Items where Year is 1991

Number of items: 86.
  • A Parallel Pipelined Processor with Conditional Instruction Execution. (1991) R.G. Adams and G.B. Steven
  • Effects of fungicides on eyespot in five successive crops of winter wheat in plots with different initial or fungicide-selected populations of Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides. (1991) Geoffrey L Bateman and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Effects of bradykinin in the isolated perfused rat heart : role of kinin receptors and endothelium-derived relaxing factor. (1991) A. R. Baydoun and B. Woodward
  • A comparative pharmacokinetic study of intravenous and intramuscular midazolam in patients with epilepsy. (1991) D.M. Bell, G. Richards, S. Dhillon, J.R. Oxley, J. Cromarty, J.W.A.S. Sander and P.N. Patsalos
  • Changes in cytoplasmic calcium induced by purinergic P2X receptor activation in vascular smooth muscle cells and sensory neurons. (1991) C.D. Benham, M.M. Bouvier and M.L. Evans
  • Calcium influx stimulated by activation of ATP receptors on sensory neurons from rat dorsal root ganglia. (1991) M.M. Bouvier, M.L. Evans and C.D. Benham
  • An optical and near-infrared polarization survey of nearby starburst and interacting galaxies. (1991) C. Brindle, J. Hough, J. Bailey, D.J. Axon and W. Sparks
  • Modelling techniques for object-oriented design. (1991) C. Britton and M. Buchanan
  • Formal specification and object-oriented design. (1991) M. Buchanan and C. Britton
  • Relative width of sublattices. (1991) B. Christianson
  • Re-evaluation of the thermodynamic stability of calcium oxide. (1991) A. Chrysanthou and P. Grieveson
  • The observation of metastable molybdenum carbides. (1991) A. Chrysanthou and P. Grieveson
  • Formation of silicon carbide whiskers and their microstructure. (1991) A. Chrysanthou, P. Grieveson and A. Jha
  • Rectal aminophylline gel in treatment of apnoea in premature newborn babies. (1991) S. Cooney, S. Dhillon, G. Bennett and C. Trehane
  • The nucleotide sequence of the infectious cloned DNA components of potato yellow mosaic virus. (1991) Robert H.A. Coutts, R.S. Coffin, E.J.F. Roberts and W.D.O. Hamilton
  • The complete nucleotide sequence of tobacco necrosis virus strain D. (1991) Robert H.A. Coutts, J.E. Rigden, A.R. Slabas, G.P. Lomonossoff and P.J. Wise
  • Microbial agents for the biological control of plant-parasitic nematodes in tropical agriculture. (1991) Keith Davies, F. A. A. M. Deleij and Brian R. Kerry
  • Clinical Monitoring and Control of the Neuromuscular Blockade in Surgical Patients. (1991) Mouloud Denai
  • Complications of pregnancy and delivery in relation to psychosis in adult life: data from the British perinatal mortality survey sample. (1991) D.J. Done, E.C. Johnstone, C.D. Frith, J. Golding, P.M. Shepherd and T.J. Crow
  • Ultraviolet observations of the long-period dwarf nova DX and in outburst. (1991) J.E. Drew, M.G. Hoare and J.A. Woods
  • HARP: a VLIW RISC processor. (1991) P. Findlay, S.A. Trainis, G.B. Steven and R.G. Adams
  • Epidemiology of Alternaria species on linseed. (1991) Bruce D.L. Fitt, A.W. Ferguson, U. Dhua and S. Burhenne
  • Splash dispersal of Pseudocercosporella capsellae, cause of white leaf spot on oilseed rape. (1991) Bruce D.L. Fitt, A.J. Inman, M.E. Lacey and H. A. McCartney
  • Occurrence and significance of fungal diseases on linseed and fibre flax in England, France and Germany. (1991) Bruce D.L. Fitt, B. Jouan, C. Sultana, V.H. Paul and F. Bauers
  • Work, Stress, Disease and Life Expectancy. (1991) Ben Fletcher
  • The stressors and strains of health visiting : demands, supports, constraints and psychological health. (1991) Ben Fletcher, J. McGregor-Cheers and F. Jones
  • An object oriented design of a speech driven user interface management system. (1991) R. Frank and J. Hewitt
  • Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of piroxicam in dogs. (1991) E. A. Galbraith and Quintin McKellar
  • Prediction of Eyespot Severity on Winter Wheat or Winter Barley Inoculated with W-type or R-type Isolates of Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides. (1991) A. Goulds and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • The development of eyespot on stems of winter wheat and winter barley in crops inoculated with W-type or R-type isolates of Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides. (1991) A. Goulds and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Oilseed Rape Diseases. (1991) N.V. Hardwick, Bruce D.L. Fitt, S. J. Wale and J.B. Sweet
  • The Other Side of the Equation: The Demands of Women on Re-entering the Labour Market. (1991) G. Healy and D. Kraithman
  • Boundary-layer temperatures in high accretion rate cataclysmic variables. (1991) M.G. Hoare and J.E. Drew
  • Introduction to this edition, by Graham Holderness. (1991) G. Holderness
  • Production, reproduction, performance: marxism, history, theatre. (1991) G. Holderness
  • Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet". (1991) G. Holderness
  • "Taming of the Shrew" (Shakespeare in performance). (1991) G. Holderness
  • "What is my nation?" : Shakespeare and national identities. (1991) G. Holderness
  • The politics of theatre and drama. (1991) G. Holderness
  • Determination of short-chain fatty acids in equine caecal liquor by ion exchange high performance liquid chromatography after solid phase extraction. (1991) L. J. Horspool and Quintin McKellar
  • A multiband 2-beam optical and infrared polarimeter. (1991) J. Hough, T. Peacock and J. Bailey
  • Aspects of the biology and epidemiology of Pseudocercosporella capsellae, the cause of white leaf spot on oilseed rape. (1991) A.J. Inman, Bruce D.L. Fitt and R. L. Evans
  • The biology of Mycosphaerella capsellae sp. nov., the teleomorph of Pseudocercosporella capsellae, cause of white leaf spot of oilseed rape. (1991) A.J. Inman, A. Sivanesan, Bruce D.L. Fitt and R.L. Evans
  • Variations in evoked Dopamine overflow within the rat striatum measured using fast cyclic voltammetry. (1991) Mahmoud M. Iravani and Z. L. Kruk
  • A nitrogen-enriched nebular around P-Cygni. (1991) D.R.H. Johnson, M.J. Barlow, J.E. Drew and E. Brinks
  • Stressors and Strains amongst Social Workers : Demands, Supports, Constraints, and Psychological Health. (1991) F. Jones, Ben Fletcher and K. Ibbetson
  • An instrument for the classification of airborne particles on the basis of size, shape and count frequency. (1991) Paul H. Kaye, N.A. Eyles, I.K. Ludlow and J.M. Clark
  • Isometamidium in pigs : disposition kinetics, tissue residues and adverse reactions. (1991) L. D. Kinabo, Quintin McKellar and P. D. Eckersall
  • A radio-optical study of blue compact dwarf galaxies. I. : Radio continuum observations. (1991) U. Klein, H. Weiland and E. Brinks
  • Pharmacology and therapeutics of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs in the dog and cat 1 : General pharmacology. (1991) P. Lees, S.A. May and Quintin McKellar
  • Review of the XXII APCOM International Symposium : Berlin, West germany, Sept 17-21, 1990. (1991) Kathleen Lewis
  • SOLVEX: The past, the present and the future. (1991) Kathleen Lewis and D.S. Flett
  • Vertical Z. (1991) M. Loomes and C. Britton
  • Opposite-end behaviour of dynamic microtubules. (1991) S.R. Martin, M. Schilstra and P.M. Bayley
  • Effects of a novel lanosterol 14α-demethylase inhibitor on the regulation of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase in Hep G2 cells. (1991) R. J. Mayer, J. L. Adams, M. J. Bossard and Theo Berkhout
  • Intramammary treatment of mastitis in cows. (1991) Quintin McKellar
  • Pharmacokinetic, biochemical and tolerance studies on carprofen in the horse. (1991) Quintin McKellar, J. A. Bogan, R. L. von Fellenberg, B. Ludwig and G. D. Cawley
  • Pharmacokinetics and serum thromboxane inhibition of two non- steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs when administered to dogs by the intravenous or subcutaneous route. (1991) Quintin McKellar, E.A. Galbraith and R. D. Simmons
  • Effect of parasitism with Nematodirus battus on the pharmacokinetics of levamisole, ivermectin and netobimin. (1991) Quintin McKellar, F. Jackson, R. L. Coop, E. Jackson and E. Scott
  • The pharmacology of flukicidal drugs. (1991) Quintin McKellar and L. D. Kinabo
  • Pharmacology and therapeutics of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the dog and cat 2 : Individual agents. (1991) Quintin McKellar, S.A. May and P. Lees
  • Pharmacokinetics and clinical efficacy of a cinchophen and prednisolone combination in the dog. (1991) Quintin McKellar, T. Pearson, E.A. Galbraith, J. Boyle and G. Bell
  • Status of diseases of linseed in the U.K. (1991) P.C. Mercer, N.V. Hardwick, Bruce D.L. Fitt and J.B. Sweet
  • Near-infrared imaging polarimetry of bipolar nebulae. 4: GL-490, GL-2789, GL-2136. (1991) N.R. Minchin, J. Hough, M. Burton and T. Yamashita
  • Near-infrared imaging polarimetry of bipolar nebulae. 3: R-Mon/NGC-2261. (1991) N.R. Minchin, J. Hough, A. McCall, C. Aspin, T. Yamashita and M. Burton
  • Near-infrared imaging polarimetry of bipolar nebulae 1:the BN-KL region of OMC-1. (1991) N.R. Minchin, J. Hough, A. McCall, M. Burton, M.J. McCaughrean, C. Aspin, J. Bailey, D.J. Axon and S. Sato
  • Potassium channels regulated by inositol 1,3,4,5- tetrakisphosphate and internal calcium in DDT1 MF-2 smooth muscle cells. (1991) A. Molleman, B. Hoiting, M. Duin, J. Vandenakker, A. Nelemans and A. Denhertog
  • Voltage-dependent sodium and potassium, but no calcium conductances in DDT1 MF-2 smooth muscle cells. (1991) A. Molleman, A. Nelemans, J. Vandenakker, M. Duin and A. Denhertog
  • A system for reducing imprecision in speech interfaces to generalised text input devices. (1991) J. Monaghan and C. Cheepen
  • Algebraic connectivity. (1991) C.L. Nehaniv
  • Tomato aspermy virus has an evolutionary relationship with other tripartite RNA plant viruses. (1991) D. O'Reilly, C.J.R. Thomas and Robert H.A. Coutts
  • Strategies for control of diseases on linseed and fibre flax in Germany, France and England. (1991) V.H. Paul, C. Sultana, B. Jouan and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • A mathematical model of the Duplex Concentrator. (1991) Michael Pearl, Kathleen Lewis and P. Tucker
  • The Modern Spanish Economy. (1991) Keith Salmon
  • Parasitosis internas del caballo, Sustrai Revista. (1991) P. Sarasola and Quintin McKellar
  • The effect of solution composition on microtubule dynamic instability. (1991) M. Schilstra, P.M. Bayley and S.R. Martin
  • Prolonged effect of CGRP in Raynaud's patients : a double-blind randomised comparison with prostacyclin. (1991) S. Shawket, Claire Dickerson, B. Hazleman and M.J. Brown
  • Concurrent CCS - an introduction. (1991) D. Smith
  • The Chaos Frontier : Creative Strategic Control for Business. (1991) Ralph Stacey
  • The development of iHARP: a multiple instruction issue processor chip. (1991) G.B. Steven, R.G. Adams, P. Findlay and S.A. Trainis
  • Computer optimisation of a shaking table. (1991) P. Tucker, Kathleen Lewis and Peter Wood
  • Ig isotype switching in B lymphocytes : The effect of T cell-derived interleukins, cytokines, cholera toxin, and antigen on isotype switch frequency of a cloned B cell lymphoma. (1991) A. C. Whitmore, David M. Prowse, G. Haughton and L. W. Arnold
  • New polarimetric observations and a 2 pole model for the cyclotron emission from AM Herculis. (1991) D.T. Wickramasinghe, J. Bailey, S.M.A. Meggitt, L. Ferrario, J. Hough and I.R. Tuohy
  • Toward the semiquantitave estimation of binding constants : Guides for peptide-peptide binding in aqueous solution. (1991) D.H. Williams, J.P.L. Coxs, A.J. Doig, M. Gardner, U. Gerhard, P.T. Kaye, A.R. Lal, I.A. Nicholls, C.J. Salter and R.C. Mitchell
  • Assessment of the fatigue life in relation to cylinder-nozzle corner cracks. (1991) Y E XU and S T CAI
  • An Evaluation of the Community Care Group Scheme of Norwich Health Authority. (1991) Kathryn Rose Young and Robin Haynes