude Diagrams. (2002) D. Alloin, C. Gallart, E. Fleurence, E. Pompei, I.D. Raimann, U. Fritze and Y. Sukyoung
  • The effect of the controlled entry of electronic prescribing and medicines administration on the quality or prescribing, safety and success of administration on an acute medical ward. (2002) M.K. Almond, K. Gordon, J.R. Kent, S Nice and S. Dhillon
  • Attempted versus successful avoidance : associations with distress, symptoms, and strategies for mental control. (2002) Leanne Andrews, Nicholas Troop, S. Joseph, S. Hiskey and I. Coyne
  • Managerial relevance in academic research : an exploratory study. (2002) Paul Ankers and Ross Brennan
  • European pollution outbreaks during ACE 2 : Optical particle properties inferred from multiwavelength lidar and star-Sun photometry. (2002) A. Ansmann, F. Wagner, D. Mueller, D. Althausen, A. Herber, W. von Hoyningen-Huene and U. Wandinger
  • Chemical Composition fo the Carbon-rich, Extremely Metal Poor Star CS 29498-043. (2002) W. Aoki, J.E. Norris, Sean G. Ryan, T.C. Beers and H. Ando
  • The Chemical Composition of Carbon-rich, very Metal Poor Stars : A New Class of Mildly Carbon Rich Objects without Excess of Neutron-Capture Elements. (2002) W. Aoki, J.E. Norris, Sean G. Ryan, T.C. Beers and H. Ando
  • A Subaru/High Dispersion Spectrograph Study of Lead (Pb) Abundances in Eight s-Process Element-rich, Metal-poor Stars. (2002) W. Aoki, Sean G. Ryan, J.E. Norris, T.C. Beers, H. Ando and S. Tsangarides
  • On the atmospheric limitations of ground-based submillimetre astronomy using array receivers. (2002) E.N. Archibald, T. Jenness, W.S. Holland, I.M. Coulson, N. Jessop, J. A. Stevens, E.I. Robson, R.P.J. Tilanus and J.F. Lightfoot
  • Motivators of Software Process Improvement : An Analysis of Practitioners' Views. (2002) N. Baddoo and T. Hall
  • Practitioner roles in Software process Improvement: An analysis using Grid Technique. (2002) N. Baddoo and T. Hall
  • Software Process Improvement Motivators : An Analysis using Multidimensional Scaling. (2002) N. Baddoo and T. Hall
  • Pak1 phosphorylation on T212 affects microtubules in cells undergoing mitosis. (2002) M. Banerjee, D. Worth, David M. Prowse and M. Nikolic
  • The use of a co-operative student model of learner characteristics to configure a multimedia application. (2002) T. Barker, S. Jones, C. Britton and D.J. Messer
  • Joined-up food policy? : the trials of governance, public policy and the food system. (2002) David Barling, T. Lang and M. Caraher
  • The boundaries of Doppler imaging: Starspot patterns on M dwarfs. (2002) J R Barnes, D J James and A C Cameron
  • FUSE observations of PG1342+444 : new insights into the nature of the hottest DA white dwarfs. (2002) M.A. Barstow, S.A. Good, J.B. Holberg, M.R. Burleigh, N.P. Bannister, I. Hubeny and R. Napiwotzki
  • Using DIRECT to solve an aircraft routing problem. (2002) M. Bartholomew-Biggs, S. Parkhurst and S. Wilson
  • Neutron capture of Si-30. (2002) H. Beer, P.V. Sedyshev, W. Rochow, T. Rauscher and P. Mohr
  • Evaluation of outcome of care in patients with haemophilia. (2002) K. Beeton
  • Modulation of the release of endogenous adenosine by cannabinoids in the myenteric preparation of the guinea-pig plexus-longitudinal muscle ileum. (2002) M. Begg, N. Dale, E. Llaudet, A. Molleman and M. Parsons
  • Modulation of the release of endogenous gamma-aminobutyric acid by cannabinoids in the guinea pig ileum. (2002) M. Begg, A. Molleman and M. Parsons
  • Information recalled by women taking anti-epileptic drugs for epilepsy : a questionnaire study. (2002) G.S. Bell, L. Nashef, S. Kendall, J. Solomon, K. Poole, N.F. Moran, M. McCarthy, D. McCormick, S.D. Shorvon and J. Sander
  • Vanilloid and TRP channels: a family of lipid gated cation channels. (2002) C.D. Benham, J.B. Davis and A.D. Randall
  • Local and differential control of vegetative storage protein expression in response to herbivore damage in Arabidopsis thaliana. (2002) S. Berger, T. Mitchell-Olds and Henrik Stotz
  • Evolutionary synthesis models for the formation of S0 galaxies in clusters. (2002) J. Bicker, U. Fritze and K.J. Fricke
  • Changes in populations of the eyespot fungi Tapesia yallundae and T. acuformis under different fungicide regimes in successive crops of winter wheat, 1984-2000. (2002) S.M. Bierman, Bruce D.L. Fitt, F. Van Den Bosch, Geoffrey L. Bateman, J.F. Jenkyn and S.J. Welham
  • Editorial: the concept of knowledge in art and design. (2002) M. Biggs
  • The role of the artefact in art and design research. (2002) M. Biggs
  • The X-ray jet and halo of PKS 0521-365. (2002) M. Birkinshaw, D.M. Worrall and M.J. Hardcastle
  • Penetrating the Mask: All Spiral Galaxies become barred on bar torque scales between zero and six. (2002) D.L. Block, R.J. Buta, I. Puerari, J. Knapen, B. Elmegreen, S. Stedman and D.M. Elmegreen
  • You are what you eat: the sources of food as a source of education for citizenship and sustainability. (2002) P. Bloomfield
  • Reported sleep patterns in obsessive compulsive disorder. (2002) M. Bobdey, Naomi Fineberg, T.M. Gale, A. Patel and H.A. Davies
  • A Hubble Space Telescope Census of Nuclear Star Clusters in Late-Type Spiral Galaxies : Observations and Image Analysis. (2002) T. Boker, S. Laine, R. van der Marel, M. Sarzi, H-W. Rix, L. Ho and J.C. Shields
  • Consumer involvement in health research : A review and research agenda. (2002) Jonathan Boote, Rosemary Telford and Cindy Cooper
  • When am I? A tense time for tense theorists? (2002) C. Bourne
  • On-Going Galaxy Formation. (2002) J. Braine, P.A. Duc, U. Lisenfeld, V. Charmandaris, O. Vallejo, S. Leon and E. Brinks
  • A method for combining propidium iodide staining with immunohistochemistry. (2002) C. Brana, C.D. Benham and L. Sundstrom
  • Sophistry, relevance and technology transfer in management research : an IMP perspective. (2002) Ross Brennan and Peter W. Turnbull
  • Staff gender Balance in Primary Schools. (2002) P. Bricheno and M.E. Thornton
  • New Computational Approaches for Analysis of cis-Regulatory Networks. (2002) C.T. Brown, A.G. Rust, P.J.C. Clarke, Z. Pan, M. Schilstra, T. De Buysscher, G. Griffin, B.J. Wold, R.A. Cameron, E.H. Davidson and H. Bolouri
  • Safety education of pedestrians for injury prevention: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials. (2002) Frances Bunn, O. Duperrex and I. Roberts
  • Making a Difference : a study of the impact of continuing professional development on professional practice. (2002) H. Burchell, J. Dyson and M. Rees
  • On the Double-Planet System around HD 83443. (2002) R.P. Butler, G.W. Marcy, S. Vogt, C.G. Tinney, H.R.A. Jones, A.J. Penny, K. Apps and B.D. Carter
  • Community learning disability teams : the need for objective methods of prioritization and discharge planning. (2002) A. Caffrey and M. Todd
  • Detection of airborne inoculum of Leptosphaeria maculans and Pyrenopeziza brassicae in oilseed rape crops by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays. (2002) C. Calderon, Elaine Ward, J. Freeman, S. J. Foster and H. A. McCartney
  • Detection of airborne fungal spores sampled by rotating-arm and Hirst-type spore traps using polymerase chain reaction assays. (2002) C. Calderon, Elaine Ward, J. Freeman and A. McCartney
  • Coupled and Decoupled Numerical Modeling of Flow and Morphological Evolution in Alluvial Rivers. (2002) Z. Cao, R. Day and S. Egashira
  • Discovery of a peculiar DQ white dwarf. (2002) D. Carollo, S.T. Hodgkin, A. Spagna, R.L. Smart, M.G. Lattanzi, B.J. McLean and D.J. Pinfield
  • Anti-inflammatory effects of carprofen, carprofen enantiomers, and NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester in sheep. (2002) Z. Cheng, A. Nolan and Quintin McKellar
  • Transepidermal water loss does not correlate with skin barrier function in vitro. (2002) Robert Chilcott, C. H. Dalton, A. J. Emmanuel, C. E. Allen and S. T. Bradley
  • Evaluation of barrier creams against sulphur mustard. (2002) Robert Chilcott, J. Jenner, S. A. M. Hotchkiss and P. Rice
  • A conceptual model of the fashion process- part 1 : the fashion transformation process model. (2002) A. Cholachatpinyo, Ben Fletcher, I. Padgett and M. Crocker
  • A conceptual model of the fashion process- part 2 : an empirical investigation of the micro-subjective level. (2002) A. Cholachatpinyo, I. Padgett, M. Crocker and Ben Fletcher
  • Correlations in interfering electrons irradiated by nonclassical microwaves. (2002) C.C. Chong, D.I. Tsomokos and A. Vourdas
  • The evolution of the Oxford simple shape. (2002) B. Christianson
  • Concluding discussion - When does confidentiality harm security? (2002) B. Christianson, T Aura, D Wheeler, W Harbison, V Gligor, L Paulson, M Blaze and J Ioannidis
  • Merkle Puzzles Revisited — Finding Matching Elements between Lists. (2002) B. Christianson and D. Wheeler
  • The magnetic field structure in W51A. (2002) A. Chrysostomou, D. Aitken, T. Jenness, C.J. Davis, J. Hough, R. Curran and M. Tamura
  • Developing New Lecturers : The Case of a Discipline Based Workshop. (2002) K. Clark, J. Blumhof, P. Gravestock, M. Healey, A. Jenkins, A. Honeybone, T. Wareham, H. King, B. Chalkley and N. Thomas
  • Estimating prevalence of problematic drug use: comments on Frischer et al. (2002) John Corkery
  • The relationship between notification to the Home Office Addicts Index and deaths of notified addicts. (2002) John Corkery
  • Measurement of Satisfaction with Health Care: implications for practice from a systematic review of the literature. (2002) H. Crow, H. Gage, S. Hampson, J. Hart, A. Kimber, L. Storey and Hilary Thomas
  • Poverty Reduction with Growth and Redistribution. (2002) Hulya Dagdeviren, J. Weeks and R. van der Hoeven
  • Redistribution does matter : Growth and Redistribution for Poverty Reduction. (2002) Hulya Dagdeviren, J. Weeks and R. van der Hoeven
  • Mirrors, Rockets, and Lives : Considering the Limits of Testing. (2002) Darren Dalcher
  • Safety, risk, and danger : A new dynamic perspective. (2002) Darren Dalcher
  • Learning from failure. (2002) Darren Dalcher and Colin Tully
  • Behavioural and immunohistochemical changes following supranigral administration of sonic hedgehog in 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine-treated common marmosets. (2002) B. Dass, Mahmoud M. Iravani, M. J. Jackson, T. M. Engber, A. Galdes and P. Jenner
  • Design spaces and niche spaces of believable social robots. (2002) K. Dautenhahn
  • The origins of narrative: In search of the transactional format of narratives in humans and other social animals. (2002) K. Dautenhahn
  • High capacity associative memories and stochasticity. (2002) N. Davey and R.G. Adams
  • A Genomic Regulatory Network for Development. (2002) E.H. Davidson, J.P. Rast, P. Oliveri, A. Ransick, C. Calestani, C.H. Yuh, T. Minokawa, G. Amore, V. Hinman, C. Arenas-Mena, A. Otim, C.T. Brown, C.B. Livi, P.Y. Lee, R. Revilla, A.G. Rust, Z. Pan, M. Schilstra, P.J.C. Clarke, M.I. Arnone, L. Rowen, R.A. Cameron, D.R. McClay, L. Hood and H. Bolouri
  • A provisonal regulatory gene network for specification of endomesoderm in the sea urchin embryo. (2002) E.H. Davidson, J.P. Rast, P. Oliveri, A. Ransick, C. Calestani, C.H. Yuh, T. Minokawa, G. Amore, V. Hinman, C. Arenas-Mena, O. Otim, C.T. Brown, C.B. Livi, P.Y. Lee, R. Revilla, M. Schilstra, P.J.C. Clarke, A.G. Rust, Z. Pan, M.I. Arnone, L. Rowen, R.A. Cameron, D.R. McClay, L. Hood and H. Bolouri
  • Near-infrared Fabry-Perot imaging of Herbig-Haro energy sources: Collimated, small-scale H2 jets and wide-angled winds. (2002) C.J. Davis, L. Stern, T.P. Ray and A. Chrysostomou
  • Facilitation of learning and modulation of frontal cortex acetylcholine by ventral pallidal injection of heparin glucosaminoglycan. (2002) M.A. De Souza Silva, K. Jezek, K. Weth, H.W. Muller, J.P. Huston, M.L. Brandao and R. Hasenoehrl
  • The Master Catalogue of stars towards the Magellanic Clouds I: Multispectral surveys of the Large Magellanic Cloud. (2002) N. Delmotte, C. Loup, D. Egret, M-R.L. Cioni and F. Pierfederici
  • The missing M dwarfs. (2002) P.D. Dobbie, D.J. Pinfield, R.F. Jameson and S.T. Hodgkin
  • Mass loss from galaxies: feeding the IGM, recycling in the IGM. (2002) P.A. Duc, J. Braine, U. Lisenfeld, P. Amram and E. Brinks
  • Safety education of pedestrians for injury prevention. (2002) O. Duperrex, I. Roberts and Frances Bunn
  • Lens magnification by CL0024+1654 in the and band. (2002) S. Dye, A.N. Taylor, T.R. Greve, O.E. Rognvaldsson, E. van Kampen, P. Jakobsson, V.S. Sigmundsson, E.H. Gudmundsson and J. Hjorth
  • The UK Benchmark Statement for Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences and Environmental Studies : A Critical Evaluation and Implications for Assessing Quality Criteria. (2002) D. Eastwood and J. Blumhof
  • Contribution of the left dorsomedial thalamus in recognition memory : a neuropsychological case study. (2002) N.M.J. Edelstyn, S.J. Ellis, P. Jenkinson and A. Sawyer
  • Cached Two-Level Adaptive Branch Predictors with Multiple Stages. (2002) C. Egan, G.B. Steven and L. Vintan
  • Tropospheric aerosol layers after a cold front passage in January 2000 as observed at several stations of the German Lidar Network. (2002) R. Eixmann, C. Bockmann, B. Fay, M. Matthias, I. Mattis, D. Mueller, S. Kreipl, J. Schneider and A. Stohl
  • Holonomy Embedding for Arbitrary Stable Semigroups. (2002) G.Z. Elston and C.L. Nehaniv
  • Factors affecting the development of Botrytis cinerea (grey mould) on linseed (Linum usitatissimum) buds, flowers and capsules. (2002) S.A.M. Ferryman, Bruce D.L. Fitt and J.F.S. Harold
  • Information Technology, US Union Organizing and Union Effectiveness. (2002) J. Fiorito, P. Jarley and J.T. Delaney
  • Exudate theory and the clinical management of exuding wounds. (2002) J. Fletcher
  • Updating the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Pannel Pressure Ulcer Prevention and Treatment Guidelines. (2002) J. Fletcher
  • Exploring the effects of a 14 week person-centred counselling intervention with learning disabled children. (2002) B. Flitton and J. Buckroyd
  • Information ethics: an environmental approach to the digital divide. (2002) L. Floridi
  • Reactivity toward thiols and cytotoxicity of 3-methylene-2-oxindoles, cytotoxins from indole-3-acetic acids, on activation by peroxidases. (2002) L.K. Folkes, S. Rossiter and P. Wardman
  • An in vitro technique for evaluating inhaled nasal delivery systems. (2002) B. Forbes, S. Lim, Gary P. Martin and Marc Brown
  • Lithium 6104 A in Population II stars. (2002) A. Ford, R.D. Jeffries, B. Smalley, Sean G. Ryan, W. Aoki, S. Kawanomoto, D.J. James and John R. Barnes
  • Improved PCR-based assays for pre-symptomatic diagnosis of light leaf spot and determination of mating type of Pyrenopeziza brassicae on winter oilseed rape. (2002) S.J. Foster, A.M. Ashby and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Reflections on the research process: creativity and identity. (2002) P. Fraser
  • A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay for the detection of inoculum of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. (2002) J. Freeman, Elaine Ward, C. Calderon and A. McCartney
  • Star Formation in Violent and Normal Evolutionary Phases. (2002) U. Fritze
  • The evolution of disks and winds in dwarf novae outbursts. (2002) C.S. Froning, K.S. Long, J.E. Drew, C. Knigge, D. Proga and J.A. Mattei
  • Risk assessment for people with mental health problems: a pilot study of reliability in working practice. (2002) T.M. Gale, A. Woodward, C. Hawley, J. Hayes, T. Sivakumaran and G. Hansen
  • Experimenting with introspection : Comment from Shaun Gallagher. (2002) Shaun Gallagher
  • Social cognition and primacy of movement revisited. (2002) Shaun Gallagher, Jonathan Cole and David McNeill
  • Topical treatment for cutaneous leishmaniasis. (2002) T. Garnier and S.L. Croft
  • The new learning disability nursing : agents of inclusion for the 21st Century. (2002) Bob Gates
  • Aspects on the attachment of Pasteuria penetrans on root-knot nematodes. (2002) I. O. Giannakou, Simon R. Gowen and Keith Davies
  • Synthesis and conformational dynamics of tricyclic pyridones containing a fused seven-membered ring. (2002) K.R. Gibson, L. Hitzel, R.J. Mortishire-Smith, U. Gerhard, R.A. Jelley, A.J. Reeve, M. Rowley, A. Nadin and A.P. Owens
  • Visuospatial and verbal working memory in the five disc Tower of London task: an individual-differences approach. (2002) K. Gilhooly, V. Wynn, L. Phillips, R.H. Logie and S. Della Sala
  • Submillimetre photometry of post-asymptotic giant branch stars. (2002) T. Gledhill, I. Bains and J.A. Yates
  • Plasma disposition, faecal excretion and in vitro metabolism of oxibendazole following oral administration in horses. (2002) C. Gokbulut, A.M. Nolan and Quintin McKellar
  • Promoting nursing participation within primary care groups. (2002) Claire Goodman, Alison Wall and Sheilagh Reavey
  • How Good is the 1881 Census Transcription The Results of an Evaluation for Hertfordshire. (2002) N. Goose
  • Review of recent periodical literature. (2002) N. Goose and A. Hinde
  • Discrimination of intentional and random motion paths by pigeons. (2002) K. Goto, S.E. Lea and W. Dittrich
  • Off-axis afterglow emission from jetted gamma-ray bursts. (2002) J. Granot, A. Panaitescu, P. Kumar and S.E. Woosley
  • Narratives of risk : women at midlife, 'medical experts' and health technologies. (2002) E. Green, D. Thompson and F. Griffiths
  • New Maxwellian averaged neutron capture cross sections for Cl-35,Cl-37. (2002) K. H. Guber, R.O. Sayer, T.E. Valentine, L.C. Leal, R.R. Spencer, J. A. Harvey, P. E. Koehler and T. Rauscher
  • The diversity in the vanilloid receptor family of ion channels. (2002) M.J. Gunthorpe, C.D. Benham, A.D. Randall and J.B. Davis
  • Requirements Problems in Twelve Software Companies: An Empirical Analysis. (2002) T. Hall, S. Beecham and A. Rainer
  • Implementing Software Process Improvement: An Empirical study. (2002) T. Hall, A. Rainer and N. Baddoo
  • Barriers to customer-orientation : A case applied and explained. (2002) Sue Halliday
  • Optical and Infrared Spectroscopy of SN 1999ee and SN 1999ex. (2002) M. Hamuy, J. Maza, P.A. Pinto, M.M. Phillips, N.B. Suntzeff, R.D. Blum, K. Olsen, D.J. Pinfield, V.D. Ivanov, T. Augusteijn, S. Brillant, M. Chadid, J-G. Cuby, V. Doublier, O.R. Hainaut, E. Le Floc'h, C. Lidman, M.G. Petr-Gotzens, E. Pompei and L. Vanzi
  • Magnetic Field Strengths in the Hot Spots and Lobes of Three Powerful Fanaroff-Riley Type II Radio Sources. (2002) M.J. Hardcastle, M. Birkinshaw, R.A. Cameron, D.E. Harris, L.W. Looney and D.M. Worrall
  • A Chandra observation of the X-ray environment and jet of 3C 31. (2002) M.J. Hardcastle, D.M. Worrall, M. Birkinshaw, R.A. Laing and A.H. Bridle
  • Management of manure in farming systems in semi-arid West Africa. (2002) F. Harris
  • X-Ray Detection of the Inner Jet in the Radio Galaxy M84. (2002) D.E. Harris, A. Finoguenov, A.H. Bridle, M.J. Hardcastle and R.A. Laing
  • Time-resolved ultraviolet spectroscopy of the compact interacting binary QU Car. (2002) L.E. Hartley, J.E. Drew and K.S. Long
  • Testing the line-driven disc wind model: time-resolved ultraviolet spectroscopy of IX Vel and V3885 Sgr. (2002) L.E. Hartley, J.E. Drew, K.S. Long, C. Knigge and D. Proga
  • Defining remission by cut off score on the MADRS : selecting the optimal value. (2002) C. Hawley, T.M. Gale and T. Sivakumaran
  • How does the threshold score to enter a major depression trial influence the size of the available patient population for study? (2002) C. Hawley, T.M. Gale and T. Sivakumaran
  • The molecular epidemiology of tuberculosis in inner London. (2002) A.C. Hayward, S. Goss, F. Dobniewski, N. Saunders, R.J. Shaw, Madhu Goyal, A. Swan, A. Uttley, A. Pozniak, J. Grace-Parker and J.M. Watson
  • Resolving subdwarf B stars in binaries by HST imaging. (2002) U. Heber, S. Moehler, R. Napiwotzki, P. Thejll and E. Green
  • Massive star evolution : nucleosynthesis and nuclear reaction rate uncertainties. (2002) A. Heger, S.E. Woosley, T. Rauscher, R. D. Hoffman and M.M. Boyes
  • Stability characteristics of cylindrical fibres in an electrodynamic balance designed for single particle investigation. (2002) Evelyn Hesse, Zbigniew Ulanowski and Paul H. Kaye
  • Applying for Lottery Funding-The Experience of the 'Old Bailey Proceedings On-line' Project. (2002) Tim Hitchcock and R. Shoemaker
  • An Efficient Strategy to Select Targets for Gasdynamical Measurements of Black Hole Masses Using the Hubble Space Telescope. (2002) L. Ho, M. Sarzi, H-W. Rix, J.C. Shields, G. Rudnick, A. Filippenko and A. Barth
  • For better or worse? Heterosexuality reinvented. (2002) J. Hockey, V. Robinson and Angela Meah
  • The Legal Nature of the Firm and the Myth of the Firm-Market Hybrid. (2002) G. Hodgson
  • Capitalism, employment, and complexity : With further critical comments on another Hodgson [2] (multiple letters). (2002) G.M. Hodgson, S.A. Bell and J.F. Henry
  • Chemical denudation and silicate weathering in Himalayan glacier basins: Batura Glacier, Pakistan. (2002) A.J. Hodson, P.R. Porter, A. Lowe and P.N. Mumford
  • Simulations of high-aspect-ratio jets. (2002) A.E. Holdo and B.A.F. Simpson
  • Spectropolarimetry of the 3-μm water-ice feature towards young stellar objects. (2002) R.P. Holloway, A. Chrysostomou, D. Aitken, J. Hough and A. McCall
  • Identification of metabolites of a substance P (Neurokinin 1 receptor) antagonist in rat hepatocytes and rat plasma. (2002) C.E.C.A. Hop, Y. Wang, S. Kumar, M.V.S. Elipe, C.E. Raab, D.C. Dean, G.K. Poon, C.-A. Keohane, J. Strauss, S.-H.L. Chiu, N. Curtis, J. Elliott, U. Gerhard, K. Locker, D. Morrison, R. Mortishire-Smith, S. Thomas, A.P. Watt and D.C. Evans
  • V-45(p,gamma) thermonuclear reaction rate relevant to Ti-44 production in core-collapse supernovae : General estimates and shell model analysis. (2002) M. Horoi, R. Jora, V. Zelevinsky, A.S. Murphy, R.N. Boyd and T. Rauscher
  • Perceptual-personality characteristics associated with naturalistic haunt experiences. (2002) J. Houran, R. Wiseman and M. Thalboume
  • Remote control of restricted sets of operations: teleportation of angles. (2002) S.F. Huelga, M.B. Plenio and J. Vaccaro
  • High-conductance chloride channels generate pacemaker currents in interstitial cells of Cajal. (2002) J.D. Huizinga, Y.H. Zhu, J. Ye and A. Molleman
  • The production of a KybertariatThe reality of virtual work. (2002) Ursula Huws
  • Dimethicone barrier cream prevents infection of human skin by Schistosome cercariae : Evidence from Franz cell studies. (2002) R.J. Ingram, A. Bartlett, C. Marriott, P.J. Whitfield and Marc Brown
  • Involvement of inducible nitric oxide synthase in inflammation-induced dopaminergic neurodegeneration. (2002) Mahmoud M. Iravani, K. Kashefi, P. Mander, S. Rose and P. Jenner
  • 3.4 Micron Feature on the Shoulder of Ice-Band Absorptions in Three Luminous Young Stellar Objects: IRAS 18511 0146, IRAS 21413 5442, and IRAS 04579 4703. (2002) M. Ishii, T. Nagata, A. Chrysostomou and J. Hough
  • Deep radio imaging of the SCUBA 8-mJy survey fields: submillimetre source identifications and redshift distribution. (2002) R.J. Ivison, T.R. Greve, I. Smail, J.S. Dunlop, N.D. Roche, S.E. Scott, M.J. Page, J. A. Stevens, O. Almaini, A.W. Blain, C.J. Willott, M. Fox, D.G. Gilbank, S. Serjeant and D.H. Hughes
  • Chirp in a wavelength converter based on a symmetrical-MZI employing SOAs. (2002) M.Y. Jamro, J.M. Senior, M.S. Leeson and G. Murtaza
  • Exclusion by Inclusion : Issues for Deaf Pupils and Their Mainstream Teachers. (2002) J. Jarvis
  • Inclusion - What deaf pupils think : an RNID/DfES project undertaken by the University of Hertfordshire, November 2001-July 2002. (2002) J. Jarvis, I. Sinka and A. Iantaffi
  • On the black-hole mass-radio luminosity relation for flat-spectrum radio-loud quasars. (2002) M.J. Jarvis and R.J. McLure
  • The Temperature Dependence of P680+ Reduction in Oxygen-Evolving Photosystem II. (2002) C. Jeans, M. Schilstra and D.R. Klug
  • Replacement of Tyrosine D with Phenylalanine Affects the Normal Proton Transfer Pathways for the Reduction of P680+ in Oxygen-Evolving Photosystem II Particles from Chlamydomonas. (2002) C. Jeans, M. Schilstra, N. Ray, S. Husain, J. Minagawa, J. Nugent and D.R. Klug
  • The latitude distribution of star-spots on He 699. (2002) S V Jeffers, J R Barnes and A Collier Cameron
  • Explaining hand hygiene practice : an extended application of the Theory of Planned Behaviour. (2002) E.A. Jenner, P. Watson, L.K. Miller, F. Jones and G.M. Scott
  • Towards the automated reduction and calibration of SCUBA data from the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope. (2002) T. Jenness, J. A. Stevens, E.N. Archibald, F. Economou, N. Jessop and E.I. Robson
  • Discovery and Implications of a new large-scale stellar bar in NGC 5248. (2002) S. Jogee, J. Knapen, S. Laine, I. Shlosman, N.Z. Scoville and P. Englmaier
  • Gasdynamics in NGC 5248: Fueling a circumnuclear starburst ring of super-star clusters. (2002) S. Jogee, I. Shlosman, S. Laine, P. Englmaier, J. Knapen, N.Z. Scoville and C.D. Wilson
  • The Business of Fashion: A Social History. (2002) S. Johnson
  • Extrasolar planets around HD 196050, HD 216437 and HD 160691. (2002) H.R.A. Jones, R.P. Butler, G.W. Marcy, C.G. Tinney, A.J. Penny, C. McCarthy and B.D. Carter
  • A probable planetary companion to HD 39091 from the Anglo-Australian Planet Search. (2002) H.R.A. Jones, R.P. Butler, C.G. Tinney, G.W. Marcy, A.J. Penny, C. McCarthy and D. Pourbaix
  • Spectral analysis of water vapour in cool stars. (2002) H.R.A. Jones, Y. Pavlenko, S. Viti and J. Tennyson
  • Effect of cadmium contamination with sewage sludge and phosphate fertiliser amendments on soil enzyme activities, microbial structure and available cadmium. (2002) A. Karaca, D.C. Naseby and J.M. Lynch
  • Sporulation of Pyrenopeziza brassicae (light leaf spot) on oilseed rape (Brassica napus) leaves inoculated with ascospores or conidia at different temperatures and wetness durations. (2002) Z. Karolewski, N. Evans, Bruce D.L. Fitt, A.D. Todd and A. Baierl
  • CO Observations of the Interacting Galaxy Pair NGC 5394/95. (2002) M. Kaufman, K. Sheth, C. Struck, B. Elmegreen, M. Thomasson, D.M. Elmegreen and E. Brinks
  • Influence of foliar-applied calcium nitrate on strawberry plants grown under salt-stressed conditions. (2002) C. Kaya, B.E. Ak, D. Higgs and B. Murillo-Amador
  • Calcium nitrate as a remedy for salt-stressed cucumber plants. (2002) C. Kaya and D. Higgs
  • Improvements in physiological and nutritional developments of tomato cultivars grown at high zinc by foliar application of phosphorus and iron. (2002) C. Kaya and D. Higgs
  • Response of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) cultivars to foliar application of zinc when grown in sand culture at low zinc. (2002) C. Kaya and D. Higgs
  • An experiment to investigate ameliorative effects of potassium sulphate on salt and alkalinity stressed vegetable crops. (2002) C. Kaya, D. Higgs and A. Ikinci
  • Response of two leafy vegetables grown at high salinity to supplementary potassium and phosphorus during different growth stages. (2002) C. Kaya, D. Higgs and E. Sakar
  • Response of strawberry grown at high salinity and alkalinity to supplementary potassium. (2002) C. Kaya, D. Higgs, K. Saltali and O. Gezerel
  • Supplementary calcium enhances plant growth and fruit yield in strawberry cultivars grown at high (NaCL) salinity. (2002) C. Kaya, H. Kirnak, D. Higgs and K. Saltali
  • Impact model for socially low tariffs in Zairian river transport. (2002) Alex Kelvin
  • ROSAT X-Ray Observations of the Dwarf Galaxy Holmberg II. (2002) J. Kerp, F. Walter and E. Brinks
  • Effects of deficit irrigation on growth, yield, and fruit quality of eggplant under semi-arid conditions. (2002) H. Kirnak, I. Tas, C. Kaya and D. Higgs
  • Impact of incorporating the 2C5 crystal structure into comparative models of cytochrome P450 2D6. (2002) S.B. Kirton, M.J. Sutcliffe, C.A. Kemp, N.P. Tomkinson and S. St-Gallay
  • Automated external defibrillation in cardiac surgery. (2002) A. L. Knaggs, K. T. Delis, K.G. Spearpoint and D. A. Zideman
  • The Central Kiloparsec of Starbursts and Active Galactic Nuclei: The La Palma Connection. (2002) J. Knapen, J.E. Beckman, I. Shlosman, T.J. Mahoney and J. Terence
  • Circumnuclear regions in barred spiral galaxies - II. Relations to host galaxies. (2002) J. Knapen, D. Perez-Ramirez and S. Laine
  • Chemodynamical evolution of galaxies. (2002) C. Kobayashi
  • Uncertainty under MRP-planned manufacture: review and categorization. (2002) S.C.L. Koh, S.M. Saad and M.H. Jones
  • 0.6 Tb/s-km multimode fibre feasibility - Experimant using 40 channel DWDM over Quadrature-Subcarrier channels. (2002) P. Kourtessis, T. Quinlan, E. Rochat, S.D. Walker, I.H. White, R.V. Penty and M.C. Parker
  • Chandra Observations of the X-Ray Jet in Centaurus A. (2002) R.P. Kraft, W.R. Forman, C. Jones, S.S. Murray, M.J. Hardcastle and D.M. Worrall
  • A Structure for the Trimeric MHC Class II-associated Invariant Chain Transmembrane Domain. (2002) A. Kukol, J. Torres and I.T. Arkin
  • The development of a register of randomized controlled trials in prehospital trauma care. (2002) I. Kwan, Frances Bunn, I. Roberts and R. Wentz
  • Sensor Evolution In A Homeokinetic System. (2002) K. Labusch and D. Polani
  • Nested and Single bars in Seyfert and Non-Seyfert Galaxies. (2002) S. Laine, I. Shlosman, J. Knapen and R.F. Peletier
  • Consciousness and the varieties of emotion experience : a theoretical framework. (2002) J.A. Lambie and A.J. Marcel
  • After Popper, Kuhn and Feyerabend: Recent Issues in Theories of Scientific Method. (2002) B. Larvor
  • The Growth of Mathematical Knowledge. (2002) B. Larvor
  • Adult psychosis, common childhood infections and neurological soft signs in a national birth cohort. (2002) S.J. Leask, D.J. Done and T.J. Crow
  • Italianita and Internationalism: production, design and mediation at Alessi 1976-96. (2002) G. Lees-Maffei
  • An association between respiratory function and bone mineral density in women from the general community : a cross sectional study. (2002) S Lekamwasam, Daksha Trivedi and Kay Tee Khaw
  • Particle image velocimetry measurement of in-cylinder flow in internal combustion engines : Experiment and flow structure analysis. (2002) Y. Li, H. Zhao, Z.J. Peng and N. Ladommatos
  • Effects of sucrose and trehalose on the preservation of the native structure of spray-dried lysozyme. (2002) Y H Liao, Marc Brown, T. Nazir, A. Quader and G P Martin
  • Protective mechanism of stabilising excipients against dehydration in the freeze-drying of proteins. (2002) Y. Liao, Marc Brown and G.P. Martin
  • In vivo evaluation of novel hyaluronan/chitosan microparticulate delivery systems for the nasal delivery of gentamicin in rabbits. (2002) S. T. Lim, B. Forbes, D. J. Berry, Gary P. Martin and Marc Brown
  • Kant and Kierkegaard on Religion.[Book review]. (2002) John Lippitt
  • Scour at culvert outlets as influenced by the turbulent flow structure. (2002) S.L. Liriano, R. Day and W.R. White
  • Abundant molecular gas in the intergalactic medium of Stephan's Quintet. (2002) U. Lisenfeld, J. Braine, P.A. Duc, S. Leon, V. Charmandaris and E. Brinks
  • The effects of client violence on child protection networks. (2002) Brian Littlechild
  • 3D extension of Bresenham's algorith and its application in straight-line interpretation. (2002) X. Liu and K. Cheng
  • Nucleotide sequence and phylogenetic analysis of Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus RNA 2. (2002) I.C. Livieratos and Robert H.A. Coutts
  • Identification and sequence analysis of Potato yellow vein virus capsid protein minor gene. (2002) I.C. Livieratos, G. Muller, L.F. Salazar, E. Eliasco and Robert H.A. Coutts
  • Pleasing Spectacles and elegant dinners: conviviality, rememberence and charity, Anniversaries in 18th Century London. (2002) S. Lloyd
  • Teaching mathematics with audiograph. (2002) M.C. Loomes, A. Shafarenko and M.J. Loomes
  • Teaching mathematical explanation through audiographic technology. (2002) M.J. Loomes, A. Shafarenko and M. Loomes
  • Isometric and isovelocity contractile performance of red muscle fibres from the dogfish Scyliorhinus canicula. (2002) Fang Lou, N.A. Curtin and R.C. Woledge
  • Output decay in immediate serial recall : Speech time revisited. (2002) P. Lovatt, S.E. Avons and J. Masterson
  • Recruitment, training and retention of healthcare professionals in clinical ultrasound. (2002) M.J. Lovegrove and R. Price
  • Do Children with autism who pass false-belief tasks understand the mind as active interpreter. (2002) T. Luckett, S.D. Powell, D.J. Messer, M.E. Thornton and J. Schulz
  • Fractalkine is expressed by smooth muscle cells in response to IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha and is modulated by metalloproteinase activity. (2002) A. Ludwig, Theo Berkhout, K. Moores, P. Groot and G. Chapman
  • Incremental Retrieval of documents relevant to a topic. (2002) C. Lyon, J. Malcolm and R. Dickerson
  • Research-what are our options? (2002) Angela Madden
  • A brief guide to lung cancer. (2002) D. Maher
  • The Experience of Counselling for Female Clients with Anorexia Nervosa : A Person Centred Perspective. (2002) L. Marchant and Helen Payne
  • The family Closteroviridae revised. (2002) G.P. Martelli, A.A. Agranovsky, M. Bar-Joseph, D. Boscia, A. Minafra, T. Candresse, Robert H.A. Coutts, V.V. Dolja, B.W. Falk, D. Gonsalves, W. Jelkmann, A.V. Karasev, S. Namba, H.J. Vetten, G.C. Wisler and N. Yoshikawa
  • An intercomparison of aerosol light extinction and 180 degrees backscatter as derived using in situ instruments and Raman lidar during the INDOEX field campaign. (2002) S.J. Masonis, K. Franke, A. Ansmann, D. Mueller, D. Althausen, J.A. Ogren, A. Jefferson and P.J. Sheridan
  • Relative-humidity profiling in the troposphere with a Raman lidar. (2002) I. Mattis, A. Ansmann, D. Althausen, V. Jaenisch, U. Wandinger, D. Mueller, Y. F. Arshinov, S. M. Bobrovnikov and I. B. Serikov
  • Dual-wavelength Raman lidar observations of the extinction-to-backscatter ratio of Saharan dust. (2002) I. Mattis, A. Ansmann, D. Mueller, U. Wandinger and D. Althausen
  • Environmental Sustainability and Capital Investment Appraisal. (2002) T. McDermott, L. Stainer and A. Stainer
  • Fenbendazole pharmacokinetics, metabolism, and potentiation in horses. (2002) Quintin McKellar, C. Gokbulut, K. Muzandu and H. Benchaoui
  • Measuring the black-hole masses of high-redshift quasars. (2002) R.J. McLure and M.J. Jarvis
  • Respite care for children who have complex healthcare needs. (2002) S. Miller
  • Absorption systems in the spectrum of GRB 021004. (2002) P. Moller, J. Fynbo, J. Hjorth, B. Thomsen, M.P. Egholm, M.I. Andersen, J. Gorosabel, S.T. Holland, P. Jakobsson, B.L. Jensen, H. Pedersen, K. Pedersen and M. Weidinger
  • Annie’s Story : the use of oral history to explore the lived experience of a learning disability nurse in the twentieth century. (2002) M. Moore and Bob Gates
  • Traders, taxpayers, citizens: the lower middle classes from Liberalism. (2002) J.T. Morris
  • European pollution outbreaks during ACE 2 : Microphysical particle properties and single-scattering albedo inferred from multiwavelength lidar observations. (2002) D. Mueller, A. Ansmann, F. Wagner, K. Franke and D. Althausen
  • Early adolescents' HIV-related knowledge, attitudes and behaviour in Finland. (2002) U. Muinonen, T. Suominen, M. Valimaki, C. Valimaki and I. Peate
  • Near infrared coronagraph images of IRC +10216 - Faint structures at 1-5 from the central star. (2002) K. Murakawa, M. Tamura, H. Suto, Y. Itoh, S. Hayashi, Y. Oasa, Y. Nakajima, N. Kaifu, J.A. Yates, T. Gledhill, A.M.S. Richards, J. Hough, G. Kosugi and T. Usuda
  • Binaries discovered by the SPY project. II. HE 1414-0848: A double degenerate with a mass close to the Chandrasekhar limit. (2002) R. Napiwotzki, D. Koester, G. Nelemans, L. Yungelson, N. Christlieb, A. Renzini, D. Reimers, H. Drechsel and B. Leibundgut
  • Spirituality and learning disabilities: a qualitative study. (2002) Aru Narayanasamy, Bob Gates and John Swinton
  • The Correspondence Problem in Social Learning:--What Does it Mean for Behaviors to Match Anyway. (2002) C.L. Nehaniv and K. Dautenhahn
  • Extremely Metal-poor Stars : IX CS 22949-037 and the Role of Hypernovae. (2002) J.E. Norris, Sean G. Ryan, T.C. Beers, H. Ando and W. Aoki
  • The emergency supply of prescription only medicines : a survey of requests to community pharmacists and their views on the procedures. (2002) R.C. O'Neill, E. Rowley and F. Smith
  • Decision-making in primary care : outcomes from a study using patient scenarios. (2002) M. Offredy
  • Interactional Structure Applied to the Identification and Generation of Visual Interactive Behavior: Robots that (Usually) Follow the Rules. (2002) B. Ogden, K. Dautenhahn and P. Stribling
  • Difficulties in conducting a randomised controlled trial of health service interventions in intellectual disability : implications for evidence-based practice. (2002) P.C. Oliver, J. Piachaud, D.J. Done, A. Regan, S. Cooray and P. Tyrer
  • Cross section measurements of the Pd-102(p, gamma)Ag-103 Sn-116(p, gamma)Sb-117, and Sn-112(alpha, gamma)Te-116 reactions relevant to the astrophysical rp- and gamma-processes. (2002) N. Ozkan, A.S.J. Murphy, R.N. Boyd, A.L. Cole, A. Famiano, R. T. Guray, M. Howard, L. Sahin, J.J. Zach, R. deHaan, J. Gorres, M. Wiescher, M.S. Islam and T. Rauscher
  • A field programmable analog array for CMOS continuous-time OTA-C filter applications. (2002) N. Pankiewicz, M. Wojcikowski, S. Szczepanski and Y. Sun
  • Modelling the daily progress of light leaf spot epidemics on winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus), in relation to Pyrenopeziza brassicae inoculum concentrations and weather factors. (2002) K. Papastamati, F. Van Den Bosch, S.J. Welham, Bruce D.L. Fitt, N. Evans and J.M. Steed
  • Revealing invisible worlds: connecting the mainstream with bilingual children's home and community learning. (2002) T. Parke, R. Drury, C. Kenner and L.H. Robertson
  • Carbon monoxide bands in M dwarfs. (2002) Y. Pavlenko and H.R.A. Jones
  • Arts Therapies And Psychotherapy Training: An International Survey. (2002) Helen Payne
  • HIV/AIDS and its impact on student nurses. (2002) I. Peate, T. Suominen, M. Valimaki, C. Lohrmann and U. Muinonen
  • Optimising a stochastic dynamic neural tree. (2002) W. Pensuwon, R.G. Adams and N. Davey
  • First SIMBA observations towards CH3OH masers - Masers from blind surveys mark the earliest stages of massive star formation --. (2002) M. Pestalozzi, E.M.L. Humphreys and R. Booth
  • The effects of adult aging and induced positive and negative mood on planning. (2002) L. Phillips, L. Smith and K. Gilhooly
  • Simulation of vertical spread of plant diseases in a crop canopy by stem extension and splash dispersal. (2002) A. Pielaat, F. Van Den Bosch, Bruce D.L. Fitt and M.J. Jeger
  • Children's learning from contrast modelling. (2002) K J Pine, D J Messer and K St John
  • Dear Santa: The effects of television advertising on young children. (2002) K. Pine and A. Nash
  • Entangled Light From White Noise. (2002) M.B. Plenio and S.F. Huelga
  • Modalys-ER for OpenMusic (MfOM): virtual instruments and virtual musicians. (2002) R. Polfreman
  • Constraining the difference in convective blueshift between the components of alpha Centauri with precise radial velocities. (2002) D. Pourbaix, D. Nidever, R.P. Butler, C.G. Tinney, G.W. Marcy, H.R.A. Jones, A.J. Penny, B.D. Carter, F. Bouchy, F. Pepe, J.B. Hearnshaw, J. Skulijan, D. Ramm and D. Kent
  • Research Degree Examining - common principles and divergent practices. (2002) S.D. Powell and C. McCauley
  • When Inclusion Becomes Exclusion. (2002) S.D. Powell and R. Tutt
  • Longitudinal changes in extended roles in radiography. (2002) R. Price, L.R. Miller and F. Mellor
  • Consultant Practitioners in Radiography - a discussion paper. (2002) R. Price and A. Paterson
  • The rights and obligations of employees in occupational safety and health law in New Zealand. (2002) M. Pye, J. Cullinane and M. Harcourt
  • Key success factors for implementing software process improvement : a maturity-based analysis. (2002) A. Rainer and T. Hall
  • alpha- and neutron-induced reactions on ruthenium isotopes. (2002) W. Rapp, M. Heil, D. Hentschel, F. Kappeler, R. Reifarth, H.J. Brede, H. Klein and T. Rauscher
  • Direct neutron capture cross sections of Ni-62 in the s-process energy range. (2002) T. Rauscher and K. H. Guber
  • Nucleosynthesis in massive stars with improved nuclear and stellar physics. (2002) T. Rauscher, A. Heger, R. D. Hoffman and S.E. Woosley
  • Comparison and evaluation of eight pesticide environmental risk indicators developed in Europe and recommendations for future use. (2002) J. Reus, P. Leendertse, C. Bockstaller, I. Fomsgaard, V. Gutsche, Kathleen Lewis, C. Nilsson, L. Pussemier, M. Trevisan, H.M.G. van der Werf, F. Alfarroba, S. Blumel, J. Isart, D. McGrath and T. Seppala
  • Cloning and functional expression of human short TRP7, a candidate protein for store-operated Ca2+ influx. (2002) A. Riccio, C. Mattei, R.E. Kelsell, A.D. Medhurst, A. R. Calver, A.D. Randall, J.B. Davis, C.D. Benham and M. N. Pangalos
  • mRNA distribution analysis of TRPC family in human CNS and peripheral tissues. (2002) A. Riccio, A.D. Medhurst, C. Mattei, R.E. Kelsell, A. R. Calver, A.D. Randall, C.D. Benham and M. N. Pangalos
  • Connectionist models invesitigating representations formed in the sequential generation of characters. (2002) F.M. Richardson, N. Davey, L. Peters, D.J. Done and S. Anthony
  • Diversity of Burkholderia isolates from woodland rhizosphere environments. (2002) J. Richardson, D.E. Stead, J.G. Elphinstone and Robert H.A. Coutts
  • Physiology for practice : delivering oxygen to the cells. (2002) M. Richardson
  • Egg on their faces : The story of human albumin solution. (2002) I. Roberts and Frances Bunn
  • Characterisation of the dynamical quantum state of a zero temperature Bose–Einstein condensate. (2002) J. Rogel-Salazar, S. Choi, G. H. C. New and K. Burnett
  • Squeezing and entanglement in quasiparticle excitations of trapped Bose-Einstein condensates. (2002) J. Rogel-Salazar, G. H. C. New, S. Choi and K. Burnett
  • A convenient synthesis of 3-methyleneoxindoles: cytotoxic metabolites of indole-3-acetic acids. (2002) S. Rossiter
  • Halogenated indole-3-acetic acids as oxidatively activated prodrugs with potential for targeted cancer therapy. (2002) S. Rossiter, L.K. Folkes and P. Wardman
  • Behaviours of near two-dimensional ventilation configurations. (2002) M. Russell, P.N. Surendran and S.D. Probert
  • Quantifying acceptable mesh dependencies for computational investigations of airflows within rooms. (2002) M. Russell, P.N. Surendran and S.D. Probert
  • Big Bang Nucleosynthesis, Population III, and Stellar Genetics in the Galactic Halo. (2002) Sean G. Ryan
  • Rapid Rotation of Ultra-Li-depleted Halo Stars and Their Association with Blue Stragglers. (2002) Sean G. Ryan, S. Gregory, U. Kolb, T.C. Beers and T. Kajino
  • Multi-wavelength behaviour of III Zw2. (2002) N.J. Salvi, M.J. Page, J. A. Stevens, K.O. Mason and K. Wu
  • Correlated multiwavelength emission from the X-ray-bright Seyfert galaxy III Zw 2. (2002) N.J. Salvi, M.J. Page, J. A. Stevens, K. Wu, K.O. Mason, M. Aller, H. Aller, H. Terasranta, E. Romero-Colmenero, F.A. Cordova and W.C. Priedhorsky
  • Plasma achiral and chiral pharmacokinetic behaviour of intravenous oxfendazole co-administered with piperonyl butoxide in sheep. (2002) S. Sanchez, D.G. Jones, J. Small and Quintin McKellar
  • Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic profiles of danofloxacin administered by two dosing regimens in calves infected with Mannheimia (Pasteurella) haemolytica. (2002) P. Sarasola, P. Lees, F.S. AliAbadi, Quintin McKellar, W. Donachie, K.A. Marr, S.J. Sunderland and T.G. Rowan
  • Limits on the mass of the Central Black Hole in sixteen nearby bulges. (2002) M. Sarzi, H-W. Rix, J.C. Shields, D. McIntosh, L. Ho, G. Rudnick, A. Filippenko, W. Sargent and A. Barth
  • The effect of form similarity on bilingual children's lexical development. (2002) Christina Schelletter
  • A Finite State Automation Model for Multi-Neuron Simulations. (2002) M. Schilstra, A.G. Rust, R.G. Adams and H. Bolouri
  • Structured Therapeutic Writing Tasks as an Adjunct to Treatment in Eating Disorders. (2002) U. Schmidt, G. Bone, S. Hems, J. Lessem and J. Treasure
  • Structured Therapeutic Writing Tasks as an Adjunct to Treatment in Eating Disorders. (2002) U. Schmidt, G. Bone, S. Keville, J. Lessem and J. Treasure
  • Early Warnings of the Red Peril: A Pre-History of Cold War Cinema in Britain, 1917-1939. (2002) Tony Shaw
  • Miracles, Martyrs and Martians : Religion and Cold War Cinematic Propaganda in the 1950s. (2002) Tony Shaw
  • Faith-based schools : A threat to social cohesion? (2002) G. Short
  • Jewish Primary Schools in a Multicultural Society : Responding to Diversity? (2002) G. Short and R.A. Lenga
  • Under-Construction or Facing Demolition? : Contrasting Views on English Teacher Professionalism from across a Professional Association. (2002) P. Silcock
  • Elasticity and confabulation in schizophrenic delusions. (2002) J. Simpson and D.J. Done
  • Virtue Ethics, Kantian Ethics and Consequentialism. (2002) J. Singleton
  • Health performance and emotional intelligence : an exploratory study of retail managers. (2002) M. Slaski and S. Cartwright
  • On the Progenitor of the type Ic Supernova 2002ap. (2002) S.J. Smartt, P.M. Vreeswijk, E. Ramirez-Ruiz, G.F. Gilmore, P. Meikle, A.M.N. Ferguson and J. Knapen
  • Networks of value, commodities and regions : reworking divisions of labour in macro-regional economies. (2002) A. Smith, A. Rainnie, M. Dunford, J. Hardy, R. Hudson and D. Sadler
  • A spectropolarimetric atlas of Seyfert 1 galaxies. (2002) J.E. Smith, S. Young, A. Robinson, E.A. Corbett, M.E. Giannuzzo, D.J. Axon and J. Hough
  • Nurses' confidence and pharmacological knoweldge : a study. (2002) Mahesh Sodha, M. McLaughlin, G. Williams and S. Dhillon
  • SB-334867-A antagonises orexin mediated excitation in the locus coeruleus. (2002) E.M. Soffin, M.L. Evans, C.H. Gill, M. Harries, C.D. Benham and C.H. Davies
  • Combining modelling strategies to analyse teaching styles data. (2002) Neil Spencer
  • A comparison of modelling strategies for value-added analyses of Educational Data. (2002) Neil Spencer and A. Fielding
  • Clinical pharmacy practice : Implications for pharmacy education in Belgium. (2002) A. Spinewine and S. Dhillon
  • Quasi-free quantum stochastic integrals in the plane. (2002) W. Spring and I.F. Wilde
  • Evaluation of Valaciclovir Dosage Reduction in Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis Patients. (2002) F. Stathoulopoulou, S. Dhillon, H. Thodis, C. Stathakis and V. Vargemezis
  • Eosinophilia as a marker of resistance to Teladorsagia circumcincta in Scottish Blackface lambs. (2002) M.J. Stear, N.G. Henderson, A. Kerr, Quintin McKellar, S. Mitchell, C. Seeley and S.C. Bishop
  • Rank order decoding of temporal parallel fibre input patterns in a complex Purkinje cell model. (2002) Volker Steuber and E. De Schutter
  • Quantum statistics can suppress classical interference. (2002) O. Steuernagel
  • de Broglie wavelength reduction for a multiphoton wavepacket. (2002) O. Steuernagel
  • Evidence for regulation of resistance in Arabidopsis to Egyptian cotton worm by salicylic and jasmonic acid signaling pathways. (2002) Henrik Stotz, K. Weniger, T. Mitchell-Olds, T. Koch, A. Biedermann and W. Boland
  • The genetic control of IgA activity against Teladorsagia circumcincta and its association with parasite resistance in naturally infected sheep. (2002) S.A.J. Strain, S.C. Bishop, N.G. Henderson, A. Kerr, Quintin McKellar, S. Mitchell and M.J. Stear
  • Aberrant driving behaviours amongst New Zealand truck drivers. (2002) M.J.M. Sullman, K.B. Pajo and M.L. Meadows
  • Learning deficits in aged rats related to decrease in extracellular volume and loss of diffusion anisotropy in hippocampus. (2002) E. Syková, T. Mazel, R. Hasenoehrl, A.R. Harvey, Z. Simonová, W. Mulders and J.P. Huston
  • The Recognition and Analysis of Animate Objects using Neural Networks and Active Contour Models. (2002) Ken Tabb, N. Davey, R.G. Adams and S. George
  • He i 1.083 um Emission and Absorption in DG Tauri: Line Excitations in the Jet, Hot Wind, and Accretion Flow. (2002) M. Takami, A. Chrysostomou, J. Bailey, T. Gledhill, M. Tamura and H. Terada
  • Effect of occlusion on the percutaneous penetration of linoleic acid and glycerol. (2002) L.J. Taylor, R.S. Lee, M. Long, A.V. Rawlings, J. Tubek, L. Whitehead and G.P. Moss
  • Consumer involvement in health research : Fact or fiction? (2002) R. Telford, C. A. Beverley, C. L. Cooper and Jonathan Boote
  • Nucleosynthesis and stellar evolution. (2002) Friedrich-Karl Thielemann, D. Argast, F. Brachwitz, G. Martinez-Pinedo, T. Rauscher, M. Liebendoerfer, A. Mezzacappa, P. Hoflich and K. Nomoto
  • A rose by any other name: Teaching primary teachers citizenship, or PSE, or Social studies. (2002) M.E. Thornton
  • Students' reasons for wanting to teach in primary school. (2002) M.E. Thornton, I. Reid and P. Bricheno
  • Two Extrasolar Planets from the Anglo-Australian Planet Search. (2002) C.G. Tinney, R.P. Butler, G.W. Marcy, H.R.A. Jones, A.J. Penny, C. McCarthy and B.D. Carter
  • Echelle spectroscopy of CaII HK activity in Southern Hemisphere planet search targets. (2002) C.G. Tinney, C. McCarthy, H.R.A. Jones, R.P. Butler, B.D. Carter, G.W. Marcy and A.J. Penny
  • Enhanced conditioned inhibitory avoidance by a combined extract of zingiber officinale and ginkgo biloba. (2002) B. Topic, R. Hasenoehrl, R. Hacker and J.P. Huston
  • Enhanced maze performance and reduced oxidative stress by combined extracts of zingiber officinale and ginkgo biloba in the aged rat. (2002) B. Topic, E. Tani, K. Tsiakitzis, P.N. Kourounakis, E. Dere, R. Hasenoehrl, R. Hacker, C.M. Mattern and J.P. Huston
  • Constraints on Jupiters from Observations of Galactic bulge microlensing events during 2000. (2002) Y. Tsapras, K. Horne, R. Carson, J.M. Alvarez, D. Batcheldor, A.W. Graham, P.A. James, J. Knapen, H. Quaintell, I.G. Serrano, P. Sorensen and N. Wooder
  • Non-random weight dilution in high performance associative memories. (2002) S.P. Turvey, S. Hunt, N. Davey and R. Frank
  • The effect of a hinged ankle foot orthosis on hemiplegic gait: Objective measures and users opinions. (2002) S. Tyson and H. Thornton
  • Laser diffractometer for single particle scattering measurements. (2002) Zbigniew Ulanowski, Richard Greenaway, Paul H. Kaye and Ian Ludlow
  • The polypeptide components of the parasporal fibres of Pasteuria penetrans. (2002) A. Vaid, A. H. Bishop and Keith Davies
  • Inversion with regularization for the retrieval of tropospheric aerosol parameters from multiwavelength lidar sounding. (2002) Igor Veselovskii, A. Kolgotin, V. Griaznov, D. Mueller, U. Wandinger and D.N. Whiteman
  • Probing the circumstellar structure of Herbig Ae/Be stars. (2002) J.S. Vink, J.E. Drew, T.J. Harries and R.D. Oudmaijer
  • The metallicity of CM Draconis. (2002) S. Viti, H.R.A. Jones, P.F.L. Maxted and J. Tennyson
  • Measurement of the (gamma, n) cross section of the nucleus Au-197 close above the reaction threshold. (2002) K. Vogt, P. Mohr, M. Babilon, W. Bayer, D. Galaviz, T. Hartmann, C. Hutter, T. Rauscher, K. Sonnabend, S. Volz and A. Zilges
  • Health promotion for adolescents in primary care: randomised controlled trial. (2002) Z. Walker, J. Townsend, L. Oakley, C. Donovan, H. Smith, Z. Hurst, J. Bell and S. Marshall
  • The Neutral Interstellar Medium of the Dwarf Irregular Galaxy DDO 47 and Its Companion. (2002) F. Walter and E. Brinks
  • Optical and microphysical characterization of biomass-burning and industrial-pollution aerosols from multiwavelength lidar and aircraft measurements. (2002) U. Wandinger, D. Mueller, C. Boeckmann, D. Althausen, M. Matthias, J. Bosenberg, A. Weiss, M. Fiebig, M. Wendisch, A. Stohl and A. Ansmann
  • Validity and repeatability of the EPIC-Norfolk Physical Activity Questionnaire. (2002) N.J. Wareham, R.W. Jakes, K.L. Rennie, J. Mitchell, S. Hennings and N.E. Day
  • Activation of TRPV4 channels (hVRL-2/mTrp12) by phorbol derivatives. (2002) H. Watanabe, J.B. Davis, D. Smart, J.C. Jerman, G.D. Smith, P. Hayes, J. Vriens, W. Cairns, U. Wissenbach, J. Prenen, G.D. Flockerzi, G. Droogmans, C.D. Benham and B. Nilius
  • Heat-evoked activation of TRPV4 channels in an HEK-293 cell expression system and in native mouse aorta endothelial cells. (2002) H. Watanabe, J. Vriens, S. H. Suk, C.D. Benham, G. Droogmans and B. Nilius
  • Large Velocity Gradients in the Tidal Tails of the Interacting Galaxy AM 1353-272 (The Dentist's Chair). (2002) P. Weilbacher, U. Fritze, P.A. Duc and K.J. Fricke
  • Colonization of winter oilseed rape tissues by A/Tox(+) and B/Tox(0) Leptosphaeria maculans (phoma stem canker) in France and England. (2002) Jon S. West, M. H. Balesdent, T. Rouxel, J. P. Narcy, Yongju Huang, J. Roux, J. M. Steed, Bruce D.L. Fitt and J. Schmit
  • Effects of timing of Leptosphaeria maculans ascospore release and fungicide regime on phoma leaf spot and phoma stem canker development on winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus) in southern England. (2002) Jon S. West, Bruce D.L. Fitt, P. K. Leech, J. E. Biddulph, Yongju Huang and M. H. Balesdent
  • Transformations in Carol Emshwiller's Carmen Dog and Linda Javin's Rock N Roll Babes from Outer Space. (2002) P. Wheeler
  • Ongoing developments in CCP4 for high-throughput structure determination. (2002) M.D. Winn, A.W. Ashton, P.J. Briggs, C.C. Ballard and Pryank Patel
  • The Mind Machine : A mass participation experiment into the possible existence of Extrasensory Perception. (2002) R. Wiseman and E. Greening
  • An investigation into the alleged haunting of Hampton Court Palace : Psychological variables and magnetic fields. (2002) R Wiseman, C Watt, E Greening, P. Stevens and C O'Kefffe
  • Routine examination of the newborn and maternal satisfaction: a randomised controlled trial. (2002) D. Wolke, S. Dave, J.J. Hayes, J. Townsend and M. Tomlin
  • A randomised controlled trial of maternal satisfaction with the routine examination of the newborn baby at three months postbirth. (2002) D. Wolke, S. Dave, J.J. Hayes, J. Townsend and M. Tomlin
  • Researching art therapy with people suffering from AIDS related dementia. (2002) M.J.M. Wood
  • Space for idealism? : Politics and education in the UK. (2002) Philip Woods
  • Composite suspended sediment particles and flocculation in glacial meltwaters: preliminary evidence from Alpine and Himalayan basins. (2002) J. Woodward, P.R. Porter, A. Lowe, D.E. Walling and A.J. Evans
  • Supervising Dissertation Projects: Expectations of Supervisors and Students. (2002) M. Woolhouse
  • Microquasars : A Galactic-Extragalactic Connection? (2002) K. Wu, J. A. Stevens and D.C. Hannikainen
  • Experience of prophylaxis treatment in children with severe haemophilia. (2002) T.T. Yee, K. Beeton, A. Griffioen, C. Harrington, C. Lee and S. Brown
  • A multilevel buck converter based rectifier with sinusoidal inputs and unity power factor for medium voltage (4160-7200 V) applications. (2002) M.L. Zhang, B. Wu, Y. Xiao, F.A. De Winter and R. Sotudeh
  • Airborne observations of dry particle absorption and scattering properties over the northern Indian Ocean. (2002) Marian de Reus, P. Formenti, J. Strom, R. Krejci, D. Mueller, M.O. Andreae and J. Lelieveld
  • Deep Westerbork 1.4 GHz imaging of the Bootes field. (2002) W.H. de Vries, R. Morganti, H.J.A. Rottgering, R. Vermeulen, W. van Breugel, R. Rengelink and M.J. Jarvis