Items where Year is 1999

Number of items: 307.
  • Hierarchical Classification with a Competitive Evolutionary Neural Tree. (1999) R.G. Adams, K. Butchart and N. Davey
  • A Multi-Wave length Survey of the ISM in NGC 628. (1999) D.S. Adler, J. Knapen, M.N. Fanelli, D. Westpfahl and B.P. Wakker
  • Observations and a model for the infrared continuum of Centaurus A. (1999) D.M. Alexander, A. Efstathiou, J. Hough, D. Aitken, D. Lutz, P.F. Roche and E. Sturm
  • Searching for the hidden broad-line region in Centaurus A. (1999) D.M. Alexander, J. Hough, S. Young, J. Bailey, C.A. Heisler, S. Lumsden and A. Robinson
  • Polarized broad HeI and Paschen lines in NGC 1068. (1999) D.M. Alexander, S. Young and J. Hough
  • The DELPHI method as a consensus and knowledge acquisition tool for the evaluation of the DIABETES system for insulin administration. (1999) B.V. Ambrosiadou and D.G. Goulis
  • Gradients of absorption-line strengths in elliptical galaxies. (1999) N Arimoto and Chiaki Kobayashi
  • Metallicity distributions of elliptical galaxies and globular cluster systems - Absorption line strength gradients in elliptical galaxies. (1999) N Arimoto and Chiaki Kobayashi
  • RAPD-based inter- and intravarietal classification of fungi of the Gaeumannomyces-Phialophora complex. (1999) C. Augustin, K. Ulrich, Elaine Ward and A. Werner
  • In vitro and in vivo TNFa synthesis modulation by methylguanidine, an uremic catabolyte. (1999) G. Autore, S. Marzocco, R. Sorrentino, V. G. Mirone, A. R. Baydoun and A. Pinto
  • A Seyfert Nucleus in BL Lacertae. (1999) D.J. Axon, E.A. Corbett, A. Robinson and J. Hough
  • B
  • Modelling protein interaction in CCS. (1999) J. Baillie
  • The use of a student model in a multimedia application to configure learning. (1999) T. Barker
  • Investigation into the effect of language on performance in a multimedia food studies application. (1999) T. Barker, S. Jones and C. Britton
  • Individual cognitive style and performance in a multimedia learning application. (1999) T. Barker, S. Jones, C. Britton and D.J. Messer
  • Report of a pilot study of individually configurable multimedia learning prototypes in the development of a co-operative student model of learner characteristics. (1999) T. Barker, S. Jones, C. Britton and D.J. Messer
  • Biodiversity-threatened by GMOs? (1999) David Barling
  • Genetic modification and food : the policy challenges. (1999) David Barling
  • The Impact of Health, Hygiene, Food Safety and Environmental Sustainability on Food and Farming related enterprises : Towards a new Food Policy. (1999) David Barling
  • The social aspects of food biotechnology : A European view. (1999) David Barling, Huib De Vriend, Jos A. Cornelese, Bo Ekstrand, Edwin F. F. Hecker, John Howlett, Jørgen H. Jensen, Tim Lang, Sue Mayer, Kirsten B. Staer and Rob Top
  • European public policy on genetic modification of agricultural products and food : Lessons to be learned over balancing public health, consumer confidence and commerce. (1999) David Barling and T. Lang
  • Retirement, Household Income and Economic Vulnerability of Older Groups. (1999) A. Barrientos
  • L'éveil à la lecture et à ľécriture en France. (1999) I. Barriere, M. Jago and K. Goouch
  • Differential regulation of L-arginine transport and nitric oxide synthase induction in cultured smooth muscle cells. (1999) A. R. Baydoun, S.M. Wileman, C.P.D. Wheeler-Jones, M.S. Marber, G.E. Mann, J.D. Pearson and E.I. Closs
  • Transmembrane signalling mechanisms regulating expression of cationic amino acid transporters and inducible nitric oxide synthase in rat vascular smooth muscle cells. (1999) A. R. Baydoun, S.M. Wileman, C.P.D. Wheeler-Jones, M.S. Marber, G.M. Mann, J.D. Pearson and E.I. Closs
  • Estimation of Stellar Metal Abundance. II : A Recalibration of the Ca II K Technique, and the Autocorrelation Function Method. (1999) T.C. Beers, S. Rossi, J.E. Norris, Sean G. Ryan and T. Shefler
  • Recent advances in the molecular understanding of voltage gated Ca2+ channels. (1999) C.D. Benham and A.D. Randall
  • Effects of temperature and wetness duration on infection of oilseed rape by ascospores of A-group or B-group Leptosphaeria maculans (stem canker). (1999) J. E. Biddulph, Bruce D.L. Fitt, P. Gladders, M. Jedryczka, Jon S. West and S.J. Welham
  • Effects of temperature and wetness duration on infection of oilseed rape leaves by ascospores of Leptosphaeria maculans (stem canker). (1999) J.E. Biddulph, Bruce D.L. Fitt, P.K. Leech, S.J. Welham and P. Gladders
  • Interpreting Wittgenstein’s Graphics. (1999) Michael Biggs
  • Implementing the EU accounting directives in Sweden — practitioners' views. (1999) J. Blake, H. Fortes, C. Gorthorpe and M. Paananen
  • Beryllium Abundances in Halo Stars from Keck/HIRES Observations. (1999) A.M. Boesgaard, C.P. Deliyannis, J.R. King, Sean G. Ryan, S. Vogt and T.C. Beers
  • "Saying is one thing: doing is another" : the role of observation in marketing research. (1999) Jonathan Boote and Ann Mathews
  • GH_infinity Robust Power System Stabiliser Design with Parametric Uncertainty. (1999) Mohamed Bouhamida and Mouloud Denai
  • Calpain activation and inhibition in organotypic rat hippocampal slice cultures deprived of oxygen and glucose. (1999) C. Brana, C.D. Benham and L. Sundstrom
  • Adaptive behavior in buyer-supplier relationships. (1999) Ross Brennan and Peter W. Turnbull
  • Mutation analysis of cis-elements in the 3'- and 5'-untranslated regions of satellite tobacco necrosis virus strain C RNA. (1999) D.H. Bringloe, Robert H.A. Coutts and C.W.A. Pleij
  • Massive stars shaping the ISM:Hi holes and shells in nearby galaxies. (1999) E. Brinks and F. Walter
  • Ocular Galaxies: NGC 2535 and its Starburst Companion NGC 2536. (1999) E. Brinks, M. Kaufman, D.M. Elmegreen, M. Thomasson, B. Elmegreen, C. Struck and M. Klaric
  • Massive stars shaping the ISM:Hi holes and shells in nearby galaxies. (1999) E. Brinks and F. Walter
  • Optical spectroscopy of the candidate luminous white dwarf in the young Large Magellanic Cloud cluster NGC 1818. (1999) M.R. Burleigh, R. Saffer, G.F. Gilmore and R. Napiwotzki
  • C
  • Lack of effect of the novel anticonvulsant SB 204269 on voltage dependent currents in neurones cultured from rat hippocampus. (1999) M. Caesar, M.L. Evans and C.D. Benham
  • X-ray observations of low-power radio galaxies from the B2 catalogue. (1999) C.M. Canosa, D.M. Worrall, M.J. Hardcastle and M. Birkinshaw
  • A Comparison of the behaviour and motivations of domestic and international young tourists. (1999) N.S. Carr
  • Is there a rationale for rationing chronic dialysis? : A hospital based cohort study of factors affecting survival and morbidity. (1999) S.M. Chandna, J. Schulz, C. Lawrence, R.N. Greenwood and Ken Farrington
  • Measurements of proton radiative capture cross sections relevant to the astrophysical rp- and gamma-processes. (1999) F.R. Chloupek, A.S. Murphy, R.N. Boyd, A.L. Cole, J. Gorres, R. T. Guray, G. Raimann, J.J. Zach, T. Rauscher, J.V. Schwarzenberg, P. Tischhauser and M. Wiescher
  • Cheap Newton steps for optimal control problems: automatic differentiation and Pantoja's algorithm. (1999) B. Christianson
  • Delegation and not-so smart cards. (1999) B. Christianson and J. Malcolm
  • Merkle puzzles revisited - finding matching elements between lists. (1999) B. Christianson and D. Wheeler
  • The kinematics and the origin of the ionized gas in NGC 4036. (1999) P. Cinzano, H-W. Rix, M. Sarzi, E.M. Corsini, W.W. Zeilinger and F. Bertola
  • Distributed quantum computation over noisy channels. (1999) J. Cirac, A.K. Ekert, S.F. Huelga and C. Macchiavello
  • Monitoring the Ha Line in BL Lacertae - Evidence for an Accretion Disk. (1999) E.A. Corbett, A. Robinson, J. Hough and D.J. Axon
  • Dark matter in early-type spiral galaxies: the case of NGC 2179 and of NGC 2775. (1999) E.M. Corsini, A. Pizzella, M. Sarzi, P. Cinzano, J. Vega Beltran, J. Funes, F. Bertola, M. Persic and P. Salucci
  • A Note About the Semantics of Delegation. (1999) B. Crispo and B. Christianson
  • Design principles from traditional mountain irrigation systems (bisses) in the Valais, Switzerland. (1999) D S Crook and A M Jones
  • Traditional Irrigation and its Importance to the Tourist Landscape of Valais, Switzerland. (1999) Darren Crook and Anne Jones
  • The role of expectancies in the placebo effect and their use in the delivery of health care : a systematic review. (1999) R. Crow, H. Gage, S. Hampson, J. Hart, A. Kimber and Hilary Thomas
  • D
  • Disaster in London - The LAS case study. (1999) Darren Dalcher
  • Focus on answers, not features - Response. (1999) Darren Dalcher
  • Lessons for the future : Safety critical systems. (1999) Darren Dalcher
  • Simplicity and power : When more means less. (1999) Darren Dalcher
  • The capacity and attractor basins of associative memory models. (1999) N. Davey and S. Hunt
  • Time series prediction and neural networks. (1999) N. Davey, S. Hunt and R. Frank
  • Cunning-folk in the Medical Market-Place during the Nineteenth Century. (1999) Owen Davies
  • A People Bewitched: Witchcraft and Magic in Nineteenth-Century Somerset. (1999) Owen Davies
  • Witchcraft, Magic and Culture 1736-1951. (1999) Owen Davies
  • Register bypassing in an asynchronous superscalar processor. (1999) S.J. Davies, C.J. Elston and P. Findlay
  • Optimisation of antihypertensive treatment by crossover rotation of four major classes. (1999) Claire Dickerson, A.D. Hingorani, M.J. Ashby, C.R. Palmer and M.J. Brown
  • Dynamic Performance Analysis of AC-DC Converters Supplying DC Motors for Unbalanced Supply Voltages. (1999) Azeddine Draou, M. Belmimoun and Mouloud Denai
  • The February 1999 superoutburst of the SU UMa-type dwarf nova CG CMa. (1999) H.W. Duerbeck, J. Knapen and D.L. Pollacco
  • Predatory behaviour of trapping fungi against srf mutants of Caenorhabditis elegans and different plant and animal parasitic nematodes. (1999) P M de Gives, Keith Davies, S. J. Clark and J M Behnke
  • Attachment tests of Pasteuria penetrans to the cuticle of plant and animal parasitic nematodes, free living nematodes and srf mutants of Caenorhabditis elegans. (1999) P M de Gives, Keith Davies, M Morgan and J M Behnke
  • HI Observations of Early-Type Galaxies. (1999) M.S. del Rio, E. Brinks, P. Carral and J. Cepa
  • E
  • Spectral analysis of the binary sdB star Feige 36. (1999) H. Edelmann, U. Heber, R. Napiwotzki, I.N. Reid and R. Saffer
  • A preliminary database of DENIS point sources. (1999) N. Epchtein, E. Deul, S. Derriere, J. Borsenberger, D. Egret, G. Simon, C. Alard, L.G. Balazs, D.B. de Batz, M-R.L. Cioni, E. Copet, M. Dennefeld, T. Forveille, P. Fouque, F. Garzon, H.J. Habing, A. Holl, J. Hron, S. Kimeswenger, F. Lacombe, T. Le Bertre, C. Loup, G.A. Mamon, A. Omont, G. Paturel, A.C. Robin, D. Rouan, D. Tiphene, I. Vauglin and S. Wagner
  • Investigating the horizontal spatial spread of light leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza brassicae) of winter oilseed rape in the UK. (1999) Neal Evans, Bruce D.L. Fitt, H. A. McCartney, S.J. Welham and Neil McRoberts
  • Sampling winter oilseed rape crops to assess incidence of light leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza brassicae). (1999) Neal Evans, Bruce D.L. Fitt, H. A. McCartney, S.J. Welham and Neil McRoberts
  • F
  • Masses and Other Parameters of the PostCommon Envelope Binary BE Ursae Majoris. (1999) D.H. Ferguson, J. Liebert, S. Haas, R. Napiwotzki and T.A. James
  • A survey of adverse drug reaction reporting by hospital pharmacists to the Committee on Safety of Medicines - the role of pharmacy departments. (1999) M. Ferguson and S. Dhillon
  • Assessment of grey mould (Botrytis cinerea) on sunflower heads. (1999) Bruce D.L. Fitt, V. J. Church and H. A. McCartney
  • Epidemiology, forecasting and management of winter oilseed rape diseases in the UK. (1999) Bruce D.L. Fitt, P. Gladders, K.G. Sutherland, J.A. Turner and S.J. Welham
  • Logica e Pensiero Visivo. (1999) L. Floridi
  • Development of PCR based diagnostic techniques for the two mating types of Pyrenopeziza brassicae (light leaf spot) on winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus ssp. oleifera). (1999) S.J. Foster, G. Singh, Bruce D.L. Fitt and A.M. Ashby
  • Exposing the human nude phenotype [4]. (1999) J. Frank, C. Pignata, A. A. Panteleyev, David M. Prowse, H. Baden, L. Weiner, L. Gaetaniello, W. Ahmad, N. Pozzi, P. B. Cserhalmi-Friedman, V. M. Aita, H. Uyttendaele, D. Gordon, J. Ott, J. L. Brissette and A. M. Christiano
  • Applications of neural networks to telecommunications systems. (1999) R. Frank, N. Davey and S. Hunt
  • The astrophysical r-process : A comparison of calculations following adiabatic expansion with classical calculations based on neutron densities and temperatures. (1999) C. Freiburghaus, J.F. Rembges, T. Rauscher, E. Kolbe, Friedrich-Karl Thielemann, K.L. Kratz, B. Pfeiffer and J.J. Cowan
  • Bright star clusters in the antennae analyzed with evolutionary synthesis. (1999) U. Fritze and O. Kurth
  • G
  • Neutral Hydrogen (21 Centimeter) Absorption in Seyfert Galaxies: Evidence for Free-Free Absorption and Subkiloparsec Gaseous Disks. (1999) J.F. Gallimore, S.A. Baum, C.P. O'Dea, A. Pedlar and E. Brinks
  • Komunikasi Interpersonal dalam Keperawatan: Teori Dan Praktik. (1999) Bob Gates, Roger B Ellis and Neil Kenworthy
  • Changing landscapes : future directions for people with learning disabilities. (1999) Robert Gates
  • Neighbouring Group Participation of the Indole Nucleus : An Unusual DAST Mediated Rearrangement Reaction Monitored by Low Temperature NMR Spectroscopy. (1999) Ute Gerhard, S.C. Goodacre, D.J. Hallett, M. Rowley, T.J. Sparey and S R Thomas
  • Optical Spectropolarimetry of Broad Line Active Galaxies. (1999) M.E. Giannuzzo, E.A. Corbett, A. Robinson, S. Young, J. Hough and D.J. Axon
  • Infectivity of ascospores of Pyrenopeziza brassicae on leaves and factors affecting maturation of apothecia on debris of oilseed rape. (1999) T. Gilles and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Conditions for infection of winter oilseed rape leaves by conidia and ascospores of Pyrenopeziza brassicae, causing light leaf spot. (1999) T. Gilles, Bruce D.L. Fitt and M.J. Jeger
  • Pathogenicity of Verticillium dahliae to spring linseed. (1999) D. Gkilpathi and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Canker control strategies in oilseed rape. (1999) P Gladders and Bruce Fitt
  • Improving strategies to control stem canker in the UK. (1999) P. Gladders, Bruce D.L. Fitt and J.A. Turner
  • Occurrence and importance of diseases of winter linseed. (1999) P. Gladders, A. M. Jones, K. D. Lockley, C. S. Young, D.B. Turley, Bruce D.L. Fitt and H. Towns
  • Review of recent periodical literature. (1999) N. Goose and A. Hinde
  • Images, light curves and spectra of GRB afterglow. (1999) J. Granot, T. Piran and R. Sari
  • Meloidogyne incognita surface antigen epitopes in infected Arabidopsis roots. (1999) M. J. Gravato-Nobre, M. A. McClure, L. Dolan, G. Calder, Keith Davies, B. Mulligan, K. Evans and N. von Mende
  • Submillimetre polarization and constraints on dust grain alignment. (1999) J.S. Greaves, W.S. Holland, N.R. Minchin, A.G. Murray and J. A. Stevens
  • Knowing and Acting in Conditions of Uncertainty : A Complexity Perspective. (1999) Doug Griffin, Patricia Shaw and Ralph Stacey
  • H
  • Orexin-A activates locus coeruleus cell firing and increases arousal in the rat. (1999) J.J. Hagan, R.A. Leslie, S. Patel, M.L. Evans, T.A. Wattam, S. Holmes, C.D. Benham, S.G. Taylor, C. Routledge, P. Hemmati, R.P. Munton, T.E. Ashmeade, A.S. Shah, J.P. Hatcher, P.D. Hatcher, D.N.C. Jones, M.I. Smith, D.C. Piper, A.J. Hunter, R.A. Porter and N. Upton
  • The Geography of Tourism and Recreation. (1999) C.M. Hall and S.J. Page
  • ‘I don't know much about art, but I know what I like’ : Resonance, relevance and illumination as assessment criteria for marketing research and scholarship. (1999) Sue Halliday
  • Nutrient record-keeping and reporting for legislation, crop assurance and traceability. (1999) O.M. Hansen, J.A. Breembroek, Kathleen Lewis and S.R.M. Janssens
  • The complex radio spectrum of 3C130. (1999) M.J. Hardcastle
  • FR II radio galaxies with z<0.3 -- II. Beaming and unification. (1999) M.J. Hardcastle, P. Alexander, G.G. Pooley and J.M. Riley
  • ROSAT X-ray observations of 3CRR radio sources. (1999) M.J. Hardcastle and D.M. Worrall
  • Extended X-ray emission from the BL Lac object PKS 0521-365. (1999) M.J. Hardcastle, D.M. Worrall and M. Birkinshaw
  • Simultaneous X-ray and IR variability in the quasar 3C 273. (1999) I.M. Hardy, A. Lawson, A. Newsam, A.P. Marscher, I. Robson and J. A. Stevens
  • Cross section measurements of (p,gamma)-reactions relevant to p-process. (1999) S. Harissopulos, P. Tsagari, E. Skreti, G. Souliotis, P. Demetriou, T. Paradellis, J.W. Hammer, R. Kunz, C. Angulo, S. Goriely and T. Rauscher
  • Nutrient management strategies of small-holder farmers in a short-fallow farming system in north-east Nigeria. (1999) Frances Harris
  • Implications of land use change for the production of plant biomass in densely populated Sahelo-Sudanian shrub-grasslands in north-east Nigeria. (1999) Frances Harris, Michael Mortimore and Beryl Turner
  • Spectral analysis of hot subluminous stars. (1999) U. Heber, H. Edelmann, M. Lemke, R. Napiwotzki and D. Engels
  • Subthalamic nucleus lesions induce deficits as well as benefits in the hemiparkinsonian rat. (1999) J.M. Henderson, L.E. Annett, L. Ryan, W. Chiang, S. Hidaka, E.M. Torres and S.B. Dunnett
  • Investigation by surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy of the effect of oxygen or hydrogen plasmas on the surface chemistry of adsorbate-covered gold island films. (1999) E. Hesse and J.A. Creighton
  • Investigation of cyanide ions adsorbed on platinum and palladium coated silver island films by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. (1999) E. Hesse and J.A. Creighton
  • The reaction rate sensitivity of nucleosynthesis in type II supernovae. (1999) R. D. Hoffman, S.E. Woosley, T.A. Weaver, T. Rauscher and Friedrich-Karl Thielemann
  • Anglo-Saxon verse. (1999) G. Holderness
  • From exile to pilgrim: pagan and Christian values in Anglo-Saxon elegaic verse. (1999) G. Holderness
  • Shakespeare's "whole history" : drama and early modern historical theory. (1999) G. Holderness
  • Shakespeare: the histories. (1999) G. Holderness
  • The resurrection and the life: D H Lawrence's The Man Who Died. (1999) G. Holderness
  • "The scripture moveth..." : strategies of persuasion in 16th century Anglican liturgy. (1999) G. Holderness
  • SCUBA: a common-user submillimetre camera operating on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope. (1999) W.S. Holland, E.I. Robson, W.K. Gear, C. Cunningham, J.F. Lightfoot, T. Jenness, R.J. Ivison, J. A. Stevens, P.A.R. Ade, M.J. Griffin, W.D. Duncan, J.A. Murphy and D.A. Naylor
  • Two diagnostic models for PLC controlled flexible manufacturing systems. (1999) W. Hu, A. Starr and A. Leung
  • Inheritance of erucic acid in Xingjiang wild rapeseed. (1999) Yongju Huang, Yunchang Li and Qiong Hu
  • Novel selective compounds for the investigation of imidazoline receptors. (1999) A.L. Hudson, R. Gough, Robin Tyacke, Lisa Lione, M.D. Lalies, J. Lewis, S. Husbands, P. Knight, F. Murray, P. Hutson and D.J. Nutt
  • Characterization of imidazoline receptors by radioligand binding. (1999) A.L. Hudson and Lisa Lione
  • Jonathan Culler : American critic. (1999) Rowland Hughes
  • Stephen Heath : English critic, editor, and translator. (1999) Rowland Hughes
  • Cognition without representation? (1999) D. Hutto
  • A cause for concern : reasons, causes and explanation. (1999) D. Hutto
  • The presence of mind. (1999) D. Hutto
  • Material World : the Myth of the Weightless Economy. (1999) Ursula Huws
  • Teleworking and telematics. (1999) Ursula Huws
  • Wired in the Country. (1999) Ursula Huws
  • I
  • Ascospores as primary inoculum for epidemics of white leaf spot (Mycosphaerella capsellae) in winter oilseed rape in the UK. (1999) A.J. Inman, Bruce D.L. Fitt, A.D. Todd and R.L. Evans
  • MK-801 interaction with the 5-HT transporter : A real-time study in brain slices using fast cyclic voltammetry. (1999) Mahmoud M. Iravani, R. Muscat and Z. L. Kruk
  • The magnetic field structure of the DR21 region. (1999) Y. Itoh, A. Chrysostomou, M. Burton, J. Hough and M. Tamura
  • J
  • Haptic virtual environments for blind people : exploratory experiments with two devices. (1999) G. Jansson, C. Colwell, H. Petrie, D. Kornbrot, J. Fanger and H.L. Konig
  • The potential magnetic field of AB Doradus: comparison with Zeeman-Doppler images. (1999) M Jardine, J R Barnes, J F Donati and A Collier Cameron
  • Building an Environmentally Sustainable Supply Chain: Eastern Group Plc and the University of Hertfordshire. (1999) James Jenkins, A. Smith and J Hill
  • Association of the Gsα Gene With Essential Hypertension and Response to ß-Blockade. (1999) H. Jia, A.D. Hingorani, P. Sharma, R. Hopper, Claire Dickerson, D. Trutwein, D.D. Lloyd and M.J. Brown
  • Trust requirements in E-Business : a conceptual framework. (1999) S. Jones, M. Wilikens, P. Morris and M. Masera
  • K
  • Computer modelling and visualisation of the structural deformation caused by movement along geological faults. (1999) Stephen Kane, Graham Williams, Stuart Egan, Tim Buddin and David Hodgetts
  • Interaction Between NGC 5394 and NGC 5395. (1999) M. Kaufman, E. Brinks, B. Elmegreen, D.M. Elmegreen, M. Klaric, C. Struck, M. Thomasson and S. Vogel
  • The interacting galaxies NGC 5394/5395: a post-ocular galaxy and its ring/spiral companion. (1999) M. Kaufman, E. Brinks, B. Elmegreen, D.M. Elmegreen, M. Klaric, C. Struck, M. Thomasson and S. Vogel
  • Foliar application of iron as a remedy for zinc toxic tomato plants. (1999) C. Kaya, David Edward Barry Higgs and Agneta Burton
  • Differential modulation of motor neurons that innervate the same muscle but use different excitatory transmitters in Aplysia. (1999) Christopher Keating and Philip Lloyd
  • Observations of Barred Galaxies. (1999) J. Knapen
  • Circumnuclear Star-forming Regions in barred Galaxies. (1999) J. Knapen, S. Laine and M. Relano
  • Panel Discussion: Star Formation in Early-Type Galaxies. (1999) G.R. Knapp, L. Binette, R. Bower, E. Brinks, P. Goudfrooij, G. Hau, R. Pogge and L.M. Young
  • Cosmic supernova rates in cluster vs. field galaxies. (1999) Chiaki Kobayashi, T Tsujimoto and K Nomoto
  • Experimentally based orientational refinement of membrane protein models : a structure for the Influenza A M2 H+ channel. (1999) A. Kukol, P.D. Adams, L.M. Rice, A.T. Brunger and I.T. Arkin
  • Vpu transmembrane peptide structure obtained by site-specific Fourier transform infrared dichroism and global molecular dynamics searching. (1999) A. Kukol and I.T. Arkin
  • On the representation of time in interaction. (1999) M. Kutar, C. Britton and S. Jones
  • Speedy services : time, usability and E-Commerce. (1999) M. Kutar, C. Britton and S. Jones
  • Temporal requirements and the human computer interface : not just an afterthought. (1999) M. Kutar, C. Britton and S. Jones
  • Time in specifications : what exactly are we trying to specify? (1999) M. Kutar, C. Britton and S. Jones
  • L
  • A nuclear grand-design spiral within the normal disc spiral of NGC 5248. (1999) S. Laine, J. Knapen, D. Perez-Ramirez, R. Doyon and D. Nadeau
  • Lakatos' mathematical Hegelianism. (1999) B. Larvor
  • Association between mouse nude gene expression and the initiation of epithelial terminal differentiation. (1999) David Lee, David M. Prowse and Janice L. Brissette
  • Relevance theory and pragmatic impairment. (1999) E. Leinonen and D. Kerbel
  • Design of a Tax or Charge Scheme for Pesticides : Government (DETR) consultation paper by ECOTEC Research and Consultancy. (1999) Kathleen Lewis, Dominic Hogg and Miles Thomas
  • Developing an emissions inventory from farm data. (1999) Kathleen Lewis, M. Newbold and J. Tzilivakis
  • Characterization of progressive motor deficits in mice transgenic for the human Huntington's disease mutation. (1999) Lisa Lione, R. J. Carter, T. Humby, L. Mangiarini, A. Mahal, G. P. Bates, S.B. Dunnett and A. J. Morton
  • Selective discrimination learning impairments in mice expressing the human Huntington's disease mutation. (1999) Lisa Lione, R. J. Carter, M. J. Hunt, G. P. Bates, A. J. Morton and S B Dunnett
  • Illusion and satire in Kierkegaard's Postscript. (1999) John Lippitt
  • Molecular characterization of the cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus coat protein gene. (1999) I.C. Livieratos, Robert H.A. Coutts and A.D. Avgelis
  • Elastic energy storage and release in white muscle from dogfish scyliorhinus canicula. (1999) Fang Lou, N.A. Curtin and R.C. Woledge
  • Exploiting statistical characteristics of word sequences for the efficient coding of speech. (1999) C. Lyon and R. Dickerson
  • M
  • Patterns of energy intake in patients with cirrhosis and healthy volunteers. (1999) A M Madden and M Y Morgan
  • Resting energy expenditure should be measured in patients with cirrhosis, not predicted. (1999) A M Madden and M Y Morgan
  • Digital cash : electronic commerce over open networks. (1999) J. Mankin and J. Malcolm
  • Dynamic Energy Consumption Indicators for Appliances. (1999) Iman Mansouri and Marcus Newborough
  • Dynamics of Energy Use in UK Households : End-use monitoring of Electric Cookers. (1999) Iman Mansouri and Marcus Newborough
  • Monitoring Energy Consumption in Home Cooking and Influencing Consumers to Save Energy. (1999) Iman Mansouri and Marcus Newborough
  • An in vitro study of the diclofenac delivery properties of hyaluronan in human skin. (1999) G P Martin, Marc Brown, F C Bennett and C. Marriott
  • "Discourses of Distinction": the reception of the Cornhill Magazine 1859-60. (1999) A. Maunder
  • Antibiotics and resistance in farm animals. (1999) Quintin McKellar
  • Pharmacokinetics of enrofloxacin and danofloxacin in plasma, inflammatory exudate, and bronchial secretions of calves following subcutaneous administration. (1999) Quintin McKellar, I. Gibson, A. Monteiro and M. Bregante
  • Submillimetre observations of luminous z>4 radio-quiet quasars and the contribution of AGN to the submm source population. (1999) R.G. McMahon, R. Priddey, A. Omont, I. Snellen and S. Withington
  • Sensitivity to conotoxin block of splice variants of rat rbBII subunit of the N-type calcium channel co-expressed with different beta-subunits in Xenopus oocytes. (1999) H.A. Meadows and C.D. Benham
  • Teaching and learning about play, language and literacy with preschool educators in Malaysia. (1999) L.K. Miller
  • A meta-analysis of mass-media tests of extrasensory perception. (1999) J. Milton and Richard Wiseman
  • Emergence and partial characterization of rice stripe necrosis virus and its fungus vector in South America. (1999) F. J. Morales, Elaine Ward, M. Castano, J. A. Arroyave, I. Lozano and M. J. Adams
  • Polyamine regulation of nitric oxide production in LPS-activated macrophages. (1999) D. M. L. Morgan
  • The design and evaluation of non-visual information systems for blind users. (1999) Sarah Morley
  • Auditory navigation in hyperspace : Design and evaluation of a non-visual hypermedia system for blind users. (1999) S. Morley, H. Petrie, A.-M. O'Neill and P. McNally
  • Microphysical particle parameters from extinction and backscatter lidar data by inversion with regularization: simulation. (1999) D. Mueller, U. Wandinger and A. Ansmann
  • Microphysical particle parameters from extinction and backscatter lidar data by inversion with regularization: theory. (1999) D. Mueller, U. Wandinger and A. Ansmann
  • Repressive coping and self-reports of parenting. (1999) Lynne Myers, Chris Brewin and David Winter
  • N
  • Spectroscopic investigation of old planetaries. IV. Model atmosphere analysis. (1999) R. Napiwotzki
  • A Comparative Study of the Mass Distribution of Extreme-Ultraviolet selected White Dwarfs. (1999) R. Napiwotzki, P.J. Green and R. Saffer
  • How accurately do we know the parameters of hot DA white dwarfs. (1999) R. Napiwotzki, P.J. Green and R. Saffer
  • Effects of Pseudomonas fluorescens F113 on Ecological Functions in the Pea Rhizosphere Are Dependent on pH. (1999) D.C. Naseby and J.M. Lynch
  • Carbon fractions in the rhizosphere of pea inoculated with 2,4 diacetylphloroglucinol producing and non-producing Pseudomonas fluorescens F113. (1999) D.C. Naseby, J.A. Pascual and J.M. Lynch
  • Communication as an Emergent Metaphor for Neuronal Operation. (1999) S.J. Nasuto, K. Dautenhahn and J. M. Bishop
  • Meaning for observers and agents. (1999) C.L. Nehaniv
  • Narrative for artifacts: transcending context and self. (1999) C.L. Nehaniv
  • The Second Person — Meaning and Metaphors. (1999) C.L. Nehaniv
  • Story-telling and emotion : cognitive technology considerations in networking temporally and affectively grounded minds. (1999) C.L. Nehaniv
  • Constructive biology and approaches to temporal grounding in post-reactive robotics. (1999) C.L. Nehaniv, K. Dautenhahn and M.J. Loomes
  • Supernova nucleosynthesis, chemical evolution, and cosmic supernova rate. (1999) K Nomoto, T Nakamura and Chiaki Kobayashi
  • O
  • Initial evaluations of a robot mobility aid for frail and elderly visually impaired persons. (1999) A. M. O'Neill, H. Petrie, B. Gallagher, H. Hunter, G. Lacey and N. Katevas
  • The nurse practitioner role in New South Wales : development and policy. (1999) M. Offredy
  • Ha spectropolarimetry of B[e] and Herbig Be stars. (1999) R.D. Oudmaijer and J.E. Drew
  • Time-resolved spectroscopy of the peculiar H alpha variable Be star HD 76534. (1999) R.D. Oudmaijer and J.E. Drew
  • Suicide among drug addicts in the UK. (1999) A. Oyefeso, A. Hamid Ghodse, C. Clancy and John Corkery
  • Drug abuse-related mortality: a study of teenage addicts over a 20-year period. (1999) A. Oyefeso, A. Hamid Ghodse, C. Clancy, John Corkery and R. Goldfinch
  • P
  • Small business development and tourism: Terra incognita? (1999) S.J. Page, P. Forer and G.R. Lawton
  • Transport and Tourism: Global Perspectives. (1999) Stephen J. Page
  • Staged training of Neocognitron by evolutionary algorithms. (1999) Z. Pan, T. Sabisch, R.G. Adams and H. Bolouri
  • Modelling the progress of light leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza brassicae) on winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus) in relation to weather criteria. (1999) K. Papastamati, S.J. Welham, Bruce D.L. Fitt and P. Gladders
  • Personal development groups in the training of counsellors and therapists : a review of the research. (1999) Helen Payne
  • A Subarcsecond Resolution Near infrared Study of Seyfert and “Normal” Galaxies. I. Imaging Data. (1999) R.F. Peletier, J. Knapen, I. Shlosman, D. Perez-Ramirez, D. Nadeau, R. Doyon, J.M. Rodriguez Espinosa and A.M. Garcia Perez
  • Effects of diseases on the growth and yield of winter linseed. (1999) S. A. M. Perryman, Bruce D.L. Fitt and P. Gladders
  • An investigation into Karmilov-Smith's RR model : the effects of structured tuition. (1999) L. Peters, N. Davey, D.J. Messer and Pamela Smith
  • A reward driven connectionist model of cognitive development. (1999) L. Peters, N. Davey, Pamela Smith and D.J. Messer
  • Implementation of results from rain tower experiments into a simulation model for vertical spore distribution. (1999) A. Pielaat, Frank van den Bosch, D.C.A Marshall, Bruce D.L. Fitt, H. A. McCartney and M.J. Jeger
  • The teachability of children with naive theories: An exploration of the effects of two teaching methods. (1999) K J Pine, D J Messer and K Godfrey
  • Cavity-loss-induced generation of entangled atoms. (1999) M.B. Plenio, S.F. Huelga, A. Beige and P.L. Knight
  • A task analysis of music composition and its application to the development of Modalyser. (1999) R. Polfreman
  • A modular attractor model of semantic access. (1999) W. Power, R. Frank, D.J. Done and N. Davey
  • Line-driven disc wind models with an improved line force. (1999) D. Proga, J.M. Stone and J.E. Drew
  • Ectopic expression of the nude gene induces hyperproliferation and defects in differentiation : Implications for the self-renewal of cutaneous epithelia. (1999) David M. Prowse, David Lee, Lorin Weiner, Nanyan Jiang, Cynthia M. Magro, Howard P. Baden and Janice L. Brissette
  • Q
  • On Bots and Bacteria: Ontology Independent Embodiment. (1999) T. Quick, K. Dautenhahn, C.L. Nehaniv and G. Roberts
  • R
  • Predictions of nuclear reaction rates far from stability and their impact on r-process nucleosynthesis. (1999) T. Rauscher
  • Study of the interacting system NGC 6845. (1999) I. Rodrigues, H. Dottori, E. Brinks and F. Mirabel
  • Developmental evolution of dendritic morphology in a multi-compartmental neuron model. (1999) A.G. Rust and R.G. Adams
  • The Spite Lithium Plateau: Ultrathin but Postprimordial. (1999) Sean G. Ryan, J.E. Norris and T.C. Beers
  • Aromatic compounds from the liverwort Plagiochila spinulosa. (1999) D.S. Rycroft, D.L. Srivastava, W.J. Cole, P. Ifeadike, S.F. Kimbu, J. Singh, J.D. Connolly, C. Thom, U. Gerhard, A.J. Organ, R.J. Smith, M. Hughes and L.J. Harrison
  • High-resolution UKIRT observations of circumnuclear star formation in M100. (1999) S.D. Ryder and J. Knapen
  • Resolving circumnuclear star formation in M100 with image stabilisation at UKIRT. (1999) S.D. Ryder and J. Knapen
  • S
  • A Jetdriven, Extreme High-Velocity Outflow Powered by a Cold, Low-Luminosity Protostar near NGC 2023. (1999) G. Sandell, L.W. Avery, F. Baas, I.M. Coulson, W.R. Dent, P. Friberg, W.P.K. Gear, J.S. Greaves, W.S. Holland, T. Jenness, P. Jewell, J.F. Lightfoot, H. Matthews, G. Moriarty-Schieven, R. Prestage, E.I. Robson, J. A. Stevens, R.P.J. Tilanus and G.D. Watt
  • Similarity between electron donor side reactions in the solubilized Photosystem II–LHC II supercomplex and Photosystem-II-containing membranes. (1999) M. Schilstra, J. Nield, W. Dorner, B. Hankamer, M. Carradus, L. Barter, J. Barber and D.R. Klug
  • The distribution of pepsinogen within the abomasa of cattle and sheep infected with Ostertagia spp. and sheep infected with Haemonchus contortus. (1999) I. Scott, A. Dick, J. Irvine, M.J. Stear and Quintin McKellar
  • Modelling the response of different WDM PON architectures to varying traffic load. (1999) J.M. Senior, M.R. Handley, M.S. Leeson, A.J. Phillips, P. Ball and I. Wright
  • Semiconductor optical amplifier cascade modeling for the PLANET SuperPON. (1999) J.M. Senior, S.E. Moss, X.-Z. Qiu and J. Vandewege
  • Better cervical screening for women with learning disabilities. (1999) Philomena Shaughnessy
  • Jobs for the girls: A study of the careers of professional women returners following participation in a European funded updating programme. (1999) S. Shaw, M. Taylor and I. Harris
  • Cadogan’s Last Fling : Sir Alexander Cadogan, Chairman of the Board of Governors of the BBC. (1999) Tony Shaw
  • The Information Research Department of the British Foreign Office and the Korean War, 1950-1953. (1999) Tony Shaw
  • Diversity of appraisal and performance-related pay practices in higher education. (1999) S Shelley
  • Forecasting light leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza brassicae) of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus) on the Internet. (1999) S. D. Souter, N.I.D Castells-Brooke, J.F. Antoniw, S.J. Welham, Bruce D.L. Fitt and Neal Evans
  • An aid to intuitively understanding bias and consistency. (1999) Neil Spencer
  • Creative Organisations : The Relevance of Chaos and Psychodynamics Systems. (1999) Ralph Stacey
  • Justifying the provision of a standing frame - a good case to quote. (1999) K. Stainsbury and H. Thornton
  • The relationship between the number and size of nematodes in the abomasum and the concentration of pepsinogen in ovine plasma. (1999) M.J. Stear, K. Bairden, Quintin McKellar, I. Scott, S. Strain and S.C. Bishop
  • Optimising fungicide timing for controlling light leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza brassicae) on winter oilseed rape in the UK. (1999) J. M. Steed, Bruce D.L. Fitt, P. Gladders and K.G. Sutherland
  • Adaptive leaky integrator models of cerebellar Purkinje cells can learn the clustering of temporal patterns. (1999) Volker Steuber and D. J. Willshaw
  • Variations in the broad-band spectra of BL Lac objects: millimetre observations of an X-ray-selected sample. (1999) J. A. Stevens and W.K. Gear
  • Plant-insect interactions. (1999) Henrik Stotz, J. Kroymann and T. Mitchell-Olds
  • Expression of the pea (Pisum sativum L.) α-tubulin gene TubA1 is correlated with cell division activity. (1999) Henrik Stotz and Sharon Long
  • T
  • Detecting partial occlusion of humans using snakes and neural networks. (1999) Ken Tabb, N. Davey, S. George and R.G. Adams
  • Human shape recognition from snakes using neural networks. (1999) Ken Tabb, N. Davey, S. George and R.G. Adams
  • HI properties of Low Surface Brightness dwarf and blue compact dwarf galaxies. (1999) C.L. Taylor, E. Brinks and E.D. Skillman
  • Women's experiences of major illness during pregnancy. (1999) Hilary Thomas
  • Men into primary teaching: who goes where Dilemmas of entry, survival and career prospects. (1999) M.E. Thornton
  • Model building with multiple dependent variables and constraints. (1999) C. Tofallis
  • Evolution of dust extinction and supernova cosmology. (1999) T Totani and Chiaki Kobayashi
  • 'Saying "I": Sylvia Plath as Tragic Author or Feminist Text?'. (1999) Anna Tripp
  • 30 years of multi-wavelength observations of 3C 273. (1999) M. Turler, S. Paltani, T. J-L. Courvoisier, M. Aller, H. Aller, A. Blecha, P. Bouchet, M. Lainela, I.M. McHardy, E.I. Robson, J. A. Stevens, H. Terasranta, M. Tornikoski, M. H. Ulrich, E.B. Waltman, W. Wamsteker and M.C.H. Wright
  • A Study of Shell Profiles. (1999) A.J. Turnbull and J. Collett
  • A strategic environmental assessment method for agricultural policy in the UK. (1999) J. Tzilivakis, C. Broom, Kathleen Lewis, P. Tucker, C. Drummond and R. Cook
  • Environmental Management for Agriculture (EMA) and Sustainable Agriculture. (1999) John Tzilivakis and Kathleen Lewis
  • U
  • Magnetic anisotropy of asbestos fibres. (1999) Zbigniew Ulanowski and Paul H. Kaye
  • The origin of the diversity of Type Ia supernovae and the environmental effects. (1999) H Umeda, K Nomoto, Chiaki Kobayashi, I Hachisu and M Kato
  • V
  • Extending correlation in branch prediction schemes. (1999) L. Vintan and C. Egan
  • Extending correlation in branch prediction schemes. (1999) L. Vintan and C. Egan
  • Gravity dependence at the bottom of the main sequence. (1999) S. Viti and H.R.A. Jones
  • Infection of linseed by Alternaria linicola : Effects of inoculum density, temperature, leaf wetness and light regime. (1999) I. Vloutoglou, Bruce D.L. Fitt and J. A. Lucas
  • Stellar neutron capture cross sections of Pr and Dy isotopes. (1999) F. Voss, K. Wisshak, C. Arlandini, F. Kappeler, L. Kazakov and T. Rauscher
  • W
  • The influence of increased feeding on the susceptibility of sheep to infection with Haemonchus contortus. (1999) D.S. Wallace, K. Bairden, J.L. Duncan, P.D. Eckersall, G. Fishwick, P.H. Holmes, Quintin McKellar, S. Mitchell, M. Murray and J.J. Parkins
  • Holes and shells in the interstellar medium of the nearby dwarf galaxy IC 2574. (1999) F. Walter and E. Brinks
  • VLA HI imaging of the Low Surface Brightness dwarf galaxy DDO47. (1999) F. Walter and E. Brinks
  • On solving the inverse scattering problem with RBF neural networks : Noise-free case. (1999) Z Wang, Z Ulanowski and Paul H. Kaye
  • Conducting randomized trials in general practice : methodological and practical issues. (1999) E. Ward, M. King, M. Lloyd, P. Bower and K. Friedli
  • Comparison of Gaeumannomyces- and Phialophora-like fungal pathogens from maize and other plants using DNA methods. (1999) Elaine Ward and Geoffrey L. Bateman
  • Use of the repertory grid as a nomothetic measure in psychotherapy research : an example of optimal functioning, or of failure to complete the experience cycle? (1999) Sue Watson and David Winter
  • Relationships between regional weather and incidence of light leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza brassicae) on winter oilseed rape in England and Wales. (1999) S.J. Welham, Bruce D.L. Fitt, J.A. Turner, P. Gladders and K.G. Sutherland
  • Software process dynamic modelling for FEAST/1. (1999) P. Wernick and M. Lehman
  • Applying Mobile Robot Technology to the Rehabilitation of Autistic Children. (1999) I. Werry and K. Dautenhahn
  • Epidemiology of Leptosphaeria maculans in relation to forecasting stem canker severity on winter oilseed rape in the UK. (1999) Jon S. West, J.E. Biddulph, Bruce D.L. Fitt and P. Gladders
  • The effect of climate on the Release of Ascospores of Leptosphaeria maculans (Stem Canker of Oilseed Rape). (1999) Jon S. West, Neal Evans, P. K. Leech and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Optimising the use of fungicides to control stem canker of oilseed rape. (1999) Jon S. West, P. K. Leech, Bruce D.L. Fitt, S.J. Welham, A. Penaud, A. Peres and B. Poisson
  • Review : Caring for children of differing cultures. (1999) Lisa Whiting
  • Differentiating A and B groups of Leptosphaeria maculans, causal agent of stem canker (blackleg) of oilseed rape. (1999) R.H. Williams and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Perspectivas de la teoria de constructos personales en terapia sexual: reconstruccion de la ereccion y elaboracion de la eyaculacion. (1999) David Winter
  • Psychological problems: alternative perspectives on their explanation and treatment. (1999) David Winter
  • A harmonious marriage : Personal reflections on 25 years of research and therapeutic practice in a National Health Service setting. (1999) David Winter
  • A personal construct psychotherapy intervention for agoraphobia : theoretical and empirical basis, treatment process and outcome. (1999) David Winter
  • Personal construct psychotherapy and the cognitive therapies : different in theory but can they be differentiated in practice? (1999) David Winter and Sue Watson
  • Experiment One of the SAIC Remote Viewing Program: A Critical Re-evaluation - a reply to May. (1999) R. Wiseman and J. Milton
  • Experiment One of the SAIC Remote Viewing Program: A critical re-evaluation. (1999) R. Wiseman and J. Milton
  • X
  • A flexible VLSI parallel processing system for block-matching motion estimation in low bit-rate video coding applications. (1999) D L Xu and R Sotudeh
  • Y
  • A time-variable scattered component to broad Hα in the Seyfert 1 galaxy Mrk 509. (1999) S. Young, S.A. Corbett, M.E. Giannuzzo, J. Hough, A. Robinson, J. Bailey and D.J. Axon
  • Z
  • A self-aligning four-point bend testing rig and sample geometry effect in four-point bend fatigue. (1999) T Zhai, Y G Xu, J W Martin, A J Wilkinson and G A D Briggs
  • Effects of severity and timing of stem canker (Leptosphaeria maculans) symptoms on yield of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus) in the UK. (1999) Y. Zhou, Bruce D.L. Fitt, S.J. Welham, P. Gladders, C.E. Sansford and Jon S. West
  • Yield loss of winter oilseed rape in relation to severity of stem canker (Leptosphaeria maculans ) in the UK. (1999) Y. Zhou, Bruce D.L. Fitt, S.J. Welham, P. Gladders, C.E. Sansford and Jon S. West