Items where Year is 1997

Number of items: 238.
  • Oral counselling on dispensed medication : A survey of its extent and associated factors in a random sample of community pharmacies. (1997) Z. Aslanpour and F.J. Smith
  • Relationships among Fusarium spp. estimated by comparing restriction fragment length polymorphisms in polymerase chain reaction amplified ribosomal DNA. (1997) Geoffrey L. Bateman, Hanna Kwasna and Elaine Ward
  • Comparisons of isolates of the take-all fungus, Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici, from different cereal sequences using DNA probes and non-molecular methods. (1997) Geoffrey L. Bateman, Elaine Ward, D. Hornby and R. J. Gutteridge
  • Cloning, in vitro expression, and functional characterization of a novel human CC chemokine of the monocyte chemotactic protein (MCP) family (MCP-4) that binds and signals through the CC chemokine receptor 2B. (1997) Theo Berkhout, Henry M. Sarau, Kitty E. Moores, John R. White, Nabil Elshourbagy, Edward Appelbaum, Theresa J. Reape, Mary Brawner, Jayneeta Makwana, James J. Foley, Dulcie B. Schmidt, Christine Imburgia, Dean McNulty, Jane Matthews, Kevin O'Donnell, Daniel O'Shannessy, Miller Scott, Pieter H E Groot and Colin H. Macphee
  • SR-12813 lowers plasma cholesterol in beagle dogs by decreasing cholesterol biosynthesis. (1997) Theo Berkhout, Helen M. Simon, Brian Jackson, John Yates, Nigel Pearce, Pieter H E Groot, Craig Bentzen, Eric Niesor, William D. Kerns and Keith E. Suckling
  • Philosophy and Electronic Publishing : The Theory and Metatheory in the Development of Text Encoding. (1997) Michael Biggs and Claus Huitfeldt
  • The Role of the Higher Education Tutor in School-based Initial Teacher Education in England and Wales. (1997) David Blake, Vincent Hanley, Mike Jennings and Michele Lloyd
  • Evolution and Mass Loss of AGB Stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud. (1997) J.A.D.L. Blommaert, N.R. Trams, K. Okumura, M.A.T. Groenewegen, J.T. van Loon, L.B.F.M. Waters, M-R.L. Cioni, H.J. Habing, A.A. Zijlstra and C. Loup
  • Effect of wind on the dispersal of oospores of Peronosclerospora sorghi from sorghum. (1997) C. H. Bock, M.J. Jeger, Bruce D.L. Fitt and J. Sherington
  • Ileal endometriosis masquerading as Crohn's ileitis. (1997) R. Boulton, M.H. Chawla, S. Poole, H.J. Hodgson and Ian Barrison
  • The Absence of Diffuse Gas around the Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy Leo I. (1997) D.V. Bowen, E. Tolstoy, A. Ferrera, J.C. Blades and E. Brinks
  • Buyer/Supplier Partnering in British Industry : The Automotive and Telecommunications Sectors. (1997) Ross Brennan
  • Warm Neutral Gas at Redshift 3.4. (1997) F. Briggs, E. Brinks and A.M. Wolfe
  • Starbursts in H II Galaxies. (1997) E. Brinks
  • Genetic differentiation between and within strains of the saw-toothed grain beetle, Oryzaephilus surinamensis (Coleoptera Silvanidae) at RAPD loci. (1997) R. J. Brown, Colin Malcolm, P. L. Mason and R. A. Nichols
  • Quantum computing with controlled-NOT and few qubits. (1997) D. Bruss, A.K. Ekert, S.F. Huelga, J.W. Pan and A. Zeilinger
  • Detection of Gamma Rays with E > 100 MeV from BL Lacertae. (1997) M. Catanese, C. Akerlof, S.D. Biller, P. Boyle, J.H. Buckley, D.A. Carter-Lewis, M.F. Cawley, V. Connaughton, B. Dingus, D.J. Fegan, C.E. Fichtel, J.P. Finley, J.A. Gaidos, W.K. Gear, R.C. Hartman, A.M. Hillas, F. Krennrich, R.C. Lamb, R.W. Lessard, Y.C. Lin, J.E. McEnery, A.P. Marscher, G. Mohanty, R. Mukherjee, J. Quinn, E.I. Robson, A.J. Rodgers, H.J. Rose, F.W. Samuelson, G. Sembroski, M.S. Schubnell, J. A. Stevens, H. Terasranta, D.J. Thompson, T.C. Weekes, C. Wilson and J. Zweerink
  • Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies on phenylbutazone and oxyphenbutazone in goats. (1997) Z. Cheng, E. Welsh, A. Nolan and Quintin McKellar
  • Giving reverse differentiation a helping hand. (1997) B. Christianson, A. Davies, Laurence Dixon, R. Roy and P. van der Zee
  • Why isn't trust transitive? (1997) B. Christianson and W.S. Harbison
  • Meaning, mistake and miscalculation. (1997) Paul Coates
  • The Capture and Escape of Stars. (1997) J. Collett, S.N. Dutta and N.W. Evans
  • I could be you : the phenomenological dimension of social understanding. (1997) K. Dautenhahn
  • Reverse differentiation and the inverse diffusion problem. (1997) A.J. Davies, B. Christianson, Laurence Dixon, R Roy and P. van der Zee
  • Diversity and partial characterization of putative virulence determinants in Pasteuria penetrans, the hyperparasitic bacterium of root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.). (1997) Keith Davies and M. Redden
  • Cunning-folk in England and Wales during the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. (1997) Owen Davies
  • Methodism, the Clergy, and the Popular Belief in Witchcraft and Magic. (1997) Owen Davies
  • Urbanization and the Decline of Witchcraft : An Examination of London. (1997) Owen Davies
  • Preliminary Observations of Turbulent Flow at Culvert Inlets. (1997) R. Day
  • Star formation histories in H II galaxies. I. Optical and radio observations. (1997) H-J. Deeg, N. Duric and E. Brinks
  • MWC 297, B1.5Ve : a zero-age main sequence star in the Aquila Rift. (1997) J.E. Drew, G. Busfield, M.G. Hoare, K.A. Murdoch, C.A. Nixon and R.D. Oudmaijer
  • Gas segregation in the interacting system Arp 105. (1997) P.A. Duc, E. Brinks, J. Wink and F. Mirabel
  • Polarization due to dichroic absorption and emission by aligned grains in dusty discs. (1997) A. Efstathiou, A. McCall and J. Hough
  • Compatibility between Pasteuria penetrans isolates and Meloidogyne populations from Spain. (1997) M. Espanol, S. VerdejoLucas, Keith Davies and Brian R. Kerry
  • Insect injury to linseed in south-east England. (1997) A.W. Ferguson, Bruce D.L. Fitt and I.H. Williams
  • A prospective study of the effects of prolonged timolol therapy on α- and β-adrenoceptor and angiotensin II receptor mediated responses in normal subjects. (1997) A. Ferro, J.A. Hall, Claire Dickerson and M.J. Brown
  • Wound cleansing. (1997) J. Fletcher
  • Scepticism, Animal Rationality and the Fortune of Chrysippus' Dog. (1997) L. Floridi
  • The r-process in the high entropy bubble. (1997) C. Freiburghaus, T. Rauscher, Friedrich-Karl Thielemann, K.L. Kratz and B. Pfeiffer
  • Randomised controlled assessment of non-directive psychotherapy versus routine general-practitioner care. (1997) K. Friedli, M. B. King, M. Lloyd and J. Horder
  • Rites of passage and the hospice culture. (1997) K. Froggatt
  • From social settlement to household lottery. (1997) J. Froud, Karel Williams, Colin Haslam, Sukhdev Johal and John Williams
  • Why don’t I just Throw it in the Bin? : Evaluation and Self-esteem. (1997) J. Garvey and Antony Quinlan
  • Gentle teaching for challenging behaviour. (1997) Robert Gates
  • Value of learning disabled people and the never ending appeal of eugenics. (1997) Robert Gates
  • What constitutes learning disabilities, a question of semantics? (1997) Robert Gates
  • Where to live and how to live : Zeitgeist and learning disabilities. (1997) Robert Gates
  • A radial velocity study of the companion to the central star of Abell 35. (1997) A.A. Gatti, J.E. Drew, S. Lumsden, T.R. Marsh, C. Moran and P. Stetson
  • Effects of long term storage and above normal temperatures on spore adhesion of Pasteuria penetrans and infection of the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne javanica. (1997) I. O. Giannakou, B. Pembroke, S. R. Gowen and Keith Davies
  • Pharmacokinetics of a porcine insulin zinc suspension in diabetic dogs. (1997) P.A. Graham, A.S. Nash and Quintin McKellar
  • The jets in 3C 296. (1997) M.J. Hardcastle, P. Alexander, G.G. Pooley and J.M. Riley
  • Temperature and Effects of Seed-borne Botrytis cinerea or Alternaria linicola on Emergence of Linseed (Linum usitatissimum) Seedlings. (1997) J.F.S. Harold, Bruce D.L. Fitt and S. Landau
  • A neural network based spatial light scattering instrument for hazardous airborne fiber detection. (1997) E. Hirst, Paul H. Kaye and Z. Wang
  • The Sign of the Cross: culture and belief in The Dream of the Rood. (1997) G. Holderness
  • Bravehearts: images of masculinity in Shakespeare's history plays. (1997) G. Holderness and C. Banks
  • True originall copies. (1997) G. Holderness and C. Banks
  • Busy doing nothing : a response to Edward Pechter. (1997) G. Holderness, B. Loughrey and A. Murphy
  • Infrared Polarimetry and the Torus. (1997) J. Hough
  • Influence of target characteristics on the amount of water splashed by impacting drops. (1997) L. Huber, H.A. McCartney and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Improvement of frequency standards with quantum entanglement. (1997) S.F. Huelga, C. Macchiavello, T. Pellizzari, A.K. Ekert, M.B. Plenio and J. Cirac
  • Observation of quantum coherence by means of temporal Bell-type inequalities. (1997) S.F. Huelga, T.W. Marshall and E. Santos
  • Effects of temperature, cultivar and isolate on the incubation period of white leaf spot (Mycosphaerella capsellae) on oilseed rape (Brassica napus). (1997) A.J. Inman, Bruce D.L. Fitt, S.J. Welham, R. L. Evans and D. Murray
  • Real-time measurement of stimulated 5-hydroxytryptamine release in rat substantia nigra pars reticulata brain slices. (1997) Mahmoud M. Iravani and Z. L. Kruk
  • The presence and the effects of neuropeptide Y in rat anococcygeus muscle. (1997) Mahmoud M. Iravani and M. A. Zar
  • Spectral evidence for dust in late-type M dwarfs. (1997) H.R.A. Jones and Takashi Tsuji
  • Temperature determination of the cool DO white dwarf HD 149499B from EUVE observations. (1997) S. Jordan, R. Napiwotzki, D. Koester and T. Rauch
  • A sensitivity analysis of 3-dimensional restoration techniques using vertical and inclined shear constructions. (1997) Stephen Kane, Graham Williams, Tim Buddin and Stuart Egan
  • Restoration and balance of complex folded and faulted rock volumes: Flexural flattening, jigsaw fitting and decompaction in three dimensions. (1997) Stephen Kane, Graham Williams, Tim Buddin and Andrew Richards
  • Observations of the Ocular Galaxy NGC 2535 and its Starburst Companion NGC 2536. (1997) M. Kaufman, E. Brinks, D.M. Elmegreen, M. Thomasson, B. Elmegreen, C. Struck and M. Klaric
  • Cross purposes. (1997) Peter Keeble, Chris Metcalfe, Tony Riley, Jill Waterson and David Winter
  • Cloning of cold-inducible dehydrin-like genes from the blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum L.) using RT-PCR. (1997) R. Kemp, R. Brennan, P.G. Lanham, R Slater and H. Jones
  • Atomic hydrogen in the spiral galaxy NGC 3631. (1997) J. Knapen
  • Pharmacists' quality of learning in a diploma/MSc course in pharmacy practice. (1997) Andrzej Kostrzewski and S. Dhillon
  • Direct somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration from mature sugarbeet (Beta vulgaris L.) zygotic cotyledons. (1997) S. Kulshreshtha and Robert H.A. Coutts
  • Lakatos as historian of mathematics. (1997) B. Larvor
  • Evaluating travel agents' provision of health advice to travellers. (1997) G. Lawton and S. Page
  • Analysing the promotion, product and visitor expectations of urban tourism: Auckland, New Zealand as a case study. (1997) G. Lawton and S.J. Page
  • Balancing the object: the reinvention of Alessi. (1997) Grace Lees-Maffei
  • An eco-rating system for optimising pesticide use at farm level : Part 2 - Evaluation, examples and piloting. (1997) Kathleen Lewis, Marguerite Newbold and Clare Broom
  • An eco-rating system for optimising pesticide use at farm level : Part I - Theory and Development. (1997) Kathleen Lewis, Marguerite Newbold, Avice Hall and Clare Broom
  • Scoring and ranking farmland conservation activities to evaluate environmental performance and encourage sustainable farming. (1997) Kathleen Lewis, John Skinner, James Finch, Tina Kaho, Marguerite Newbold and Keith Bardon
  • A funny thing happened to me on the way to salvation: Climacus as humorist in Kierkegaard's concluding unscientific postscript. (1997) John Lippitt
  • 'I needed to be told that I hadn't failed': Experiences of violence against probation staff and of agency support. (1997) B Littlechild
  • The Energetic Cost of Activation of White Muscle Fibres from the Dogfish Scyliophinus Canicula. (1997) Fang Lou, N.A. Curtin and R.C. Woledge
  • Butterfly star in Taurus: Structures of young stellar objects. (1997) P.W. Lucas and P.F. Roche
  • Using single layer networks for discrete, sequential data: an example from natural language processing. (1997) C. Lyon and R. Frank
  • Taste perception in cirrhosis : its relationship to circulating micronutrients and food preferences. (1997) A M Madden, W Bradbury and M Y Morgan
  • The potential role of dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry in the assessment of body composition in cirrhotic patients. (1997) A M Madden and M Y Morgan
  • Diverging Common Law — Invercargill goes to the Privy Council. (1997) R. Martin
  • Pre-eclipse dips in the ultraviolet light curves of two eclipsing nova-like cataclysmic variables. (1997) K.O. Mason, J.E. Drew and C. Knigge
  • Sampling bioaerosols in plant pathology. (1997) H. A. McCartney, Bruce D.L. Fitt and D. Schmechel
  • A Gamma-Ray Flare in NRAO 190. (1997) T. A. McGlynn, R. C. Hartman, S. D. Bloom, M. Aller, H. Aller, A. V. Filippenko, A. J. Barth, W. K. Gear, A. P. Marscher, J. R. Mattox, W. Reich, E. I. Robson, J. Schramm, Jason Stevens, H. Teraesranta, M. Tornikoski, W. T. Vestrand, S. Wagner and A. Heines
  • Ecotoxicology and residues of anthelmintic compounds. (1997) Quintin McKellar
  • SB 205384 slows the decay of GABA-activated chloride currents in granule cells cultured from rat cerebellum. (1997) H.J. Meadows, M. Harries, M. Thompson and C.D. Benham
  • A vision for the early years Curriculum in the United Kingdom. (1997) L.K. Miller
  • Sm-144-alpha optical potential at astrophysically relevant energies derived from Sm-144(alpha,alpha) Sm-144 elastic scattering. (1997) P. Mohr, T. Rauscher, H. Oberhummer, Z. Mate, Zs. Fulop, E. Somorjai, M. Jaeger and G. Staudt
  • Rhizosphere soil enzymes as indicators of perturbations caused by enzyme substrate addition and inoculation of a genetically modified strain of Pseudomonas fluorescens on wheat seed. (1997) D.C. Naseby and J.M. Lynch
  • High performance liquid chromatography of a cyclosporin A formulation on a porous graphitic carbon column. (1997) T. Nazir, L. A. Gould, C. Marriott, Gary P. Martin and Marc Brown
  • Rationale for the introduction of environmental management systems to local government, environmental regulators and industry - a case study. (1997) J. Newbold, K.S. Bardon, C.C. Duff, J.D. Hutchison, A.R. Johnston, A. Pichugin and M.A. Smith
  • Options for informal environmental management : the agricultural industry highlighted. (1997) J. Newbold, Kathleen Lewis, J. Tzilivakis, J. Finch, T.M. Kaho, J.A. Skinner and K.S. Bardon
  • Noradrenergic mechanisms in the prefrontal cortex. (1997) D.J. Nutt, M.D. Lalies, Lisa Lione and A.L. Hudson
  • The Concept of Knowledge in the Context of Electronic Networking. (1997) J.C. Nyíri, Michael Biggs, Gergely Kovesd, Phil Mullins, Margit Pohl and László Turi
  • Diffuse interstellar bands in the spectra of massive young stellar objects. (1997) R.D. Oudmaijer, G. Busfield and J.E. Drew
  • Helium absorption and emission towards Theta^1 ORI C. (1997) R.D. Oudmaijer, J.E. Drew, M.J. Barlow, I.A. Crawford and D. Proga
  • Near-infrared imaging polarimetry of NGC 1068. (1997) C. Packham, S. Young, J. Hough, D.J. Axon and J. Bailey
  • Towards sustainable tourism planning in New Zealand: Public sector planning responses. (1997) S. Page and K. Thorn
  • Phase space distributions from three-port couplers. (1997) M.G.A. Paris, A.V. Chizhov and O. Steuernagel
  • MoBIC: An Aid to Increase the Independent Mobility of Blind Travellers. (1997) Helen Petrie, Valerie Johnson, Thomas Strothotte, Andreas Raab, R. Michel, Lars Reichert and Axel Schalt
  • Simultaneous UBVRIJK photometric and polarimetric observations of PQ Gem. (1997) S.B. Potter, M. Cropper, K.O. Mason, J. Hough and J. Bailey
  • Involvement of the Sp3 transcription factor in induction of p21(Cip1/WAF1) in keratinocyte differentiation. (1997) David M. Prowse, Loretta Bolgan, Árpád Molnár and G. Paolo Dotto
  • E-cadherin expression can alter the specificity of gap junction formation. (1997) David M. Prowse, G. P. Cadwallader and J. D. Pitts
  • Detection of a second optical component in the H I cloud of the young dwarf galaxy SBS 0335-052 : New observations with the 6-m telescope. (1997) S.A. Pustil'nik, V.A. Lipovetsky, Y.I. Izotov, E. Brinks, T.X. Thuan, A.Y. Knyazev, S. I. Neizvestnyi and A. V. Ugryumov
  • Trade unions, foreign investment and the restructuring of Polish enterprises. (1997) A. Rainnie and Jane Hardy
  • Rewarding Failure: operating a performance-related pay system in pharmaceutical research. (1997) Keith Randle
  • Further Education and the New Managerialism. (1997) Keith Randle and Norman Brady
  • Managerialism and Professionalism in the Cinderella Service. (1997) Keith Randle and norman brady
  • Uncertainties in direct neutron capture calculations due to nuclear structure models. (1997) T. Rauscher, K.L. Kratz, H. Oberhummer, J. Dobaczewski, P. Moller and M. Sharma
  • Applicability of the Hauser-Feshbach approach for the determination of astrophysical reaction rates. (1997) T. Rauscher, Friedrich-Karl Thielemann and K.L. Kratz
  • Nuclear level density and the determination of thermonuclear rates for astrophysics. (1997) T. Rauscher, Friedrich-Karl Thielemann and K.L. Kratz
  • Furosemide inhibits regenerative cortical spreading depression in anaesthetised cats. (1997) S.J. Read, M.I. Smith, C.D. Benham, A.J. Hunter and A.A. Parsons
  • An approximation for the rp-process. (1997) F. Rembges, C. Freiburghaus, T. Rauscher, F.K. Thielemann, H. Schatz and M. Wiescher
  • Preparation of Fe-TiC composites by the thermal-explosion mode of combustion synthesis. (1997) A. Saidi, J.V. Wood, J.L.F. Kellie and A. Chrysanthou
  • The endpoint of the rp-process. (1997) H. Schatz, A. Aprahamian, B.A. Brown, J. Gorres, H. Herndl, K.L. Kratz, P. Moller, B. Pfeiffer, T. Rauscher, J.F. Rembges, F.K. Thielemann, M. Wiescher and L. vanWormer
  • UGC 12732: A Disk Galaxy Lacking High-Velocity Clouds. (1997) E. Schulman, E. Brinks, J.N. Bregman and M.S. Roberts
  • Stabbing injuries. (1997) Patricia Scott and Gill Mackenzie
  • Modulation of spore adhesion of the hyperparasitic bacterium Pasteuria penetrans to nematode cuticle. (1997) S. B. Sharma and Keith Davies
  • Method for the growth of equine airway epithelial cells in culture. (1997) A. A. W. Sime, Quintin McKellar and A. M. Nolan
  • Overview of the environmental impacts of agriculture in the UK. (1997) John Skinner, Kathleen Lewis, Keith Bardon, P. Tucker, John Catt and Brian Chambers
  • Luckiness, competition, and performance on a psi task. (1997) M. D. Smith, R. Wiseman, D. Machin, P. Harris and R. Joiner
  • Synthesis of conformationally constrained analogues of BRL32872 : Determination of stereochemistry and related pharmacological properties. (1997) M. Souchet, M.-C. Forest, B. Cheval, S. Rouanet, J.-F. Faivre, A. Bril, U. Gerhard and R.J. Smith
  • Governance and Cooperative Networks : An Adaptive Systems Perspective. (1997) Ralph Stacey and Michaela Y. Smith
  • Ethical dimensions of re-engineering. (1997) A. Stainer and L. Stainer
  • The genetic basis of resistance to Ostertagia circumcincta in lambs. (1997) M.J. Stear, K. Bairden, S.C. Bishop, J. Buitkamp, J.L. Duncan, G. Gettinby, Quintin McKellar, M. Park, J.J. Parkins and S.W.J. Reid
  • Synthesis of Fock states via beam splitters. (1997) O. Steuernagel
  • A superscalar architecture to exploit instruction level parallelism. (1997) G.B. Steven, B. Christianson, R. Collins, F.L. Steven and R. Potter
  • Current-mode multiple-loop feedback filters using dual-output OTAs and grounded capacitors. (1997) Y. Sun and J.K. Fidler
  • Structure generation and design of multiple loop feedback OTA-grounded capacitor filters. (1997) Y. Sun and J.K. Fidler
  • A Novel Instrument for Studying the Flow Behaviour of Erythrocytes through Microchannels Simulating Human. (1997) N. Sutton, M.C. Tracey, I.D. Johnston, R. Greenaway and M.W. Rampling
  • Identification of the exciting source of Herbig-Haro objects 135 and 136. (1997) M. Tamura, J. Hough, A. Chrysostomou, Y. Itoh, K. Murakawa and J. Bailey
  • Input efficiency profiling: an application to airlines. (1997) C. Tofallis
  • A dynamical analysis of the HII galaxy II Zwicky 33 and its low surface brightness companion. (1997) F. Walter, E. Brinks, N. Duric and U. Klein
  • Child health promotion. (1997) Lisa Whiting
  • Clinical assessment of student nurses. (1997) Lisa Whiting
  • Induction of cytochrome P4503A by the antiglucocorticoid mifepristone and a novel hypocholesterolaemic drug. (1997) J. Andrew Williams, Richard J. Chenery, Theo Berkhout and Gabrielle M. Hawksworth
  • Everybody has still won but what about the booby prizes? (1997) David Winter
  • Psicoterapia de constructos personales y terapias cognitivas: Diferentes en teoria, pero ?pueden ser diferenciadas en la practica? (1997) David Winter and Sue Watson
  • The effects of SB 206284A, a novel neuronal Ca channel antagonist in models of cerebral ischaemia. (1997) N. Wood, F.C. Barone, C.D. Benham, T.H. Brown, C.A. Campbell, D.C. Cooper, M.L. Evans, G. Feuerstein, T.C. Hamilton, M. Harries, P.D. King, J.E. Meakin, J.L. Murkitt, S. Patel, W.J. Price, J.C. Roberts, A.L. Rothaul, N.A. Samson, S.J. Smith and A.J. Hunter
  • Monograph
  • Single-bit feedback and limited acceleration mechanism in ATM networks. (1997) H. Liu, E. Song and R. Sotudeh
  • Multi-attribute selection using discrete frontier profiling. (1997) C. Tofallis
  • Conference or Workshop Item
  • Evaluating Parsing Schemes with Entropy Indicators. (1997) C. Lyon and S. Brown
  • Reducing the Complexity of Parsing by a Method of Decomposition. (1997) C. Lyon and R. Dickerson
  • Book
  • The Business of Rural Tourism. (1997)
  • Dimensions of Learning Disability. (1997)
  • Proceedings of the University of Hertfordshire Relevance Theory Workshop. (1997)
  • Culvert design guide. (1997) R. Day, D. Ramsbottom and C. Rickard
  • Diseases of Linseed and Fibre Flax. (1997) Bruce D.L. Fitt and S.J Kolte
  • Learning Disabilities. (1997) Bob Gates
  • Routemaps in Gene Technology. (1997) Ralph Rapley and Matthew R. Walker
  • Other
  • Assessment of the use of computer assisted learning (CAL) and multimedia in Kuwaiti Higher Education. (1997) A. Al-hunaiyyan
  • The evaluation of: Encarta 97. A multimedia learning package. (1997) A. Al-hunaiyyan
  • The impact of multimedia tutorial on students' learning experience in the public authority for applied education and trainng, Kuwait. (1997) A. Al-hunaiyyan
  • Analysis and Comparison of Score Normalisation Methods for Text-Dependent Speaker Verification. (1997) Aladdin Ariyaeeinia and P. Sivakumaran
  • Comparison of VQ and DTW classifiers for speaker verification. (1997) A. Ariyaeeinia and P. Sivakumaran
  • Rhizomania : The role of vector and virus resistnace. (1997) M. J. C. Asher, Euphemia Mutasa-Gottgens and D. M. Chwarszczynska
  • The creation of task-based differentiated learning materials for students with learning difficulties and/or disabilities. (1997) T. Barker, S. Jones and C. Britton
  • Creating multimedia learning applications in a further education environment. (1997) T. Barker, S. Jones, C. Britton and D.J. Messer
  • The development and application of multimedia in learning: a survey of literature. (1997) T. Barker, S. Jones, C. Britton and D.J. Messer
  • Regulatory conflict and the marketing of Agricultural Biotechnology in the European Community. (1997) David Barling
  • B-CCD: a framework to enable SMEs to make business-critical computing decisions. (1997) J. Bennett, R. Berenbaum, P. Hinton, C. Tagg and B.K. Ward
  • Lipid mimetics : the design and properties of conformationally-restricted arachidonic acid lipidic and peptidic analogues. (1997) P. M. Bonzom, Mire Zloh, R. E. Reid and W.A. Gibbons
  • Which properties make a modelling notation easy for untrained users to understand? (1997) C. Britton and S. Jones
  • The untrained eye : what makes a representation easy for novice readers to understand? (1997) C. Britton and S. Jones
  • Structural invariance, structural definability and the Galois theory of elementarily invariant structures. (1997) J. Broido
  • Automatic differentiation of computer programs in a parallel computing environment. (1997) S. Brown and B. Christianson
  • An investigation into the performance and representation of a stochastic evolutionary neural tree. (1997) K. Butchart, N. Davey and R.G. Adams
  • Binding bit patterns to real world entities. (1997) B. Christianson and J. Malcolm
  • Ants don't have friends: thoughts on socially intelligent agents. (1997) K. Dautenhahn
  • Robust LQG Control of a Separately Excited DC Motor with Efficiency Optimization. (1997) Mouloud Denai, Mohamed Bouhamida and Azeddine Draou
  • Dynamic Performance Analysis Of A State Feedback Controlled Three Phase Ac-To-Dc Converter System. (1997) Azeddine Draou and Mouloud Denai
  • Traffic trends analysis using neural networks. (1997) T. Edwards, D. Tansley, R. Frank and N. Davey
  • Delayed branches versus dynamic branch prediction in a high-performance superscalar architecture. (1997) C. Egan, F.L. Steven and G.B. Steven
  • Prospects for developing a forecasting scheme to optimize use of fungicides for disease control on winter oilseed rape in the UK. (1997) Bruce D.L. Fitt, P. Gladders, J.A. Turner, K.G. Sutherland, S.J. Welham and J.M.L. Davies
  • Development of a PCR based detection technique for Pyrenopeziza brassicae, causal agent of light leaf spot on winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L. subsp. oleifera). (1997) Simon J. Foster, A.M. Ashby and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Behavioural difficulties. (1997) Bob Gates
  • Understanding Learning Disability. (1997) Bob Gates
  • The nature of learning disability. (1997) Bob Gates
  • Leading a normal life. (1997) Bob Gates and Sue Merrylees
  • Teaching information systems at undergraduate level: a viewpoint. (1997) P. Hinton, A. Jefferies and J. Bennett
  • Shakespeare's England : Britain's Shakespeare. (1997) G. Holderness
  • Polarization Properties of Active Galactic Nuclei. (1997) J. Hough
  • The story of the self: narrative as the basis for self-development. (1997) D. Hutto
  • Using multimedia case study material for teaching requirements engineering. (1997) S. Jones and C. Britton
  • Towards a framework for selecting notations for modelling requirements. (1997) S. Jones, C. Britton and W. Lam
  • Designing a public access information system in a new domain. (1997) S. Jones and J. Hewitt
  • Use of case-based reasoning in the context-specific selection of notations for requirements specification. (1997) S. Jones, V. Shankararaman and C. Britton
  • The dual role of calcium in synaptic plasticity at the motor endplate. (1997) S. R. H. Joseph, Volker Steuber and D. J. Willshaw
  • DSP based induction motor torque and parameter identification. (1997) J. Ke, B. Wu and R. Sotudeh
  • A graphical representation for communicating sequential processes. (1997) M. Kutar, C. Britton and S. Jones
  • Philip Herries Gregory 1907-1986 : pioneer aerobiologist, versatile mycologist. (1997) J. Lacey, M.E. Lacey and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Gottfried Semper. (1997) Grace Lees-Maffei
  • Norman Shaw. (1997) Grace Lees-Maffei
  • What’s the score? (1997) Kathleen Lewis
  • Environmental best practice advisory system for agriculture. (1997) Kathleen Lewis, John Tzilivakis, John Skinner and Keith Bardon
  • Single-bit feedback and limited acceleration mechanism in ATM networks. (1997) H. Liu, E. Song and R. Sotudeh
  • Evaluating parsing schemes with entropy indicators. (1997) C. Lyon
  • Functional impact of genetically modified micro-organisms on the soil ecosystem. (1997) D.C. Naseby and J.M. Lynch
  • A localist implementation of the Primacy model of immediate serial recall. (1997) D. Norris and M.P.A. Page
  • Identifying the requirements for a tool to support the adoption of SSM within business systems analysis and design. (1997) C. Pascoulis
  • Inexpensive tactile interaction for blind computer users : two application domains. (1997) Helen Petrie, Valerie Johnson, Pete McNally, Anne-Marie O'Neill, Dennis Majoe and S. Morley
  • Initial design and evaluation of an interface to hypermedia systems for blind users. (1997) Helen Petrie, Sarah Morley, Pete McNally, Anne-Marie O'Neill and Dennis Majoe
  • Neutron capture reaction rates of unstable isotopes in the s-process branchings. (1997) T. Rauscher, H. Beer, H. Oberhummer and Friedrich-Karl Thielemann
  • Manifestations of learning disability. (1997) Adrienne Regan and Bob Gates
  • Excitement and Tension at the Edge of Chaos. (1997) Ralph Stacey
  • How hosts control worms. (1997) M.J. Stear, K. Bairden, J.L. Duncan, P.H. Holmes, Quintin McKellar, M. Park, S. Strain, M. Murray, S.C. Bishop and G. Gettinby
  • How a single Purkinje cell could learn the adaptive timing of the classically conditioned eye-blink response. (1997) Volker Steuber and David Willshaw
  • Abstract process definitions in CSP- A case study. (1997) P.N. Taylor
  • Concrete examples (using CSP) of process algebra templates and their children. (1997) P.N. Taylor
  • Concrete examples for templates and their children. (1997) P.N. Taylor
  • Research issues associated with process algebras and the object-orientated paradigm. (1997) P.N. Taylor
  • Resilient process theory (RsPT). (1997) P.N. Taylor
  • Women with special needs. (1997) Hilary Thomas
  • Using disease survey data to develop schemes for predicting epidemics of light leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza brassicae) on winter oilseed rape in England and Wales. (1997) J.A. Turner, S.J. Welham, Bruce D.L. Fitt, P. Gladders and K.G. Sutherland
  • Conditional reasoning in language and logic : transfer of non-logical heuristics? (1997) R.J. Vinter, M.J. Loomes and D. Kornbrot
  • Measuring human inferential complexity in formal specifications : a predictive model for the Z notation. (1997) R.J. Vinter, M.J. Loomes and D. Kornbrot
  • Quantified reasoning in formal specification : transfer of everyday errors and biases? (1997) R.J. Vinter, M.J. Loomes and D. Kornbrot
  • A study of disjunctive and conjunctive reasoning in formal logic. (1997) R.J. Vinter, M.J. Loomes and D. Kornbrot
  • Exploiting BP & ISR in the Sri Lankan contect: an action research project. (1997) V. Weerakkody
  • Multiwavelength observations of the February 1996 high-energy flare in the blazar 3C 279. (1997) A. E. Wehrle, E. Pian, C.M. Urry, L. Maraschi, G. Ghisellini, R.C. Hartman, G. M. Madejski, F. Makino, A.P. Marscher, I.M. McHardy, J. R. Webb, G. S. Aldering, M. F. Aller, H. D. Aller, D.E. Backman, T.J. Balonek, P. Boltwood, J. Bonnell, J. Caplinger, A. Celotti, W. Collmar, J. Dalton, A. Drucker, R. Falomo, C.E. Fichtel, W. Freudling, W.K. Gear, N. Gonzalez-Perez, P. Hall, H. Inoue, W. N. Johnson, M. R. Kidger, R. I. Kollgaard, Y. Kondo, J. Kurfess, A.J. Lawson, B. McCollum, K. McNaron-Brown, D. Nair, S. Penton, J. E. Pesce, M. Pohl, C.M. Raiteri, M. Renda, E.I. Robson, R.M. Sambruna, A. F. Schirmer, C. Shrader, M. Sikora, A. Sillanpää, P.S. Smith, Jason Stevens, J. Stocke, L.O. Takalo, H. Teräsranta, D.J. Thompson, R. Thompson, M. Tornikoski, G. Tosti, P. Turcotte, A. Treves, S.C. Unwin, E. Valtaoja, M. Villata, S.J. Wagner, W. Xu and A. C. Zook
  • Adaptation of legume cover crops to environment on hillsides in Bolivia. (1997) T. R. Wheeler, J. D. H. Keatinge, Aiming Qi, R. H. Ellis and R. J. Summerfield
  • Philosophical Investigations. (1997) Ludwig Wittgenstein
  • Analyzing the Connectivity of CERNET Backbone. (1997) Hannan Xiao, Jian Qiao Zan and Yan Wang
  • A dual GTO current source converter topology with sinusoidal inputs for high power applications. (1997) Y. Xiao, B. Wu, F.A. De Winter and R. Sotudeh
  • Design of line/motor side capacitors for PWM CSR-CSI drives to achieve optimal power factor in high power fan/pump applications. (1997) Y. Xiao, B. Wu, N.R. Zargari and R. Sotudeh
  • Community Care: Policy and Practice. (1997) Kathryn Rose Young
  • Needs Assessment and Community Care Provision. (1997) Kathryn Rose Young
  • Beaming in Radio-Quiet AGN. (1997) S. Young, J. Hough, D.J. Axon and J. Bailey
  • Campus Network Firewall System Based on Cisco Routers. (1997) Jian Qiao Zan, Bin Liu and Hannan Xiao
  • NMR-based modelling revealed an alpha helical structure for cytoplasmic domain of the alpha subunit of Fc epsilon RI, the high affinity IgE receptor. (1997) Mire Zloh, R. Thomas, R. E. Reid and W.A. Gibbons