
Number of items: 377.
  • 15 White Sonatas. (2011)
  • Adagio No.8 : [Solo Exhibition: Video projection and drawings]. (2011)
  • At Fifty: Krannert Art Museum, 1961 - 2011. (2011)
  • Bangladesh : Teen Street Theatre Tackles Trafficking. (2011)
  • Bangladesh Communities Find Resources within. (2011)
  • Bio-Pesticides DataBase (BPDB). (2011)
  • Blind with Illiteracy : How CRWRC helped me see. (2011)
  • British Literature of World War I. (2011)
  • Delivering Health to Women & Children in Bangladesh. (2011)
  • The Elstree Project website. (2011)
  • Haiti : The Refe Late Rebuilds the Soil. (2011)
  • Haiti Earthquake : Reaching Out Through Radio. (2011)
  • Homes of Camp Ajidel. (2011)
  • LOADED : a solo exhibition of the work of artist Adam Graff. (2011)
  • Lumina : [for cello and piano]. (2011)
  • Patent: Preparation of pyrrole derivatives as S100 protein binding interaction inhibitors for the treatment of cancer and other diseases. (2011)
  • Performance of a major work by Cornelius Cardew with CoMA. (2011)
  • The Philharmonie Project (Nielsen: Symphony No. 5) : Solo Exhibition, PROGRAM Initiative for Art and Archecture, Berlin. (2011)
  • The Philharmonie Project : 2 Video Installation Artworks. (2011)
  • Plenum : [Computer-generated, real-time architectural sound and light projection]. (2011)
  • Signature. (2011)
  • Stage Backstage / Upturned Starry Sky : Photographic Series, 8 hand printed C-prints. (2011)
  • Stage Backstage : Solo Exhibition, Donald Browne Gallery, Montreal. (2011)
  • UH Ferret : Implementation of a copy-detection tool. (2011)
  • Veterinary Substances DataBase (VSDB). (2011)
  • The Visual Effects Research Lab, 'Visual Effects For Artists' : [Series of four commissioned films: 'Olympia' (Wendy McMurdo), 5 minutes, 'Digital Cinema' (4K), 'Eagle' (Rory Middleton), 2 minutes Hi-Definition; 'Lolcats' (Rachel McLean)10 minutes Hi-Definition; 'Trail of Tears' (Reid and Roger),10 minutes Hi-Definition.]. (2011)
  • inFamous 2: The Fame Strips. (2011)
  • A low-cost apparatus and method for the detection of a fluid-borne particle. (2011)
  • A solo piano recital of sonatas by John White. (2011)
  • The swimmer : Moving Portraits Group Exhibition. (2011)
  • FPGA based intelligent co-operative processor in memory architecture. (2011) Z. Ahmad, R. Sotudeh, D.M. Akbar Hussain and Missing Shahab-ud-din
  • The Best of Everything : Dilemmas of the Working Girl in 'Mad Men'. (2011) Kim Akass and Janet McCabe
  • ”Blabbermouth Cunts”; or, Speaking in Tongues : Narrative Crises for Women in The Sopranos and Feminist Dilemmas. (2011) Kim Akass and Janet McCabe
  • Impact of community pharmacy diabetes monitoring and education programme on diabetes management : a randomised controlled study. (2011) Majid Ali, Fabrizio Schifano, Paul Robinson, G. Phillips, L. Doherty, P. Melnick, L. Laming, A. Sinclair and S. Dhillon
  • Simulation technology in healthcare education. (2011) Guillaume Alinier
  • The new incentive measures in England. (2011) Guillaume Alinier
  • Results from a 3-year study on interprofessional simulation learning. (2011) Guillaume Alinier, Colin Harwood, Patricia Harwood, Krishna Ruparelia, Eileen Huish, Susan Montague and Melina Antuofermo
  • Undergraduate students' view of multidisciplinary working over a 3-year study on interprofessional simulation learning. (2011) Guillaume Alinier, Colin Harwood, Patricia Harwood, Krishna Ruparelia, Eileen Huish, Susan Montague and Melina Antuofermo
  • Number of endothelial progenitor cells are associated with body composition, but not fat intake or blood lipids. (2011) Hana Altowaijri, Michelle Weech, Katerina Vafeiadou, Emma Hobby, Sheila Wu, Jackie Madden, Kim G. Jackson, Sue Todd, Parveen Yaqoob and Julie A. Lovegrove
  • Investigating tactile event recognition in child-robot interaction for use in autism therapy. (2011) F. Amirabdollahian, B. Robins, K. Dautenhahn and Z. Ji
  • Design and instrumentation of an ultrasonic fatigue testing machine. (2011) V. Anes, Diogo Montalvao, A. M. R. Ribeiro, Manuel Freitas and Manuel Fonte
  • Symptomless infection by Rhynchosporium commune in relation to control of barley leaf blotch. (2011) Simon D. Atkins, A. C. Newton, B. A. Fraaije, J. A. Lucas and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Increased Question Sharing Between E-Learning Systems. (2011) Ralph Attard and Bernadette Byrne
  • Evolving Sims's creatures for bipedal gait. (2011) A. Azarbadegan, F. Broz and C.L. Nehaniv
  • Optimization of diffuser/nozzle elements for rectification valveless micropumps. (2011) A. Azarbadegan, Cesar Cortes Quiroz, E. Moeendarbary and Ian Eames
  • Food and family practices : teenagers, eating and domestic life in differing socio-economic circumstances. (2011) Kathryn Backett-Milburn, Wendy Wills, Mei-Li Roberts and Julia Lawton
  • Efficacy of novel antimicrobial agent SMT-19969 (SMT) against simulated Clostridium difficile infection in an in vitro human gut model. (2011) Simon D. Baines, J. Freeman, Grace S. Huscroft, Sharie L. Todhunter, M. H. Wilcox and R. Vickers
  • On the capacity of ASTC-MIMO-OFDM system in a correlated Rayleigh frequency-selective channel. (2011) A. Bannour, M.L. Ammari, R. Bouallegue and Y. Sun
  • Algebraic carrier frequency offset estimator for ASTC-MIMO-OFDM systems over correlated frequency selective channel. (2011) A. Bannour, M.L. Ammari, R. Bouallegue and Yichuang Sun
  • Using FSR sensors to provide tactile skin to the humanoid robot KASPAR. (2011) Guillermo Barbadillo, K. Dautenhahn and Luke Wood
  • Teaching and Learning Games Development in Virtual Worlds : An Empirical Study into Motivation and Immersion. (2011) Trevor Barker
  • Platinum : environmental pollution and health effects. (2011) L. Bencs, K. Ravindra and R. Van Grieken
  • Text-led and Object-led Research Paradigms: doing without words. (2011) Michael Biggs and Daniela Buchler
  • The production of academic research and some barriers to academicization in the creative and performing arts. (2011) Michael Biggs, Daniela Buchler, Roberto Rocco and Cecilie Schjerven
  • Metabolomic profiling of saw palmetto products using proton-NMR spectroscopy and multi-variate analysis. (2011) A. J. Booker, Mire Zloh, M. Said, A. Suter and M. Heinrich
  • Fatalism and the Future. (2011) Craig Bourne
  • Program slicing-based cohesion measurement: the challenges of replicating studies using metrics. (2011) D. Bowes, Tracy Hall and A. Kerr
  • Using an embedded reality approach to improve test reliability for NHPT tasks. (2011) M. Bowler, F. Amirabdollahian and K. Dautenhahn
  • Resistance to Pyrenopeziza brassicae (light leaf spot) in Brassica napus, in International Consultative Research Group on Rapeseed. (2011) Emily F. Boys, Susan Roques, Jon S. West, C. Peter Werner, G. J. King, Paul S. Dyer, David Hughes and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Resistance to Pyrenopeziza brassicae (light leaf spot) in Brassica napus. (2011) Emily F. Boys, Susan Roques, Jon S. West, C. Peter Werner, Graham J. King, Paul S. Dyer, David Hughes and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Involving young people in research : making an impact in public health. (2011) Louca-Mai Brady and Young co-authors
  • Isovalues : A Useful Tool for Marketing Theorists and Practitioners? (2011) Ross Brennan
  • Using Case Studies in University-Level Marketing Education. (2011) Ross Brennan
  • We Have the Technology : An Exploratory Study of B2B Social Media Branding. (2011) Ross Brennan and Robin Croft
  • The Strategy and Tactics of Cases in Marketing Education. (2011) Ross Brennan and Michael Harker
  • Fluid Typography : Construction, Metamorphosis and Revelation. (2011) Barbara Brownie
  • Designing POMDP models of socially situated tasks. (2011) F. Broz, I. Nourbakhsh and Reid Simmons
  • Improving the confidence in measurement-based timing analysis. (2011) S. Bunte, Michael Zolda, M. Tautschnig and Raimund Kirner
  • Community luncheon clubs benefit the nutritional and social well-being of free living older people. (2011) Dee Burke, Mary Jennings, Jane McClinchy, Helen Massey, D. Westwood and Angela Dickinson
  • Brown dwarf companions to white dwarfs. (2011) Matt R. Burleigh, Paul R. Steele, Paul D. Dobbie, Jay Farihi, Ralf Napiwotzki, Pierre F. L. Maxted, Martin A. Barstow, Richard F. Jameson, Sarah L. Casewell, Boris T. Gaensicke and Tom R. Marsh
  • Let's get less optimistic in measurement-based timing analysis. (2011) S. Bünte, Michael Zolda and Raimund Kirner
  • The Beneficial Effects of Non-specific Synaptic Plasticity for Pattern Recognition in Auto-associative Memory. (2011) L. Calcraft, Reinoud Maex, N. Davey and Volker Steuber
  • Changes in marketing in the classical music business over the last 20 years. (2011) Marius Carboni
  • The classical music business. (2011) Marius Carboni
  • The Work of A. Patalocco. (2011) Silvio Carta
  • Evolved solar systems in Praesepe. (2011) Sarah L. Casewell, Matt R. Burleigh, Paul D. Dobbie and Ralf Napiwotzki
  • Robot self-preservation and adaptation to user preferences in game play : a preliminary study. (2011) A. Castro-González, F. Amirabdollahian, D. Polani, M. Malfaz and M.A. Salichs
  • What are the clinical reasoning strategies used by paramedics when diagnosing patients with suspected heart failure? (2011) Matthew Catterall
  • Atmospheric aerosol characterization combining multi-wavelength Raman Lidar and MAX-DOAS measurements in Gwanjgu. (2011) Jihyo Chong, Dong Ho Shin, Kwan Chul Kim, Kwon-Ho Lee, Sungkyun Shin, Y. M. Noh, D. Mueller and Young J. Kim
  • Introduction : Alice doesn't live here anymore (transcript). (2011) B. Christianson
  • Remodelling the attacker : (transcript of discussion). (2011) B. Christianson
  • Security protocol deployment risk : (transcript of discussion). (2011) B. Christianson
  • Arty-facts : The role of performance in the "conventional" PhD. (2011) B. Christianson and Steven Adams
  • Developing robust models for favourability analysis. (2011) Daoud Clarke, Peter Lane and Paul Hender
  • Semi-automatic analysis of traditional media with machine learning. (2011) Daoud Clarke, Peter Lane and Paul Hender
  • Artificial intelligence and the future. (2011) William Clocksin
  • The Red Mole : Workers Councils and Class Consciousness. (2011) Sheila Cohen
  • Thriving in Chaos and Uncertainty : Business as usual for Sri Lankan entrepreneurial marketers. (2011) Muditha Cooray and Rikke Duus
  • Dealing with diversity : cross-cultural aspects of the near death experiences. (2011) Ornella Corazza and K.A.L.A. Kuruppuarachchi
  • Minkowski Metric for Feature Weighting. (2011) Renato Cordeiro De Amorim and Boris Mirkin
  • ‘Legal highs’ – a health warning that does not appear on the wrapper. (2011) John Corkery
  • Analysis and optimization of a passive micromixer with curved-shaped baffles for efficient mixing with low pressure loss in continuous flow. (2011) Cesar Cortes Quiroz, Alireza Azarbadegan, Emadaldin Moeendarbary and Mehrdad Zangeneh
  • Characterization and optimization of a three dimensional T-type micromixer for convective mixing enhancement with reduced pressure loss. (2011) Cesar Cortes Quiroz, Alireza Azarbadegan and Mehrdad Zangeneh
  • A numerical study of the effects of wind acting in different directions on clad scaffolds erected around a low-rise building. (2011) Cesar Cortes Quiroz, H. Irtaza and R.G. Beale
  • Spatio-temporal Environmental Monitoring Systems : A data management and delivery approach based on PostGIS database and Google Maps mashup. (2011) Ezio Crestaz, Vito Veneziano and Maurizio Gibin
  • What is the innovation beyond the 'state of the art' in e-learning? (2011) M. Cubric
  • Wiki-supported collaborative learning. (2011) Marija Cubric
  • An exploratory comparative study of distance-learning programmes. (2011) Marija Cubric, Karen Clark and Mariana Lilley
  • Re-Scale, Drawing & Radical Cartography : Notes after Michel de Certeau. (2011) Paul Cureton
  • Thinking Drawing: aesthetic choice as ethical marker in student drawings. (2011) Paul Cureton and Becky Sobell
  • The 43 Uses of Drawing. (2011) Paul Cureton and Craig Staff
  • Narrative Methods : Success and Failure Stories as Told by Information Systems Users. (2011) Darren Dalcher
  • About Painting : Shadow Series. (2011) Alison Dalwood
  • Unattended Moment : Solo Exhibition. (2011) Alison Dalwood
  • Grounding Synthetic Knowledge : An epistemological framework and criteria of relevance for the scientific exploration of life, affect and social cognition. (2011) Luisa Damiano, Antoine Hiolle and Lola Cañamero
  • Model Updating of an Enclosure using Imaginary Elements. (2011) Opukuro David-West, Jian Wang and Richard Cooper
  • Cuticle Surface Coat of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes. (2011) Keith G. Davies and Rosane H. C. Curtis
  • Fatigue crack growth simulation in railway axles. (2011) Antonio De Iorio, Marzio Grasso, Francesco Penta and Giovanni Pio Pucillo
  • The effect of dendritic morphology on pattern recognition in the presence of active conductances. (2011) Giseli De Sousa, Reinoud Maex, R.G. Adams, N. Davey and Volker Steuber
  • Copper Electrochemical Deposition in Macroporous Silicon Arrays for Through Silicon Via Applications. (2011) Thomas Defforge, Loic Coudron, Gael Gautier, Virginie Grimal, Laurent Ventura and Francois Tran Van
  • Performance of SFBC-OFDM system with pilot aided channel estimation. (2011) F. Delestre and Y. Sun
  • Data preparation for clinical data mining to identify patients at risk of readmission. (2011) Eren Demir
  • Exploring the effect of temperature variations on unplanned asthma admissions. (2011) Eren Demir
  • The impact of temperature disparity on emergency readmissions and patient flows. (2011) Eren Demir
  • Managing social constraints on recharge behaviour for robot companions using memory. (2011) A. Deshmukh, M. Yii Lim, M. Kriegel, R. Aylett, K.D. Casse, K.L. Koay and K. Dautenhahn
  • Learning together through international collaboration in teacher education in Malaysia. Report of a project to develop a Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary Mathematics. (2011) Claire Dickerson, A. Binti Abdullah, Julie Bowtell, Sally Graham, Joy Jarvis, Sally Margaret Jarvis, Roger Levy, L.N. Lui, Bernice Rawlings, H.Y. Su, B.M. Tan, Keith Thomas and Valerie Warren
  • Patient experiences of hospital food provision : Maintaining the older body in hospital. (2011) Angela Dickinson
  • I would be embarrassed for you to see what I eat : Older people rejecting the visual? (2011) Angela Dickinson and J. McClinchy
  • First Measurement of the 64Ni(gamma,n)63Ni Cross Section. (2011) I. Dillmann, T. Faestermann, G. Korschinek, J. Lachner, M. Maiti, M. Poutivtsev, G. Rugel, S. Walter, F. Kaeppeler, M. Erhard, A. R. Junghans, C. Nair, R. Schwengner, A. Wagner, M. Pignatari, T. Rauscher and A. Mengoni
  • Emotional intelligence in knowledge intensive work groups : an empirical study. (2011) Mariana Dodourova and Ayse Gunsel
  • Managing Internationalisaltion in Tertiary Education : A South-Afican – Swaziland Comparison. (2011) Mariana Dodourova and Johan de Jager
  • Developing Pedagogy : The Role of the Tutor in Enabling Student Learning through the Use of a Wiki. (2011) Martina Doolan
  • The Role of the Tutor : Preparing learners to engage in collaborative learning using a Wiki as part of a blend. (2011) Martina Doolan
  • Antenarrative and Narrative : The Experience of Actors Involved in the Development and Use of Information Systems. (2011) Lynette Drevin and Darren Dalcher
  • Using antenarrative approaches to investigate the perceptions of Information Systems’ actors regarding project success and failure. (2011) Lynette Drevin and Darren Dalcher
  • Entrepreneurs forge ahead in chaos and uncertainty : The story of SMEs in Sri Lanka. (2011) Rikke Duus and Muditha Cooray
  • 'Go be gay for that poor, dead intern!': Conversion fantasies and Gay Anxieties in Supernatural'. (2011) Darren Elliott-Smith
  • Shared decision making in health care : achieving evidence based patient choice. (2011) Glyn Elwyn and Marie-Anne Durand
  • Short-term genomic stability of Clostridium difficile within patients and a gut model. (2011) D. W. Eyre, C. Ip, R. M. Harding, J. Freeman, Simon D. Baines, W. N. Fawley, S.D. Walker, D. W. Crook, T. E. A. Peto and M. H. Wilcox
  • The effects of different backpack models on the biomechanics of walking. (2011) K. Farrow, Andrew Mitchell, James Alexander Johnstone and Gerwyn Hughes
  • Translational approaches to obsessive-compulsive disorder : From animal models to clinical treatment. (2011) Naomi Fineberg, S. R. Chamberlain, E. Hollander, V. Boulougouris and T. W. Robbins
  • Contingency allows the robot to spot the tutor and to learn from interaction. (2011) K. Fischer, J. Saunders, H. Lehmann, C.L. Nehaniv, K.S. Lohan, K. Pitsch, K.J. Rohlfing and B. Wrede
  • Arable crop disease control, climate change and food security. (2011) Bruce D.L. Fitt, Neal Evans, P. Gladders, David Hughes, M.J. Jeger, J.A. Turner and Jon S. West
  • Climate change and arable crop disease control : mitigation and adaptation. (2011) Bruce D.L. Fitt, Neal Evans, Peter Gladders, D. J. Hughes, J.W. Madgwick, M.J. Jeger, J.A. Townsend, J.A. Turner and Jon S. West
  • Impacts of climate change on phoma stem canker and light leaf spot on UK oilseed rape. (2011) Bruce D.L. Fitt, Neal Evans, Yongju Huang, Jon S. West and P. Gladders
  • Invasion by Leptosphaeria maculans (phoma stem canker on brassicas) : from genome to worldwide crop. (2011) Bruce D.L. Fitt, B Hu, Zi-Qin Li, ShengYi Liu, R. M. Lange, David Hughes and Thierry Rouxel
  • Gender ethnicity and migration in Black women's start up resourcing. (2011) Cynthia Forson
  • Impacts of changing air composition on severity of arable crop disease epidemics. (2011) B. A. Fraaije, P. Chandramohan, M. W. Shaw and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Design and Assembly of an Ultrasonic Fatigue Testing Machine. (2011) Manuel Freitas, V. Anes, Diogo Montalvao, Luís Reis and A. M. R. Ribeiro
  • Impact of rotation on the weak s-process. (2011) U. Frischknecht, R. Hirschi, T. Rauscher and Friedrich-Karl Thielemann
  • Aesthetics and kinaesthetics. (2011) Shaun Gallagher
  • Forward. (2011) Shaun Gallagher
  • Scanning the lifeworld : Toward a critical neuroscience of action and interaction. (2011) Shaun Gallagher
  • Time in action. (2011) Shaun Gallagher
  • Bringing the imaginary back into play. (2011) Alison Gazzard
  • Locating the local/mapping the network. (2011) Alison Gazzard
  • (Re-)positioning the senses : Perceptions of space in 3D gameworlds. (2011) Alison Gazzard
  • Substellar companions and the formation of hot subdwarf stars. (2011) Stephan Geier, Ulrich Heber, Alfred Tillich, Heiko Hirsch, Thomas Kupfer, Veronika Schaffenroth, Lew Classen, Pierre F. L. Maxted, Roy H. Ostensen, Brad N. Barlow, Tom R. Marsh, Boris T. Gaensicke, Ralf Napiwotzki, Simon J. O'Toole and Eike W. Guenther
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of entrepreneurial leadership coaching. (2011) Christeen George and John Burroughs
  • Prevalence and causes of prescribing and monitoring errors in General Practice in England. (2011) Maisoon Ghaleb, T. Avery, Nick Barber, Bryony Dean Franklin, S. Dhillon, Sarah J. Armstrong, Anette Freyer, Rachel Howard, Brian Serumaga, Cinzia Pezzolesi, S. Crowe and Olanrewaju Talabi
  • Detecting elder financial abuse : Cues used by health, social care and banking professionals in classifying cases as true instances of financial abuse. (2011) M. L. Gilhooly, D. Cairns, M. Davies, P. Harries, K. Gilhooly, A. Gilbert and D. Stanley
  • Key factors influencing decision making in relation to elder financial abuse : A case scenario study of certainty, likelihood of taking action, and action taken. (2011) M. L. Gilhooly, M. Davies, P. Harries, K. Gilhooly and D. Cairns
  • What Directors Do? Do Executives and Non-Executives have the same Roles? (2011) Ioannis Gkliatis and Dimitrios Koufopoulos
  • Lateral inhibitory networks : Synchrony, edge enhancement, and noise reduction. (2011) C. Glackin, L. Maguire, L. McDaid and J. Wade
  • Alyona : [its making and performance]. (2011) R. Godman, L. Richardson and D. Mapp
  • Crossmedia. (2011) Daniel Goodbrey
  • Good practice outside the care homes. (2011) Claire Goodman and Susan Davies
  • Admiration : Illustration for Oliver Burkeman's column for Weekend magazine, The Guardian. (2011) Adam Graff
  • Wet Paint Studio Blog : latest news and current information regarding the professional activity of artist Adam Graff. (2011) Adam Graff
  • Leadership of uncertainty. (2011) Sally Graham and Joy Jarvis
  • The misuse of the NASA metrics data program data sets for automated software defect prediction. (2011) D. Gray, David Bowes, N. Davey, Yi Sun and B. Christianson
  • The Neutron Time-Of-Flight Facility n_TOF At CERN: Phase II. (2011) F. Gunsing, S. Andriamonje, J. Andrzejewski, L. Audouin, V. Becares, F. Becvar, F. Belloni, B. Berthier, E. Berthoumieux, M. Brugger, M. Calviani, F. Calvino, D. Cano-Ott, C. Carrapico, P. Cennini, F. Cerutti, E. Chiaveri, M. Chin, N. Colonna, G. Cortes, M. A. Cortes-Giraldo, I. Dillmann, C. Domingo-Pardo, I. Duran, M. Fernandez-Ordonez, A. Ferrari, K. Fraval, S. Ganesan, I. Giomataris, G. Giubrone, M. B. Gomez-Hornillos, I. F. Goncalves, E. Gonzalez-Romero, F. Gramegna, C. Guerrero, S. Harrisopulos, M. Heil, K. Ioannides, E. Jericha, Y. Kadi, F. Kaeppeler, D. Karadimos, M. Krticka, E. Lebbos, C. Lederer, H. Leeb, R. Losito, M. Lozano, J. Marganiec, T. Rauscher and n TOF Collaboration
  • Harnessing the power of GPUs without losing abstractions in SAC and ARRAYOL : A comparative study. (2011) J. Guo, Sven-Bodo Scholz, W. Rodrigues, F. Guyomarc'h, P. Boulet and J. Thiyagalingamr
  • Breaking the GPU programming barrier with the auto-parallelising SAC compiler. (2011) J. Guo, J. Thiyagalingam and S. Scholz
  • Can misleading hand gestures influence eyewitness testimony? (2011) Daniel Gurney and Karen Pine
  • Mass Measurements of Very Neutron-Deficient Mo and Tc Isotopes and Their Impact on rp Process Nucleosynthesis. (2011) E. Haettner, D. Ackermann, G. Audi, K. Blaum, M. Block, S. Eliseev, T. Fleckenstein, F. Herfurth, F. P. Hessberger, S. Hofmann, J. Ketelaer, J. Ketter, H. -J. Kluge, G. Marx, M. Mazzocco, Yu. N. Novikov, W. R. Plass, S. Rahaman, T. Rauscher, D. Rodriguez, H. Schatz, C. Scheidenberger, L. Schweikhard, B. Sun, P. G. Thirolf, G. Vorobjev, M. Wang and C. Weber
  • Relationship marketing and networks in entrepreneurship. (2011) Sue Halliday
  • Revealing the gamma-ray jet in a black hole binary. (2011) M.J. Hardcastle
  • Think globally, sense locally : From local information to global features. (2011) M. Harder, D. Polani and C.L. Nehaniv
  • Conclusion: The 'Crash' in Central and Eastern Europe. (2011) Jane Hardy and Gareth Dale
  • In-cylinder studies of split injection in a single cylinder optical diesel engine. (2011) M.R. Herfatmanesh, H. Zhao and L. Ganippa
  • Locating Beggars on the Streets of Eighteenth-Century London. (2011) Tim Hitchcock
  • The Proceedings of the Old Bailey, 1674-1913. (2011) Tim Hitchcock
  • Vagrant Lives. (2011) Tim Hitchcock
  • Locating London's Past. (2011) Tim Hitchcock, Robert Shoemaker and Matthew Davies
  • Connected Histories : Sources for British History 1500-1800. (2011) Tim Hitchcock, Robert Shoemaker and Jane Winters
  • Evolutionary economics. (2011) Geoffrey Hodgson
  • Reaction rate sensitivity of 44Ti production in massive stars and implications of a thick target yield measurement for 40Ca(alpha,gamma)44Ti. (2011) R. D. Hoffman, S. A. Sheets, J. T. Burke, N. D. Scielzo and T. Rauscher
  • Squeeze vs. tilt : A comparative study using continuous tactile feedback. (2011) Eve Hoggan, Dari Trendafilov, Teemu Ahmaniemi and Roope Raisamo
  • Criticism and Creativity. (2011) G. Holderness
  • “Strangers ... with vs in Venice”. (2011) G. Holderness
  • Shakespeare and terror. (2011) G. Holderness and B. Loughrey
  • Nursing Older Adults. (2011) Cheryl Holman
  • Effects of Leptosphaeria maculans race structure and fitness cost of virulence on management of phoma stem canker of oilseed rape. (2011) Yongju Huang, Marie-Helene Balesdent, A. P. Van de Wouw, Jenna F. Stonard, Neal Evans, Jon S. West, Thierry Rouxel and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Effects of fungicide on growth of Leptosphaeria maculans and L. biglobosa (phoma stem canker) in oilseed rape. (2011) Yongju Huang, J. R. Hood, S. Rossall, M. Ashworth, G. King and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Expression and functionality of P-glycoprotein in human bronchial epithelial cells in vitro. (2011) Victoria Hutter, Constanze Hilgendorf, Anne Cooper, Vanessa Zann, David Pritchard and Cynthia Bosquillon
  • Consiousness. (2011) D. Hutto
  • Elementary mind minding, enactivist-style. (2011) Daniel Hutto
  • Social cognition : Mindreading and its alternatives. (2011) Daniel Hutto, Mitchell Herschbach and Victoria Southgate
  • Video and audio podcasting on a large under graduate final year module : Case study. (2011) Hajre Hyseni
  • Robots as social mediators for children with Autism : A preliminary analysis comparing two different robotic platforms. (2011) I Iacono, Hagen Lehmann, P. Marti, Ben Robins and K. Dautenhahn
  • Why look at causality in the sciences : A manifesto. (2011) Phyllis Illari
  • Mechanisms are Real and Local. (2011) Phyllis McKay Illari and Jon Williamson
  • Mechanisms underlying the onset and expression of levodopa-induced dyskinesia and their pharmacological manipulation. (2011) Mahmoud M. Iravani and Peter Jenner
  • English beet crops in 2010. (2011) Keith W. Jaggard and Aiming Qi
  • Determining the optimal population density of sugar beet crops in England. (2011) Keith W. Jaggard, Aiming Qi, G. F. J. Milford, C. J. A. Clark, E. S. Ober, C. Walters and E. Burks
  • The First Three Minutes : Seducing the Audience. (2011) Jaya Jayalakshmi
  • Word Play Across Languages and Cultures. (2011) Jaya Jayalakshmi
  • Introducing and Using Electronic Voting Systems in a Large Scale Project With Undergraduate Students : Reflecting on the Challenges and Successes. (2011) Amanda Jefferies
  • Do You See What I See? : Understanding the Challenges of Colour-Blindness in Online Learning. (2011) Amanda Jefferies, Colin Egan, Edmund Dipple and Dave Smith
  • Histogram based classification of tactile patterns on periodically distributed skin sensors for a humanoid robot. (2011) Z. Ji, F. Amirabdollahian, D. Polani and K. Dautenhahn
  • Proposal of a Social Marketing Framework to Influence Greek Undergraduates to Adopt Healthy Eating Habits. (2011) Ariadne Beatrice Kapetanaki and Martin Caraher
  • The Np-237(n,f) cross section at the CERN n-TOF facility. (2011) D. Karadimos, R. Vlastou, V. Vlachoudis, P. Pavlopoulos, V. Konovalov, M. Diakaki, U. Abbondanno, G. Aerts, H. Alvarez, F. Alvarez-Velarde, S. Andriamonje, J. Andrzejewski, P. Assimakopoulos, L. Audouin, G. Badurek, P. Baumann, F. Becvar, J. Benlliure, E. Berthoumieux, F. Calvino, D. Cano-Ott, R. Capote, A. Carrillo de Albornoz, V. Chepel, E. Chiaveri, N. Colonna, G. Cortes, D. Cortina, A. Couture, J. Cox, S. David, R. Dolfini, C. Domingo-Pardo, A. Dorochenko, W. Dridi, I. Duran, Ch. Eleftheriadis, M. Embid-Segura, L. Ferrant, A. Ferrari, R. Ferreira-Marques, L. Fitzpatrick, H. Frais-Koelbl, K. Fujii, W. Furman, I. Goncalves, R. Gallino, P. Cennini, E. Gonzalez-Romero, T. Rauscher and N TOF Collaboration
  • Adolescent to Adulthood : Nutrition for health and Well Being. (2011) Lindsy Kass
  • Minor-merger-driven growth of early-type galaxies over the last 8 billion years. (2011) S. Kaviraj, R.M. Crockett, J. Silk, R.S. Ellis, S.K. Yi, R.W. O'Connell, R. Windhorst and B.C. Whitmore
  • Joint protection and physical rehabilitation of the adult with hypermobility syndrome. (2011) Rosemary Keer and Jane Simmonds
  • Multi-scale Design Of An Actuator With Thermal-mechanical Energy Conversion And Coupling. (2011) Farbod Khoshnoud
  • Multi-scale Non-equilibrium Molecular Dynamics Formulation For Casimir Energy. (2011) Farbod Khoshnoud, Clarence W. de Silva, Houman Owhadi and Shaofan Li
  • Energy Harvesting From Ambient Vibration For Remote Vibration Monitoring With A Self-powered Nanotube Based Sensor. (2011) Farbod Khoshnoud, Clarence W. de Silva, Houman Owhadi and Carlos E. Ventura
  • Development of typical and atypical Rhynchosporium lesions on different grass hosts. (2011) K. M. King, Jon S. West, Paul S. Dyer and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Both mating types are present in Rhychosporium commune, R. agropyri and R. secalis populations. (2011) K. M. King, Jon S. West, T. S. Steffanson, B. A. McDonald, W Knogge, Paul S. Dyer and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Hierarchical Self-Organising Decision Support System for the Management of Septic Shock Patients. (2011) O.K. King, M. Mahfouf, Mouloud Denai, J.J. Ross and M. Abbod
  • Contribution of COX1 and COX2 to prostacyclin release by healthy mouse tissues. (2011) N.S. Kirkby, Louise Harrington, Martina Lundberg, T. Hoefer, Tim D. Warner and Jane A. Mitchell
  • Measurement-Based Timing Analysis for Reconfigurable Embedded Systems. (2011) Raimund Kirner, Sven Bünte and Michael Zolda
  • Compiler Support for Measurement-based Timing Analysis. (2011) Raimund Kirner and Michael Zolda
  • Determining reaction cross sections via characteristic X-ray detection : alpha-induced reactions on Tm-169 for the astrophysical gamma-process. (2011) G. G. Kiss, T. Rauscher, T. Szuecs, Zs. Kertesz, Zs. Fueloep, Gy. Gyuerky, C. Froehlich, J. Farkas, Z. Elekes and E. Somorjai
  • The Origin Of Stories: How Journalists Find And Create News In An Age Of Social Media, Competition And Churnalism : Future of Journalism. (2011) Megan Knight
  • Sourcing and social media: the impact of new communication technologies on news gathering practices. (2011) Megan Knight
  • On-Board Trajectory Generation for Collision Avoidance in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. (2011) C. K. Lai, M. M. Lone, Peter R. Thomas, J. Whidborne and A.K. Cooke
  • 5.08 Drug Delivery across the Blood-brain barrier. (2011) Aikaterini Lalatsa
  • Oral polymeric nanomedicines for peptide delivery to the brain : Polymer molecular weight effect. (2011) Aikaterini Lalatsa, N. L. Garrett, J. Mojer, A. G. Schatzlein and I.F. Uchegbu
  • Oral nanomedicines for the treatment of brain diseases. (2011) Aikaterini Lalatsa and I.F. Uchegbu
  • Albert Lautman: Dialectics in mathematics. (2011) B. Larvor
  • What Do Universities Want? : Output of HEA subject-centre funded project on Critical Friendships among Beginning Philosophers. (2011) B. Larvor and John Lippitt
  • Critical Friendships Among Beginning Philosophers : research report on a mini-project funded by the Subject Centre for Philosophical and Religious Studies of the Higher Education Academy. (2011) B. Larvor, John Lippitt and Kathryn Louise Weston
  • Learning preferences and self-regulation : Design of a learner-directed e-learning model. (2011) Stella Lee, T. Barker and V. Kumar
  • ‘Dressing the part(y): 1950s domestic advice books and the studied performance of informal domesticity in the UK and the US'. (2011) Grace Lees-Maffei
  • 'Make it move' : Playing cause and effect games with a robot companion for children with cognitive disabilities. (2011) H. Lehmann, B. Robins, K. Dautenhahn, I. Iacono and P. Marti
  • Environmental Labelling of Food. (2011) Kathleen Lewis
  • The Pesticide Properties Database. (2011) Kathleen Lewis and Andrew Green
  • QoS aware MAC protocol for OFDMA-PON. (2011) W. Lim, P. Kourtessis, M. Milosavljevic and J.M. Senior
  • MAC Protocol Design for the Support of DBA in OFDMA-PON Networks. (2011) Wansu Lim, Ali Gliwan, Pandelis Kourtessis, Konstantinos Kanonakis, Ioannis Tomkos and J.M. Senior
  • Dynamic Subcarrier Allocation for OFDMA-PONs with Monitoring Mechanism. (2011) Wansu Lim, Pandelis Kourtessis, Milos Milosavljevic and J.M. Senior
  • Indicadores de Pesquisa Acadêmica em Áreas de Prática Projetual. (2011) Ana Gabriela Godinho Lima, Daniela Buchler, Michael Biggs, Rafael Antonio Cunha Perrone, Ruth Verde Zein, Cecilia Helena Godoy Rodrigues dos Santos, Maria Isabel Villac and Maria Alice Junqueira Bastos
  • Erich Fromm : the integrity of the self and the practice of love. (2011) John Lippitt
  • Applying Theory of Branding Synergy on Consumer Experience and Spatial Design. (2011) Erica Liu
  • Joys of the Cottage : Labourers’ Houses, Hovels and Huts in Britain and the British Colonies, 1770-1830. (2011) Sarah Lloyd
  • Visual identities : choreographies of gaze, body movement and speech in mother-midwife interaction. (2011) H. Lomax
  • Resistance to Rhynchosporium secalis in a cross between winter and spring barley. (2011) M. E. Looseley, A. C. Newton, Simon D. Atkins, Bruce D.L. Fitt, B. A. Fraaije, W. T. B. Thomas, R. Keith, M. Macaulay, J. Lynott and D. Harrap
  • Contesting social space in the Balkan Region : the social dimensions of a 'red' joint venture. (2011) M. Maclean and Graham Hollinshead
  • Mind-mapping : An effective technique to facilitate requirements engineering in agile software development. (2011) I. Mahmud and V. Veneziano
  • Disease control on UK winter oilseed rape contributes to climate change mitigation. (2011) M. Mahmuti, Jon S. West, J. Watts, Peter Gladders, D.J. Hughes and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Does listening to a personal music player or reading a book during the uptake period of a PET-CT oncology scan cause extra 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (18FDG) activity in the skeletal muscles? (2011) Vicki Major, A. De Souza and Gill Vivian
  • The sense of security and a countermeasure for the false sense (transcript of discussion). (2011) J. Malcolm
  • Performance evaluation in open-set speaker identification. (2011) A. Malegaonkar and A. Ariyaeeinia
  • Access to Essential Medicines in the Least Developed Countries : On a Need for a Regionally Based Legal framework in Africa. (2011) Thaddeus Manu
  • Access to essential medicines : The Doha Declaration safeguards on public health and the regional pharmaceutical compounding programme in Africa. (2011) Thaddeus Manu
  • Globalization and the End of Empire. (2011) Susan Martin
  • Solution Focused Approaches in Management. (2011) Mark McKergow
  • Improving recruitment of older people to research through good practice. (2011) Marion E. T. McMurdo, Helen Roberts, Stuart Parker, Nikki Wyatt, Helen May, Claire Goodman, Stephen Jackson, John Gladman, Sinead O'Mahony, Khalid Ali, Edward Dickinson, Paul Edison, Chris Dyer and Comprehensive Clinical Res Network
  • Michael Sweetman and the Just Society. (2011) Ciara Meehan
  • "The Prose of Logic and of Scorn": : Arthur Griffith and Sinn Féin, 1906-1914. (2011) Ciara Meehan
  • Analyzing Separation of Duties Constraints with a Probabilistic Model Checker. (2011) Tamara Mendt, Carsten Sinz and Olga Tveretina
  • Probabilistic Model Checking of Constraints in a Supply Chain Business Process. (2011) Tamara Mendt, Olga Tveretina and Carsten Sinz
  • Negotiating meaning across borders (finally!) : western management training in Eastern Europe. (2011) Snejina Michailova and Graham Hollinshead
  • Speciesism as a Variety of Anthropocentrism. (2011) Tony Milligan
  • Next generation PONs with wireless backhauling. (2011) M. Milosavljevic, P. Kourtessis, W. Lim and J.M. Senior
  • Wireless Convergence over Next Generation OFDMA-PONs. (2011) Milos Milosavljevic, Pandelis Kourtessis and J.M. Senior
  • Twenty/20 performance indicators in English professional cricket. (2011) A. Moore, Andrew Mitchell, Gerwyn Hughes and James Johnstone
  • The effect of foot structure on centre of pressure excursions during dynamic activities in netball. (2011) Y. Moore, James Alexander Johnstone, Gerwyn Hughes and Andrew Mitchell
  • Programmable analogue baseband filters for software defined and cognitive radio. (2011) J. Moritz, Y. Sun and X. Zhu
  • Performance modelling and traffic characterisation of optical networks. (2011) Harry Mouchos, Athanasios Tsokanos and Demetres D. Kouvatsos
  • Time and work at the Bank of England. (2011) Anne Murphy
  • Blomkvist the Journalist. (2011) John Murphy
  • An analytical review of local and national fall policy and guidelines. (2011) Venkat Narayanan, Charles Melvyn Simpson, Angela Dickinson, Christina Victor, Deborah Humphrey and Caroline Griffiths
  • Rhynchosporium genomics – a strategy towards understanding host specialisation. (2011) A. Navarro-Quezada, A. Leitner, C. Wenzel, K. King, Bruce D.L. Fitt, M. Münsterkötter, M. Felder, S. Taudien, M. Platzer, S. Torriani, B. A. McDonald and W. Knogge
  • Green concrete - Recycling construction waste. (2011) Demetris Nicolaides, Antonios Kanellopoulos and Michael A Petrou
  • Development of uhpfrcc with the use of materials a vailable in Cyprus. (2011) Demetris Nicolaides, Antonis Kanellopoulos, Antonis Michael and Petros Christou
  • Craft as a Tool for Multidisciplinary Collaboration and Design Practice. (2011) Kristina Niedderer, Yassaman Imani and Matthew G. Overton
  • How important is the Family? : Alpha nuclear potentials and p-process nucleosynthesis. (2011) A. Ornelas, D. Galaviz, Zs. Fueloep, Gy. Gyuerky, G. G. Kiss, Zs. Mate, P. Mohr, T. Rauscher, E. Somorjai, K. Sonnabend and A. Zilges
  • A Systematic Study of the Behaviour of PMEPR in Relation to OFDM Design Parameters. (2011) Gbenga Owojaiye, Yichuang Sun, Nandini Alinier and Oluyomi Simpson
  • The nature of X-ray absorbed QSOs. (2011) M. Page, F. Carrera and J. Stevens
  • Green behaviour change : HOT topics. (2011) M.P.A. Page and N. Page
  • Connecting everyday food consumption to ‘urbanist’ principles for sustainable cities : Challenges for climate change mitigation and adaptation. (2011) Susan Parham
  • Advances in oral transmucosal drug delivery. (2011) Viralkumar F. Patel, Fang Liu and Marc Brown
  • The space between psyche and soma : The results and findings of a pilot study evaluating The BodyMind Approach with patients suffering medically unexplained symptoms in primary care. (2011) Helen Payne
  • Development and evaluation of a Handover Performance Tool (HPT) for medical shift handovers. (2011) Cinzia Pezzolesi, S. Dhillon, Fabrizio Schifano, Andrzej Kostrzewski, John Pickles and Tanya Manser
  • The Phantom of the Media : Erik, the Gesamtkunstwerk and the spectacle of unsettlement. (2011) Ivan Phillips
  • The Vampire with a Thousand Faces : towards a physiognomy of the undead. (2011) Ivan Phillips
  • An informational perspective on how the embodiment can relieve cognitive burden. (2011) D. Polani
  • Voices of Dissent : Rhetorical Strategies in Defoe's Writing Before 1719. (2011) Penny Pritchard
  • Alexey Brodovitch: Ballet (Books on Books). (2011) Kerry William Purcell
  • Great Magazine. (2011) Kerry William Purcell
  • Modern method. (2011) Kerry William Purcell
  • The Prisoner & Albertus. (2011) Kerry William Purcell
  • Co-evolution of firm’s capability and environment : a multinational hotel case study. (2011) Mary Quek
  • The growth of the multinational hotel industry: 1946 to the 1960s. (2011) Mary Quek
  • Little fish in a big pond : a comparison of active SourceForge OSS projects with very popular non-SourceForge OSS projects. (2011) Austen Rainer and Stephen Gale
  • Engaging students in assessment by producing a learning bank of multiple response questions using the Apple™ Apps model of reward. (2011) Aarthi Ramlaul
  • The Organisation of Film and Television Production. (2011) K.R. Randle
  • An intelligent approach to detect probe request attacks in IEEE 802.11 networks. (2011) Deepthi N. Ratnayake, Hassan B. Kazemian, Syed A. Yusuf and Azween B. Abdullah
  • Origin of the p-Nuclei in Explosive Nucleosynthesis. (2011) T. Rauscher
  • The path to improved reaction rates for astrophysics. (2011) T. Rauscher
  • Hysteretic Damping as an Energy Parameter in Gigacycle Fatigue. (2011) A. M. R. Ribeiro, Diogo Montalvao, J. Azinheira, Manuel Freitas, Luís Reis and M. Fontul
  • Herding Cats To Infinity. (2011) Peter Richardson
  • The Visual Effects Research Lab : Herding Cats to Infinity. (2011) Peter Richardson
  • Representations of Violence in Spanish Cinema. (2011) Agustin Rico-Albero
  • Teaching for Urbanism: a didactical experience in a newly academicized area. (2011) Roberto Carlos Rocco, Michael Biggs, Daniela Buchler and R. Rooij
  • The metaplace security model (transcript of discussion). (2011) M. Roe
  • Supervision in Coaching : Supervision, Ethics and Continuing Professional Development. (2011) Kevin M. Rogers
  • From babbling towards first words : The emergence of speech in a robot in real-time interaction. (2011) A. Rothwell, C. Lyon, C.L. Nehaniv and J. Saunders
  • IT innovation and its organizational conditions in safety critical domains : the case of the Minimum Safe Altitude Warning System. (2011) Simone Rozzi, Paola Amaldi and Barry Kirwan
  • Non-specific LTD at parallel fibre - Purkinje cell synapses in cerebellar cortex provides robustness against local spatial noise during pattern recognition. (2011) Karen Safaryan, Reinoud Maex, R.G. Adams, N. Davey and Volker Steuber
  • Local Information Maximisation creates Emergent Flocking Behaviour. (2011) Christoph Salge and D. Polani
  • Towards using prosody to scaffold lexical meaning in robots. (2011) J. Saunders, H. Lehmann, Y. Sato and C.L. Nehaniv
  • The effect of learning another language at preschool on first language acquisition. (2011) Christina Schelletter and Anja Steinlen
  • Engineering Concurrent Software Guided by Statistical Performance Analysis. (2011) Bernd Scheuermann, Clemens Grelck, Kevin Hammond, Heinz Hertlein, Philip Hoelzenspies, Chris Jesshope, Raimund Kirner, Alex Shafarenko, Rene te Boekhorst and Volkmar Wieser
  • Mephedrone (4-methylmethcathinone; 'meow meow') : chemical, pharmacological and clinical issues. (2011) Fabrizio Schifano, Antonio Albanese, Suzanne Fergus, Jacqueline Stair, Paolo Deluca, Ornella Corazza, Zoe Davey, John Corkery, Holger Siemann, Norbert Scherbaum, Magi' Farre', Marta Torrens, Zsolt Demetrovics, A. Hamid Ghodse and ReDNet Res Grp, Psychonaut Web Mapping
  • Co-Production: A new perspective on partnership. (2011) Hans Schlappa and Peter Ramsden
  • Feature selection for fault detection systems : Application to the Tennessee Eastman Process. (2011) H. Senoussi, B. Chebel-Morello, Mouloud Denai and N. Zerhouni
  • Patient-centredness : a conceptual framework for musculoskeletal physiotherapy. (2011) Mary Sexton, A. Moore and C.M. Ramage
  • Gearing up : How to eat your cryptocake and still have it (transcript of discussion). (2011) A. Shafarenko
  • Gearing up : How to eat your cryptocake and still have it. (2011) A. Shafarenko and B. Christianson
  • CAL : a language for aggregating functional and extrafunctional constraints in streaming networks. (2011) Alex Shafarenko and Raimund Kirner
  • Evaluation of junior doctors’ simulation learning experience several weeks post intervention. (2011) A. Shah, S. Ramawad, Guillaume Alinier, K. Thungo and R. Sharpe
  • Evolving robot controllers in PDL using genetic programming. (2011) P. Shannon and C.L. Nehaniv
  • A systems-focused context for understanding the RN role and performance. (2011) E. O. Siegel, J. Calkin, C. H. Chu, K. Corazzini, M. E. Dellefield and C. Goodman
  • Communities with oomph? : What can older people’s engagement in the local governance of neighbourhood renewal tell us about their potential role in a Big Society? (2011) Charles Melvyn Simpson
  • Preventing and managing falls among older people with mental health problems : a systematic review. (2011) Charles Melvyn Simpson, Angela Dickinson, Frances Bunn, Venkat Narayanan, Christina Victor, Deborah Humphrey, Wendy Martin and Caroline Griffiths
  • Eugenics, Art and Darwinisms : The Case of the Darwin Museum Moscow. (2011) Patricia Simpson
  • Liberation and Containment: Re-visualizing the Eugenic and Evolutionary Ideal of the Fizkul’turnitsa in 1944. (2011) Patricia Simpson
  • The Soviet Darwinian Body : Physical Culture, Socialist Morality and Eugenic Self-evolution. (2011) Patricia Simpson
  • Is finding a Black Swan (Popper, 1936) possible in software development? (2011) Lindsay Smith, Paul Wernick and Vito Veneziano
  • The Glass Ceiling : Gender Differences in Perceptions of Managers in the UK Travel and Tourism Sector. (2011) Paul Smith, Brandon Crimes and Cynthia Forson
  • Multidimensional Quantum Stochastic Integrals. (2011) W.J. Spring
  • Multiparameter Quantum Stochastic Processes. (2011) William Joseph Spring
  • Drag Queen’sLand – A Queensland Music Festival project about belonging to the Queensland drag community. (2011) Raphaela Stadler
  • Rethinking Knowledge Management in Music Festivals : Individual Roles and Responsibilities. (2011) Raphaela Stadler
  • Advertising Agencies B2B relationships with MNCs across the UK, France and Germany with particular reference to Internet Promotional Standardisation Strategy. (2011) Malcolm Stewart and Stan Paliwoda
  • Antecedents, policies and practices of promotional standardisation strategy : a comparison of British MNCs and advertising agencies in the UK, France and Germany. (2011) Malcolm Stewart and Stan Paliwoda
  • Duties to the Dead? : Earnest Imagination and Remembrance. (2011) Patrick Stokes
  • A Miniature Airborne Particle Classifier (APC). (2011) Chris Stopford, Paul H. Kaye, Edwin Hirst and Zbigniew Ulanowski
  • Indian Cottons and European Fashion, 1400-1800. (2011) John Styles
  • Pilot-aided channel estimation and performance of ASTC-MIMO-OFDM system in a correlated Rayleigh frequency-selective channel. (2011) Y. Sun, F. Delestre, A. Bannour, M.L. Ammari and R. Bouallegue
  • Adaptive impedance matching and antenna tuning for green software-defined and cognitive radio. (2011) Y. Sun, J. Moritz and X. Zhu
  • The Theatre methodology for facilitating discussion in human : Robot interaction on information disclosure in a home environment. (2011) D.S. Syrdal, K. Dautenhahn, M.L. Walters, K.L. Koay and N.R. Otero
  • Astrophysics at n_TOF Facility at CERN. (2011) G. Tagliente, U. Abbondanno, G. Aerts, H. Alvarez, F. Alvarez-Velarde, S. Andriamonje, J. Andrzejewski, L. Audouin, G. Badurek, P. Baumann, F. Becvar, F. Belloni, E. Berthoumieux, S. Bisterzo, F. Calvino, M. Calviani, D. Cano-Ott, R. Capote, C. Carrapico, P. Cennini, V. Chepel, E. Chiaveri, N. Colonna, G. Cortes, A. Couture, J. Cox, M. Dahlfors, S. David, I. Dillman, C. Domingo-Pardo, W. Dridi, I. Duran, C. Eleftheriadis, M. Embid-Segura, A. Ferrari, R. Ferreira-Marques, K. Fujii, W. Furman, R. Gallino, I. Goncalves, E. Gonzalez-Romero, F. Gramegna, C. Guerrero, F. Gunsing, B. Haas, R. Haight, M. Heil, A. Herrera-Martinez, M. Igashira, E. Jericha, F. Kaeppeler, Y. Kadi, D. Karadimos, D. Karamanis, M. Kerveno, P. Koehler, E. Kossionides, M. Krticka, H. Leeb, A. Lindote, I. Lopes, M. Lozano, S. Lukic, J. Marganiec, S. Marrone, T. Martinez, C. Massimi, P. Mastinu, A. Mengoni, P. M. Milazzo, M. Mosconi, F. Neves, H. Oberhummer, J. Pancin, C. Papachristodoulou, C. Papadopoulos, C. Paradela, N. Patronis, A. Pavlik, P. Pavlopoulos, L. Perrot, T. Pigni, R. Plag, A. Plompen, A. Plukis, A. Poch, J. Praena, C. Pretel, J. Quesada, T. Rauscher, R. Reifarth, C. Rubbia, G. Rudolf, P. Rullhusen, J. Salgado, C. Santos, L. Sarchiapone, I. Savvidis, C. Stephan, J. L. Tain, L. Tassan-Got, L. Tavora, R. Terlizzi, G. Vannini, P. Vaz, A. Ventura, D. Villamarin, M. C. Vincente, V. Vlachoudis, R. Vlastou, F. Voss, S. Walter, H. Wendler, M. Wiescher and K. Wisshak
  • Salivary steroid hormone response in trained men to running and circuit training sessions. (2011) Amy Vivien Tanner
  • Use of simulation in nursing education : Initial experiences on a European Union Lifelong Learning Programme. (2011) Fusun Terzioglu, Zahide Tuna, Sergul Duygulu, Handan boztepe, Sevgisun Kapucu, Leyla Ozdemir, Nuran Akdemir, Guillaume Alinier and Filippo Festini
  • The effect of ice immersion on muscular reaction time to a simulated ankle sprain mechanism. (2011) Peter Thain, Gerwyn Hughes and Andrew Mitchell
  • The perspectives of Greek population in establishing and operating palliative care units (hospices) in Greece. (2011) Grigorios Theodosopoulos, E. Chousmerioti, M. Efthimiou,, M. Chatzopoulou, M. Igoumenidis, M. Kokkinopoulou and E. Theodosopoulou
  • What are the astrophysical sites for the r-process and the production of heavy elements? (2011) Friedrich-Karl Thielemann, A. Arcones, R. Kaeppeli, M. Liebendoerfer, T. Rauscher, C. Winteler, C. Froehlich, I. Dillmann, T. Fischer, G. Martinez-Pinedo, K. Langanke, K. Farouqi, K. -L. Kratz, I. Panov and I. K. Korneev
  • Remembering World War : Revival of First World War plays including performances of 'God Save the King' and 'For My Country' staged by Twisted Events Theatre Company. (2011) Berte Thomas
  • Performance of 4 WWI plays : 'For My Country', 'The Patriot', 'The Pacifist' and 'The Quitter' [Revival of First World War plays]. (2011) Berte Thomas, Frederick Lonsdale, John Brandon and Sewell Collins
  • Dean-flow sample Clean-up to Optimise and Extend the Operational Envelope of Biodetection Systems. : Final report for the Centre for Defence Enterprise Research Project. (2011) M.C. Tracey and Ian Johnston
  • "Can we work this out?" : An evaluation of remote collaborative interaction in a mobile shared environment. (2011) Dari Trendafilov, Yolanda Vazquez-Alvarez, Saija Lemmelä and Roderick Murray-Smith
  • Doctors in Dilemma. (2011) Daksha Trivedi
  • The ABC model revisited. (2011) Finn Tschudi and David Winter
  • Deciding Reachability for 3-Dimensional Multi-Linear Systems. (2011) Olga Tveretina
  • Grounding subgoals in information transitions. (2011) S.G. Van Dijk and D. Polani
  • SMT19969 – a novel antibiotic for C. difficile : Clostridium difficile growth inhibition, spectrum of activity and resistance development. (2011) R. Vickers, J. Tinsley, R. Storer, F. Wilson, C. Dorgan, S. Wren, M. H. Wilcox, Simon D. Baines and J. Freeman
  • Emerging importance of residual renal function in end-stage renal failure. (2011) Enric Vilar and Ken Farrington
  • Tell and Show : the evolving relationship between films and their websites. (2011) Kim Walden
  • 'Telling it like it is' : Author Operations in the Expanded Texts of Contemporary Film. (2011) Kim Walden
  • A long-term Human-Robot Proxemic study. (2011) M.L. Walters, M.A. Oskoei, D.S. Syrdal and K. Dautenhahn
  • SASP: targeted delivery to Gram-negative pathogens. (2011) H. Wang, K. Hatzixanthis, A. Barnard, R. Shah, E. Saveri, K. Pitts, D. Piwowarczyk, G. Patil, Simon D. Baines, A. Wilkinson and H. Fairhead
  • Mentoring interprofessionally : a concept of practice for peer mentoring in children's centres. (2011) Ute Ward
  • Are dietary fatty acid intakes associated with arterial stiffness and blood pressure? (2011) Michelle Weech, Katerina Vafeiadou, Rada Mihaylova, Emma Hobby, Parveen Yaqoob, Sue Todd, Kim G. Jackson and Julie A. Lovegrove
  • 'Where Unknown There Place Monsters' : Reading Class Conflict and Sexual Anxiety in the Regeneration Trilogy. (2011) Patricia Wheeler
  • Combining high productivity and high performance in image processing using Single Assignment C. (2011) V. Wieser, B. Moser, S.-B. Scholz, S. Herhut and J. Guo
  • The health impact of free bus travel for young people in London : protocol for an observational study. (2011) Paul Wilkinson, Phil Edwards, Rebecca Steinbach, Mark Petticrew, Anna Goodman, Alasdair John Howard Jones, Helen Roberts, Charlotte Kelly, John Nellthorpe and Judith Green
  • Social capital and the music event experience. (2011) Linda Wilks
  • Fostering an ecology of openness : the role of social media in public engagement at The Open University, UK. (2011) Linda Wilks and Nick Pearce
  • Chinese Global Brand Values : Exploratory Content Analysis. (2011) Jonathan Wilson and Ross Brennan
  • Radicalisation as a constructive choice : possible research directions. (2011) David Winter
  • Loosening the chains of preemptive construing : constructions of psychological disorder and its treatment in Sierra Leone. (2011) David Winter, S. Bridi, S. Urbano Giralt and Nicholas Wood
  • Role of COX-1 and COX-2 in the release of prostanoids in murine lung and isolated lung fibroblasts. (2011) William Wright, Nick Kirkby, Louise Susan MacKenzie, Martina Lundberg, M.J. Paul-Clark and T.D. Warner
  • Integrated queries over a heterogeneously distributed scientific database using OGSA-DQP. (2011) Helen Xiang
  • Authentication of Students and Students’ Work in E-Learning : Report for the Development Bid of Academic Year 2010/11. (2011) Hannan Xiao and Wei Ji
  • Climate change and health. (2011) Ioannis Yfantopoulos, Andreas Papandreou, Tassos Patokos, Panagiotis Nastos, Pavlos Kalampokas, Michail Vrekousis, Ioannis Kapsomenakis, Dimosthenis Panagiotakos, Christos Zerefos and Vilelmini Psarianou
  • Study of inheritable mutations in von Neumann self-reproducing automata using the GOLLY simulator. (2011) A.R. Yinusa and C.L. Nehaniv
  • Patterning Lives : Fashion Objects and Heritage Writing in Schools. (2011) Jennifer Young, Sarah Lloyd and Eleanor Markland
  • Prioritising refactoring using code bad smells. (2011) Min Zhang, N. Baddoo, P. Wernick and T. Hall
  • Frictional properties of cerium oxide nanoparticles in water. (2011) Chuanli Zhao, Guogang Ren and Yong Chen
  • Context-sensitive measurement-based worst-case execution time estimation. (2011) M. Zolda, S. Bünte and Raimund Kirner
  • Look-ahead relevant information : Reducing cognitive burden over prolonged tasks. (2011) S. van Dijk and D. Polani
  • WCET Tool Challenge 2011 : Report. (2011) Reinhard von Hanxleden, Niklas Holsti, Björn Lisper, Erhard Ploedereder, Reinhard Wilhelm, Armelle Bonenfant, Hugues Cassé, Sven Bünte, Wolfgang Fellger, Sebastian Gepperth, Jan Gustafsson, Benedikt Huber, Nazrul Mohammad Islam, Daniel Kästner, Raimund Kirner, Laura Kovacs, Felix Krause, Marianne de Michiel, Mads Christian Olesen, Adrian Prantl, Wolfgang Puffitsch, Christine Rochange, Martin Schoeberl, Simon Wegener, Michael Zolda and Jakob Zwirchmayr