Items where Year is 1992

Number of items: 134.
  • Particle Asymmetry Analyser. (1992)
  • Portable Particle Analysers. (1992)
  • Behavioural analysis of unilateral monoamine depletion in the marmoset. (1992) L.E. Annett, D.C. Rogers, T.D. Henandez and S.B. Dunnett
  • Towards a satisfaction relation between CCS specifications and their refinements. (1992) E.J. Baillie
  • Why is software development so difficult to manage? (1992) R. Barrett and B. Christianson
  • Identification of Gaeumannomyces-Graminis var. tritici and G-graminis var avenae using a DNA probe and nonmolecular methods. (1992) Geoffrey L. Bateman, E. Ward and J.F. Antoniw
  • ATP joins the fast lane. (1992) C.D. Benham
  • Calcium Efflux mechanisms following depolarisation evoked calcium transients in cultured rat sensory neurones. (1992) C.D. Benham, M.L. Evans and C.J. McBain
  • The effect of (-)-hydroxycitrate and mevinolin on the activity of the low-density lipoprotein receptor and 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase in the human hepatoma Hep G2. (1992) Theo Berkhout, P.H.E. Groot, Louis M. Havekes and N. J. Pearce
  • Continuity and Discontinuity in Visual Experience. (1992) M. Biggs
  • L-arginine transport is increased in Macrophages generating nitric oxide. (1992) R.D. Bogle, A. R. Baydoun, J.D. Pearson, S. Moncada and G.E. Mann
  • Do we still need the system life cycle? (1992) C. Britton
  • An investigation of types leading to an examination of some aspects of F-bounded interfaces and the type classes of Haskell. (1992) K.M. Buchanan and R. Dickerson
  • CCS and object-oriented concepts. (1992) M. Buchanan and R. Dickerson
  • On the origin of the HI line emission associated with massive young stellar objects. (1992) J.C. Bunn and J.E. Drew
  • Automatic Hessians by reverse accumulation. (1992) B. Christianson
  • Reverse accumulation and accurate rounding error estimates for taylor series coefficient. (1992) B. Christianson
  • Testing should help to insert new bugs or how to modify programs predictably? (1992) B. Christianson and R. Barrett
  • DsRNA cloning and diagnosis of beet pseudo-yellows virus by PCR and nucleic acid hybridization. (1992) R.S. Coffin and Robert H.A. Coutts
  • Prenatal exposure to influenza does not cause schizophrenia. (1992) T.J. Crow and D.J. Done
  • CBSE Life Cycles. (1992) Darren Dalcher
  • Chaotic life Cycles. (1992) Darren Dalcher
  • Help your heart. A practical guide with recipes. (1992) J Davies and Claire Dickerson
  • Interspecific differences in the nematode surface-coat between meloidogyne-ingognita and M-arenariarelated to the adhesion of the bacterium of the Pasteuria-penetrans. (1992) Keith Davies and C Danks
  • Immunological differentiation of root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp) using monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies. (1992) Keith Davies and E. B. Lander
  • Proteins involved in the attachment of a hyperparasite, pasteuria-penetrans, to its plant-parasitic nematode host, meloidogyne-incognita. (1992) Keith Davies, M. P. Robinson and V. Laird
  • Seasonal changes in primary and secondary inoculum during epidemics of leaf blotch (Rhynchosporium secalis) on winter barley. (1992) Helena Davis and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Calcium release from separate receptor-specific intracellular stores induced by histamine and ATP in a hamster cell line. (1992) A. Denhertog, B. Hoiting, A. Molleman, J. Vandenakker, M. Duin and A. Nelemans
  • An improved method to derive H I absorption spectra through the disks of galaxies - Application to the Sculptor Group. (1992) J.M. Dickey, E. Brinks and D. Puche
  • Myofibrillar fatigue versus failure of activation during repetitive stimulation of frog muscle fibres. (1992) K.A.P. Edman and Fang Lou
  • Prototyping real time engineering systems using Hatley & Pirbhai's requirement model. (1992) D.A. Fensome
  • The effect of insect infestations on linseed in the south east of England. (1992) A.W. Ferguson and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Detection of photospheric Zeeman features and cyclotron emission lines in V834 CEN in a low state. (1992) L. Ferrario, D.T. Wickramasinghe, J. Bailey, J. Hough and I.R. Tuohy
  • Eyespot of cereals. (1992) Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Occurrence of Verticillium dahliae on linseed (Linum usitatissimum) in the UK and Germany. (1992) Bruce D.L. Fitt, F. Bauers, S. Burhenne and V.H. Paul
  • Occurrence of Verticillium dahliae on linseed in the UK. (1992) Bruce D.L. Fitt and S. Burhenne
  • Incidence-severity relationships for grey mould (Botrytis cinerea) on sunflower heads. (1992) Bruce D.L. Fitt, V. J. Church and H.A. McCartney
  • Occurrence and pathogenicity of Alternaria spp. on linseed in the UK. (1992) Bruce D.L. Fitt and H. Coskun
  • Seasonal differences in occurrence and effects of diseases on linseed at Rothamsted, 1988-1990. (1992) Bruce D.L. Fitt and A.W. Ferguson
  • Changes in oilseed crop production and disease incidence. (1992) Bruce D.L. Fitt and N. V. Hardwick
  • Splash dispersal of spores of Pseudocercosporella capsellae (white leaf spot) from oilseed rape leaves of different inclination, flexibility and age. (1992) Bruce D.L. Fitt, A.J. Inman, M.E. Lacey and H.A. MacCartney
  • Alternaria diseases of linseed. (1992) Bruce D.L. Fitt and I. Vloutoglou
  • Dispersal of pathogens in relation to development of diseases on linseed. (1992) Bruce D.L. Fitt, I. Vloutoglou and J.F.S. Harold
  • When talking doesn't help : An investigation of microcomputer-based group problem solving. (1992) Ben Fletcher, A.C. Jackson and D.J. Messer
  • Measuring Organizational Culture : The Cultural Audit. (1992) Ben Fletcher and F. Jones
  • Static instruction scheduling for the HARP multiple-instruction-issue architecture. (1992) S.M. Gray, R.G. Adams, G.J. Green and G.B. Steven
  • Diagnostic value of gastrin for clinical bovine ostertagiosis. (1992) H. Hilderson, J. Vercruysse, P. Berghen, P. Dorny and Quintin McKellar
  • Hamlet: First Quarto. (1992) G. Holderness
  • Matthew Arnold: the discourse of criticism. (1992) G. Holderness
  • Shakespeare Recycled: the Making of Historical Drama. (1992) G. Holderness
  • Shakespeare and heritage. (1992) G. Holderness
  • Shakespeare's History Plays: "Richard II" to "Henry V". (1992) G. Holderness
  • Taming of the Shrew: First Quarto of "Taming of a Shrew". (1992) G. Holderness
  • Disposition of ampicillin sodium in horses, ponies and donkeys after intravenous administration. (1992) L. J. Horspool, P. Sarasola and Quintin McKellar
  • Physical factors influencing the splash dispersal of plant pathogens. (1992) L. Huber, Bruce D.L. Fitt and H. A. McCartney
  • Intercellular communication in smooth muscle. (1992) J.D. Huizinga, L.W.C. Liu, M.G. Blennerhassett, L. Thuneberg and A. Molleman
  • A comparison, using dsRNA analysis, between beet soil-borne virus and some other tubular viruses isolated from sugar beet. (1992) P.J. Hutchinson, C.M. Henry and Robert H.A. Coutts
  • The reign of Prince Auto : psychology in an age of science. (1992) D. Hutto
  • Epidemiology in relation to control of white leaf spot (Mycosphaerella capsellae) on oilseed rape. (1992) A.J. Inman, Bruce D.L. Fitt and R. L. Evans
  • A species of Unguicularia on oilseed rape, and its importance in studies of the epidemiology of light leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza brassicae). (1992) A.J. Inman, Bruce D.L. Fitt and R.L. Evans
  • Differential sensitivities of rat striatal D-2 Dopamine autoreceptor sites. (1992) Mahmoud M. Iravani and Z. L. Kruk
  • Dopamine releasing actions of NMDA in rat caudate putamen studied by fast cyclic voltammetry. (1992) Mahmoud M. Iravani and Z. L. Kruk
  • Effect of NMDA receptor blockade on dopamine overflow in rat caudate putamen. (1992) Mahmoud M. Iravani and Z. L. Kruk
  • The Northwick Park Functional Psychosis Study : diagnosis and outcome. (1992) E.C. Johnstone, C.D. Frith, T.J. Crow, D.G.C. Owens, D.J. Done, E.J. Baldwin and A. Charlette
  • Airborne particle shape and size classification from spatial light scattering profiles. (1992) Paul H. Kaye, E. Hirst, J.M. Clark and F. Micheli
  • The characterisation of airborne particles by analysis of spatial light scattering profiles. (1992) Paul H. Kaye, Edwin Hirst and F. Micheli
  • The production of precision silicon micromachined non-spherical particles for aerosol studies. (1992) Paul H. Kaye, F. Micheli, M.C. Tracey, E. Hirst and A.M. Gundlach
  • Research and the Group Psychotherapist. (1992) David Kennard and David Winter
  • The combination of dissimilar alleles of the A-alpha and A-beta gene complexes, whose proteins contain homeo domain motifs, determines sexual development in the mushroom Coprinus cinereus. (1992) U. Kues, W.V.J. Richardson, A.M. Tymon, Euphemia Mutasa-Gottgens, B. Gottgens, S. Gaubatz, A. Gregoriades and L.A. Casselton
  • Re-reading Soviet philosophy : Bakhurst on Ilyenkov. (1992) B. Larvor
  • Development of the General Industrial and Commercial Waste Analysis database : Confidential report for the Energy Technology Support Unit, CR3537(M). (1992) Kathleen Lewis
  • SOLVEX: a database for the selection and appraisal of Solvent Extraction Reagents. (1992) Kathleen Lewis
  • UK National Household Waste Analysis database : Confidential report for the Department of Environment, CR3520(M). (1992) Kathleen Lewis
  • Humour. (1992) John Lippitt
  • Nietzsche, Zarathustra and the status of laughter. (1992) John Lippitt
  • Security system case study. (1992) M. Loomes and C. Britton
  • Fine grained object protection in UNIX. (1992) M.R. Low
  • Minimal kernels and security. (1992) M.R. Low
  • The Notary. (1992) M.R. Low
  • Neural nets for a language processing task: tag disambiguation. (1992) C. Lyon
  • The role of low fat diets in the management of gall-bladder disease. (1992) Angela Madden
  • A comparison of development methods used in traditional engineering and software engineering. (1992) A. Mayes
  • The responsibility driven object-oriented design method advocated by Wirfs-Brock, Wilkerson and Weiner. (1992) A. Mayes
  • A survey of the current state of reuse in a software environment. (1992) A. Mayes
  • Eiffel, the universe and everything. (somethings anyway). (1992) A. Mayes and R. Barrett
  • Experience of using Coad and Yourdon object-oriented analysis and design. (1992) A. Mayes and R. Barrett
  • Are there any parallels between object-oriented system development and other branches of engineering? (1992) A. Mayes and C. Britton
  • Clinical and pharmacological properties of ivermectin in rabbits and guinea pigs. (1992) Quintin McKellar, D. M. Midgley, E. A. Galbraith, E. W. Scott and A. Bradley
  • Linseed diseases in the UK and their control. (1992) P.C. Mercer, A. Ruddock, Bruce D.L. Fitt and J.F.S. Harold
  • The channel tunnel: An opportunity for london's tourism industry? (1992) S.J. Page and M.T. Sinclair
  • Gastronomic Strategies for Australian Cities. (1992) Susan Parham
  • Polarimetry of ST LMi - Discovery of a second accreting pole. (1992) T. Peacock, M. Cropper, J. Bailey, J. Hough and D.T. Wickramasinghe
  • Adaptation of Kohonen feature map topologies by genetic algorithms. (1992) D. Polani and T. Uthmann
  • Variability in the UV resonance lines of the cataclysmic variable V795 Herculis (PG-1711 + 336). (1992) R.K. Prinja, J.E. Drew and S.R. Rosen
  • Holmberg II - A laboratory for studying the violent interstellar medium. (1992) D. Puche, D. Westpfahl, E. Brinks and J-R. Roy
  • Analysis of Li-8(alpha, n)B-11 below the Coulomb barrier in the potential model. (1992) T. Rauscher, K. Grun, H. Krauss, H. Oberhummer and E. Kwasniewicz
  • Calculation of the Astrophysical S-Factor and Reaction-Rate for L-8(ALPHA,N0)B-11. (1992) T. Rauscher, H. Krauss, K. Grun and H. Oberhummer
  • Conspiracy and Consensus : Television Drama and the Case of A Very British Coup. (1992) Jeremy Ridgman
  • Inside the Liberal Heartland : Television and the Popular Imagination in the 1960s. (1992) Jeremy Ridgman
  • Intracellular recording at high barometric pressures. (1992) Michael Roberts and Gordon I. McPhie
  • Eating Behaviour, Physical Symptoms and Psychological Factors Associated with Weight Reduction Following the Scopinaro Operation as Modified by Gazet. (1992) W.M. Rowston, S.E. McCluskey, J-C Gazet, J.H. Lacey, Gill Franks and D. Lynch
  • Andalucia : An emerging regional economy in Europe. (1992) Keith Salmon
  • Effect of changes in urine pH on plasma pharmacokinetic variables of ampicillin sodium in horses. (1992) P. Sarasola, L. J. Horspool and Quintin McKellar
  • Effect of probenecid on disposition kinetics of ampicillin in horses. (1992) P. Sarasola and Quintin McKellar
  • Secondary bacterial infections following an outbreak of equine influenza. (1992) P. Sarasola, D. J. Taylor, S. Love and Quintin McKellar
  • Effect of lipid hydroperoxide on lipoxygenase kinetics. (1992) M. Schilstra, G.A. Veldink, J. Verhagen and J.F.G. Vliegenthart
  • The distribution and some pharmacokinetic parameters of ivermectin in pigs. (1992) E. W. Scott and Quintin McKellar
  • Partitioning of free energy contributions in the estimation of binding constants : Residual motions and consequences for amide-amide hydrogen bond strengths. (1992) M.S. Searle, D.H. Williams and U. Gerhard
  • The tragicall historie of Hamlet, Prince of Denmarke (1603). (1992) William Shakespeare, G. Holderness and B. Loughrey
  • Chemical Composition, Structure and Physico-chemical Properties of RNA. (1992) Robert Slater
  • Extraction and Quantitation of RNA. (1992) Robert Slater
  • Purification of RNA. (1992) Robert Slater
  • The Shakers. (1992) Allan Smith
  • Towards secure, optimistic, distributed, open systems. (1992) J.F. Snook
  • Reactions to insanity : a study of stigma, discrimination and labelling in relation to present and former psychiatric patients. (1992) David G Southgate
  • Managing Chaos : Dynamic Business Strategies in an Unpredictable World. (1992) Ralph Stacey
  • Managing the Unknowable : The Strategic Boundaries Between Order and Chaos. (1992) Ralph Stacey
  • iHarp: a Multiple Instruction Issue Processor. (1992) G.B. Steven, R.G. Adams, P. Findlay and S.A. Trainis
  • A program for animating CCS specifications. (1992) J.R. Stobo
  • Time and the cervix. (1992) Hilary Thomas
  • Women, health and work : gynaecological problems in the context of women's lives. (1992) Hilary Thomas
  • iHARP a Multiple Instruction Issue Processor Chip Incorporating RISC and VLIW Design Features. (1992) S.A. Trainis, P. Findlay, G.B. Steven, R.G. Adams and D. McHale
  • Development of an integrated computer-based method for mineral plant enhancement. 1988-1991 : Confidential report to the European Economic Community. (1992) P. Tucker, Kathleen Lewis and Gary LeJeune
  • Hydrophobic core and surface charges of human beta-2-microglobulin probed by CD measurements. (1992) M. Vucic, P. Bray, Mire Zloh and D. Vucelic
  • Isolation and amplification of human IgE Fd encoding mRNA from human peripheral blood lymphocytes. (1992) M.R Walker, L.J Bevan, J Daniels, M.A Rottier, Ralph Rapley and A.M Roberts
  • Generation of a ribosomal DNA probe by PCR and its use in identification of fungi within the Gaeumannomyces-Phialophora complex. (1992) E. Ward and R. M. Gray
  • Advancing understanding about behavior at work. (1992) Michael West, John Arnold, Martin Corbett and Ben Fletcher
  • Calculation of the He-3(He-3, 2p)He-4 AND H-3(H-3, 2N)He-4 astrophysical S-factor at low energies. (1992) S. Winkler, H. Krauss, K. Grun, T. Rauscher, H. Oberhummer, H. Abele and G. Staudt
  • Discussion on paper by Sigmund W. Karterud. (1992) David Winter
  • Personal Construct Psychology in Clinical Practice : Theory, Research and Applications. (1992) David Winter
  • Repertory grid technique as a group psychotherapy research instrument. (1992) David Winter
  • Into the unknown : Transitions in psychiatric services as construed by clients and staff. (1992) David Winter, Michael Baker and Stephen Goggins
  • Verso l'ignoto. Il problema della transizione nei serviziz psichiatrica, dal punto di vista dei clienti e dello staff. (1992) David Winter, Michael Baker and Stephen Goggins
  • Time-dependence of the UV resonance lines in the cataclysmic variables YZ CNC, IR GEM and V3885-SGR. (1992) J.A. Woods, F. Verbunt, A. Collier Cameron, J.E. Drew and A. Piters