
Number of items: 79.
  • Wittgenstein Archives at the University of Bergen (WAB) : Wittgenstein TS201a online (1996). (1996)
  • Symmetric and asymmetric dimethylarginine inhibit arginine transport and nitric oxide synthesis in J774 macrophages. (1996) A. R. Baydoun, R.G. Knowles, S. Moncada and G.E. Mann
  • The Process of Adaptation in Inter-Firm Relationships. (1996) David Brennan and Peter Turnbull
  • HI in AGN. (1996) E. Brinks and C.G. Mundell
  • Notations for modelling multimedia systems. (1996) C. Britton, S. Jones, M. Myers and M. Sharif
  • An investigation into the measurement of notations used in software modelling. (1996) C. Britton, S. Jones, M. Myers and M. Sharif
  • A new notation for modelling multimedia systems with three case studies. (1996) C. Britton, S. Jones, M. Myers and M. Sharif
  • The special requirements of multimedia systems: how to choose the most effective modelling notations. (1996) C. Britton, S. Jones, M. Myers and M. Sharif
  • A survey of tools for modelling multimedia systems. (1996) C. Britton, S. Jones, M. Myers and M. Sharif
  • New transformation for efficient DSP control of active power-line conditioners. (1996) L. Cheng, R. Cheung and R. Sotudeh
  • New line-interactive UPS system with DSP-based active power-line conditioning. (1996) R. Cheung, L. Cheng, P. Yu and R. Sotudeh
  • Sharing storage using dirty vectors. (1996) B. Christianson, L. Dixon and S. Brown
  • 3 MU M Spectropolarimetry of 1120 Ice in Young Stellar Objects. (1996) A. Chrysostomou, J. Hough, D.W. Messinger, D.C.B. Whittet, D. Aitken and P.F. Hoche
  • Instruction scheduling for a superscalar architecture. (1996) R. Collins and G.B. Steven
  • Powering the Broad H alpha Line in BL Lacertae. (1996) E.A. Corbett, A. Robinson, J. Hough, S. Young and D.J. Axon
  • Fuzzy Control of a Separately Excited DC Motor. (1996) Mouloud Denai and Abdeldjabbar Hazzab
  • Fuzzy PID Control of a DC Drive. (1996) Mouloud Denai and Abdeldjabbar Hazzab
  • Optimal Control of a Separately Excited DC Motor with Efficiency Optimisation. (1996) Mouloud Denai, Fethi Oudjedi Damerdji and Azeddine Draou
  • Real time Optimal LQ Control of a Separately DC motor with Efficiency Optimisation. (1996) Mouloud Denai, Fethi Oudjedi Damerdji and Azeddine Draou
  • A Model for the Infrared Polarization of NGC 1068. (1996) A. Efstathiou, J. Hough, A. McCall and S. Young
  • Predicting risk of severe light leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza brassicae) on winter oilseed rape in the UK. (1996) Bruce D.L. Fitt, P. Gladders, J.A. Turner, K.G. Sutherland and S.J. Welham
  • Interaction to enhance mindfulness: : positive strategies to increase tourists' awareness of HIV and sexual health risks on holiday (ch8). (1996) Nick Ford, Marlene Inman and Elspeth Mathie
  • Psychological support for patients having breast cancer surgery : Study had methodological flaws. (1996) K Friedli and M King
  • Star and globular cluster formation in mergers. (1996) U. Fritze
  • Learning Disability. (1996) Bob Gates
  • Polarimetry of External Galaxies. (1996) J. Hough
  • Was the later Wittgenstein a transcendental idealist? (1996) D. Hutto
  • Water and titanium oxide in late-type M dwarfs. (1996) H.R.A. Jones, S. Viti, S. Miller, J. Tennyson, F. Allard and P. Hauschildt
  • M100 and NGC 6951: Morphological Clues to Central Dynamics. (1996) J. Knapen, I. Shlosman, J.E. Beckman, C.H. Heller, R.F. Peletier, R.S. de Jong, D. Nadeau and R. Doyon
  • A computerised decision making aid for environmental management in arable farming. (1996) Kathleen Lewis, Keith Bardon and John Skinner
  • A decision support system for environmental management of agriculture : An eco-rating system for pesticide use. (1996) Kathleen Lewis, Marguerite Newbold and Keith Bardon
  • Environmental management for arable agriculture : An Eco-rating system for pesticide use. (1996) Kathleen Lewis, Marguerite Newbold, Avice Hall and Clare Broom
  • A decision support system for environmental management of agriculture. (1996) Kathleen Lewis, Marguerite Newbold, John Skinner and Keith Bardon
  • Formal methods: no cure for faulty reasoning. (1996) M. Loomes and R.J. Vinter
  • Discretionary non-repudiation. (1996) M.R. Low
  • Expressing a policy. (1996) M.R. Low
  • A joint authorisation scheme. (1996) M.R. Low
  • Using single layer networks for discrete, sequential data: an example from natural language processing. [extended version]. (1996) C. Lyon
  • Dust in a Hostile Environment: Interstellar Dust in the Line of Sight to HD62542. (1996) A.M. Magalhaes, C.V. Rodrigues, M. Meade, A.D. Code, K.H. Nordsieck, C.M. Anderson, J. Bailey, J. Hough and P.J. Wheatley
  • Teaching client server computing to undergraduates and postgraduates. (1996) J. Malcolm and P. Hu
  • Modeling New Spectropolarimetry Data for the BN Object. (1996) D.W. Messinger, W.G. Roberge, D.C.B. Whittet, A. Chrysostomou and J. Hough
  • High Energy Gamma Radiation From PKS 0528+134 Observed by EGRET. (1996) R. Mukherjee, W.K. Gear, A.P. Marscher, E.M. Moore, J.P. Travis, Y. Zhang, E.I. Robson, J. A. Stevens, H. Terasranta, M. Tornikoski and S. Wagner
  • Development and Application of Molecular Methods for the Study of Polymyxa betae. (1996) Euphemia Mutasa-Gottgens, D. M. Chwarszczynska, G. Williams, E. Ward, M. J. Adams and M. J. C. Asher
  • Spread of Beet Necrotic Yellow Vein Virus (BNYVV) and Polymyxa betae in Rhizamania-Resistant and -susceptible sugar beet. (1996) Euphemia Mutasa-Gottgens, C. Obermeier, U. Kastirr and W. Burgermeister
  • The planetary nebulae of PG 1159 stars - clues to their evolutionary history. (1996) R. Napiwotzki, S. Haas and D. Schonberner
  • Submillimetre Polarimetry of Blazars. (1996) R. Nartallo, W.K. Gear, A.G. Murray, E.I. Hobson and J. Hough
  • Neutron-induced nucleosynthesis. (1996) H. Oberhummer, H. Herndl, T. Rauscher and H. Beer
  • Communication locality in hypermeshes and tori. (1996) M. Ould-Khaoua and R. Sotudeh
  • The problem area of invoice matching at Neon Electrical- a case study of SSM in business systems analysis and design. (1996) C. Pascoulis
  • Investigating the limits of instruction level parallelism. (1996) R. Potter
  • Direct sequencing of PCR products with DNA-binding proteins. (1996) Ralph Rapley
  • H IIRegion Statistics in Barred and Non-Barred Galaxies. (1996) M. Rozas, J.E. Beckman and J. Knapen
  • A Search for Symmetries in the Star Formation Patterns of Spiral Disks: Barred Galaxies. (1996) M. Rozas, J.E. Beckman and J. Knapen
  • Artificial evolution: modelling the development of the retina. (1996) A.G. Rust, R.G. Adams, S. George and H. Bolouri
  • Developmental neural networks for shape recognition: motivation and review. (1996) A.G. Rust and H. Bolouri
  • Developmental artificial neural networks for shape recognition: a model of the retina. (1996) A.G. Rust, S. George, H. Bolouri and R.G. Adams
  • Oilseed rape : disease development, forecasting and yield loss relationships. (1996) C.E. Sansford, Bruce D.L. Fitt, P. Gladders, K. D. Lockley and K.G. Sutherland
  • WISE (world wide integrated software engineering): a summary of work in progress. (1996) J. Sapsford-Francis, S. Jones and M. Brabrook-Norman
  • An introduction to the Hatfield superscalar architecture. (1996) G.B. Steven, B. Christianson, R. Collins, R. Potter and F.L. Steven
  • Magnetic Fields in Star Forming Regions - Near-Infrared and Submillimeter Approaches. (1996) M. Tamura, S. Hayashi, Y. Itoh, J. Hough and A. Chrysostomou
  • Transfer of non-logical tendencies to formal reasoning. (1996) R.J. Vinter
  • A review of twenty formal specification notations. (1996) R.J. Vinter
  • Reasoning about formal software specifications : an initial investigation. (1996) R.J. Vinter, M.J. Loomes and D. Kornbrot
  • Seven lesser known myths of formal methods : uncovering the psychology of formal specification. (1996) R.J. Vinter, M.J. Loomes and D. Kornbrot
  • The Personal Construct Inventory : an alternative construction of personal construct methodology, or just another esoteric questionnaire? (1996) Sue Watson, David Winter and Nicole Rossotti
  • A frame work for business process & information systems reengineering (BP&ISR). (1996) J. Weerakkody
  • Key issues for successful exploitation of BP&ISR in Sri Lanka. (1996) J. Weerakkody, J. Bennett and C. Tagg
  • BP&ISR: an analysis of factors in the Sri Lankan context. (1996) V. Weerakkody
  • The Constructivist Paradigm. (1996) David Winter
  • Into the community or back to the ward? : Clients' construing as a predictor of the outcome of psychiatric rehabilitation. (1996) David Winter
  • Personal construct theory. (1996) David Winter
  • Personal construct theory perspectives on group psychotherapy. (1996) David Winter
  • Psychotherapy's contrast pole. (1996) David Winter
  • Recovery following brain injury : Significant others’ construing as a predictor of clients’ recovery following brain injury. (1996) David Winter, Chris Metcalfe and Hani Shoeb
  • Prototractatus. (1996) Ludwig Wittgenstein
  • Wittgenstein MS115 online. (1996) Ludwig Wittgenstein
  • The Development of the ATM Campus Network in Huazhong University of Science & Technology. (1996) Hannan Xiao and Bin Xin Shi
  • High power GTO AC/DC current source converter with minimum switching frequency and maximum power factor. (1996) Y. Xiao, B. Wu, F.A. De Winter and R. Sotudeh
  • Connecting Multi-Protocol Network to ATM---MPOA. (1996) Xin Zhao, Bo Feng and Hannan Xiao