
Number of items: 54.
  • Particle Asymmetry Analyser. (1992)
  • Portable Particle Analysers. (1992)
  • Towards a satisfaction relation between CCS specifications and their refinements. (1992) E.J. Baillie
  • Why is software development so difficult to manage? (1992) R. Barrett and B. Christianson
  • The effect of (-)-hydroxycitrate and mevinolin on the activity of the low-density lipoprotein receptor and 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase in the human hepatoma Hep G2. (1992) Theo Berkhout, P.H.E. Groot, Louis M. Havekes and N. J. Pearce
  • Do we still need the system life cycle? (1992) C. Britton
  • An investigation of types leading to an examination of some aspects of F-bounded interfaces and the type classes of Haskell. (1992) K.M. Buchanan and R. Dickerson
  • CCS and object-oriented concepts. (1992) M. Buchanan and R. Dickerson
  • Testing should help to insert new bugs or how to modify programs predictably? (1992) B. Christianson and R. Barrett
  • CBSE Life Cycles. (1992) Darren Dalcher
  • Chaotic life Cycles. (1992) Darren Dalcher
  • Prototyping real time engineering systems using Hatley & Pirbhai's requirement model. (1992) D.A. Fensome
  • The effect of insect infestations on linseed in the south east of England. (1992) A.W. Ferguson and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Eyespot of cereals. (1992) Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Occurrence of Verticillium dahliae on linseed in the UK. (1992) Bruce D.L. Fitt and S. Burhenne
  • Incidence-severity relationships for grey mould (Botrytis cinerea) on sunflower heads. (1992) Bruce D.L. Fitt, V. J. Church and H.A. McCartney
  • Occurrence and pathogenicity of Alternaria spp. on linseed in the UK. (1992) Bruce D.L. Fitt and H. Coskun
  • Seasonal differences in occurrence and effects of diseases on linseed at Rothamsted, 1988-1990. (1992) Bruce D.L. Fitt and A.W. Ferguson
  • Changes in oilseed crop production and disease incidence. (1992) Bruce D.L. Fitt and N. V. Hardwick
  • Alternaria diseases of linseed. (1992) Bruce D.L. Fitt and I. Vloutoglou
  • Dispersal of pathogens in relation to development of diseases on linseed. (1992) Bruce D.L. Fitt, I. Vloutoglou and J.F.S. Harold
  • Static instruction scheduling for the HARP multiple-instruction-issue architecture. (1992) S.M. Gray, R.G. Adams, G.J. Green and G.B. Steven
  • Matthew Arnold: the discourse of criticism. (1992) G. Holderness
  • Physical factors influencing the splash dispersal of plant pathogens. (1992) L. Huber, Bruce D.L. Fitt and H. A. McCartney
  • Epidemiology in relation to control of white leaf spot (Mycosphaerella capsellae) on oilseed rape. (1992) A.J. Inman, Bruce D.L. Fitt and R. L. Evans
  • Differential sensitivities of rat striatal D-2 Dopamine autoreceptor sites. (1992) Mahmoud M. Iravani and Z. L. Kruk
  • Dopamine releasing actions of NMDA in rat caudate putamen studied by fast cyclic voltammetry. (1992) Mahmoud M. Iravani and Z. L. Kruk
  • Effect of NMDA receptor blockade on dopamine overflow in rat caudate putamen. (1992) Mahmoud M. Iravani and Z. L. Kruk
  • Humour. (1992) John Lippitt
  • Security system case study. (1992) M. Loomes and C. Britton
  • Fine grained object protection in UNIX. (1992) M.R. Low
  • Minimal kernels and security. (1992) M.R. Low
  • The Notary. (1992) M.R. Low
  • Neural nets for a language processing task: tag disambiguation. (1992) C. Lyon
  • A comparison of development methods used in traditional engineering and software engineering. (1992) A. Mayes
  • The responsibility driven object-oriented design method advocated by Wirfs-Brock, Wilkerson and Weiner. (1992) A. Mayes
  • A survey of the current state of reuse in a software environment. (1992) A. Mayes
  • Eiffel, the universe and everything. (somethings anyway). (1992) A. Mayes and R. Barrett
  • Experience of using Coad and Yourdon object-oriented analysis and design. (1992) A. Mayes and R. Barrett
  • Are there any parallels between object-oriented system development and other branches of engineering? (1992) A. Mayes and C. Britton
  • Linseed diseases in the UK and their control. (1992) P.C. Mercer, A. Ruddock, Bruce D.L. Fitt and J.F.S. Harold
  • Adaptation of Kohonen feature map topologies by genetic algorithms. (1992) D. Polani and T. Uthmann
  • Calculation of the Astrophysical S-Factor and Reaction-Rate for L-8(ALPHA,N0)B-11. (1992) T. Rauscher, H. Krauss, K. Grun and H. Oberhummer
  • Conspiracy and Consensus : Television Drama and the Case of A Very British Coup. (1992) Jeremy Ridgman
  • Inside the Liberal Heartland : Television and the Popular Imagination in the 1960s. (1992) Jeremy Ridgman
  • Chemical Composition, Structure and Physico-chemical Properties of RNA. (1992) Robert Slater
  • Extraction and Quantitation of RNA. (1992) Robert Slater
  • Purification of RNA. (1992) Robert Slater
  • Towards secure, optimistic, distributed, open systems. (1992) J.F. Snook
  • A program for animating CCS specifications. (1992) J.R. Stobo
  • Time and the cervix. (1992) Hilary Thomas
  • Women, health and work : gynaecological problems in the context of women's lives. (1992) Hilary Thomas
  • Calculation of the He-3(He-3, 2p)He-4 AND H-3(H-3, 2N)He-4 astrophysical S-factor at low energies. (1992) S. Winkler, H. Krauss, K. Grun, T. Rauscher, H. Oberhummer, H. Abele and G. Staudt
  • Discussion on paper by Sigmund W. Karterud. (1992) David Winter