Items where Year is 1998

Number of items: 271.
  • Analysing Hierarchical Data Using a Stochastic Evolutionary Neural Tree. (1998) R.G. Adams, N. Davey and S. George
  • Analysis and Design of Stereoscopic Television Systems. (1998) A. Ariyaeeinia
  • B
  • Chronic ethanol administration alters activity in ventral tegmental area neurons after cessation of withdrawal hyperexcitability. (1998) C.P. Bailey, S.J. Manley, W.P. Watson, S. Wonnacott, A. Molleman and H.J. Little
  • Comparison of the effects of drugs on hyperexcitability induced in hippocampal slices by withdrawal from chronic ethanol consumption. (1998) C.P. Bailey, A. Molleman and H.J. Little
  • Circular Polarization in Star- Formation Regions : Implications for Biomolecular Homochirality. (1998) J. Bailey, A. Chrysostomou, J. Hough, T. Gledhill, A. McCall, S. Clark, F. Menard and M. Tamura
  • In or out through the policy window? : The European Commission and the Reform of Food Safety. (1998) David Barling
  • Social Impact of Food Biotechnology. (1998) David Barling and H. De Vriend
  • Latitude distributions and lifetimes of star-spots on G dwarfs in the alpha Persei cluster. (1998) J R Barnes, A Collier Cameron, Y C Unruh, J F Donati and G A J Hussain
  • Comparative field evaluation of divided-dosing and reduced feed intake upon treatment efficacy against resistant isolates of Teladorsagia circumcincta in sheep and goats. (1998) M. Barrett, F. Jackson, M. Patterson, E. Jackson and Quintin McKellar
  • Inhibition of ornithine decarboxylase potentiates nitric oxide production in LPS-activated J774 cells. (1998) A. R. Baydoun and D. M. L. Morgan
  • Combustion synthesis in the Mo-Si-Al ternary system. (1998) S.B. Bhaduri, J.G. Huang, S. Bhaduri and A. Chrysanthou
  • Wittgenstein: Graphics, Normativity and Paradigms. (1998) M. Biggs
  • Ludwig Wittgenstein: a visual concordance to the published works. (1998) Michael Biggs
  • Culture and Value. (1998) Michael Biggs and Ludwig Wittgenstein
  • Mentoring in Action on a Primary PGCE Course. (1998) David Blake, Vincent Hanley, Mike Jennings and Michele Lloyd
  • Molecular self-organisation in a developmental model for the evolution of large-scale artificial neural networks. (1998) H. Bolouri, R.G. Adams, S. George and A.G. Rust
  • Towards a comprehensive taxonomy and model of consumer complaining behaviour. (1998) Jonathan Boote
  • Proton capture cross sections of the ruthenium isotopes. (1998) J. Bork, H. Schatz, F. Kappeler and T. Rauscher
  • Multivariable Robust Control of a Turbogenerator. (1998) Mohamed Bouhamida and Mouloud Denai
  • Power System Stabilizer Design Based on H_infinity Polynomial Approach for a Generator System. (1998) Mohamed Bouhamida and Mouloud Denai
  • The nucleotide sequence of satellite tobacco necrosis virus strain C and helper-assisted replication of wild-type and mutant clones of the virus. (1998) D.H. Bringloe, M. Pelpel, Robert H.A. Coutts, A.P. Gultyaev and C.W.A. Pleij
  • The untrained eye : how languages for software specification support understanding in untrained users. (1998) C. Britton and S. Jones
  • C
  • Mechanisms of acute vasodilator response to bacterial lipopolysaccharide in the rat coronary microcirculation. (1998) T. R. Cannon, G.E. Mann and A. R. Baydoun
  • Pharmacokinetic studies of flunixin meglumine and phenylbutazone in plasma, exudate and transudate in sheep. (1998) Z. Cheng, Quintin McKellar and A. Nolan
  • Measurement of cyclooxygenase inhibition in vivo : a study of two non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in sheep. (1998) Z. Cheng, A.M. Nolan and Quintin McKellar
  • Reverse accumulation and implicit functions. (1998) B. Christianson
  • Implementations of quantum logic : fundamental and experimental limits - Discussion. (1998) B. Christianson, P.L. Knight and T. Beth
  • Binding bit patterns to real world entities. (1998) B. Christianson and J. Malcolm
  • Computing in the 21st century : nanocircuitry, defect tolerance and quantum logic - Discussion. (1998) B. Christianson, N. S. Williams, T. Beth and R. S. Williams
  • A comparison of European state policies on 'orphan' sites. (1998) Stella Christie and R. Teeuw
  • Molecular Hydrogen Emission from the Photodissociation Region in Hubble 12. (1998) A. Chrysostomou, P.W.J.L. Brand, S.K.R. Howat and M. Burton
  • New measurements of the 4He abundance in galactic HII. (1998) M-R.L. Cioni, S. Cortiglioni, M. Orsini, E. Palazzi, G.G.C. Palumbo, R.L. Sorochenko and A.P. Tsivilev
  • The Inaugural Address: Perception and metaphysical scepticism. (1998) Paul Coates
  • Haptic virtual reality for blind computer users. (1998) C. Colwell, H. Petrie, D. Kornbrot, A. Hardwick and S. Fumer
  • Use of a haptic device by blind and sighted people : perception of virtual textures and objects. (1998) C. Colwell, H. Petrie, D. Kornbrot, A. Hardwick and S. Furner
  • Behavioural Interactions and Microhabitat use of stream-dwelling sticklebacks Glasterosteus aculatens and Pungitius pungitius in the laboratory and field. (1998) Gordon Copp, Veronica Edmonds-Brown and Rachael Cottey
  • The profiles of polarized broad Hα lines in radio galaxies. (1998) E.A. Corbett, A. Robinson, D.J. Axon, S. Young and J. Hough
  • Welsh electioneering and the purposes of Parliament: "From radicalism to nationalism" re-considered. (1998) M. Cragoe
  • The age of testimonials: John Griffith, "Y Gohebydd", and the general election of 1868 in Wales. (1998) M. Cragoe
  • The anatomy of an eviction campaign: the general election of 1868 in Wales and its aftermath. (1998) M. Cragoe
  • Relative hand skill predicts academic ability: global deficits at the point of hemispheric indecision. (1998) T.J. Crow, L.R. Crow, D.J. Done and S.J. Leask
  • D
  • A neural network model of visual object recognition impairment after brain damage. (1998) N. Davey, R. Frank, T.M. Gale and S. George
  • Charmers and Charming in England and Wales from the Eighteenth to the Twentieth Century. (1998) Owen Davies
  • Newspapers and the Popular Belief in Witchcraft and Magic in the Modern Period. (1998) Owen Davies
  • Threshold of movement of non-cohesive bed material at culvert outlets. (1998) R. Day
  • Adaptive Neural Predictive Control of an Induction Machine. (1998) Mouloud Denai, N. Benouzza and L. Berkane Krachai
  • Robust LQGI Speed Control of Induction Motor. (1998) Mouloud Denai and Azeddine Draou
  • Power System Stabiliser Design Based on Optimal Fuzzy Logic. (1998) Mouloud Denai and Abdeldjabbar Hazzab
  • Power System Stabiliser Design Based on Optimal Fuzzy Logic. (1998) Mouloud Denai and Abdeldjabbar Hazzab
  • Linguistic performance in children who develop schizophrenia in adult life : Evidence for normal syntactic ability. (1998) D.J. Done, E. Leinonen, T.J. Crow and A. Sacker
  • Robust Current Control Scheme of Converters Supplying DC Motors for Balanced and Unbalanced Supply. (1998) Azeddine Draou, M. Belmimoun and Mouloud Denai
  • A radiation-driven disc wind model for massive young stellar objects. (1998) J.E. Drew, D. Proga and J.M. Stone
  • Boron in the very metal-poor star BD-13 3442. (1998) D.K. Duncan, L.M. Rebull, F. Primas, A.M. Boesgaard, C.P. Deliyannis, L.M. Hobbs, J.R. King and Sean G. Ryan
  • E
  • Neutron capture cross section of Ti-44. (1998) R. Ejnisman, I.D. Goldman, K.S. Krane, P. Mohr, Y. Nakazawa, E. B. Norman, T. Rauscher and J. Reel
  • Dust Spirals and Acoustic Noise in the Nucleus of the Galaxy NGC 2207. (1998) B. Elmegreen, D.M. Elmegreen, E. Brinks, C. Yuan, M. Kaufman, M. Klaric, L. Montenegro, K. Struck and M. Thomasson
  • Molecular modelling of the IgE receptor loops-lipid interaction. (1998) D. Esposito, Mire Zloh and W. A. Gibbons
  • F
  • Methods for assessment of light leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza brassicae) on winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus) in the UK. (1998) Bruce D.L. Fitt, K.J. Doughty, T. Gilles, P. Gladders, J.M. Steed, H. Su and K.G. Sutherland
  • Diagnosis of light leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza brassicae) on winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus) in the UK. (1998) Bruce D.L. Fitt, K.J. Doughty, P. Gladders, J.M. Steed and K.G. Sutherland
  • The philosophy of blackmail : indecent offers of coercive proposals. (1998) D.P. Fitzpatrick
  • Taking the pressure off. (1998) J. Fletcher
  • Wound swabbing techniques. (1998) J. Fletcher
  • Development of a PCR based diagnostic technique for light leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza brassicae) on winter oilseed rape. (1998) Simon J. Foster, A.M. Ashby and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Development of a PCR-based diagnostic technique for light leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza brassicae) incidence on winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus subsp. oleifera). (1998) Simon J. Foster, A.M. Ashby and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Vertical motions in the gaseous disk of the spiral galaxy NGC 3631. (1998) A.M. Fridman, O.V. Koruzhii, A.V. Zasov, O.K. Sil'chenko, A.V. Moiseev, A.N. Burlak, V.L. Afanasiev, S.N. Dodonov and J. Knapen
  • Psychological treatments and their evaluation. (1998) K Friedli and Michael B. King
  • British pharmaceuticals : a cautionary tale. (1998) J. Froud, Colin Haslam, Sukhdev Johal, Karel Williams and Robert Willis
  • Caterpillar : Two stories and an argument. (1998) J. Froud, Karel Williams, Colin Haslam, Sukhdev Johal and John Williams
  • G
  • A new health agenda for learning disabled people : reflections on platitudes and rhetoric. (1998) Robert Gates
  • The separation of the stars in the binary nucleus of the planetary nebula Abell 35. (1998) A.A. Gatti, J.E. Drew, R.D. Oudmaijer, T.R. Marsh and A.E. Lynas-Gray
  • A preliminary survey of aerial biocontaminants at six London Underground Stations. (1998) S. B. Gilleberg, J. L. Faull and Kate Graeme-Cook
  • Effects of temperature and wetness duration on infection of winter oilseed rape leaves by Pyrenopeziza brassicae. (1998) T. Gilles, Bruce D.L. Fitt and M.J. Jeger
  • CO in blue compact and star burst galaxies. (1998) P.M. Gondhalekar, L.E.B. Johansson, N. Brosch, I. Glass and E. Brinks
  • Review of recent periodical literature. (1998) N. Goose and A. Hinde
  • H
  • Jets, plumes and hotspots in the wide-angle tail source 3C 130. (1998) M.J. Hardcastle
  • FR II radio galaxies with z < 0.3 I. Properties of jets, cores and hotspots. (1998) M.J. Hardcastle, P. Alexander, G.G. Pooley and J.M. Riley
  • Magnetic field strengths in the hotspots of 3C 33 and 111.. (1998) M.J. Hardcastle, M. Birkinshaw and D.M. Worrall
  • Dynamics of the radio galaxy 3C 449. (1998) M.J. Hardcastle, D.M. Worrall and M. Birkinshaw
  • Cathedrals in the desert? : Transnationals, corporate strategy and locality in Wroclaw. (1998) Jane Hardy
  • Farm-level assessment of the nutrient balance in northern Nigeria. (1998) Frances Harris
  • An observational study of prescribing and administration of intravenous drugs in a general hospital. (1998) G. M. Hartley and S. Dhillon
  • A New Population of Brown Dwarfs. (1998) M.R.S. Hawkins, C. Ducourant, H.R.A. Jones and M. Rapaport
  • Behavioural effects of subthalmic nucleus lesions in the hemiparkinsonian marmoset.(Callithrix jacchus). (1998) J.M. Henderson, L.E. Annett, E.M. Torres and S.B. Dunnett
  • Characterising atmospheric cloud particles using spatial light scattering. (1998) Edwin Hirst, Paul H. Kaye, S. Saunders, D.W. Johnson and M.A. Pickering
  • George Orwell. (1998) G. Holderness
  • Shakespeare rescheduled. (1998) G. Holderness
  • Polarimetry for the Gemini telescopes. (1998) J. Hough, D. Aitken and A. Chrysostomou
  • Polarimetry for the Gemini telescopes. (1998) J. Hough, D. Aitken and A. Chrysostomou
  • Rain-splash and spore dispersal: : a physical perspective. (1998) L. Huber, L.V. Madden and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Entanglement in frequency standards and quantum information theory. (1998) S.F. Huelga, P.L. Knight, C. Macchiavello, M.B. Plenio and V. Vedral
  • Bradleyian metaphysics : a healthy scepticism. (1998) D. Hutto
  • Davidson's identity crisis. (1998) D. Hutto
  • Non-conceptual content and objectivity. (1998) D. Hutto
  • An ideal solution to the problems of consciousness. (1998) D. Hutto
  • Party Politics. (1998) Ursula Huws
  • I
  • Differential release of dopamine by nitric oxide in subregions of rat caudate putamen slices. (1998) Mahmoud M. Iravani, J. Millar and Z. L. Kruk
  • Dust, Gas, and the Evolutionary Status of the Radio Galaxy 8C 1435+635 at z = 4.25. (1998) R.J. Ivison, J.S. Dunlop, D.H. Hughes, E.N. Archibald, J. A. Stevens, W.S. Holland, E.I. Robson, S. Eales, S. Rawlings, A. Dey and W.K. Gear
  • J
  • Prominences on Rapidly-Rotating Solar-Type Stars. (1998) M. Jardine, J.R. Barnes, Y.C. Unruh and A. Collier Cameron
  • A first programming language for information systems students. (1998) A. Jefferies and C. Britton
  • Traditional irrigation strategies and their implication for sustainable livelihoods in semi-arid areas. (1998) Anne Jones, Chris Hunt and Darren Crook
  • A Young Population of Brown Dwarfs. (1998) H.R.A. Jones and M.R.S. Hawkins
  • Photospheric Dust in Cool Dwarfs. (1998) H.R.A. Jones and T. Tsuji
  • K
  • Spatial light scattering analysis as a means of characterising and classifying non-spherical particles. (1998) Paul H. Kaye
  • Non-directive psychotherapy versus routine general practitioner care - Reply. (1998) M. King and K. Friedli
  • The role of the general practitioner in the community care of people with HIV infection and AIDS : a comparative study of high- and low-prevalence areas in England. (1998) M. King, R. Petchey, S. Singh, L. Wright, J. Raab, W. Farnsworth, J. Williams and K. Friedli
  • Statistical properties of HII regions in the disc of M100. (1998) J. Knapen
  • Low-metallicity inhibition of type Ia supernovae and galactic and cosmic chemical evolution. (1998) Chiaki Kobayashi, T Tsujimoto, K Nomoto, I Hachisu and M Kato
  • Democracy for data : on the usefulness of robust location methods : Comment on "The goals and strategies of robust methods" by Rand Wilcox. (1998) D. Kornbrot
  • Ion channels - Analysis and simulation embedded in a flexible environment. (1998) A. Kukol
  • Electrostatic determinants of the ion channel control of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor of Torpedo californica. (1998) A. Kukol and E. Neumann
  • A comparison of timed CSP and time basic nets for the specification of time constraints. (1998) M. Kutar
  • L
  • Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of tolfenamicacid in ruminating calves: Evaluation in models of acute inflammation. (1998) P. Lees, Quintin McKellar, R. Foot and G. Gettinby
  • An Analysis of the Art Craft Debate with Reference to the Work of Chatwin: Martin. (1998) Grace Lees-Maffei
  • A computer-based informal environmental management system for agriculture. (1998) Kathleen Lewis and K.S. Bardon
  • Pesticide policies, practices and initiatives - can the UK’s know-how be transferred to Chile? (1998) Kathleen Lewis, Marguerite Newbold and M.R. Thomas
  • Evaluating a technique used to measure environmental performance within agriculture–case studies. (1998) Kathleen Lewis and J. Tzilivakis
  • Environmental Management for Agriculture: Grass & livestock enterprises. : Final report to Defra and Milk Development Council, NT1908, CSA 2628. (1998) Kathleen Lewis and John Tzilivakis
  • Characterisation and localisation of [3H]2-(2-benzofuranyl)-2-imidazoline binding in rat brain : a selective ligand for imidazoline I2 receptors. (1998) Lisa Lione, D.J. Nutt and A.L. Hudson
  • Laughter: a tool in moral perfectionism? (1998) John Lippitt
  • Making sense of nonsense : Kierkegaard and Wittgenstein. (1998) John Lippitt and D. Hutto
  • Differentiation between cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus and beet pseudo-yellows virus by a reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction assay. (1998) I.C. Livieratos, Robert H.A. Coutts and N. Katis
  • Contraction with shortening during stimulation or during relaxation : how do the energetic costs compare? (1998) Fang Lou, N.A. Curtin and R.C. Woledge
  • Distinguishing Metabolic Heat from Condensation Heat during Muscle Recovery. (1998) Fang Lou, N.A. Curtin and R.C. Woledge
  • Shortening during stimulation vs. during relaxation : How do the costs compare? (1998) Fang Lou, N.A. Curtin and R.C. Woledge
  • Imaging polarimetry of class I young stellar objects. (1998) P.W. Lucas and P.F. Roche
  • Evolution of language structure : survival of the fittest in a statistical environment. (1998) C. Lyon
  • M
  • Identification of a truncated form of the CC chemokine CKβ-8 demonstrating greatly enhanced biological activity. (1998) Colin H. MacPhee, Edward R. Appelbaum, Kyung Johanson, Kitty E. Moores, Christina S. Imburgia, Jim Fornwald, Theo Berkhout, Mary Brawner, Pieter H. E. Groot, Kevin O'Donnell, Daniel O'Shannessy, Gil Scott and John R. White
  • Time course of the initial [Ca2+]i response to extracellular ATP in smooth muscle depends on [Ca2+]e and ATP concentration. (1998) M.G. Mahoney, L. L. Slakey, C.D. Benham and D. J. Gross
  • A sex-linked Ace gene, not linked to insensitive acetylcholinesterase-mediated insecticide resistance in Culex pipiens. (1998) Colin Malcolm, D. Bourguet, A. Ascolillo, S. J. Rooker, C. F. Garvey, L. M. Hall, N. Pasteur and M. Raymond
  • Dispersal of foliar plant pathogens : mechanisms, gradients and spatial patterns. (1998) H. A. McCartney and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Antimicrobial resistance: a veterinary perspective. (1998) Quintin McKellar
  • Pharmacokinetics and tissue disposition of danofloxacin in sheep. (1998) Quintin McKellar, I.F. Gibson and R.Z. McCormack
  • SB 205384: A GABA-A receptor modulator with novel mechanism of action that shows subunit selectivity. (1998) H.J. Meadows, T.B. Blackburn, D. Pritchett and C.D. Benham
  • Modulation of Quantum Yield of Primary Radical Pair Formation in Photosystem II by Site-Directed Mutagenesis Affecting Radical Cations and Anions. (1998) S.A.P. Merry, P.L. Nixon, L. Barter, M. Schilstra, G. Porter, J. Barber, J.R. Durrant and D.R. Klug
  • Abundances of UV bright stars in globular clusters. I. ROA 5701 in omega Centauri and Barnard 29 in M 13. (1998) S. Moehler, U. Heber, M. Lemke and R. Napiwotzki
  • Hot UV bright stars in globular clusters. (1998) S. Moehler, W. Landsmann and R. Napiwotzki
  • Beam delivery of femtosecond laser radiation by diffractive optical elements. (1998) C. Momma, S. Nolte, G. Kamlage, U. Fritze and A. Tunnermann
  • Refined Genetic Mapping of the Darier Locus to a <1-cM Region of Chromosome 12q24.1, and Construction of a Complete, High-Resolution P1 Artificial Chromosome/Bacterial Artificial Chromosome Contig of the Critical Region. (1998) S. Monk, A. Sakuntabhai, R. Cox, L. Harrington, E. Levy, M. Lathrop, A.P. Monaco, A. Hovnanian, S. Burge, S.A. Carter, S.D. Bryce, V.L. Ruiz-Perez, E. Katsantoni, A. Kodvawala, T. Strachan, J.L. Rees, C.S. Munro, M. Larrègue and G. Nagy
  • Pharmaceutical quality of anthelmintics sold in Kenya. (1998) A.M. Monteiro, S.W. Wanyangu, D.P. Kariuki, R. Bain, F. Jackson and Quintin McKellar
  • The use of non-speech sounds in a hypermedia interface for blind users. (1998) Sarah Morley, Helen Petrie, Anne-Marie O'Neill and Pete McNally
  • Enhancement of germination in native woody species with particular reference to Rosa corymbifera Laxa. (1998) David Robert Morpeth
  • Genius and Madness according to Jaspers. (1998) Daniele Moyal-Sharrock
  • Retrieval of physical particle properties from lidar observations of extinction and backscatter at multiple wavelengths. (1998) D. Mueller, U. Wandinger, D. Althausen, I. Mattis and A. Ansmann
  • N
  • A Millimetre/Submillimetre Polarization Survey of Compact Flat-Spectrum Radio Sources. (1998) R. Nartallo, W.K. Gear, A.G. Murray, E.I. Robson and J. Hough
  • Establishment and impact of Pseudomonas fluorescens genetically modified for lactose utilization and kanamycin resistance in the rhizosphere of pea. (1998) D.C. Naseby and J.M. Lynch
  • Impact of wild-type and genetically modified Pseudomonas fluorescens on soil enzyme activities and microbial population structure in the rhizosphere of pea. (1998) D.C. Naseby and J.M. Lynch
  • Soil enzyme activities in the rhizosphere of field-grown sugar beet inoculated with the biocontrol agent Pseudomonas fluorescens F113. (1998) D.C. Naseby, Y. Moenne-Loccoz, J. Powell, F. O'Gara and J.M. Lynch
  • The right stuff : appropriate mathematics for evolution and development biology. (1998) C.L. Nehaniv and G.P. Wagner
  • A Connectionist account of Spanish determiner production. (1998) A. Nix, D.J. Messer, N. Davey and Pamela Smith
  • O
  • Establishing initial user requirements for PAM-AID: a mobility and support device to assist frail and elderly visually impaired persons. (1998) AM O'Neill, H Petrie, G Lacey, N Katevas, MA Karlson, P Engelbrektsson, B Gallagher, H Hunter and D Zoldan
  • Nurse practitioners in the United Kingdom : some considerations of the literature. (1998) M. Offredy
  • The application of decision making concepts by nurse practitioners in general practice. (1998) M. Offredy
  • The evolved B[e] star HD 87643: observations and a radiation-driven disc wind model for B[e] stars. (1998) R.D. Oudmaijer, D. Proga, J.E. Drew and D. de Winter
  • P
  • Near-infrared imaging polarimetry of Cygnus A. (1998) C. Packham, S. Young, J. Hough, C.N. Tadhunter and D.J. Axon
  • Modeling immediate serial recall with a localist implementation of the primacy model. (1998) M.P.A. Page and D. Norris
  • The primacy model: A new model of immediate serial recall. (1998) M.P.A. Page and D. Norris
  • Simulation modelling of the progress of light leaf spot on winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus) in relation to criteria for infection by Pyrenopeziza brassicae. (1998) K. Papastamati, S.J. Welham, Bruce D.L. Fitt and P. Gladders
  • Fat City : Why Bologna Works. (1998) Susan Parham
  • The role of ATP citrate-lyase in the metabolic regulation of plasma lipids. Hypolipidaemic effects of SB-204990, a lactone prodrug of the potent ATP citrate-lyase inhibitor SB-201076. (1998) N. J. Pearce, J. W. Yates, Theo Berkhout, B. Jackson, D. Tew, H. Boyd, P. Camilleri, P. Sweeney, Andrew D. Gribble, A. Shaw and P. H. E. Groot
  • Group collaboration effects and the explicitness of children's knowledge. (1998) K J Pine and D J Messer
  • Radiation-driven winds from luminous accretion discs. (1998) D. Proga, J.M. Stone and J.E. Drew
  • Q
  • Selecting cover crops to control soil erosion and to improve soil fertility. (1998) Aiming Qi and J. D. H. Keatinge
  • R
  • A Pernicious panacea: a critical evaluation of business re-engineering. (1998) Keith Randle, Susan Grey and Helen Blair
  • M13 and phagemid based cloning vectors. (1998) Ralph Rapley
  • Polymerase Chain Reaction. (1998) Ralph Rapley
  • Spectrophotometric analysis of RNA. (1998) Ralph Rapley and J Heptinstall
  • RNA Isolation & Characterization Protocols. (1998) Ralph Rapley and DL Manning
  • Molecular Biomethods Handbook. (1998) Ralph Rapley and John M Walker
  • Dependence of direct neutron capture on nuclear-structure models. (1998) T. Rauscher, R. Bieber, H. Oberhummer, K.L. Kratz, J. Dobaczewski, P. Moller and M.M. Sharma
  • Global statistical model calculations and the role of isospin. (1998) T. Rauscher and Friedrich-Karl Thielemann
  • The validation of physical activity instruments for measuring energy expenditure: problems and pitfalls. (1998) K.L. Rennie and N.J. Wareham
  • Boxed Sets : Television Representations of Theatre. (1998) Jeremy Ridgman
  • Symmetric GTO and snubber component characterization in PWM current-source inverters. (1998) S.C. Rizzo, B. Wu and R. Sotudeh
  • Millimetre and submillimetre continuum observations of the core and hotspots of Cygnus A. (1998) E.I. Robson, L. Leeuw, J. A. Stevens and W.S. Holland
  • Investigating the relationship between stress and worker behaviour. (1998) J. Rose, F. Jones and Ben Fletcher
  • The impact of a stress management programme on staff well-being and performance at work. (1998) J. Rose, F. Jones and Ben Fletcher
  • Phase-resolved Hubble Space Telescope ultraviolet spectroscopy of V795 Her. (1998) S.R. Rosen, R.K. Prinja, J.E. Drew, K.O. Mason and S.B. Howell
  • Bars and the symmetry of star formation patterns in the discs of spiral galaxies. (1998) M. Rozas, J. Knapen and J.E. Beckman
  • Internal turbulence, virality, and density bounding of the most luminous H II regions in the spiral galaxy M 100. (1998) M. Rozas, N. Sabalisck, J.E. Beckman and J. Knapen
  • Developmental evolution of an edge detecting retina. (1998) A.G. Rust, R.G. Adams, S. George and H. Bolouri
  • Evolution of developmental ontogeny for robustly reproducible phenotypes. (1998) A.G. Rust, R.G. Adams, S. George and H. Bolouri
  • S
  • rp-process nucleosynthesis at extreme temperature and density conditions. (1998) H. Schatz, A. Aprahamian, J. Gorres, M. Wiescher, T. Rauscher, J.F. Rembges, F.K. Thielemann, B. Pfeiffer, P. Moller, K.L. Kratz, H. Herndl, B.A. Brown and H. Rebel
  • Nucleosynthesis at the proton drip line - a challenge for nuclear physics. (1998) H. Schatz, L. Bildsten, J. Gorres, T. Rauscher, Friedrich-Karl Thielemann and Michael Wiescher
  • Proton/Hydrogen Transfer Affects the S-State-Dependent Microsecond Phases of P680+ Reduction during Water Splitting. (1998) M. Schilstra, F. Rappaport, J. Nugent, C.J. Barnett, J. Barber and D.R. Klug
  • Incorporation of the acetylcholine receptor dimer from Torpedo californica in a peptide supported lipid membrane investigated by surface plasmon and fluorescence spectroscopy. (1998) E. K. Schmidt, T. Liebermann, M. Kreiter, A. Jonczyk, R. Naumann, A. Offenhausser, E. Neumann, A. Kukol, A. Maelicke and W. Knoll
  • Linear analysis of genetic algorithms. (1998) L.M. Schmitt, C.L. Nehaniv and R.H. Fujii
  • The effects of excretions/secretions of Ostertagia circumcincta on ovine abomasal tissues in vitro. (1998) I. Scott and Quintin McKellar
  • Changes in the zymogenic cell populations of the abomasa of sheep infected with Haemonchus contortus. (1998) I. Scott, M.J. Stear, J. Irvine, A. Dick, D.S. Wallace and Quintin McKellar
  • Characterising droplet behaviour in an aerodynamic particle sizer by means of spatial light scattering. (1998) D.R. Secker, Edwin Hirst and Paul H. Kaye
  • Developments in wavelength division multiple access networking. (1998) J.M. Senior, M.R. Handley and M.S. Leeson
  • Ring Structure and Warp of NGC 5907: Interaction with Dwarf Galaxies. (1998) Z. Shang, Z. Zheng, E. Brinks, J. Chen, D. Burstein, H.W. Su, Y. Byun, L. Deng, Z. Deng, X. Fan, Z. Jiang, Y. Li, W. Lin, F. Ma, W. Sun, B. Wills, R.A. Windhorst, H. Wu, X. Xia, W. Xu, S. Xue, H. Yan, X. Zhou, J. Zhu and Z. Zou
  • British Feature Films and the Early Cold War. (1998) Tony Shaw
  • The British Popular Press and the Early Cold War. (1998) Tony Shaw
  • Changing values? : Early retirement and the new universities. (1998) Steven Shelley
  • Comparison of experimental and calculated S-factors of the p-process reaction Sm-144(alpha,gamma)Gd-148. (1998) E. Somorjai, Zs. Fulop, A.Z. Kiss, C.E. Rolfs, H.P. Trautvetter, U. Greife, M. Junker, S. Goriely, M. Arnould, M. Rayet, T. Rauscher and H. Oberhummer
  • Experimental cross section of Sm-144(alpha, gamma)Gd-148 and implications for the p-process. (1998) E. Somorjai, Zs. Fulop, A.Z. Kiss, C.E. Rolfs, H.P. Trautvetter, U. Greife, M. Junker, S. Goriely, M. Arnould, M. Rayet, T. Rauscher and H. Oberhummer
  • First beta-decay studies of the neutron-rich isotopes Sc53-55 and V56-59. (1998) O. Sorlin, V. Borrel, S. Grevy, D. Guillemaud-Mueller, A.C. Mueller, F. Pougheon, W. Bohmer, K.L. Kratz, T. Mehren, P. Moller, B. Pfeiffer, T. Rauscher, M.G. Saint-Laurent, R. Anne, M. Lewitowicz, A. Ostrowski, T. Dorfler and W.D. Schmidt-Ott
  • The theory of personal interpretative constructs of G. Kelly. (1998) M. Sourmelakis and David Winter
  • Speaking of Complexity in Management Theory and Practice. (1998) Ralph Stacey, Doug Griffin and Patricia Shaw
  • Strategic change in public services: a productivity and performance perspective. (1998) L. Stainer and A. Stainer
  • The processes influencing the distribution of parasitic nematodes among naturally infected lambs. (1998) M.J. Stear, K. Bairden, S. C. Bishop, G. Gettinby, Quintin McKellar, M. Park, S. Strain and D.S. WALLACE
  • Modelling the control of calcium oscillations by phosphorylation of metabotropic glutamate receptors. (1998) Volker Steuber and D J Willshaw
  • Computational models of synaptic delay adaptation by phosphorylation of metabotropic glutamate receptors. (1998) Volker Steuber, A. van Ooyen and D. J. Willshaw
  • Second harmonic generation : the solution for an amplitude-modulated initial pulse. (1998) H. Steudel, C. Figueira de Morisson Faria, M.G.A. Paris, A.M. Kamchatnov and O. Steuernagel
  • Spontaneous parametric down-conversion for an arbitrary monochromatic pump beam. (1998) O. Steuernagel and H. Rabitz
  • Time-resolved quantum measurements using active detectors. (1998) O. Steuernagel and H. Rabitz
  • An introduction to the Hatfield Superscalar Scheduler. (1998) F.L. Steven
  • Variability of the Centimeter-Submillimeter Spectrum and Polarization of 3C 273 during Outburst. (1998) J. A. Stevens, E.I. Robson, W.K. Gear, T.V. Cawthorne, M. Aller, H. Aller, H. Terasranta and M.C.H. Wright
  • Effects of light leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza brassicae) on yield of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus). (1998) H. Su, Bruce D.L. Fitt, S.J. Welham, C.E. Sansford and K.G. Sutherland
  • Fully-balanced structures of continuous-time MLF OTA-C filters. (1998) Y. Sun and K. Fidler
  • Fully-balanced structures of continuous-time MLF OTA-C filters. (1998) Y. Sun and K. Fidler
  • Current-mode biquadratic filters using dual output current conveyors. (1998) Y. Sun and B. Jefferies
  • Evolutionary tuning method for automatic impedance matching in communication systems. (1998) Y. Sun and W.K. Lau
  • Development of a system for forecasting severe light leaf spot in winter oilseed rape. (1998) K.G. Sutherland, Bruce D.L. Fitt, P. Gladders, J. M. Steed, J.A. Turner and S.J. Welham
  • Development and control of light leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza brassicae) epidemics in winter oilseed rape in the UK. (1998) K.G. Sutherland, Bruce D.L. Fitt, J. M. Steed, S.J. Welham, P. Gladders and J.A. Turner
  • Globalization, institutions, foreign investment and the reintegration of East and Central Europe and the former Soviet Union with the global economy. (1998) Adam Swain and Jane Hardy
  • T
  • Snakes and their influence on visual processing. (1998) Ken Tabb and S. George
  • Developing the Hatfield Superscalar architecture cache simulator. (1998) D. Tate
  • The impact of a realistic cache structure on a high performance Superscalar architecture. (1998) D. Tate
  • Explosive nucleosynthesis and the astrophysical r-process. (1998) Friedrich-Karl Thielemann, C. Freiburghaus, T. Rauscher, E. Kolbe, B. Pfeiffer, K.L. Kratz and J.J. Cowan
  • Astrophysical and nuclear physics aspects of the r-process. (1998) Friedrich-Karl Thielemann, C. Freiburghaus, T. Rauscher, K.L. Kratz, B. Pfeiffer and J.J. Cowan
  • Explosive nucleosynthesis close to the drip lines. (1998) Friedrich-Karl Thielemann, C. Freiburghaus, T. Rauscher, F. Rembges, S. Rosswog, B. Pfeiffer, K.L. Kratz, H. Schatz and M. Wiescher
  • Explosive H-burning, the rp-process, and X-ray bursts. (1998) Friedrich-Karl Thielemann, H. Schatz, T. Rauscher, J.F. Rembges, J. Gorres, Michael Wiescher and L. Bildsten
  • Reproductive health needs across the lifespan. (1998) Hilary Thomas
  • The manipulation of gibberellin biosynthesis in sugar beet. (1998) S. Thomas, A. L. Phillips, P. M. Van Roggen, G. B. Debenham, R. Scott and Euphemia Mutasa-Gottgens
  • Physical management of abnormal tone and movement. (1998) H. Thornton and C. Kilbride
  • Subject specialists - primary schools. (1998) M.E. Thornton
  • Microfluidics based microcytometer: interfacing microfluidics with macrofluidics. (1998) M.C. Tracey, I.D. Johnston, R. Greenaway, N. Sutton and W.A. Doetzel
  • A Microwave Jet Inside the Rosette Nebula? (1998) A.P. Tsivilev, S. Cortiglioni, M-R.L. Cioni, M. Orsini, E. Palazzi and G.G.C. Palumbo
  • Integration of environmental assessment indicators into site assessment procedures. (1998) P. Tucker, C. Ferguson and John Tzilivakis
  • The effect of a hinged ankle-foot orthosis on hemiplegic gait: four single case studies. (1998) S. Tyson, H. Thornton and A. Downes
  • Sustainable waste management. (1998) John Tzilivakis
  • In search of sustainable CAP: : Assessing the environmental impacts of agricultural policy. (1998) John Tzilivakis, Clare Broom and Kathleen Lewis
  • U
  • Respirable asbestos detection using light scattering and magnetic alignment. (1998) Z. Ulanowski, Z. Wang, Paul H. Kaye and I.K. Ludlow
  • Application of neural networks to the inverse light scattering problem for spheres. (1998) Zbigniew Ulanowski, Z. Wang, Paul H. Kaye and Ian Ludlow
  • V
  • Evaluating formal specifications : a cognitive approach. (1998) R.J. Vinter
  • Applying software metrics to formal specifications : a cognitive approach. (1998) R.J. Vinter, M.J. Loomes and D. Kornbrot
  • A Comparison of the Infrared Spectra of Two Very Late-type M Dwarfs with Different Gravities. (1998) S. Viti, J. Tennyson, H.R.A. Jones, F. Allard and P. Hauschildt
  • The Eclipsing Binary System CM Draconis. (1998) S. Viti, J. Tennyson, H.R.A. Jones, A. Schweitzer, F. Allard and P. Hauschildt
  • W
  • The influence of dietary supplementation with urea on resilience and resistance to infection with Haemonchus contortus. (1998) D.S. Wallace, K. Bairden, J.L. Duncan, P.D. Eckersall, G. Fishwick, M. Gill, P.H. Holmes, Quintin McKellar, M. Murray and J.J. Parkins
  • X-ray emission from an expanding supergiant shell in IC 2574. (1998) F. Walter, J. Kerp, N. Duric, E. Brinks and U. Klein
  • Analysis of ribosomal DNA sequences of Polymyxa species and related fungi and the development of genus- and species-specific PCR primers. (1998) Elaine Ward and M. J. Adams
  • Improved multimedia server I/O subsystems. (1998) M. Weeks, H. Batatia and R. Sotudeh
  • Implementing business process & information systems, reengineering in Sri-Lanka : identifying critical success factors. (1998) V. Weerakkody, J. Bennett and C. Tagg
  • Multiwavelength Observations of a Dramatic High-Energy Flare in the Blazar 3C 279. (1998) A. E. Wehrle, E. Pian, C.M. Urry, L. Maraschi, I.M. McHardy, A.J. Lawson, G. Ghisellini, R.C. Hartman, G.M. Madejski, F. Makino, A.P. Marscher, S.J. Wagner, J.R. Webb, G.S. Aldering, M.F. Aller, H.D. Aller, D.E. Backman, T.J. Balonek, P. Boltwood, J. Bonnell, J. Caplinger, A. Celotti, W. Collmar, J. Dalton, A. Drucker, R. Falomo, C.E. Fichtel, W. Freudling, W.K. Gear, N. Gonzalez-Perez, P. Hall, H. Inoue, W.N. Johnson, D. Kazanas, M.R. Kidger, T. Kii, R.I. Kollgaard, Y. Kondo, J. Kurfess, Y.C. Lin, B. McCollum, K. McNaron-Brown, F. Nagase, A.D. Nair, S. Penton, J.E. Pesce, M. Pohl, C.M. Raiteri, M. Renda, E.I. Robson, R.M. Sambruna, A.F. Schirmer, C. Shrader, M. Sikora, A. Sillanpaeae, P.S. Smith, Jason Stevens, J. Stocke, L.O. Takalo, H. Teraesranta, D.J. Thompson, R. Thompson, M. Tornikoski, G. Tosti, A. Treves, P. Turcotte, S.C. Unwin, E. Valtaoja, M. Villata, W. Xu, A. Yamashita and A. Zook
  • Empirical models for prediction of regional light leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza brassicae) incidence on winter oilseed rape in the UK. (1998) S.J. Welham, J.A. Turner, Bruce D.L. Fitt, P. Gladders and K.G. Sutherland
  • Feyerabend and information systems development: against methods. (1998) P. Wernick
  • The effects of rainfall on numbers of air-borne ascospores of Leptosphaeria maculans and the development of phoma leaf lesions on winter oilseed rape. (1998) Jon S. West, P. K. Leech and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Application of molecular methods to the forecasting of severe stem canker epidemics in winter oilseed rape in the UK. (1998) R. H. Williams and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Plasmid-derived cloning vectors. (1998) C Winstanley and Ralph Rapley
  • Il polo di contrasto della psicoterapia. (1998) David Winter
  • Can animals detect when their owners are returning home? An experimental test of the 'psychic pet' phenomenon. (1998) R. Wiseman, M. Smith and J. Milton
  • Experimenter effects and the remote detection of staring. (1998) R Wiseman and M. Schlitz
  • The Blue and Brown Books. (1998) Ludwig Wittgenstein
  • Last Writings on the Philosophy of Psychology. (1998) Ludwig Wittgenstein
  • Ludwig Wittgenstein: Collected Works. (1998) Ludwig Wittgenstein
  • Notebooks 1914-1916. (1998) Ludwig Wittgenstein
  • Philosophical Remarks. (1998) Ludwig Wittgenstein
  • Remarks on the Philosophy of Psychology. (1998) Ludwig Wittgenstein
  • Remarks on the Philosophy of Psychology. (1998) Ludwig Wittgenstein
  • Zettel. (1998) Ludwig Wittgenstein
  • X
  • A dual GTO current-source converter topology with sinusoidal inputs for high-power applications. (1998) Y. Xiao, B. Wu, F.A. De Winter and R. Sotudeh
  • A novel power factor control scheme for high-power GTO current-source converter. (1998) Y. Xiao, B. Wu, S.C. Rizzo and R. Sotudeh
  • An improved three-step search block-matching algorithm for low bit-rate video coding applications. (1998) D. Xu, C. Bailey and R. Sotudeh
  • Y
  • The obscured BLR in the radio galaxy 3C 234. (1998) S. Young, D.J. Axon, J. Hough, A.C. Fabian and M.J. Ward
  • Z
  • Application of global optimisation to particle identification using light scattering. (1998) S. Zakovic, Zbigniew Ulanowski and Michael Bartholomew-Biggs
  • Relationship between some enzyme activity and resistance to Sclerotinia stem rot of new strain selected by intergeneric hybridisation in Brassica napus. (1998) Jianwei Zhao and Yongju Huang
  • Variation within and between Phytophthora species from rubber and citrus trees in China, determined by polymerase chain reaction using RAPDs. (1998) F. C. Zheng and Elaine Ward
  • NMR studies of the extracellular loop of the beta subunit of the high affinity IgE receptor. (1998) Mire Zloh, D. Esposito and W. A. Gibbons