Items where Year is 1984

Number of items: 29.
  • Infrared spectropolarimetry of Seyfert galaxy NGC1068. (1984) D. Aitken, J. Bailey, G. Briggs, J. Hough and P.F. Roche
  • Plasmids containing one inverted repeat of Tn21 can fuse with other plasmids in the presence of Tn21 transposase. (1984) P. Avila, F. Delacruz, Elaine Ward and J. Grinsted
  • B
  • Imaging and polarimetry of the galactic-center in the near infrared. (1984) J. Bailey, J. Hough and D.J. Axon
  • Infrared and optical polarimetry of AM Herculis. (1984) J. Bailey, J. Hough, R. Gilmozzi and D.J. Axon
  • Identification of membrane proteins of human blood platelets with a hydrophobic photolabel. (1984) Theo Berkhout, M. E. Schiphorst, K. W. Wirtz and J. J. Sixma
  • Labeling of phospholipids in vesicles and human-erythrocytes by photoactivable fatty-acid derivatives. (1984) Theo Berkhout, A. Vanamerongen and K.W.A. Wirtz
  • Regulation of the activity of phosphatidylcholine transfer protein by vesicle phosphatidic-acid and membrane curvature : a fluorescence study using 2-parinaroylphosphatidylcholine. (1984) Theo Berkhout, C. Vandenbergh, H. Mos, B. Dekruijff and K.W.A. Wirtz
  • Static and time-resolved fluorescence studies of fluorescent phosphatidylcholine bound to the phosphatidylcholine transfer protein of bovine liver. (1984) Theo Berkhout, A.J.W.G. Visser and K.W.A. Wirtz
  • A high resolution hydrogen line survey of Messier 31. II : The warped flaring hydrogen layer. (1984) E. Brinks and W. B. Burton
  • A high resolution hydrogen line survey of Messier 31. I : Observations and data reduction. (1984) E. Brinks and W. W. Shane
  • A high resolution radio continuum survey of Messier 31. I : Observations at 610 MHz, data reduction, and the 36W catalogue of radio sources. (1984) J. E. V. Bystedt, E. Brinks, A. G. de Bruyn, F.P. Israel, P. B. W. Schwering, W. W. Shane and R. A. M. Walterbos
  • C
  • RNA polymerase activity in isolated nuclei of germinating tomato seeds. (1984) P. Coolbear, Robert Slater and J.A. Bryant
  • D
  • A longitudinal study of the development of visual field advantage for letter matching. (1984) J.B. Davidoff and D.J. Done
  • The effect of context during word perception in schizophrenic patients. (1984) D.J. Done and C.D. Frith
  • The working relationship between the general practitioner and the health visitor. (1984) J. Draper, S. Farmer, S. Field, Hilary Thomas and M. J. Hare
  • The working relationship between the health visitor and community midwife. (1984) Juliet Draper, Susan Field, Hilary Thomas and M. J. Hare
  • F
  • Community antenatal care : a local study. (1984) Susan Field, Juliet Draper, Hilary Thomas and M. J. Hare
  • Effect of cellulose xanthate on splash dispersal of Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides spores. (1984) Bruce D.L. Fitt and A. Bainbridge
  • Studies on mechanisms of splash dispersal of spores, using Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides spores. (1984) Bruce D.L. Fitt and M. Lysandrou
  • G
  • What is a group analyst? (1984) Caroline Garland, David Kennard, Jeff Roberts, David Winter, Tom Caine and Beaumont Stevenson
  • H
  • Sunlands irrigation scheme headworks upgrading, hydraulics of the water distribution system. (1984) A.M.D. Hall and C.J. Wright
  • Production and pathogenicity to wheat of Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides conidia. (1984) S. Higgins and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Agincourt 1944: readings in the Shakespeare myth. (1984) G. Holderness
  • K
  • Mechanisms for categorization - decision criteria and the form of the psychophysical function. (1984) D. Kornbrot
  • L
  • Computer model of a spiral concentrator. (1984) Kathleen Lewis and P. Tucker
  • M
  • A Structural Investigation of the Epstein—Barr (EB) Virus Membrane Antigen Glycoprotein, gp340. (1984) A. J. Morgan, Allan Smith, R. N. Barker and M. A. Epstein
  • S
  • Immunocytochemical localization of the elongation factor Tu in E. coli cells. (1984) M. Schilstra, J.W. Slot, P.H. Van der Meide, G. Posthuma, A.F.M. Cremers and L. Bosch
  • The extraction of total RNA by the detergent and phenol method. (1984) R. J. Slater
  • Negatively supercoiled DNA from plants infected with a single-stranded DNA virus. (1984) G. Sunter, Robert H.A. Coutts and K.W. Buck