Items where Year is 1987

Number of items: 46.
  • Variation in eyespot populations; a field study. (1987) Geoffrey L. Bateman, Bruce D.L. Fitt, K Kilby and DW Hollomon
  • Action of extracellular adenosine triphoshate in single smooth muscle cells dispersed from the rabbit ear artery. (1987) C.D. Benham, T.B. Bolton, N.G. Byrne and W.A. Large
  • Inward rectification in freshly isolated single smooth muscle cells of the rabbit jejunum. (1987) C.D. Benham, T.B. Bolton, J.S. Denbigh and R.J. Lang
  • Two types of calcium channels in single smooth muscle cells from rabbit ear artery - studied with whole cell and single channel recordings. (1987) C.D. Benham, P. Hess and R.W. Tsien
  • A novel receptor-operated Ca2+-permeable channel activated by ATP in smooth muscle. (1987) C.D. Benham and R.W. Tsien
  • Preferential lipid association and mode of penetration of apocytochrome c in mixed model membranes as monitored by tryptophanyl fluorescence quenching using brominated phospholipids. (1987) Theo Berkhout, A. Rietveld and Ben de Kruijff
  • Exposure of man to environmental hexachlorobenzene (HCB) : an exposure commitment assessment. (1987) Marie Burton and B. G. Bennett
  • C
  • Swinburne on thought and consciousness. (1987) Paul Coates
  • Cassava latent virus specific DNAs in mosaic diseased cassava of Nigerian origin. (1987) Robert H.A. Coutts and K.W. Buck
  • E
  • Multiple forms of bovine pepsinogen : isolation and identification in serum from calves with ostertagiasis. (1987) P. D. Eckersall, J. Macaskill, Quintin McKellar and K. L. Bryce
  • F
  • Pathogenicity to wheat seedlings of wheat-type and rye-type isolates of Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides. (1987) Bruce D.L. Fitt, N.F. Creighton and Geoffrey L. Bateman
  • Spore dispersal and plant disease gradients : a comparison between two empirical models. (1987) Bruce D.L. Fitt, P. H. Gregory, A.D. Todd, H. A. McCartney and O.C. Macdonald
  • G
  • Learning to Speak. (1987) Robert Gates and David Lewis
  • H
  • In vitro transcription of CaMV DNA. (1987) R. D. Henfrey, S.N. Covey and Robert Slater
  • "Hamlet" (Open Guides to Literature). (1987) G. Holderness
  • Romeo and Juliet: empathy and alienation. (1987) G. Holderness
  • Interstellar polarization in the dust lane of Centaurus A (NGC 5128). (1987) J. Hough, J. Bailey, M.F. Rouse and D.C.B. Whittet
  • Infrared and optical polarimetry of the radio elliptic IC-5063 (PKS2048-57) - discovery of a highly polarized nonthermal nucleus. (1987) J. Hough, C. Brindle, D.J. Axon, J. Bailey and W. Sparks
  • I
  • Occurrence and distribution of neuropeptide Y (NPY)-immunoreactive nerves in rat isolated anococcygeus, and the effect of NPY on the inhibitory transmission. (1987) Mahmoud M. Iravani, J. R. McDermott, J. D. Turner and M. A. Zar
  • Effect of frequency of stimulation on neurogenic responses of isolated rat epidymal vas deferens. (1987) Mahmoud M. Iravani and M. A. Zar
  • K
  • Degree performance as a function of discipline studied, parental occupation and gender. (1987) D. Kornbrot
  • Science and performance in undergraduate psychology degrees. (1987) D. Kornbrot
  • L
  • Validation of a computer based system for assessing dietary intake. (1987) J A Levine, A M Madden and M Y Morgan
  • M
  • Reflections on the scientific education of girls. (1987) Catherine Manthorpe
  • Dynamic properties of microtubules at steady state of polymerisation. (1987) S.R. Martin, M. Schilstra and P.M. Bayley
  • Spore dispersal gradients and disease development. (1987) H.A. McCartney and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Penicillin therapy of spontaneous streptococcal meningitis in pigs. (1987) Quintin McKellar, P. Baxter, D. Taylor and J. A. Bogan
  • Effect of sodium cromoglycate on the response to Ostertagia circumcincta in adult sheep. (1987) Quintin McKellar and J. A. Bogan
  • Further studies on the response to transplanted adult Ostertagia ostertagi in calves. (1987) Quintin McKellar, J. L. Duncan, J. Armour, F. E. Lindsay and P. McWilliam
  • Ringworm in housed sheep. (1987) Quintin McKellar, G. Fishwick and A. Rycroft
  • Comparison of the anthelmintic efficacy of oxfendazole or ivermectin administered orally and ivermectin administered subcutaneously to sheep during the periparturient period. (1987) Quintin McKellar and S. E. Marriner
  • Factors affecting microcomputer use and programming ability of secondary school children. (1987) M. Mohamedali, D.J. Messer and Ben Fletcher
  • S
  • On the relationship between nucleotide hydrolysis and microtubule assembly : Studies with a GTP-regenerating system. (1987) M. Schilstra, S.R. Martin and P.M. Bayley
  • RNA polymerase activity during breakage of seed dormancy by low temperature treatment of fruits of Acer platanoides (Norway maple). (1987) R.J. Slater and J.A. Bryant
  • In vitro transcription. (1987) Robert Slater
  • Identification of a new gene product encoded by mRNA D of Infectious Bronchitis Virus. (1987) Allan Smith, M. E. G. Boursnell, M. M. Binns, T. D. K. Brown and S. C. Inglis
  • T
  • Magnetic field structure in dark clouds. (1987) M. Tamura, T. Nagata, S. Sato, M. Tanaka, N. Kaifu, J. Hough, I. McLean, I. Gatley, R. Garden and M.J. McCaughrean
  • Evaluation of an integrated community antenatal clinic. (1987) Hilary Thomas, J. Draper, S. Field and M. J. Hare
  • Day case laparoscopic sterilization : time for a rethink? (1987) Hilary Thomas and M. J. Hare
  • Computer modelling of the primary spiral circuit at South Crofty Ltd, Cornwall. (1987) Peter Tucker and Kathleen Lewis
  • W
  • The nucleotide sequence of the tnpA gene of Tn21. (1987) Elaine Ward and J. Grinsted
  • Personal construct psychotherapy as a radical alternative to social skills training. (1987) David Winter
  • Construction and constriction in agoraphobia. (1987) David Winter and Kevin Gournay
  • Explorations of a crisis intervention service. (1987) David Winter, H. Shivakumar, R. J. Brown, M. Roitt, W. J. Drysdale and S. Jones
  • Y
  • Polarimetric mapping of a new infrared reflection nebula GGD 27 IRS. (1987) T. Yamashita, S. Sato, T. Nagata, H. Suzuki, J. Hough, I. McLean, R. Garden and I. Gatley
  • Geometric configuration around GL 2591 : an infrared reflection nebula and a CS molecular disk. (1987) T. Yamashita, S. Sato, M. Tamura, H. Suzuki, N. Kaifu, T. Takano, C.M. Mountain, T.J.T. Moore, I. Gatley and J. Hough