
Number of items: 17.
  • The Rise and Fall of Autonomous Group Working in the British Coal Mining Industry. (2002) D. Allsop and D. Wray
  • B
  • Neutral Hydrogen Observations of the Extremely Metal-Poor Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxy SBS 0335-052. (2002) E. Brinks, S.A. Pustilnik, T.X. Thuan and Y.I. Izotov
  • C
  • Does sector make a difference : A comparative study of managerialism in secondary and higher education. (2002) Moira Calveley and S. Shelley
  • Joe Sent Me - Some Personal Reflections on the Problems of Gaining Access. (2002) Moira Calveley and D. Wray
  • Flexible employment and households in the UK- discourses and changes. (2002) C. Cousins
  • F
  • 'Dotcom' Women Entrepreneurs in the UK. (2002) C. Forson and M.F. Ozbilgin
  • G
  • Final report of the learning disability education and training project : A collaborative project between theEast Yorkshire Learning Disability Insititute, The University of Hull and the University of York. (2002) Robert Gates and Allyson Kent
  • Shaping the future of disability services : Making your views count. (2002) Robert Gates and Jane Wray
  • H
  • The Resilience of Gender Segregation in the UK General Print Sector. (2002) G. Healy, A. Rainnie and J. Telford
  • K
  • The Strategies of a foreign bank in an emerging market-A case study of Park Bank in Turkey. (2002) M. Karatas
  • Talking Union, Learning Union- A case study of woman only trade union education. (2002) G. Kirton and G. Healy
  • L
  • Environmental Auditing for the Hardy Nursery Stock Industry : Final report to Defra for project HH1945. (2002) Kathleen Lewis, John Tzilivakis and Adele Calvert
  • Application of Sustainable Agriculture Indicators at Farm Level for England and Wales : Final Report to Defra for Research Project NT1855. (2002) Kathleen Lewis, John Tzilivakis, Andrew Green and Douglas Warner
  • M
  • Extremely Faint Blue-tail Stars in Centauri. (2002) S. Moehler, R. Napiwotzki, A.V. Sweigart, S. Landsman and S. Dreizler
  • O
  • Comparative analysis of sex equality in employment in Turkey and Britain- Where next. (2002) M.F. Ozbilgin
  • International Human Resource Management- Academic parochialism in editorial boards of the top 21 IHRM journals. (2002) M.F. Ozbilgin
  • P
  • The Onsala blind 6.7 GHz survey of the galactic plane: new methanol masers in the northern hemisphere. (2002) M. Pestalozzi, V. Minier, R. Booth and J. Conway