
Number of items: 340.
  • Antarctica Silence (Polar South) : [Video portraits, photographs and drawn artefacts from an artist's residency in Antarctica]. (2010)
  • Cell Culture Techniques. (2010)
  • Dave Smith Piano Music. (2010)
  • Fluid-borne Particle Detector. (2010)
  • Forever Is Never : Video Installation. (2010)
  • GRAVE. (2010)
  • Ghosts : A Social History. (2010)
  • Homage : A Personal History 1979-2010. (2010)
  • IMPACCT (Integrated Management oPtions for Agricultural Climate Change miTigation). (2010)
  • Nothing is Lost : Solo Exhibition. (2010)
  • Oral Delivery of Hydrophilic Drugs to the Brain. (2010)
  • Plänterwald : [Video and photographic installation]. (2010)
  • Speaker Verification. (2010)
  • Stem Scald. (2010)
  • 'Threads of Feeling': Exhibition. (2010)
  • Writing Design: Words, Myths, Practices. (2010)
  • War Monuments and the Changing Discourses of Nation and Soldiery. (2010) Gillian Abousnnouga
  • A Chi-square testing-based intrusion detection Model. (2010) Nasser Abouzakhar and Abu Bakar
  • An Enhanced Eigenfaces-based Biometric Forensic Model. (2010) Nasser Abouzakhar and Praneeth Enjamuri
  • Analysis of Variability in Neonatal Care Units : A Retrospective Analysis. (2010) Shola Adeyemi, Eren Demir, Salma Chahed and Thierry J Chaussalet
  • Intelligent co-operative PIM architecture for image analysis and pattern recognition. (2010) Z. Ahmed, R. Sotudeh and D.M.A. Hussain
  • Postscript : Little Britain USA. (2010) Kim Akass
  • What Has HBO Ever Done for Women? : Towards a New Feminist TV Criticism. (2010) Kim Akass and Janet McCabe
  • Fast wall-following exploration with two cooperating mobile robots. (2010) M. Al Khawaldah and S. Livatino
  • Reduced overlap frontier-based exploration with two cooperating mobile robots. (2010) M. Al Khawaldah, S. Livatino and D. Lee
  • Voices from ten years of the National Teaching Fellowship Scheme. (2010) Guillaume Alinier
  • Mapping healthcare simulation to Chickering and Gamson’s good education practice principles. (2010) Guillaume Alinier, Ashwin Kalbag, Mark Russell and D Cheyne
  • A regional patients safety training initiative for multidisciiplinary clinical teams. (2010) Guillaume Alinier, Indu Sockalingam, Omaima Glesa, Rupinder P. Kaur and Barry Hunt
  • Project oriented learning - a vehicle for teaching systems integration. (2010) S. Arnold, H. Ash and D. Germany
  • An Autonomous Proxemic System for a Mobile Companion Robot. (2010) Mohammedreza Asghari Oskoei, Michael Walters and K. Dautenhahn
  • The epidemiological importance of asymptomatic infection of winter barley by Rhynchosporium secalis and its consequences for crop protection and breeding. (2010) Simon D. Atkins, Bruce D.L. Fitt, B. A. Fraaije, S Harvey, J. Lynott and A. C. Newton
  • Asymptomatic infection of winter and spring barley by Rhynchosporium secalis: effects and implications for epidemiology and host resistance. (2010) Simon D. Atkins, J. F. Stonard, B. A. Fraaije, J. A. Lucas, Bruce D.L. Fitt and A. C. Newton
  • Investigation of Double-Chamber Series Valveless Micropump : An Analytical Approach. (2010) A. Azarbadegan, E. Moeendarbary, Cesar Cortes Quiroz and I. Eames
  • Corrosion of structural metals treated by pulse electric current. (2010) Anatolii Babutskyi, A. Chrysanthou and John Ioannou
  • Influence of pulsed electric current and additional heating on relaxation of grinding-induced residual stresses. (2010) Anatolii Babutskyi, L. Kruszka, I. Mameev and G. Stepanov
  • Evaluation of residual stresses in CFC-copper monoblocks before and after pulse electromagnetic treatment. (2010) Anatolii Babutskyi, I. Mameev and G. Stepanov
  • Using volunteer-employed photography : Seeing St David's peninsula through the eyes of locals and tourists. (2010) Nika Balomenou and Brian Garrod
  • Structural Studies on Glycosylated PAMAM Dendrimers. (2010) Teresa S. Barata, Steve Brocchini, Ian Teo, Sunil Shaunak and Mire Zloh
  • The provision of automated feedback for practical and essay tests. (2010) T. Barker
  • Sustainable Development : The Year in Review. (2010) Virginie Barral
  • Towards an Affect Space for robots to display emotional body language. (2010) A. Beck, Lola Cañamero and K.A. Bard
  • Interpretation of emotional body language displayed by robots. (2010) A. Beck, A. Hiolle, A. Mazel and Lola Cañamero
  • Physiotherapy in the management of hemophilia. (2010) K. Beeton and Jane Padkin
  • Open Innovation Readiness: a Tool. (2010) K. Bevis and A. Cole
  • Transplantation of Human NSCs on VEGF-Releasing Microparticle Scaffolds in a Stroke Model. (2010) Ellen Bible, David Y.S. Chau, M. R. Alexander, J. Price, Kevin M. Shakesheff and Michel Modo
  • Comparative Efficacy And Tolerability Of Antiepileptic Drugs For Refractory Epilepsy : A Systematic Review And Network Meta-Analysis And Network Meta Analysis. (2010) Pritesh N. Bodalia, Anthony M. Grosso, Rajesh Sofat, Raymond J. Macallister, Liam Smeeth, S. Dhillon, Juan-Pablo Casas, David Wonderling and A.D. Hingorani
  • Use of qPCR techniques to predict light leaf spot resistance of oilseed rape varieties. (2010) E. J. Booth, Jon S. West, Bruce D.L. Fitt, S. L. Rodgers, Rodger White, A.D. Todda, A. O. Latunde-Dada, J.E. Thomas and Peter Gladders
  • Relativity Theory and the Contingency of Tense. (2010) Craig Bourne
  • Physical activity programmes in high schools. (2010) F. Brooks and Josefine Magnusson
  • 'From Ham House to the Pineapples of Groombridge Place: Locating The Draughtsman’s Contract'. (2010) Mark Broughton
  • 'Landscape Gardens in The Ruling Class'. (2010) Mark Broughton
  • 'Picturesque Irony: Brideshead Revisited as an Artist Programme'. (2010) Mark Broughton
  • 'A Sculptural Moment: The Epilogue of Les Deux Anglaises et le Continent (1971)'. (2010) Mark Broughton
  • Tri-partnerships in Knowledge Transfer: changing entrepreneurial mindsets. (2010) Christopher Brown and Diane Morrad
  • Diversity in Russia. (2010) Moira Calveley and Graham Hollinshead
  • Pop go the classics : When Nigel Kennedy's Four Seasons recording was released in September 1989, using pop techniques to market a classical release fr the first time, it was a move that changed the way classical music business operated forever, argues former record company press officer Marius Carboni. (2010) Marius Carboni
  • Deconstructing the practice of internationalisation : from a policy position to a way of being. (2010) Penelope Carey
  • Ecological determinants of Bemisia tabaci resistance to insecticides. (2010) S J Castle, J C Palumbo, N Prabhakar, A. R. Horowitz and Ian Denholm
  • Search for the coolest white dwarfs in the Galaxy. (2010) S. Catalan, R. Napiwotzki, S.T. Hodgkin, D.J. Pinfield and D.C. Hornillos
  • The impact of mergers in the white dwarf mass distribution. (2010) Silvia Catalan, J. Isern, E. Garcia-Berro and M. Hernanz
  • Abbey Steel : Conquering the steel recycling market. (2010) Maurizio Catulli
  • Changing the rules of the marketing game : towards Product Service Systems supported by interaction and relationship management practices. (2010) Maurizio Catulli
  • Theatre as a Discussion Tool in Human-Robot Interaction Experiments : A Pilot Study. (2010) A.R. Chatley, K. Dautenhahn, M.L. Walters, D.S. Syrdal and B. Christianson
  • Enhancing the Induction Process of New Teacher Educators through a Self-study Group. (2010) Leo Chivers, Christine Collins, Elisabeth Lee, Dianne Solly, Claire Dickerson, Joy Jarvis and Roger Levy
  • Diffusion of e-government in Nigeria : an exploratory study of culture and gender. (2010) Jyoti Choudrie, Cynthia Forson and Emeka Umeoji
  • SED fitting of nearby galaxies in the Herschel Reference Survey. (2010) L. Ciesla, A. Boselli, V. Buat, L. Cortese, R. Auld, M. Baes, G.~J. Bendo, S. Bianchi, J. Bock, D.~J. Bomans, M. Bradford, N. Castro-Rodriguez, P. Chanial, S. Charlot, M. Clemens, D. Clements, E. Corbell, A. Cooray, D. Cormie, A. Dariush, J. Davies, I. de Looze, S. di Serego Alighieri, E. Dwek, S. Eales, D. Elbaz, D. Fadda, J. Fritz, M. Galametz, F. Galliano, D.~A. Garcia-Appadoo, G. Gavazzi, W. Gear, C. Giovanardi, J. Glenn, H. Gomez, M. Griffin, M. Grossi, S. Hony, T.~M. Hughes, L. Hunt, K. Isaak, A. Jones, L. Levenson, N. Lu, S.~C. Madden, B. O'Halloran, K. Okumura, S. Oliver, M. Page, P. Panuzzo, A. Papageorgiou, T. Parkin, I. Perez-Fournon, D. Pierini, M. Pohlen, N. Rangwala, E. Rigby, H. Roussel, A. Rykala, S. Sabatini, N. Sacchi, M. Sauvage, B. Schulz, M. Schirm, M.~W.~L. Smith, L. Spinoglio, J. Stevens, S. Sundar, M. Symeonidis, M. Trichas, M. Vaccari, J. Verstappen, L. Vigroux, C. Vlahakis, C. Wilson, H. Wozniak, G. Wright, E.~M. Xilouris, W. Zeilinger and S. Zibetti
  • IR imaging surveys of AGB stars in the Magellanic Clouds. (2010) M-R.L. Cioni
  • Semantic Composition with Quotient Algebras. (2010) D. Clarke, R. Lutz and D. Weir
  • Perception Imagination and Demonstrative Reference. (2010) Paul Coates
  • Brandom's Two-Ply Error. (2010) Paul Coates and W.H. de Vries
  • Ludwig Wittgenstein: Later Works. (2010) Annalisa Coliva and Daniele Moyal-Sharrock
  • Global Mechanisms and Higher Education. (2010) B. Connors
  • Brand Mindspace : The final frontier for marketers? (2010) Muditha Cooray and Rikke Duus
  • Convert, Defend and Acquire : Evaluating consumer preference through brand mindspace. (2010) Muditha Cooray and Rikke Duus
  • Knowledge exchange through collaborative learning communities. (2010) Muditha Cooray and Rikke Duus
  • An analysis of the 'inconclusive' change report category in OSS assisted by a program slicing metric. (2010) S. Counsell, T. Hall, E. Nasseri and D. Bowes
  • The Place of Learning and Teaching Research in Business Schools : BMAF Survey Results. (2010) Marija Cubric
  • Mapping the technology landscape : linking pedagogy to the affordances of different technologies. (2010) Marija Cubric and Mark Russell
  • Encounters and ‘Seeing Through’ : Scaling Informatics, Fidelity and Representation. (2010) Paul Cureton
  • The LAS Story : Learning From Failure. (2010) Darren Dalcher
  • Multi-Channel Patterning of Antibodies on a Sensor Surface for Simultaneous Detection of Pathogens and Toxins. (2010) M. J. Davies, M.B. McDonnell, I.D. Johnston, E.A. Perkins and M.C. Tracey
  • Discovery of the first white dwarf + T dwarf binary system and the use of white dwarfs as age calibrators. (2010) Avril Day-Jones, D.J. Pinfield, M. Ruiz, H. Beaumont, J. Gallardo, A. Gianninas, P. Bergeron, Ralf Napiwotzki, J.S. Jenkins, B. Burningham, Z.H. Zhang, H.R.A. Jones, D. Murray, Silvia Catalan and Joana Ines Gomes
  • Optimization of neuronal morphologies for pattern recognition. (2010) Giseli De Sousa, Reinoud Maex, R.G. Adams, N. Davey and Volker Steuber
  • MIMO-OFDM with pilot-aided channel estimation for WiMax systems. (2010) F. Delestre and Y. Sun
  • A channel estimation method for MIMO-OFDM Mobile WiMax systems. (2010) F. Delestre and Y. Sun
  • An approach to exploring the effect of weather variations on chronic disease incidence rate and potential changes in future health systems. (2010) Eren Demir
  • An Integrated Physiological Model of the Lung Mechanics and Gas Exchange Using Electrical Impedance Tomography in the Analysis of Ventilation Strategies in ARDS Patients. (2010) Mouloud Denai, M. Mahfouf, A. Wang, D.A. Linkens and G.H. Mills
  • Absolute EIT Coupled to A Blood Gas Physiological Model for The Assessment of Lung Ventilation in Critical Care Patients. (2010) Mouloud Denai, S. Mohamed-Samuri, M. Mahfouf and G.H. Mills
  • Making anti-thrombotic bypass vessels from selected populations of vascular smooth muscle cells. (2010) A.A. Dhanji, F.Y. Ali, Louise Susan MacKenzie, A. Shipolini, J.A. Mitchell and T.D. Warner
  • The Role of Knowledge Integration Capability and Collaboration Quality in Multi-Partner Projects. (2010) Perttu Dietrich, Pernille Eskerod, Darren Dalcher and Birinder Singh Sandhawalia
  • What do You Want to do Today? : Relevant-Information Bookkeeping in Goal-Oriented Behaviour. (2010) Sander G. van Dijk, D. Polani and C.L. Nehaniv
  • Managing Innovation in a Publicly-funded Organization : The Innovator’s Perspective. (2010) Mariana Dodourova, K.R. Randle and Keith Bevis
  • Developing a Web 2.0 pedagogy to engage the net generation learner in a community for learning in higher education. (2010) M. Doolan
  • Developing principles in practice: a dialogue in assessment and feedback. (2010) M. Doolan and P. Morris
  • Engaging tutors and learners through audio supported pedagogy. (2010) M. Doolan and M. Simpson
  • Pedagogical and Innovative Practice : Using technologies to support Assessment and Assessment Feedback in real-time. (2010) Martina Doolan
  • Simulating probability learning and probabilistic reversal learning using the attention-gated reinforcement learning (AGREL) model. (2010) B. Erdeniz and N.B. Atalay
  • The Value of a Food System Approach. (2010) P. Ericksen, B. Stewart, J. Dixon, David Barling, P. Loring, M. Anderson and J. Ingram
  • The kinematics of Core and Cusp galaxies : comparing HST imaging and integral-field observations. (2010) J. Falcon-Barroso, R. Bacon, M. Cappellari, R.L. Davies, P.T. de Zeeuw, E. Emsellem, D. Krajnovic, H. Kuntschner, R.M. McDermid, R.F. Peletier, Marc Sarzi and G. van de Ven
  • Action Research. (2010) Scott Fernie and Karen Smith
  • “Does it work?” A framework to evaluate the effectiveness of a robotic toy for children with special needs. (2010) E. Ferrari, B. Robins and K. Dautenhahn
  • The rediscovery and posthumous influence of scepticism. (2010) Luciano Floridi
  • Social capital, migration and self-employment : Black women in business. (2010) Cynthia Forson
  • Representations of time in symbol grounding systems. (2010) F. Forster and C.L. Nehaniv
  • Henry Addison’s advice manuals for expatriates and the construction of identity in 19th-century British communities on the Continent. (2010) Pieter Francois
  • Boron depletion in 9 to 15 M(circle dot) stars with rotation. (2010) U. Frischknecht, R. Hirschi, G. Meynet, S. Ekstroem, C. Georgy, T. Rauscher, C. Winteler and F-K. Thielemann
  • When life hangs on biosemiosis: tracking expertise in a medical simulation centre. (2010) M. Galosia, S.V. Steffensen, S. Cowley and Guillaume Alinier
  • Low-mass Objects in Moving Groups. (2010) M. C. Galvez-Ortiz, J. R. A. Clarke, D.J. Pinfield, S. L. Folkes, J. S. Jenkins, A. E. Garcia Perez, B. Burningham, A. C. Day-Jones and H.R.A. Jones
  • Up to thirty percent of healthy subjects experience paradoxical heat during sustained cold stimulation. (2010) Bijal Ganatra, H Benson, Hilde Bratlie, Mandy De'Ath, Penny Moss, Max Zusman and Tony Wright
  • Thirty percent of healthy subjects exhibit cold hyperalgesia associated with dysaesthetic and paradoxical sensations. (2010) Bijal Ganatra, Penny Moss, Hilde Bratlie, Mandy De'Ath and Tony Wright
  • Datalogging the landscape. (2010) Alison Gazzard
  • Player as parent, character as child : Understanding avatarial relationships in gamespace. (2010) Alison Gazzard
  • Incubation effects in problem solving : unconscious work, selective forgetting or attentional shift? (2010) Kenneth Gilhooly and George Georgiou
  • Examining the Relationship of Board Attributes with Organisational Demography: Evidence from Greek Listed Companies Operating in the Service Sector. (2010) Ioannis Gkliatis, Dimitrios Koufopoulos and Eudokia Tsoni
  • Feature extraction from spectro-temporal signals using dynamic synapses, recurrency, and lateral inhibition. (2010) C. Glackin, L. Maguire and L. McDaid
  • Computer Simulation Environments. (2010) Padraig Gleeson, Angus Silver and Volker Steuber
  • A G.984 GPON exhibiting multi-wavelength protocol functionalities. (2010) A. Gliwan, P. Kourtessis and J.M. Senior
  • The CHREST architecture of cognition : the role of perception in general intelligence. (2010) F. Gobet and P.C.R. Lane
  • The Archivist. (2010) Daniel Goodbrey
  • Focus Groups. (2010) Claire Goodman and Catherine Evans
  • Analysis method of crack propagation data by genetic algorithms. (2010) Marzio Grasso, Francesco Penta, Paolo Pinto and Giovanni Pio Pucillo
  • Software defect prediction using static code metrics underestimates defect-proneness. (2010) David Gray, David Bowes, N. Davey, Yi Sun and B. Christianson
  • Selecting Features in Origin Analysis. (2010) P. D. Green, P.C.R. Lane, A. Rainer and S. Scholz
  • Analysing Ferret XML reports to estimate the density of copied code. (2010) Pamela Green, Peter Lane, Austen Rainer and Sven-Bodo Scholz
  • Unscrambling code clones for one-to-one matching of duplicated code. (2010) Pamela Green, Peter Lane, Sven-Bodo Scholz and Austen Rainer
  • S-Net for multi-memory multicores. (2010) C. Grelck, J. Julku and F. Penczek
  • Effect of a novel penetration enhancer system on the ungual permeation of antifungal agents. (2010) H. M. T. Griffith, M.J. Traynor, R. B. Turner, C. R. G. Evans, R. H. Khengar, S. A. Jones and Marc Brown
  • Alpha-induced reactions for the astrophysical p-process : the case of (151)Eu. (2010) G. Y. Gyuerky, Z. Elekes, J. Farkas, Z. S. Fueloep, G. G. Kiss, E. Somorjai, T. Szuecs, R. T. Guray, N. Ozkan, C. Yalcin and T. Rauscher
  • Evaluating Three Approaches to Extracting Fault Data from Software Change Repositories. (2010) Tracy Hall, David Bowes, Gernot Liebchen and Paul Wernick
  • Process feasibility analysis of self-pierce riveting high strength low alloy steel. (2010) L. Han, M. Thornton, R. Hewitt, A. Chrysanthou and M. Shergold
  • Two Agents Acting as One. (2010) Malte Harder, D. Polani and C.L. Nehaniv
  • Typography Teaching and Learning, from Aesthetics to Ethics. (2010) Matthias Hillner
  • Virtual Typography. (2010) Matthias Hillner
  • my journey towards virtual typography. (2010) Matthias Hillner
  • London's Lives, 1690-1800. (2010) Tim Hitchcock and Robert Shoemaker
  • Modelling human memory in robotic companions for personalisation and long-term adaptation in HRI. (2010) W.C. Ho, K. Dautenhahn, M.Y. Lim and K. Du Casse
  • The concept of a routine. (2010) Geoffrey Hodgson
  • Introduction : Gender and Power in Shrew-Taming Narratives. (2010) Graham Holderness
  • " Darkenes was before light":hierarchy and duality in The Taming of a Shrew. (2010) G. Holderness
  • Introduction. (2010) G. Holderness
  • Shakespearean selves. (2010) G. Holderness
  • Vernalization up-regulates gibberellin biosynthesis at the shoot apex prior to bolting in sugar beet. (2010) Helen Holmes, Euphemia Mutasa-Gottgens, Stephen Thomas and Peter Hedden
  • High sensitivity polarimetry : techniques and applications. (2010) J. Hough
  • Characterisation of ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters in the Calu-3 human bronchial epithelial cell culture model. (2010) Victoria Hutter, Constanze Hilgendorf, Alan Brown, Anne Cooper, Vanessa Zann, David Pritchard and Cynthia Bosquillon
  • Radical enactivism and narrative practice: implications for psychopathology. (2010) D. Hutto
  • New forms of work : new occupational identities. (2010) Ursula Huws and Simone Dahlmann
  • In times of crisis invest in maturity : results of an assessment in Iceland. (2010) Helgi Thor Ingason, Darren Dalcher and Haukur Ingi Jonasson
  • Optimum seed rates and plant populations of English sugar beet cultivation. (2010) K. W. Jaggard, G. F. J. Milford, Aiming Qi, C. J. A. Clark, E. S. Ober, C. Walters and E. Burks
  • Why a bumper beet crop in 2009? (2010) K. W. Jaggard and Aiming Qi
  • Possible changes to arable crop yields by 2050. (2010) Keith W. Jaggard, Aiming Qi and Eric S. Ober
  • Inclusion in main stream classrooms : experiences of deaf pupils. (2010) Joy Jarvis, Alessandra Iantaffi and Indra Sinka
  • Diversity and Conformity in the Use of Technology by ‘Net Generation’ Learners : Exploring Research Outcomes to Inform Future Academic Practice. (2010) Amanda Jefferies
  • How Learners Change: Critical Moments, Changing Minds. (2010) Amanda Jefferies and Judy Hardy
  • Comparison of Real-Time DSP-Based Edge Detection Techniques for License Plate Detection. (2010) Zoe Jeffrey, F. Bensaali, S. Ramalingam and G. Pissanidis
  • Edge detection comparison for license plate detection. (2010) Zoe Jeffrey, S. Ramalingam and N. Bekooy
  • Simultaneously blogging your way to better engagement with secondary school pupils and university undergraduates. (2010) James Jenkins
  • Freedom of Expression in Cyberspace and the Coroner’s and Justice Act 2009. (2010) Maureen Johnson
  • Free for some? : Setting the context for the 'On The Buses' study. (2010) Alasdair John Howard Jones
  • Connected Communities : How social networks power and sustain the Big Society. (2010) Alasdair John Howard Jones, Jonathan Rowson and Steve Broome
  • Still and Still Moving : Solo show, video installation. (2010) Samantha Jury
  • Avoiding timing anomalies using code transformations. (2010) A. Kadlec, Raimund Kirner and P. Puschner
  • High-Fidelity Simulation-based training module for Anaesthesia Core trainee years 1 and 2 on Acute Post-operative Pain management. (2010) Ashwin Kalbag, Guillaume Alinier, D Cheyne and J Poncia
  • Error Detection Rate of MC/DC for a Case Study from the Automotive Domain. (2010) Susanne Kandl and Raimund Kirner
  • Durability indicators of SCC towards performance-based specifications for the durability of SCC. (2010) Antonios Kanellopoulos, Ioannis Ioannou and Michael F. Petrou
  • Self-consolidating concrete and its bond to reinforcement. (2010) Antonios Kanellopoulos, Michael F. Petrou and Ioannis Ioannou
  • The effects of acute magnesium supplementation on maximal intensity short-term exercise and subsequent effect on blood pressure and isokinetic knee extension during recovery. (2010) Lindsy Kass and Robert Pulford
  • Modal Analysis of Systems Using a Neuro-fuzzy Approach. (2010) Farbod Khoshnoud and Clarence de Silva
  • Analysis and Design of a Nano-electromechanical Vibration Sensor. (2010) Farbod Khoshnoud, Clarence de Silva and Houman Owhadi
  • Stochastic Simulation of a Casimir Oscillator. (2010) Farbod Khoshnoud, Clarence de Silva and Houman Owhadi
  • Compiler-support for robust multi-core computing. (2010) Raimund Kirner, Stephan Herhut and Sven-Bodo Scholz
  • Time-Predictable Computing. (2010) Raimund Kirner and Peter Puschner
  • PS-NET - a predictable typed coordination language for stream processing in resource-constrained environments. (2010) Raimund Kirner, Sven-Bodo Scholz, Frank Penczek and Alex Shafarenko
  • Blogging and Citizen Journalism. (2010) Megan Knight
  • The role of social networking as a newsgathering tool in the coverage of the Iranian elections in 2009. : IAMCR. (2010) Megan Knight
  • Head direction cells are influenced more by visual landmarks than the geometric features of an environment. (2010) Rebecca Knight, Robin Hayman, Lin Lin Ginzberg and Kathryn Jeffery
  • Chemo-dynamical Simulations and Galactic Archaeology. (2010) Chiaki Kobayashi
  • Chemo-dynamical simulations of galaxies. (2010) Chiaki Kobayashi
  • Chemodynamical Simulations with Variable IMF. (2010) Chiaki Kobayashi
  • Numerical simulations of elliptical galaxies. (2010) Chiaki Kobayashi
  • As time goes by: representing and reasoning about timing in human-robot interaction studies. (2010) H. Kose-Bagci, F. Broz, Q. Shen, K. Dautenhahn and C.L. Nehaniv
  • The use of simulation in an MPharm undergraduate course in a new school of pharmacy. (2010) Andrzej Kostrzewski, Marjorie Brodie, Krishna Patel and Guillaume Alinier
  • Macroporous Silicon Electrochemical Etching for Gas Diffusion Layers Applications : Effect of Processing Temperature. (2010) Sebastien Kouassi, Gael Gautier, Sebastien Desplobain, L. Coudron and Laurent Ventura
  • Physics and fate of jet related emission line regions. (2010) M. Krause and V. Gaibler
  • Joint optimisation for object class segmentation and dense stereo reconstruction. (2010) L. Ladicky, S. Sengupta, C. Russell, P. Sturgess, Yalin Bastanlar, William Clocksin and P.H.S. Torr
  • Authoritarian vs authoritative teaching : Polya and Lakatos. (2010) B. Larvor
  • Syntactic analogies and impossible extensions. (2010) B. Larvor
  • Opportunities in china’s nuclear energy programme. (2010) Bill Lee, Ju Wang and Guogang Ren
  • General Introduction. (2010) Grace Lees-Maffei
  • Cube Project and the Product Design Curriculum. (2010) Julian Lindley
  • Sustainability’s relationship with Product Design Education : Presented at Knowledge Collaboration & Learning for Sustainable Innovation ERSCP-EMSU conference, Delft, The Netherlands. (2010) Julian Lindley
  • Irony and humour in the Postscript. (2010) John Lippitt
  • Social Work in England and Wales : areas of work and current developments. (2010) Brian Littlechild and Karen Lyons
  • Augmented reality stereoscopic visualization for intuitive robot teleguide. (2010) S. Livatino, G. Muscato, D. De Tommaso and M. Macaluso
  • Video and laser based augmented reality stereoscopic viewing for mobile robot teleoperation. (2010) Salvatore Livatino, G. Muscato, F. Banno, D. De Tommaso and M. Macaluso
  • Toward a Cybernetic Ontology of Thingyness. (2010) S. Lockhart Nelson
  • COX-1 or COX-2 deletion is associated with increased nuclear NF-κB in the endothelium of the aortic arch. (2010) Martina Lundberg, Louise Susan Harrington, Phillip D.M. Leadbeater, Tim D. Warner and Jane A. Mitchell
  • Preparing to talk : Interaction between a linguistically enabled agent and a human teacher. (2010) Caroline Lyon, C.L. Nehaniv and Joe Saunders
  • Mathematical models of excitability in biological membranes, cells and networks. (2010) Reinoud Maex
  • The development of a competency based assessment framework for Nuclear Medicine and PET-CT radiographers and technologists. (2010) Vicki Major and Gill Winter
  • The Exploitation of Opportunities within the WTO/TRIPS Agreement towards a Framework of Regional Pharmaceutical Compounding Programme : A Critical Analysis of Institutional Reform and Legal Framework Requirements. (2010) Thaddeus Manu
  • Alyona : live performance work of Poetry, Hip-Hop and Immersive sound. (2010) David Mapp
  • Views and Experiences of End of Life Care of Older People Living in Care Homes. (2010) Elspeth Mathie, Claire Goodman, Melanie Jane Handley, Diane Thompson, Alex Mendoza, Daphne Westwood, Marion Cowe, Diane Munday, Katherine Froggatt, Stephen Barclay, Clare Crang, Steve Iliffe, Jill Manthorpe, Heather Gage, Pam Fenner and Richard Garlick
  • The contribution of a community food group to older people’s nutritional and social well-being : An assets model. (2010) Jane McClinchy, Dee Burke, Mary Jennings, D. Westwood, Helen Massey and Angela Dickinson
  • An exploration of the nutritional advice given to patients by Allied Health Professionals. (2010) Jane McClinchy, Lynne Gordon, Julia Williams, Gail Fairey and M.C. Cairns
  • CD recording of works by Raymond Warren. Philip Mead, piano with Seamus Heaney, narrator. (2010) Philip Mead
  • Public Involvement in Research : Experiences of Older People Living and Dying in Care Homes (EPOCH). (2010) Alex Mendoza, Marion Cowe, Daphne Westwood, Diane Thompson and Elspeth Mathie
  • The Ethnic Imperative : Community Radio as dialogic and participatory and the case study of XK FM. (2010) Brillant Mhlanga
  • Suffering and Contentment. (2010) Tony Milligan
  • Multi-wavelength wireless-PON. (2010) M. Milosavljevic, A. Gliwan, P. Kourtessis and J.M. Senior
  • Transparent wireless transmission over the ACCORDANCE optical/wireless segment. (2010) M. Milosavljevic, P. Kourtessis and J.M. Senior
  • A multi-wavelength access network featuring WiMAX transmission over GPON links. (2010) M. Milosavljevic, M.P. Thakur, P. Kourtessis, J.E. Mitchell and J.M. Senior
  • Wireless-PONs with Extended Wavelength Band Overlay. (2010) Milos Milosavljevic, Pandelis Kourtessis and J.M. Senior
  • Identifying counterfeit medicines using near infrared spectroscopy. (2010) Anthony C. Moffat, Robert A. Watt and Sulaf Assi
  • A Numerical-Experimental Method for the Damage Location in Composite Plates. (2010) Diogo Montalvao, A. M. R. Ribeiro and J. A. B. Duarte-Silva
  • On the use of vibration parameters for the estimation of damage in laminated composite plates. (2010) Diogo Montalvao, A. M. R. Ribeiro and J. A. B. Duarte-Silva
  • Understanding the Rank and File Rebellion in the Long 1970s. (2010) Kim Moody
  • Coming to Language : Wittgenstein's Social 'Theory' of Language. (2010) Daniele Moyal-Sharrock
  • Language-game. (2010) Daniele Moyal-Sharrock
  • The Bank of England, valet of two mastersthe shareholders and the State (1694-1720). (2010) Anne Murphy
  • Every fraction of a Micro-Sievert counts in PET/CT. (2010) Deanna Murray, Vicki Major and D Peet
  • Snoop behaviour in multihop wireless networks. (2010) P. Nambiar, Hannan Xiao and J. Malcolm
  • Hybrid Physiological Modeling of Subjects Undergoing Cyclic Physical Loading. (2010) A.M. Nassef, M. Mahfouf, C.H. Ting, E. Elsamahy, D.A. Linkens and Mouloud Denai
  • Pathogenesis, parasitism and mutualism in the trophic space of microbe-plant interactions. (2010) Adrian C. Newton, Bruce D.L. Fitt, Simon D. Atkins, Dale R. Walters and Tim J. Daniell
  • Harlequin Encore : 60 Years of the Britannia Pantomime. (2010) Janice Norwood
  • Evolution of bistable dynamics in spiking neural controllers for agents performing olfactory attraction and aversion. (2010) Nicolas Oros, Volker Steuber, N. Davey, Lola Cañamero and R.G. Adams
  • Performance Modelling for Climate Models. (2010) A. Osprey, Louis Steenman-Clark, Manju Manjunathaiah and G. D. Riley
  • Source-assisting strategy for distributed space-time block codes. (2010) G. Owojaiye, F. Delestre and Y. Sun
  • Relationships between Perfectionism, Counter-Factual Thinking, and Netball Performance. (2010) Stephen Pack
  • The Self-Practice of Trainee and Accredited Sport and Exercise Scientists (Psychologists): Do We Practice What We Preach? (2010) Stephen Pack and Brian Hemmings
  • QSO winds and galaxy evolution. (2010) M.J. Page, F.J. Carrera and J. A. Stevens
  • The integration of environmental impact assessment and environmental management systems: experiences from the UK. (2010) L. Palframan
  • A role for corporate sustainability strategy in the Garden City. (2010) L. Palframan, J.O. Jenkins and X. Zhang
  • Transiently supersaturated solutions from the dissolution of amorphous powders for topical drug delivery. (2010) I. A. Palmer, S. A. Jones, D. Murnane, M.J. Traynor, Gary Moss and Marc Brown
  • EARLINET observations of the Eyjafjallajokull ash plume over Europe. (2010) Gelsomina Pappalardo, Aldo Amodeo, Albert Ansmann, Arnoud Apituley, Lucas Alados Arboledas, Dimitris Balis, Christine Boeckmann, Anatoli Chaikovsky, Adolfo Comeron, Giuseppe D'Amico, Ferdinando De Tomasi, Volker Freudenthaler, Elina Giannakaki, Aldo Giunta, Ivan Grigorov, Ove Gustafsson, Silke Gross, Martial Haeffelin, Marco Iarlori, Stefan Kinne, Holger Linne, Fabio Madonna, Rodanthi Mamouri, Ina Mattis, Michael McAuliffe, Francisco Molero, Lucia Mona, D. Mueller, Valentin Mitev, Doina Nicolae, Alexandros Papayannis, Maria Rita Perrone, Aleksander Pietruczuk, Manuel Pujadas, Jean-Philippe Putaud, Francois Ravetta, Vincenzo Rizi, Ilya Serikov, Michael Sicard, Valentin Simeonov, Nicola Spinelli, Kerstin Stebel, Thomas Trickl, U. Wandinger, Xuan Wang, Frank Wagner and Matthias Wiegner
  • Borders and Boundaries in Deadwood. (2010) Steven Peacock
  • Tales/Tails from Prickly Pear Blossom Park : An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of the Meaning of a Recreation Place for Elderly Dog Walkers. (2010) Deborah Pearlman Hougie and Stephen Pack
  • Message Driven Programming with S-Net: Methodology and Performance. (2010) F. Penczek, S. Herhut, S. Scholz, A. Shafarenko, J.S. Yang, C.-Y. Chen, N. Bagherzadeh and C. Grelck
  • Network calculations for r-process nucleosynthesis. (2010) I. Petermann, G. Martinez-Pinedo, A. Arcones, W. R. Hix, A. Kelic, K. Langanke, I. Panov, T. Rauscher, K-H Schmidt, Friedrich-Karl Thielemann and N. Zinner
  • Conservation biological control at the landscape level: measuring and modelling. (2010) S. Petit, C Lavigne, A Ferguson, P Tixier, D Bohan, S. Otto, O Alomar, A Vers, G Bocci, L Eggenschwiter, C Moonen, B Golla and Ian Denholm
  • The Vampire in the Machine : exploring the undead interface. (2010) Ivan Phillips
  • Measurement issues in the sonographic assessment of tennis elbow. (2010) Leon Poltawski, Vijay Jayaram and Tim Watson
  • Adventures in motion pictures : Frozen fire. (2010) Kerry William Purcell
  • Projects Project. (2010) Kerry William Purcell
  • Rapid transit. (2010) Kerry William Purcell
  • Sugarbeet yield estimates based on a crop simulator – lessons learned in England. (2010) Aiming Qi and K. W. Jaggard
  • Assessing the cost-effectiveness of inputs. (2010) Aiming Qi, I. Pettitt and M. J. May
  • In Silico Screening of Escort Molecules that Complex with Antibiotics. (2010) S.S. Rahman, S. Gibbons and Mire Zloh
  • Informed Consent in Diagnostic Imaging- An Evaluation of Current Practice. (2010) Aarthi Ramlaul
  • Molecular biology, bioinformatics and basic techniques. (2010) Ralph Rapley
  • Recombinant DNA and genetic analysis. (2010) Ralph Rapley
  • Astrophysical Reaction Rates as a Challenge for Nuclear Reaction Theory. (2010) T. Rauscher
  • Differences between stellar and laboratory reaction cross sections. (2010) T. Rauscher
  • Structure-based design, synthesis, and SAR exploration of pyrrole-2-one analogues as inhibitors of the annexin A2-S100A10 protein interaction : Potential anti-angiogenesis therapeutics. (2010) Tummala Rama Krishna Reddy, Chan Li, Xiaoxia Guo, Peter Fischer and Lodewijk Dekker
  • Using randomised vectors in transcription factor binding site predictions. (2010) F. Rezwan, Yi. Sun, N. Davey, R.G. Adams, A.G. Rust and M. Robinson
  • Mystery, Desire, Superstition & Fear : New Projects from the Visual Effects Research Lab. (2010) Peter Richardson
  • Uncertainty quantification based on forward sensitivity analysis in SISYPHE. (2010) Jan Riehme, R. Kopmann and Uwe Naumann
  • Tactile interaction with a humanoid robot for children with autism: a case study analysis involving user requirements and results of an initial implementation. (2010) B. Robins, F. Amirabdollahian, Z. Ji and K. Dautenhahn
  • An international collaboration for the development of a research training course in an emergent academic discipline. (2010) R. Rocco, M. Biggs and D. Buchler
  • Educating the critical urban planner and designer: a didactical experience in an area of practice. (2010) R. Rocco and R. Rooij
  • Staff dose on mobile PET/CT vans. (2010) A. Rose, D. Peet and Vicki Major
  • cells - confinement – configuration - coding : CELLS Symposium blog. (2010) Heidi Saarinen
  • The effect of non-specific LTD on pattern recognition in cerebellar Purkinje cells. (2010) Karen Safaryan, Reinoud Maex, R.G. Adams, N. Davey and Volker Steuber
  • Chemometrics analysis of solid herbal products and development of spectral databases. (2010) Mazlina M. Said, Simon Gibbons and Mire Zloh
  • Multiband Fractal PIFA (Planar Inverted F Antenna) for mobile phones. (2010) N.A. Saidatu, P.J. Soh, Y. Sun, D. Lauder and A.A.H. Azremi
  • Digested information, a non-semantic motivation for agent-agent interaction. (2010) Christoph Salge
  • Relevant information as a formalised approach to evaluate game mechanics. (2010) Christoph Salge and T. Mahlmann
  • Superior customer service to face intensified competition : A case study of a budget hotel in Watford. (2010) Adrienn Sandor and Mary Quek
  • A review of pluvial flooding management in north London after the July 2007 floods. (2010) Tim Sands and Paul Cross
  • Where Are the Dead? A Genealogy of Mediumship in Victoria Glendinning's Electricity. (2010) Justin Sausman
  • Rock, Paper, Scissors : Overcoming barriers to changing staff practice in technology enhanced learning. (2010) Guy Saward and Irene Anderson
  • Lexical and Grammatical Comprehension in Monolingual and Bilingual Children. (2010) Christina Schelletter and Rachel Ramsey
  • A design study of economically viable PEM fuel cell. (2010) Paul E. Scott, Rajnish Calay and Fateh S. Bhinder
  • The state of being in betwixt and between : Exploring the socio-temporal dimensions of asylum seeker and refugee trauma. (2010) Christos Sermpezis and David Winter
  • The moderating effect of a chief information officer's competence on IT investment and firm performance. (2010) Z. Shao, Y. Feng, Jyoti Choudrie and Y. Liu
  • Understanding the role of ULRs in developing distinctive approaches to union learning. (2010) Steven Shelley
  • The Future of HE : What the sector will look like in 25 years' time and what does this mean for executive education? (2010) Steven Shelley, Eddie Vivien Blass and Anne Jasman
  • Fitness, sport, performance and rehabilitation. (2010) J.V. Simmonds
  • Risks, roles and responsibilities : Evaluating falls in inpatient mental healthcare settings for older people. (2010) C. M. Simpson, Angela Dickinson, Christina Victor, Deborah Humphrey, Venkat Narayanan, Wendy Martin and Caroline Griffiths
  • Older People’s Engagement in the Local Governance of Neighbourhood Renewal : an exploration of facilitating and militating factors. (2010) Charles Melvyn Simpson
  • Look into the Light : Panas Tytenko (1963-). (2010) Patricia Simpson
  • Representing Darwin : Art, Taxidermy and Bio-politics at the Darwin Museum Moscow, 1907-2009. (2010) Patricia Simpson
  • Rodchenko, Physical Culture and the Soviet Darwinian Body in the 1930s. (2010) Patricia Simpson
  • Spectacles, Sport and Soviet ideology in the 1930s. (2010) Patricia Simpson
  • Visualising Evolution : Art, Visual Culture and Darwinisms in the Late19th and early 20th Centuries. (2010) Patricia Simpson
  • Astrophysical S-Factors and Reaction Rates of Threshold (p,n)-Reactions on (99-102)Ru. (2010) Ye Skakun and T. Rauscher
  • Radioisotope Techniques. (2010) Robert Slater
  • Qualitative data analysis. (2010) Karen Smith and Joanne Davies
  • Exposing new academics through action research? (2010) Karen Smith and Scott Fernie
  • Software development : Out of the black box. (2010) Lindsay Smith, Vito Veneziano and Paul Wernick
  • Business Partnering. (2010) Paul Smith
  • Multidisciplinary Simulation-based Team Training Course to Improve Patient Safety. (2010) Indu Sockalingam, V Prasad, Oscar Boomers, Rupinder P Kaur, Omaima Glesa, A. Uthayakumar and Guillaume Alinier
  • Towards effective singing voice extraction from stereophonic recordings. (2010) Stratis Sofianos, A. Ariyaeeinia and R. Polfreman
  • Singing voice separation based on non-vocal independent component subtraction and amplitude discrimination. (2010) Stratis Sofianos, Aladdin Ariyaeeinia and Richard Polfreman
  • Does size matter? : The experience of a small simulation centre. (2010) Ramawad Soobrah, E. Collis, A. Heald, R. L'Heureux, Guillaume Alinier and T. Kuwani
  • Dietary flavonoids as neuroprotective agents. (2010) Jeremy P. E. Spencer, David Vauzour, Katerina Vafeiadou and Ana Rodriguez Mateos
  • An Adaptive, Automated, Individualised Assessment System for Introductory Statistics. (2010) Neil Spencer
  • Central Orbits and Corporeal Realities : Drawing and the Renaissance Workshop. (2010) Craig Staff and Paul Cureton
  • Controlling the disposition of gallium complexes in human skin using iontophoresis. (2010) K. Staff, S. A. Jones and Marc Brown
  • Receptive L2 Grammar Knowledge Development in Bilingual Preschools. (2010) Anja Steinlen, Gisela Hakansson, Alex Housen and Christina Schelletter
  • Patchwork on the Page. (2010) John Styles
  • The application of Gaussian processes in the prediction of absorption across mammalian skin and synthetic membranes. (2010) Y. Sun, M. Prapopoulou, R. Adams, N. Davey, G. P. Moss and Marc Brown
  • Predicting drug absorption rates through human skin. (2010) Yi. Sun, L.Y. Lam, G.P. Moss, M. Prapopoulou, R.G. Adams, N. Davey, David Gray and Marc Brown
  • Intense star formation within resolved compact regions in a galaxy at z = 2.3. (2010) A.M. Swinbank, I. Smail, S. Longmore, A.I. Harris, A.J. Baker, C. De Breuck, J. Richard, A.C. Edge, R.J. Ivison, R. Blundell, Kristen Coppin, P. Cox, M. Gurwell, L.J. Hainline, M. Krips, A. Lundgren, R. Neri, B. Siana, G. Siringo, D.P. Stark, D. Wilner and J.D. Younger
  • Exploring human mental models of robots through explicitation interviews. (2010) D.S. Syrdal, K. Dautenhahn, K.L. Koay, M.L. Walters and N. Otero
  • Video prototyping of dog-inspired non-verbal affective communication for an appearance constrained robot. (2010) D.S. Syrdal, K.L. Koay, M. Gacsi, M.L. Walters and K. Dautenhahn
  • Measurements of high-energy neutron-induced fission of (nat)Pb and (209)Bi. (2010) D. Tarrio, L. Tassan-Got, L. Audouin, B. Berthier, I. Duran, L. Ferrant, S. Isaev, C. Le Naour, C. Paradela, C. Stephan, D. Trubert, U. Abbondanno, G. Aerts, H. Alvarez, F. Alvarez-Velarde, S. Andriamonje, J. Andrzejewski, P. Assimakopoulos, G. Badurek, P. Baumann, F. Becvar, E. Berthoumieux, F. Calvino, M. Calviani, D. Cano-Ott, R. Capote, C. Carrapico, P. Cennini, V. Chepel, E. Chiaveri, N. Colonna, G. Cortes, A. Couture, J. Cox, M. Dahlfors, S. David, I. Dillmann, C. Domingo-Pardo, W. Dridi, C. Eleftheriadis, M. Embid-Segura, A. Ferrari, R. Ferreira-Marques, K. Fujii, W. Furman, I. Goncalves, E. Gonzalez-Romero, F. Gramegna, C. Guerrero, T. Rauscher and n-TOF Collaboration
  • The Ethical Dimension of the Tractatus. (2010) Chon Tejedor
  • Lidar observations of the Eyjafjallajökull volcanic ash plume at Leipzig, Germany. (2010) Matthias Tesche, Albert Ansmann, Anja Hiebsch, Ina Mattis, Jörg Schmidt, Patric Seifert and Ulla Wandinger
  • Accounting for hospices : Palliative care at risk. (2010) Grigorios Theodosopoulos and Colin Haslam
  • The r-, p-, and nu p-Process. (2010) Friedrich-Karl Thielemann, I. Dillmann, K. Farouqi, T. Fischer, C. Froehlich, A. Kelic-Heil, I. Korneev, K.L. Kratz, K. Langanke, M. Liebendoerfer, I. V. Panov, G. Martinez-Pinedo and T. Rauscher
  • Thermal analysis in phase change materials (PCMs) embedded with metal foams. (2010) Yuan Tian and C.Y. Zhao
  • Environmental labels for food : Scientific, practical and economic issues. (2010) John Tzilivakis, Kathleen Lewis and Tom MacMillan
  • Measurements of atmospheric volcanic ash using an aerosol radiosonde. (2010) Joseph Ulanowski, R.G. Harrison and K.A. Nicoll
  • Radiosonde aerosol counter for vertical profiling of atmospheric dust. (2010) Joseph Ulanowski, Edwin Hirst, Paul H. Kaye, R.G. Harrison, K.A. Nicoll and George Rogers
  • Atmospheric dust charging, vertical profiles, and optical properties measured in the Arabian Peninsula during the DREAME campaign. (2010) Joseph Ulanowski, Ismail Sabbah, R.G. Harrison, K.A. Nicoll, Edwin Hirst, Paul H. Kaye, Naif Al-Abbadi and George Rogers
  • Light scattering by ice particles in the Earth's atmosphere and related laboratory measurements. (2010) Zbigniew Ulanowski, Paul H. Kaye, Edwin Hirst and Richard Greenaway
  • Load reconstruction on a missile structure using the Pseudo-Inverse methods. (2010) R. Vishwakarma, D. Turner, A. Lewis, Y. Chen, P. Houghton and Y. Xu
  • Dosimetry. (2010) Martin Vosper
  • Finding and Formulating a Research Question. (2010) Martin Vosper
  • Literature Searching. (2010) Martin Vosper
  • Investigation on surface drying and energy savings of the hybrid dryer. (2010) Wen Chung Wang, Rajnish Calay and Yong Chen
  • Integrated Management options for agricultural climate change mitigation (IMPACCT). (2010) Douglas Warner, Kathleen Lewis, John Tzilivakis and Andrew Green
  • Electrotherapy. (2010) Tim Watson
  • Electrophysical Agents in Physiotherapy. (2010) Tim Watson and Amanda Sutton
  • Air sampling to forecast risk of mycotoxin-producing fusarium species in wheat crops. (2010) Jon S. West, J.A. Townsend, A. East, G. Canning, J. B. Halder and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Anyone out there? Galactic halo post-AGB stars. (2010) S. Weston, R. Napiwotzki and S. Catalan
  • Pat Barker: Regeneration. (2010) Patricia Wheeler
  • Proof-of-Concept Testing of a Sustained Vortex-Flow Configuration for Hybrid Rocket Motors. (2010) R. Wilkinson, R. Day and K. Hart
  • Design, Commissioning and Control System of a Hybrid Rocket Test Cell. (2010) R. Wilkinson, K. Hart and R. Day
  • Ground beetles as predators of oilseed rape pests : incidence, spatio-temporal distributions and feeding. (2010) Ingrid Williams, Andrew Ferguson, M Kruus, E Veromann and Douglas Warner
  • Tackling obesity : promoting physical activity and healthy eating in schools. (2010) Wendy Wills
  • Consuming fast food: the perceptions and practices of middle class young teenagers. (2010) Wendy Wills, K. Backett-Milburn, J. Lawton and Mei-Li Roberts
  • Personal construct psychotherapy under threat. (2010) David Winter
  • A personal construct perspective on control in eating disorders. (2010) David Winter and Eric Button
  • Academies : Diversity, economism and contending forces for change. (2010) Philip Woods
  • Rationalisation, disenchantment and re-enchantment : Engaging with Weber’s sociology of modernity. (2010) Philip Woods
  • Effective Decision-Making and Problem-Solving. (2010) Fred Yamoah
  • A review of nanoparticle functionality and toxicity on the central nervous system. (2010) Z. Yang, Z. W. Liu, R. P. Allaker, P. Reip, J. Oxford, Z. Ahmad and Guogang Ren
  • License plate localisation based on morphological operations. (2010) X. Zhai, F. Bensaali and S. Ramalingam
  • Context-sensitivity in IPET for measurement-based timing analysis. (2010) M. Zolda, S. Bünte and Raimund Kirner