Items where Year is 2004

Number of items: 602.
  • Assessing the efficiency and effectiveness of local authorities in Saudi Arabia : a case study of Jeddah Municipality. (2004) Salwa Hassan Farid Aazam
  • New experimental validation of the pulse height weighting technique for capture cross-section measurements. (2004) U. Abbondanno, G. Aerts, H. Alvarez, S. Andriamonje, A. Angelopoulos, P. Assimakopoulos, C. O. Bacri, G. Badurek, P. Baumann, F. Becvar, H. Beer, J. Benlliure, B. Berthier, E. Berthomieux, S. Boffi, C. Borcea, E. Boscolo-Marchi, N. Bustreo, P. Calvino, D. Cano-Ott, R. Capote, P. Carlson, P. Cennini, V. Chepel, E. Chiaveri, C. Coceva, N. Colonna, G. Cortes, D. Cortina, A. Couture, J. Cox, S. Dababneh, M. Dahlfors, S. David, R. Dolfini, C. Domingo-Pardo, R.B. Duran, C. Eleftheriadis, M. Embid-Segura, L. Ferrant, A. Ferrari, L. Ferreira-Lourenco, R. Ferreira-Marques, H. Frais-Koelbl, W.I. Furman, Y. Giomataris, I. F. Goncalves, E. Gonzalez-Romero, A. Goverdovski, F. Gramegna, E. Griesmayer, F. Gunsing, R. Haight, M. Heil, A. Herrera-Martinez, K.G. Ioannides, N. Janeva, E. Jericha, F. Kappeler, Y. Kadi, D. Karamanis, A. Kelic, V. Ketlerov, G. Kitis, P. E. Koehler, V. Konovalov, E. Kossionides, N. V. Lacoste, H. Leeb, A. Lindote, M.I. Lopes, M. Lozano, S. Lukic, S. Markov, S. Marrone, J. Martinez-Val, P. Mastinu, A. Mengoni, P.M. Milazzo, E. Minguez, A. Molina-Coballes, C. Moreau, F. Neves, H. Oberhummer, S. O'Brien, J. Pancin, T. Papaevangelou, C. Paradela, A. Pavlik, P. Pavlopoulos, A. Perez-Parra, J. M. Perlado, L. Perrot, V. Peskov, R. Plag, A. Plompen, A. Plukis, A. Poch, A. Policarpo, C. Pretel, J. M. Quesada, M. Radici, S. Raman, W. Rapp, T. Rauscher, R. Reifarth, F. Rejmund, M. Rosetti, C. Rubbia, G. Rudolf, P. Rullhusen, J. Salgado, E. Savvidis, J. C. Soares, C. Stephan, G. Tagliente, J. L. Tain, C. Tapia, L. Tassan-Got, L.M.N. Tavora, R. Terlizzi, M. Terrani, N. Tsangas, G. Vannini, P. Vaz, A. Ventura, D. Villamarin-Fernandez, M. Vincente-Vincente, V. Vlachoudis, R. Vlastou, F. Voss, H. Wendler, M. Wiescher, K. Wisshak and L. Zanini
  • Neutron capture cross section measurement of Sm-151 at the CERN neutron time of flight facility (n_TOF). (2004) U. Abbondanno, G. Aerts, F. Alvarez-Velarde, H. Alvarez-Pol, S. Andriamonje, J. Andrzejewski, G. Badurek, P. Baumann, F. Becvar, J. Benlliure, E. Berthoumieux, F. Calvino, D. Cano-Ott, R. Capote, P. Cennini, V. Chepel, E. Chiaveri, N. Colonna, G. Cortes, D. Cortina, A. Couture, J. Cox, S. Dababneh, M. Dahlfors, S. David, R. Dolfini, C. Domingo-Pardo, R.B. Duran, M. Embid-Segura, L. Ferrant, A. Ferrari, R. Ferreira-Marques, H. Frais-Koelbl, W. Furman, I. F. Goncalves, R. Gallino, E. Gonzalez-Romero, A. Goverdovski, F. Gramegna, E. Griesmayer, F. Gunsing, B. Haas, R. Haight, M. Heil, A. Herrera-Martinez, S. Isaev, E. Jericha, F. Kappeler, Y. Kadi, T. Rauscher and n TOF Collaboration
  • The transmembrane CXC-chemokine ligand 16 is induced by IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha and shed by the activity of the disintegrin-like metalloproteinase ADAM10. (2004) S. Abel, C. Hundhausen, R. Mentlein, A. Schulte, Theo Berkhout, N. Broadway, D. H. Hartmann, R. Sedlacek, S. Dietrich, B. Muetze, B. Schuster, K.J. Kallen, P. Saftig, S. Rose-John and A. Ludwig
  • Some ways to infer a DNA function from the sequence information. (2004) I. Abnizova, R. Te Boekhorst and W. Gilks
  • Evaluation of Intelligent Intrusion Detection Models. (2004) Nasser Abouzakhar and Gordon Manson
  • Optimising a hierarchical neural clusterer applied to large gene sequence data sets. (2004) Roderick Adams, N. Davey, Paul H. Kaye and W. Pensuwon
  • Design of spatially extended neural networks for specific applications. (2004) Roderick Adams, Rene te Boekhorst, A.G. Rust, Paul H. Kaye and M. Schilstra
  • Quatremere de Quincy and the instrumentality of the museum. (2004) Steven Adams
  • Conjugate gradient algorithms and the Galerkin boundary element method. (2004) O.O. Ademoyero, M. Bartholomew-Biggs, A. Davies and S. Parkhurst
  • Simulation modelling practices of ProSim03 participants: A survey. (2004) R. Ahmed, T. Hall, P. Wernick and S. Robinson
  • Simulation modelling practices of ProSim03 participants: A survey. (2004) R. Ahmed, T. Hall, P. Wernick and Stewart Robinson
  • Mid-infrared polarimetry and magnetic fields : an observing strategy. (2004) D. Aitken, J. Hough, P.F. Roche, C.H. Smith and C.M. Wright
  • Autobiographical memory and depression : an investigation of over general memory processing on recall tasks. (2004) Rachel Sarah Akande
  • Throwing the Baby out with the Bath Water : Miranda and the Myth of Maternal Instinct on Sex and the City. (2004) Kim Akass
  • Introduction : Welcome to the Age of (Un)Innocence. (2004) Kim Akass and Janet McCabe
  • Ms Parker and the Vicious Circle : Female Narrative and Humour in Sex and the City. (2004) Kim Akass and Janet McCabe
  • Effect of heat on the percutaneous absorption and skin retention of three model penetrants. (2004) F Akomeah, T Nazir, G P Martin and Marc Brown
  • Pulsed short wave therapy : its clinical use and physiological effects in healthy subjects and osteoarthritic patients. (2004) Maryam Mansour Al-Mandil
  • Approximation of Boolean Functions by Local Search. (2004) A. Albrecht and C.K. Wong
  • Determining the value of simulation in nurse education: Study design and initial results. (2004) Guillaume Alinier, B. Hunt and R. Gordon
  • Towards Robot Cultures? Learning to imitate in a robotic arm test-bed with dissimilarly embodied agents. (2004) A. Alissandrakis, C.L. Nehaniv and K. Dautenhahn
  • Extraction of metals from contaminated land and industrial solid waste using a novel technology (servo process). (2004) Corinne Allimann-Lecourt
  • Using StudyNet to facilitate students’ learning. (2004) J. Alltree and H. Thornton
  • Analysing observed star cluster SEDs with evolutionary synthesis models: systematic uncertainties. (2004) P. Anders, N. Bissantz, U. Fritze and R. de Grijs
  • Star cluster formation and evolution in the dwarf starburst galaxy NGC 1569. (2004) P. Anders, R. de Grijs, U. Fritze and N. Bissantz
  • Multidimensionality of intrusion and avoidance : alternative factor models of the Impact of Event Scale. (2004) Leanne Andrews, M. Shevlin, Nicholas Troop and S. Joseph
  • Gravity-wave-induced cloud formation in desert dust : Observation with temperature/humidity/aerosol Raman lidar in the framework of earlinet. (2004) Albert Ansmann, I. Mattis, D. Mueller, U. Wandinger and D. Althausen
  • The role of situational information in conceptual knowledge. (2004) Susan Huia Anthony
  • A low upper-limit on the lithium isotope ratio in HD140283. (2004) W. Aoki, S. Inoue, S. Kawanomoto, Sean G. Ryan, I.M. Smith, T.K. Suzuki and M. Takada-Hidai
  • Oxygen Overabundance in the Extremely Iron-poor Star CS 29498-043. (2004) W. Aoki, J.E. Norris, Sean G. Ryan, T.C. Beers, N. Christlieb, S. Tsangarides and H. Ando
  • From women's health to gender and health. (2004) Sara Arber and Hilary Thomas
  • Optic-fiber scramblers and a fourier transform lens as a means to tackle the problem on the overlap factor of lidar. (2004) Y. Arshinov, S. Bobrovnikov, J. Serikov, D. Althausen, Albert Ansmann, I. Mattis, D. Mueller and U. Wandinger
  • Discovery of kilogauss magnetic fields in three DA white dwarfs. (2004) R. Aznar Cuadrado, S. Jordan, R. Napiwotzki, H.M. Schmid, S.K. Solanki and G. Mathys
  • B
  • The Magnetic Field and Maser Structure in the Proto-Planetary Nebula IRAS 20406+2953. (2004) I. Bains, T. Gledhill, A.M.S. Richards and J.A. Yates
  • MERLIN polarimetry of the OH masers in IRAS 20406+2953. (2004) I. Bains, A.M.S. Richards, T. Gledhill and J.A. Yates
  • Survival and ecological fitness of Pseudomonas fluorescens genetically engineered with dual biocontrol mechanisms. (2004) N. Bainton, J.M. Lynch, D.C. Naseby and J. Way
  • A Hubble Space Telescope Census of Nuclear Star Clusters in Late Type Spiral Galaxies. II. : Cluster Sizes and Structural Parameter Correlations. (2004) T. Baker, M. Sarzi, D.E. McLaughlin, R. van der Marel, H-W. Rix, L. Ho and J.C. Shields
  • Convergence and divergence in opera and music theatre : supporting thesis for a folio of work. (2004) Paul Barker
  • Food Agencies as an institutional response to policy failure by the UK and the European Union. (2004) David Barling
  • Trading on health : Cross-continental production and consumption tensions and the governance of international food standards. (2004) David Barling and Tim Lang
  • Deconvolution of high-resolution spectra as a signal-to-noise ratio enhancement method. (2004) J R Barnes
  • Differential rotation and star-spot evolution on HK Aqr in 2001 and 2002. (2004) J R Barnes, D J James and A C Cameron
  • High-resolution Doppler images of the spotted contact binary AE Phe. (2004) J R Barnes, T A Lister, R W Hilditch and A C Cameron
  • Surface images of the short period contact binary AE Phe. (2004) J R Barnes, T A Lister, R W Hilditch and A C Cameron
  • Psychosocial interventions for people with a milder dementing illness : A systematic review. (2004) Jane Bates, Jonathan Boote and Catherine Beverley
  • Wheat archive links long-term fungal pathogen population dynamics to air pollution. (2004) S. J. Bearchell, B. A. Fraaije, M. W. Shaw and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • The effects of progressive root removal prior to planting on shoot and root growth of Betula pendula Roth. (2004) D.M. Bellett-Travers, D.E.B. Higgs and C.R. Ireland
  • XMM-Newton Observations of Three High Redshift Radio Galaxies. (2004) E. Belsole, D.M. Worrall and M.J. Hardcastle
  • XMM-Newton observations of three high-redshift radio galaxies. (2004) E. Belsole, D.M. Worrall, M.J. Hardcastle, M. Birkinshaw and C.R. Lawrence
  • Project effort estimation : Or, when size makes a difference. (2004) O. Benediktsson and Darren Dalcher
  • The ecology of the water vole (Arvicola terrertris L.) in Southern England. (2004) Jonathan Mark Benge
  • Sedimentary and tectonic architecture of a large push moraine : a case study from Hagafellsjökull-Eystri, Iceland. (2004) M.R. Bennett, D. Huddart, R.I. Waller, N. Cassidy, A. Tomio, P. Zukowskyj, N.G. Midgley, S. Cook, S. Gonzalez and N. Glasser
  • Voice Biometrics over the Internet in the Framework of COST Action 275. (2004) L. Besacier, A. Ariyaeeinia, J. S. Mason, J. F. Bonastre, P. Mayorga, C. Fredouille, S. Meignier, J. Siau, N. W. D. Evans, R. Auckenthaler and R. Stapert
  • Integrating the Engineering Manager. (2004) K. Bevis and A. Combes
  • Chemically Consistent evolution of Gases: II. Spectrophotmetric evolution from zero to high redshift. (2004) J. Bicker, U. Fritze and C. Moeller
  • Learning from experience: approaches to the experiential component of practice-based research. (2004) Michael Biggs
  • Editorial: the role of the artefact in art and design research. (2004) M. Biggs
  • Learning from experience: approaches to the experiential component of practice-based research. (2004) M. Biggs
  • Visualisation and Wittgenstein's "Tractatus". (2004) M. Biggs
  • What Characterizes Pictures and Text. (2004) M. Biggs
  • Increased 24-h Energy Expenditure in Type 2 Diabetes. (2004) C. Bitz, S. Toubro, T.M. Larsen, H. Harder, K.L. Rennie, S.A. Jebb and A. Astrup
  • From London to Los Angeles: a comparison of local labour market processes in the US and UK film industries. (2004) H. Blair, N. Culkin and K.R. Randle
  • Gravitational bar and spiral arm torques from Ks-band observations and implications for the pattern speeds. (2004) D.L. Block, R.J. Buta, J. Knapen, D.M. Elmegreen, B. Elmegreen and I. Puerari
  • Agenda 21, Education for Sustainabliity and School partnerships : Gardening a case study. (2004) P. Bloomfield
  • Education for Sustainable Development and Citizenship through Outdoor Education : Gardening as a Focus. (2004) P. Bloomfield
  • Anti-BiP antibody levels in juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). (2004) M.D. Bodman-Smith, M.F. Fife, H. Wythe, V.M. Corrigal, G.S. Panayi, L.R. Wedderburn and P. Woo
  • Power System Stabilizer Design Based on Robust Control Techniques. (2004) Mohamed Bouhamida and Mouloud Denai
  • Future Contingents, Non-Contradiction and the Law of Excluded Middle Muddle. (2004) C. Bourne
  • Becoming Inflated. (2004) Craig Bourne
  • Colliding molecular clouds in head-on galaxy collisions. (2004) J. Braine, U. Lisenfeld, P.A. Duc, E. Brinks, V. Charmandaris and S. Leon
  • H I and CO in Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies: Haro 2 and Haro 4. (2004) H. Bravo-Alfaro, E. Brinks, A.J. Baker, F. Walter and D. Kunth
  • The properties of Lyman break galaxies at z~ 5. (2004) M. Bremer, M.D. Lehnert, I. Waddington, M.J. Hardcastle, P.J. Boyce and S. Phillipps
  • Increasing film-focus distance (FFD) reduces radiation dose for x-ray examinations. (2004) Patrick C. Brennan, S. McDonnell and D. O'Leary
  • Should we worry about an "academic-practitioner divide" in marketing? (2004) Ross Brennan
  • In search of relevance : Is there an academic-practitioner divide in business-to-business marketing? (2004) Ross Brennan and Paul Ankers
  • The ISM in nearby galaxies. (2004) E. Brinks
  • The spirit of 'health for all': the shape of primary health care, past present and future. (2004) F. Brooks
  • 'Louis Mazzini’s Postcard: the Genius Loci of Kind Hearts and Coronets'. (2004) Mark Broughton
  • Subjectivity in Innovation Management. (2004) Christopher Brown and P. Frame
  • Numerical Simulation of Photochemical Episodes in Alpine Valleys. (2004) G. Brulfert, J.P. Chollet, C. Chemel and M.A. Kerbiriou
  • Dimensionality reduction of face images for gender classification. (2004) S. Buchala, N. Davey, R. Frank and T.M. Gale
  • Gender classification of face images: the role of global and feature-based information. (2004) S. Buchala, N. Davey, R. Frank, T.M. Gale, M.J. Loomes and W. Kanakard
  • Louça de mesa da indústria brasileira: produto e produtor. (2004) D. Buchler
  • The artefact as visible materialization: visual perception informing object analysis. (2004) D. Buchler
  • The measurement of self-concept in children with complex needs. (2004) J. Buckroyd and B. Flitton
  • Telephone consultation and triage : effects on health care use and patient satisfaction. (2004) Frances Bunn, G. Byrne and S. Kendall
  • Hypertonic versus near isotonic crystalloid for fluid resuscitation in critically ill patients. (2004) Frances Bunn, I. Roberts and R. Tasker
  • C
  • Probing the dark ages with the Square Kilometer Array--. (2004) C.L. Carilli, S. Furlanetto, F. Briggs, M.J. Jarvis, S. Rawlings and H. Falcke
  • Making sense of a diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease : partners' experiences. (2004) Roland James Casson
  • Relationship Management versus Brand Management in SME Business-to-Business Marketing. (2004) M. Catulli and J. Gander
  • Transient activaton of β-catenin signalling in adult mouse epidermis is sufficient to induce new hair follicles but continuous activation is required to maintain hair follicle tumours. (2004) Cristina Lo Celso, David M. Prowse and Fiona M. Watt
  • New high-order filter structures using only single-ended-input OTAs and grounded capacitors. (2004) C-M. Chang, B.M. Al-Hashimi, Y. Sun and J.N. Ross
  • Artificial selection of high proliferating and apoptosis-resistant NS0 cells for industrial production systems. (2004) D Chau and M Al-Rubeai
  • FUSE Observations of EC14026 Stars. (2004) P. Chayer, G. Fontaine, M. Fontaine, R. Lamontagne, F. Wesemael, J. Dupuis, U. Heber, R. Napiwotzki and S. Moehler
  • Novel amphiphilic polyethylenimine (PEIs) for oral delivery of poorly soluble drugs. (2004) W. P. Cheng and I. F. Uchegbu
  • In the pink: the strange case of Trinity College Dublin. (2004) B. Christianson
  • The Hamburg/ESO R-process Enhanced Star survey (HERES). I : Project description and discovery of two stars with strong enhancements of neutron-capture elements. (2004) N. Christlieb, T.C. Beers, P.S. Barklem, M.S. Bessell, V. Hill, J. Holmberg, A.J. Korn, B. Marsteller, L. Mashonkina, Y.Z. Qian, S. Rossi, G.J. Wasserburg, F.J. Zickgraf, K.L. Kratz, B. Nordstrom, B. Pfeiffer, J. Rhee and Sean G. Ryan
  • The magnetic environments of young stellar objects. (2004) A. Chrysostomou, R. Curran and D. Aitken
  • The cosmic evolution of low-luminosity radio sources from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 1. (2004) L. Clewley and M.J. Jarvis
  • Mid-infrared imaging and modelling of the dust shell around post-AGB star HD 187885 (IRAS 19500-1709). (2004) K.L. Clube and T. Gledhill
  • Wilfred Sellars, perceptual consciousness and theories of attention. (2004) Paul Coates
  • A deep, high-resolution survey at 74MHz. (2004) A.S. Cohen, H.J.A. Rottgering, M.J. Jarvis, N.E. Kassim and T.J.W. Lazio
  • A comparison of topical formulations for the prevention of human schistosomiasis. (2004) E. Cooper, A. Iqbal, A. Bartlett, C. Marriott, P.J. Whitfield and Marc Brown
  • Submillimetre constraints on hyper-extremely red objects in the Subaru Deep Field. (2004) Kristen Coppin, M. Halpern, D. Scott, G. Marsden, F. Iwamuro, T. Maihara, K. Motohara and T. Totani
  • The effects of methadone and its role in fatalities. (2004) John Corkery, Fabrizio Schifano, A. Hamid Ghodse and Adenekan Oyefeso
  • Using a SOFM to learn Object Affordances. (2004) I. Cos-Aguilera, G. Hayes and Lola Cañamero
  • The effects of pallidotomy on motor function in MPTP-treated, L-DOPA primed common marmosets. (2004) S. S. Costa, Mahmoud M. Iravani, M. J. Jackson and P. Jenner
  • E-Learning for Teachers and Trainers : Innovative Practices, Skills and Competences. (2004) Arnaud Coulon, Luciano Battezzati, Richard Walker, David Gray and Malcolm Ryan
  • Cherry chlorotic rusty spot and Amasya cherry diseases are associated with a complex pattern of mycoviral-like double-stranded RNAs. II : Characterization of a new species in the genus Partitivirus. (2004) Robert H.A. Coutts, L. Covelli, C. Hernández, R. Flores, A. Ragozzino, F. Di Serio, A. Citir and S. Açikgöz
  • Cherry chlorotic rusty spot and Amasya cherry diseases are associated with a complex pattern of mycoviral-like double-stranded RNAs. I : Characterization of a new species in the genus Chrysovirus. (2004) L. Covelli, C. Hernández, R. Flores, A. Ragozzino, Robert H.A. Coutts, F. Di Serio, A. Citir and S. Açikgöz
  • Contextualizing bodies : how human responsiveness constrains distributed cognition. (2004) S. Cowley
  • Grounding signs of culture : primary intersubjectivity in social semiosis. (2004) S. Cowley
  • Simulating others : the basis of human cognition? (2004) S. Cowley
  • Monitoring of Insecticide Resistance in Myzus persicae from Greece. (2004) D Cox, A Devonshire, Ian Denholm and S. Foster
  • The Relation between Galaxy Activity and the Dynamics of Compact Groups of Galaxies. (2004) R. Coziol, E. Brinks and H. Bravo-Alfaro
  • Human impact on the environment in the Annecy Petit Lac catchment, Haute-Savoie : a documentary approach. (2004) D. Crook, D.J. Siddle, J.A. Dearing and R. Thompson
  • Jet/Environment Interactions of FRI and FRII Radio Galaxies. (2004) J.H. Croston, M.J. Hardcastle, M. Birkinshaw and D.M. Worrall
  • X-ray emission from the nuclei, lobes and hot-gas environments of two FR II radio galaxies. (2004) J.H. Croston, M. Birkinshaw, M.J. Hardcastle and D.M. Worrall
  • Interactions of low-power radio galaxies with their hot-gas environments. (2004) J.H. Croston, M.J. Hardcastle, M. Birkinshaw and D.M. Worrall
  • The 6** sample and the highest redshift radio galaxies. (2004) M.J. Cruz, M.J. Jarvis, K.M. Blundell and S. Rawlings
  • Digital Cinema : Opportunities and Challenges. (2004) N. Culkin and K.R. Randle
  • An investigation of factors reducing seat belt use amongst Spanish drivers and passengers on urban roads. (2004) M Cunill, M E Gras, M Planes, C Oliveras and M J M Sullman
  • First polarimetry results of two candidate high-mass protostellar objects. (2004) R. Curran, A. Chrysostomou, J. Collett, T. Jenness and D. Aitken
  • D
  • Public Health Powers in Relation to Tuberculosis in England and France: A Comparison of Approaches. (2004) S. Da Lomba and R. Martin
  • Design for life : Invoking Continuity and Dealing with Change. (2004) Darren Dalcher
  • Emergency : A new ambulance dispatch system. (2004) Darren Dalcher
  • New Insights into Effort Estimation for Incremental Software Development Projects. (2004) Darren Dalcher
  • Learning from Information Systems Failures by using Narrative and Ante-narrative Methods. (2004) Darren Dalcher and Lynette Drevin
  • Robots we like to live with! A developmental perspective on a personalized, life-long robot companion. (2004) K. Dautenhahn
  • Socially Intelligent Agents in Human Primate Culture. (2004) K. Dautenhahn
  • Towards Interactive Robots in Autism Therapy: Background, Motivation and Challenges. (2004) K. Dautenhahn and I. Werry
  • High Capacity Associative Memories and Connection Constraints. (2004) N. Davey and R.G. Adams
  • High Capacity Associative Memories and Small World Networks. (2004) N. Davey, B. Christianson and R.G. Adams
  • High capacity associative memory models - binary and bipolar representation. (2004) N. Davey, R. Frank, S. Hunt, R.G. Adams and L. Calcraft
  • High Capacity Recurrent Associative Memories. (2004) N. Davey, S. Hunt and R.G. Adams
  • French healing charms and charmers. (2004) Owen Davies
  • Witchcraft Continued : Popular Magic in Modern Europe. (2004) Owen Davies
  • Witchcraft accusations in France 1850-1990. (2004) Owen Davies
  • Towards an Interactive System Facilitating Therapeutic Narrative Elicitation in Autism. (2004) M. Davis, K. Dautenhahn, C.L. Nehaniv and S.D. Powell
  • Lead and s-process elements in stars of various metallicities : AGB predictions and observations. (2004) D. Delaude, R. Gallino, S. Christallo, O. Straniero, L. Husti and Sean G. Ryan
  • Cannabinoid signalling. (2004) Dirk Geoffrey Demuth
  • ANFIS Based Modeling and Control of Nonlinear Systems: A Tutorial. (2004) Mouloud Denai, Frank Palis and Abdelhafid Zeghbib
  • Neural Decoupling Adaptive Control of a UPFC Power Flow Compensator. (2004) Mouloud Denai, S. Zebirate and Mohamed Bouhamida
  • A Raman spectroscopic investigation of bioadhesive tetracaine local anaesthetic formulations. (2004) A.C. Dennis, J.J. McGarvey, A.D. Woolfson, D.F. McCafferty and G.P. Moss
  • Strengthening postgraduate education : A new structure for pharmacy. (2004) S. Dhillon and S. Curtis
  • Transgenic analysis of sugar beet xyloglucan endo-transglucosylase/hydrolase Bv-XTH1 and Bv-XTH2 promoters reveals overlapping tissue-specific and wound-inducible expression profiles. (2004) E. Dimmer, L. Roden, D. Cai, C.S. Kingsnorth and Euphemia Mutasa-Gottgens
  • Praesepe and the seven white dwarfs. (2004) P.D. Dobbie, D.J. Pinfield, R. Napiwotzki, N.C. Hambly, M.R. Burleigh, M.A. Barstow, R.F. Jameson and I. Hubeny
  • Non-Euclidean Norms and Data Normalisation. (2004) K. Doherty, R.G. Adams and N. Davey
  • Computation of forces exerted on a microparticle by a laser beam. (2004) Reto Rodolfo Dorizzi
  • The workforce in health and social care services to older people : developing an education and training strategy. (2004) V. Drennan, R. Levenson, C. Goodman and C. Evans
  • Discovery of a WO star in the Scutum-Crux arm of the inner Galaxy. (2004) J.E. Drew, M.J. Barlow, Y.C. Unruh, Q.A. Parker, R. Wesson, M.J. Pierce, M.R.W. Masheder and S. Phillipps
  • In silico methods for predicting ligand binding determinants of cytochromes P450. (2004) M. J. de Groot, S. B. Kirton and M. J. Sutcliffe
  • High-Resolution H I Observations of the Galaxy NGC 404: A Dwarf S0 with abundant interstellar gas. (2004) M.S. del Rio, E. Brinks and J. Cepa
  • E
  • A cognitive neuropsychological and psychophysiological investigation of a patient who exhibited an acute exacerbated response during innocuous somatosensory stimulation and movement. (2004) N.M.J. Edelstyn, S.R. Baker, S.R. Ellis and P. Jenkinson
  • Keys to the case bearing caddis larvae of Britain and Ireland. (2004) Veronica Edmonds-Brown
  • Comparing Different Prenexing Strategies for Quantified Boolean Formulas. (2004) Uwe Egly, Martina Seidl, Hans Tompits, Stefan Woltran and M. Zolda
  • A cross sectional survey to determine the age of emergence of permanent teeth of Caucasian children of the Colchester area of the UK. (2004) Amanda Jane Elmes
  • Developing a navigation aid for the frail and visually impaired. (2004) P. Engelbrektsson, Marianne Karlsson, Blaithin Gallagher, Heather Hunter, Helen Petrie and Anne-Marie O'Neill
  • Assessing patients' participation and quality of decision-making: insights from a study of routine practice in diverse settings. (2004) V.A. Entwistle, I.S. Watt, K. Gilhooly, C. Bugge, N. Haites and A.E. Walker
  • How paradoxical are the effects of thought suppression ? : the nature of mental control and the factors that influence it. (2004) James Anthony Keith Erskine
  • Modal description of vibratory behaviour of structures using fuzzy membership functions. (2004) I.I. Esat, Farbod Khoshnoud and Farhoud Khoshnoud
  • Chandra and XMM-Newton Observations of the Nucleus of Centaurus A. (2004) D.A. Evans, R.P. Kraft, D.M. Worrall, M.J. Hardcastle, C. Jones, W.R. Forman and S.S. Murray
  • Non-local charges and quantum integrability of sigma models on the symmetric spaces SO(2n)/SO(n)xSO(n) and Sp(2n)/Sp(n)xSp(n). (2004) J. Evans, D. Kagan and Charles A. S. Young
  • Stem canker of oilseed rape : molecular tools and mathematical modelling to deploy durable resistance. (2004) Neal Evans, Bruce D.L. Fitt, Frank van den Bosch, Thierry Rouxel, Marie-Helene Balesdent, Hortense Brun, Didier Andrivon, P. Gladders, X. Pinochet, A. Penaud, M. Jedryczka, P Kachlicki, I Happstadius, J. Meyer, Z Karolewski and Michel Renard
  • Development of the oilseed rape light leaf spot forecast : from model to mobile phone. (2004) Neal Evans, S.J. Welham, Andreas Baierl, J.F. Antoniw and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • F
  • Variations in soil dispersivity across a gully head displaying shallow subsurfaces pipes. (2004) H. Faulkner, R. Alexander, R. Teeuw and P. Zukowskyj
  • Simultaneous radar and aircraft observations of mixed-phase cloud at the 100m scale. (2004) P.R. Field, R.J. Hogan, P.R.A. Brown, A.J. Illingworth, T.W. Choularton, Paul H. Kaye, Edwin Hirst and Richard Greenaway
  • Estimation and Comparison of Endogenous Ordered Category Multilevel Models. (2004) A. Fielding and Neil Spencer
  • An all-sky optical catalogue of radio/X-ray sources. (2004) E. Flesch and M.J. Hardcastle
  • Acute or chronic? : Pitfalls of using standard criteria to define wounds. (2004) J. Fletcher
  • The importance of correctly choosing a bandage and bandaging technique. (2004) J. Fletcher
  • From the Philosophy of AI to the Philosophy of Information. (2004) L. Floridi
  • Information Ethics: On the Philosophical Foundation of Computer Ethics. (2004) L. Floridi
  • LIS as applied philosophy of information: a reappraisal. (2004) L. Floridi
  • On the intrinsic value of information objects and the infosphere. (2004) L. Floridi
  • Outline of a Theory of Strongly Semantic Information. (2004) L. Floridi
  • On the Morality of Artificial Agents. (2004) L. Floridi and J.W. Sanders
  • TRPM2 channel opening in response to oxidative stress is dependent on activation of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase. (2004) E. Fonfria, I.C.B. Marshall, C.D. Benham, I. Boyfield, J.D. Brown, K. Hill, J.P. Hughes, R.E. Kelsell, S.D. Skaper, A.M. Scharenberg and S. McNulty
  • 'Middle-England diocese, Middle-England Catholicism' : the development of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Nottingham 1850-1915. (2004) Graham Paul Foster
  • Medicines Management for haemodialysis outpatients. (2004) A. Fotherby and S. Dhillon
  • Gaeumannomyces graminis, the take-all fungus and its relatives. (2004) J. Freeman and Elaine Ward
  • Properties of YMCs Derived from Photometry. (2004) U. Fritze
  • Secondary globular cluster populations. (2004) U. Fritze
  • Star Formation in Galaxy Mergers: Scaling up a universal process or a violent mode of SF. (2004) U. Fritze
  • On the Afterglow of the X-ray Flash of 2003 July 23: Photometric evdence for an Off-Axis Gamma-Ray burst with an Associated Supernova. (2004) J. Fynbo, J. Sollerman, J. Hjorth, F. Grundahl, J. Gorosabel, M. Weidinger, P. Moller, B.L. Jensen, P.M. Vreeswijk, C. Fransson, E. Ramirez-Ruiz, P. Jakobsson, S.F. Jorgensen, C. Vinter, M.I. Andersen, J.M. Castro Ceron, A.J. Castro-Tirado, A.S. Fruchter, J. Greiner, C. Kouveliotou, A. Levan, S. Klose, N. Masetti, K. Pedersen, E. Palazzi, E. Pian, J.E. Rhoads, E. Rol, T. Sekiguchi, N. Tanvir, P.J. Tristram, A. Postigo, R.A.M.J. Wijers and E.P.J. van den Heuvel
  • G
  • Trade union recognition in Britain, 1995 1902: turning a corner. (2004) G. Gall
  • Neurocognitive models of schizophrenia : a neurophenomenological critique. (2004) Shaun Gallagher
  • Chemistry of Molecular Gas in Starbursts and AGN. (2004) S. Garcia-Burillo, A. Fuente, A. Usero and J. Martin-Pintado
  • Green Crusaders or Captives of Industry? : The British Alkali Inspectorate and the Ethics of Environmental Decision Making, 1864-95. (2004) Christine Garwood
  • Editorial : This Issue. (2004) Robert Gates
  • Accountability and clinical governance in learning disability nursing. (2004) Robert Gates, Jane Wray and M Wolverson
  • High-resolution observations of a complete sample of 27 FR II radio galaxies and quasars with 0.3. (2004) G.M. Gilbert, J.M. Riley, M.J. Hardcastle, G.G. Pooley, P. Alexander and J.H. Croston
  • Characterization of the human HCN1 subunit and its inhibition by capsazepine. (2004) C.H. Gill, S.A. Bates, D. Owen, P. Larkman, W. Cairns, S. Yusuf, P. Murdock, P. Strijbos, A. Powell, C.D. Benham and C.H. Davies
  • Specificity of the Network-Firm and the Boundaries of the Firm. (2004) David Gindis and Bernard Baudry
  • Development of a decision support system for phoma and light leaf spot in winter oilseed rape (PASSWORD project). (2004) P. Gladders, Chris Dyer, Bruce D.L. Fitt, Neal Evans, Frank van den Bosch, J. M. Steed, A. Baierl, J. D. Turner, K. Walters, P. Northing, K.G. Sutherland, S. Campbell, D. Ellerton, Andrew Selley, B. Hall, D. Naylor and C. Parker
  • Fast chromatographic determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in aerosol samples from sugar cane burning. (2004) A.F.L. Godoi, K. Ravindra, R.H.M. Godoi, S.J. Andrade, M. Santiago-Silva, L. Van Vaeck and R. Van Grieken
  • Older people in care homes and the primary care nursing contribution: a review of relevant research. (2004) C. Goodman and R. Woolley
  • Dr Lisbeth Hockey 1918-2004 "A pioneer of nursing research". (2004) Claire Goodman
  • Evaluating the 1881 Census Transcription: a Pilot Survey of Hertfordshire. (2004) N. Goose
  • Review of recent periodical literature. (2004) N. Goose and A. Hinde
  • The Jet Angular Profile and the Afterglow Light Curves. (2004) J. Granot, P. Kumar and T. Piran
  • Can disorganisation of semantic memory account for the abnormalities of thought in schizophrenia - a controlled experimental study. (2004) N. E. A. Green, D.J. Done, S. Anthony, P. J. McKenna and M. Ochocki
  • Single-Particle Raman Spectrometer (SPaRS) for the non-destructive physico-chemical characterisation of aerosols. (2004) R. Greenaway, J.E.J. Dalley, Z. Ulanowski, E. Hesse and Paul H. Kaye
  • Single-Particle Raman Spectrometer (SPaRS) for the non-destructive physico-chemical characterisation of aerosols. (2004) R. Greenaway, J.E.J. Dalley, Z. Ulanowski, E. Hesse and Paul H. Kaye
  • Does the day of the week effect persist once transaction costs have been accounted for? Evidence from the UK. (2004) A. Gregoriou, A. Kontonikas and N. Tsitsianis
  • A 1200-micron MAMBO survey of ELAISN2 and the Lockman Hole - I. Maps, sources and number counts. (2004) T.R. Greve, R.J. Ivison, F. Bertoldi, J. A. Stevens, J.S. Dunlop, D. Lutz and C.L. Carilli
  • Women and IT contracting work : a testing process. (2004) S. Grey and G. Healy
  • Wearing Mummy's clothes: an introduction to academical archaeology. (2004) N. Groves and B. Christianson
  • Pramipexole protects against apoptotic cell death by non-dopaminergic mechanisms. (2004) M. Gu, Mahmoud M. Iravani, J.M. Cooper, Diane King, P. Jenner and A. H. V. Schapira
  • Evolution of sibling fungal plant pathogens in relation to host specialization. (2004) I. Gudelj, Bruce D.L. Fitt and F. Van den Bosch
  • GRBs in Pulsar Wind Bubbles: Observational Implications. (2004) D. Guetta and J. Granot
  • Resistance to Botrytis cinerea in Solanum lycopersicoides is dominant in hybrids with tomato, and involves induced hyphal death. (2004) R.L. Guimarães, R.T. Chetelat and Henrik Stotz
  • Oxalate production by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum deregulates guard cells during infection. (2004) R.L. Guimarães and Henrik Stotz
  • Input-dependency analysis for hard real-time software. (2004) J. Gustafsson, B. Lisper, Raimund Kirner and P. Puschner
  • H
  • Research findings from synthetic character research: possible implications for interactive communication with robots. (2004) L. Hall, S. Woods and K. Dautenhahn
  • Designing empathic agents : adults versus kids. (2004) L. Hall, Sarah Woods, K. Dautenhahn, D. Sobral, A. Paiva, D. Wolke and L. Newall
  • Isoflavones and coronary heart disease. (2004) Wendy L Hall, Katerina Vafeiadou, Anne-Marie Minihane, Gerald Rimbach and Christine M Williams
  • How ‘placed trust’ works in a service encounter. (2004) Sue Halliday
  • Investigating impropriety in jury deliberations : a recipe for disaster? (2004) Nicola Haralambous
  • Bgg revisited: The environments of low-excitation radio galaxies and unified models. (2004) M.J. Hardcastle
  • X-ray Synchrotron Radiation and Particle Acceleration. (2004) M.J. Hardcastle
  • Jet termination in wide-angle tail radio sources. (2004) M.J. Hardcastle and I. Sakelliou
  • The Origins of X-Ray Emission from the Hot Spots of FR II Radio Sources. (2004) M.J. Hardcastle, D.M. Worrall, D.E. Harris and M. Birkinshaw
  • Particle acceleration and jet dynamics in Centaurus A. (2004) M.J. Hardcastle, D.M. Worrall, R.P. Kraft, W.R. Forman, C. Jones and S.S. Murray
  • Rebuilding Local Governance in post-communist economies : the case of Wroclaw, Poland. (2004) J. Hardy
  • Novel role for P2X receptor activation in endothelium-dependent vasodilation. (2004) L.S. Harrington and J.A. Mitchell
  • Design aspects of a 30-m Giant Infrared and Submillimeter Observatory in space ("GISMO") : a new "flavor" for SAFIR? (2004) T.G. Hawarden, M.R. Cliffe, D.M. Henry, J. A. Stevens and T.R. Greve
  • The experience of student dancers in higher education in a dance movement therapy group, with reference to choreography and performance. (2004) Jill Hayes
  • Effect of molecular weight and concentration hyaluronan on the in-vitro release characteristics of ibuprofen and diclofenac sodium across cellulose membrane. (2004) W. J. He, Marc Brown and Gary P. Martin
  • A 12-bit 150-MHz 1.25-mm2 CMOS DAC. (2004) Y. He, J. Jiang and Y. Sun
  • Fault diagnosis of analog circuits based on wavelet packets. (2004) Y. He, Y. Tan and Y. Sun
  • HS 2333 3927: A new sdB dM binary with a large reflection effect. (2004) U. Heber, H. Drechsel, R. Ostensen, C. Karl, R. Napiwotzki, M. Altmann, O. Cordes, J.E. Solheim, B. Voss, D. Koester and S. Folkes
  • The special operations executive in Norway 1940-1945: Policy and operations in the strategic and political context. (2004) I. Herrington
  • Continuing the epidemiological function of the Addicts Index - evidence from matching the Home Office Addicts Index with the National Drug Treatment Monitoring System. (2004) M. Hickman, M. Griffin, J. Mott, John Corkery, P. Madden, A. Sondhi and G. Stimson
  • Flufenamic acid is a pH-dependent antagonist of TRPM2 channels. (2004) K. Hill, C.D. Benham, S. McNulty and A.D. Randall
  • An instrument for the simultaneous acquisition of size, shape, and spectral fluorescence data from single aerosol particles. (2004) E. Hirst, Paul H. Kaye, V.E. Foot, J.M. Clark and P.B. Withers
  • An instrument for the simultaneous acquisition of size, shape, and spectral fluorescence data from single aerosol particles. (2004) E Hirst, Paul H. Kaye, V Foot, J M Clark and P B Withers
  • Down and Out in Eighteenth-century London. (2004) Tim Hitchcock
  • Sharing memories: an experimental investigation with multiple autonomous autobiographic agents. (2004) W.C. Ho, K. Dautenhahn, C.L. Nehaniv and R. Te Boekhorst
  • A heterosexual life : Older women and agency within marriage and the family. (2004) J. Hockey, Angela Meah and V. Robinson
  • The Concept of a Routine. (2004) G. Hodgson
  • Darwinism, causality and the social sciences. (2004) G. Hodgson
  • Opportunism is not the only reason why firms exist: why an explanatory emphasis on opportunism may mislead management strategies. (2004) G. Hodgson
  • Reclaiming Habit for Institutional Economics. (2004) G. Hodgson
  • Social Darwinism in Anglophone Academic Journals: A Contribution to the History of the Term. (2004) G. Hodgson
  • Some claims made for critical realism in economics: two case studies. (2004) G. Hodgson
  • Veblen and Darwinism. (2004) G. Hodgson
  • The Complex Evolution of a Simple Traffic Convention: The Functions and Implications of Habit. (2004) G. Hodgson and T. Knudsen
  • Hayekian evolution reconsidered : A response to Caldwell. (2004) G.M. Hodgson
  • The firm as an interactor : Firms as vehicles for habits and routines. (2004) G.M. Hodgson and T. Knudsen
  • Cue one Macbeth. (2004) G. Holderness
  • Textual Shakespeare. (2004) G. Holderness
  • The complexity of loss in continuing care institutions for older people : A review of the literature. (2004) Cheryl Holman, J. Meyer and Angela Cotter
  • Spectroscopic Studies of Extremely Metal-Poor Stars with the Subaru High Dispersion Spectrograph. I. Observational Data. (2004) S. Honda, W. Aoki, H. Ando, H. Izumiura, T. Kajino, E. Kambe, S. Kawanomoto, K. Noguchi, K. Okita, K. Sadakane, B. Sato, M. Takada-Hidai, Y. Takeda, E. Watanabe, T.C. Beers, J.E. Norris and Sean G. Ryan
  • Nonlinear Transient Field Problems with Phase Change using the Boundary Element Method. (2004) M.E. Honnor and A. Davies
  • Automated interpretation and accessible presentation of technical diagrams for blind people. (2004) M. Horstmann, M. Lorenz, A. Watkowski, G. Ioannidis, O. Herzog, A. King, D.G. Evans, C. Hagen, C. Schlieder, Anne-Marie Burn, N. King, H. Petrie, S. Dijkstra and D. Crombie
  • Evolving a Lingua Franca and Associated Software Infrastructure for Computational Systems Biology - the Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) Project. (2004) M. Hucka, A. Finney, B. Bornstein, S. Keating, B.E. Shapiro, J. Matthews, B.L. Kovitz, M. Schilstra, A. Funahashi, J.C. Doyle and H. Kitano
  • Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1851 : American novelist. (2004) Rowland Hughes
  • The Deerslayer; or, The First Warpath, 1841 : Novel by James Fenimore Cooper. (2004) Rowland Hughes
  • Fiction: United States. (2004) Rowland Hughes
  • The New World. (2004) Rowland Hughes
  • Simms, William Gilmore, 1806-1870 : American novelist, poet, playwright, biographer, and literary editor. (2004) Rowland Hughes
  • More making sense of nonsense : from logical forms to forms of life. (2004) D. Hutto
  • Questing for happiness: augmenting Aristotle with Davidson. (2004) D. Hutto
  • Two Wittgensteins too many: Wittgenstein's foundationalism. (2004) D. Hutto
  • The limits of spectatorial folk psychology. (2004) D. Hutto
  • The Making of a Cybertariat (Korean Edition). (2004) Ursula Huws
  • Newly Discovered Globular Clusters in the Outer Halo of M31. (2004) A.P. Huxor, N. Tanvir, M.J. Irwin, A.M.N. Ferguson, R.A. Ibata, G.F. Lewis and T. Bridges
  • I
  • Knowledge management and culture: a misunderstood paradox. (2004) Y. Imani and K. Mackenzie-Davey
  • Role of inducible nitric oxide synthase in N-methyl-D-aspartic acid-induced strio-nigral degeneration. (2004) Mahmoud M. Iravani, L. Liu, S. Rose and P. Jenner
  • The Detection of Low Eu Abundances in Extremely Metal-poor Stars and the Origin of r-Process Elements. (2004) Y. Ishimaru, S. Wanajo, W. Aoki and Sean G. Ryan
  • J
  • Improving Learning for Embodied Agents in Dynamic--Environments by State Factorisation. (2004) D. Jacob, D. Polani and C.L. Nehaniv
  • Beet and the Environment. (2004) Keith Jaggard, John Tzilivakis, Douglas Warner and Kathleen Lewis
  • Adjusting for energy intake—what measure to use in nutritional epidemiological studies? (2004) R.W. Jakes, N.E. Day, R. Luben, A. Welch, S. Bingham, J. Michell, S. Hennings, K.L. Rennie and N.J. Wareham
  • Swift identification of dark gamma-ray bursts. (2004) P. Jakobsson, J. Hjorth, J. Fynbo, D. Watson, K. Pedersen, G. Bjornsson and J. Gorosabel
  • The line-of-sight towards GRB 030429 at z =2.66: Probing the matter at stellar, galactic and intergalactic scales. (2004) P. Jakobsson, J. Hjorth, J. Fynbo, M. Weidinger, J. Gorosabel, C. Ledoux, D. Watson, G. Bjornsson, E.H. Gudmundsson, R.A.M.J. Wijers, P. Moller, K. Pedersen, J. Sollerman, A.A. Henden, B.L. Jensen, A. Gilmore, A. Levan, J.M. Castro Ceron, A.J. Castro-Tirado, A.S. Fruchter, C. Kouveliotou, N. Masetti and N. Tanvir
  • Small-scale variations in the radiating surface of the GRB 011211 jet. (2004) P. Jakobsson, J. Hjorth, E. Ramirez-Ruiz, C. Kouveliotou, K. Pedersen, J. Fynbo, J. Gorosabel, D. Watson, B.L. Jensen, M.W. Hansen, R. Michelsen, M.I. Andersen, M. Weidinger, H. Pedersen and T. Grav
  • The H alpha galaxy survey. I. The galaxy sample, H alpha narrow-band observations and star formation parameters for 334 galaxies. (2004) P.A. James, N.S. Shane, J.E. Beckman, A. Cardwell, C.A. Collins, J. Etherton, R.S. de Jong, K. Fathi, J. Knapen, R.F. Peletier, S.M. Percival, D.L. Pollacco, M.S. Seigar and S. Stedman
  • Transient activation of FOXN1 in keratinocytes induces a transcriptional programme that promotes terminal differentiation : Contrasting roles of FOXN1 and Akt. (2004) Sam M. Janes, Tyler A. Ofstad, Douglas H. Campbell, Fiona M. Watt and David M. Prowse
  • An adaptive RBF network optimised using a genetic algorithm applied to rainfall forecasting. (2004) C. Jareanpon, W. Pensuwon, R. Frank and N. Davey
  • A large area search for radion-loud quasars within the epoch of reionization. (2004) M.J. Jarvis, S. Rawlings, F.E. Barrio, G.J. Hill, A. Bauer and S. Croft
  • Learning through creating stories: developing student teachers understanding of the experiences of pupils with special educational needs in mainstream classrooms. (2004) J. Jarvis, J. Dyson, K. Thomas, S. Graham, A. Iantaffi and H. Burchell
  • The role of parenting classes for young fathers in prison : a case study. (2004) J. Jarvis, S. Graham, P. Hamilton and D. Tyler
  • Near-infrared K-band imaging of a sample of ultra-steep-spectrum radio sources selected at 74 MHz. (2004) M.J. Jarvis, M.J. Cruz, A.S. Cohen, H.J.A. Rottgering and N.E. Kassim
  • Using MgII to investigate quasars and their black-hole masses. (2004) M.J. Jarvis and R.J. McLure
  • The accretion history of the Universe with the Square Kilometre Array. (2004) M.J. Jarvis and S. Rawlings
  • A Search for Radio-loud Quasars within the Epoch of Reionization. (2004) M.J. Jarvis, S. Rawlings, F.E. Barrio, G.J. Hill, A. Bauer and S. Croft
  • A large area search for radion-loud quasars within the epoch of reionization. (2004) M.J. Jarvis, S. Rawlings, F.E. Barrio, G.J. Hill, A. Bauer and S. Croft
  • Prevalence of overweight and obesity among young people in Great Britain. (2004) S.A. Jebb, K.L. Rennie and T.J. Cole
  • Impact of StudyNet on student learning: preliminary outcomes of an LTDF project. (2004) A. Jefferies
  • Evaluating the benefits of web-based learning with academic staff. (2004) A. Jefferies, M.E. Thornton, J. Alltree and I. Jones
  • Introducing web based learning: An investigation into its impact on university lecturers and their pedagogy. (2004) A. Jefferies, M.E. Thornton, J. Alltree and I. Jones
  • Open All Hours - Do students really want to access on-line learning 24/7? (2004) A. Jefferies, M.E. Thornton, M. Doolan, S. Parkhurst and J. Alltree
  • Bar evolution over the last 8 billion years: A constant fraction of strong bars in th GEMS Survey. (2004) S. Jogee, F.D. Barazza, H-W. Rix, I. Shlosman, M. Barden, C. Wolf, J. Davies, I. Heyer, S. Beckwith, E.F. Bell, J.A.R. Caldwell, J. Conselice, T. Dahlen, B. Haussler, C. Heymans, K. Jahnke, J. Knapen, S. Laine, G.M. Lubell, B. Mobasher, D. McIntosh, K. Meisenheimar, C.Y. Peng, S.F. Sanchez, R.S. Somerville and L. Wisotzki
  • Roll on the 14th Directive – Case law fails to solve the problems of corporate mobility within the EU – again. (2004) M. Johnson
  • Elastomer-glass micropump employing active throttles. (2004) I. D. Johnston, J.B. Davis, R. Richter, G. I. Herbert and M.C. Tracey
  • Trusted? Third? Parties. (2004) G. Jones
  • What is Unknown About the Statistics of Extrasolar Planetary Systems. (2004) H.R.A. Jones
  • HD10647 and the Distribution of Exoplanet Properties with semi-major axis. (2004) H.R.A. Jones, R.P. Butler, C.G. Tinney, G.W. Marcy, C. McCarthy, B.D. Carter and A.J. Penny
  • Determination of polyvinylpyrrolidone using high-performance liquid chromatography. (2004) Stuart A. Jones, Gary P. Martin and Marc Brown
  • K
  • HS 2333 + 3927: a new sdB binary with a large reflection effect. (2004) C. Karl, U. Heber, H. Drechsel, R. Napiwotzki, M. Altmann, R. Ostensen, S. Folkes, J.E. Solheim, O. Cordes, B. Voss and D. Koester
  • Comparative epidemiology of Pyrenopeziza brassicae (light leaf spot) ascospores and conidia from Polish and UK populations. (2004) Z. Karolewski, N. Evans, Bruce D.L. Fitt, A. Baierl, A.D. Todd and S.J. Foster
  • A low-cost multi-channel aerosol fluorescence sensor for networked deployment. (2004) Paul H. Kaye, E. Hirst, V.E. Foot, J.M. Clark and K. Baxter
  • A low-cost multi-channel aerosol fluorescence sensor for networked deployment. (2004) Paul H. Kaye, E. Hirst, V.E. Foot, J.M. Clark and K. Baxter
  • The effects of dopamine agonists and antagonists on the secretory responses in the salivary glands of the locust (Locusta migratoria). (2004) Christopher Keating and Ian Orchard
  • The information needs of carers of adults diagnosed with epilepsy. (2004) S. Kendall, D. Thompson and L. Couldridge
  • Post-licence driver education for the prevention of road traffic crashes. (2004) K. Ker, I. Roberts, T. Collier, F. Beyer and Frances Bunn
  • Switched reluctance motor based on short flux path control method. (2004) M.T. Khor, R. Sotudeh and D. Lee
  • Switched reluctance motor based on short flux path control method. (2004) M.T. Khor, R. Sotudeh and D. Lee
  • Organization of the information flow in the perception-action loop of evolved agents. (2004) A.S. Klyubin, D. Polani and C.L. Nehaniv
  • Tracking Information Flow through the Environment: Simple Cases of Stigmerg. (2004) A.S. Klyubin, D. Polani and C.L. Nehaniv
  • From Gas to Starburst and AGN. (2004) J. Knapen
  • Structure and star formation in disk galaxies. II. Optical Imaging. (2004) J. Knapen, S. Stedman, D.M. Bramich, S. Folkes and T.R. Bradley
  • The nuclear ring in the unbarred galaxy NGC 278: Result of a minor merger. (2004) J. Knapen, L.F. Whyte, W.J.G. de Blok and J.M. van der Hulst
  • Chemodynamical evolution of elliptical galaxies : Metallicity gradients and scaling relations. (2004) C. Kobayashi
  • GRAPE-SPH chemodynamical simulation of elliptical galaxies - I : Evolution of metallicity gradients. (2004) C. Kobayashi
  • Resonance analysis of (147)Sm(n,alpha) cross sections : Comparison to optical model calculations and indications of nonstatistical effects. (2004) P. E. Koehler, Y.M. Gledenov, T. Rauscher and C. Froehlich
  • In the glimpse of an eye : decision making and vision. (2004) D. Kornbrot
  • The Jet/ISM Interaction in Three Nearby Radio Galaxies as Seen with Chandra. (2004) R.P. Kraft, W.R. Forman, E. Churazov, J. Eilek, M.J. Hardcastle, S. Heinz, C. Jones, M. Markevitch, S.S. Murray, P.E.J. Nulsen, F. Owen, V. Vikhlinin and D.M. Worrall
  • Large Scale Simulations of the Jet-Igm Interaction. (2004) M.~G.~H. Krause
  • Performance of people with mild cognitive impairment or early Alzheimer's disease on the behavioural assessment of the dysexecutive syndrome test battery. (2004) Marianne Kreutz
  • The new CCP4 Coordinate Library as a toolkit for the design of coordinate-related applications in protein crystallography. (2004) E.B. Krissinel, M.D. Winn, C.C. Ballard, A.W. Ashton, Pryank Patel, E.A. Potterton, S.J. McNicholas, K.D. Cowtan and P. Emsley
  • Ecological validity and twenty years of real-life/laboratory controversy in memory research: A critical (and historical) review. (2004) L. Kvavilashvili and J. Ellis
  • Out of one's mind: A study of involuntary semantic memories. (2004) L. Kvavilashvili and G. Mandler
  • L
  • Speech-Based Real-Time Subtitling services. (2004) A. Lambourne, J. Hewitt, C. Lyon and S. Warren
  • The Case for Teaching Syllogistic Logic to Philosophy Students. (2004) Brendan Larvor
  • Thinking about death (editorial introduction). (2004) B. Larvor
  • Biodiversity and genetic resources for Brassica napus and its major fungal pathogens within the UK Defra Oilseed RapE Genetic Improvement Network (OREGIN). (2004) A. O. Latunde-Dada, G. R. Teakle, Neal Evans, P. E. Hornby, D. A. C. Pink, Bruce D.L. Fitt, G. J. King and I. R. Crute
  • Engineering of Computer-Based Systems : A proposed curriculum for a degree program at Bachelor level. (2004) J. Z. Lavi, Darren Dalcher, M. Mannion and R. Gallant
  • Engineering of computer-based systems : A proposed curriculum for a degree program at bachelor level. (2004) J. Z. Lavi, Darren Dalcher, M. Mannion and R. Gallant
  • Turbans, Tea and Talk of Books: the Literary Parties of Elizabeth Spence and Elizabeth Benger. (2004) C. Lawford
  • Dangerous Liaisons: Relationships between Design, Craft and Art. (2004) G. Lees-Maffei
  • Managing on-farm environmental impact using EMA. (2004) Kathleen Lewis and Andrew Green
  • New initiatives for maintaining on-farm environmental protection. (2004) Kathleen Lewis and John Tzilivakis
  • Challenges and opportunities for land managers to achieve a more integrated approach to land and water management. (2004) Kathleen Lewis, John Tzilivakis and Andrew Green
  • Investigation of the stabilisation of freeze-dried lysozyme and the physical properties of the formulations. (2004) Y. H. Liao, Gary P. Martin and Marc Brown
  • A computer adaptive test that facilitates the modification of previously entered responses : An empirical study. (2004) Mariana Lilley and T. Barker
  • The development and evaluation of a software prototype for computer adaptive testing. (2004) Mariana Lilley, T. Barker and C. Britton
  • Molecular and ionized gas in the tidal tail in Stephan's Quintet. (2004) U. Lisenfeld, J. Braine, P.A. Duc, E. Brinks, V. Charmandaris and S. Leon
  • Spectroscopic analysis of sdB stars from the ESO Supernova Ia Progenitor Survey. (2004) T. Lisker, U. Heber, R. Napiwotzki, N. Christlieb, Z. Han, D. Homeier and D. Reimers
  • Leptosphaeria biglobosa can induce higher resistance of Brassica napus to Phoma stem canker by triggering earlier JA/ET pathway and stronger SA pathway both locally and systematically. (2004) R. Liu, S. Y. Liu, Bruce D.L. Fitt, Hans J. Cool, A. O. Latunde-Dada, Yongju Huang, Z. Li and J. A. Lucas
  • Cloning of plant defensin and oxalic acid oxidase genes and expressions of these genes induced by pathogens and chemicals in Brassica napus. (2004) S. Y. Liu, Bruce D.L. Fitt, R. H. Liu, Neal Evans, C. A. Dong and Yongju Huang
  • Improved dynamic cutting force model in peripheral milling - Part 2 : experimental verification and prediction. (2004) X. Liu, K. Cheng, D. Webb, A.P. Longstaff and M.H. Widiyarto
  • Analysis of the RNA of Potato yellow vein virus : Evidence for a tripartite genome and conserved 3′-terminal structures among members of the genus Crinivirus. (2004) I.C. Livieratos, E. Eliasco, G. Müller, L.F. Salazar, R.C.L. Olsthoorn, C.W.A. Pleij and Robert H.A. Coutts
  • Cottage Conversations: poverty and manly independence in eighteenth-century England. (2004) S. Lloyd
  • Formal Systems, Not Methods. (2004) M. Loomes, B. Christianson and N. Davey
  • Time-energy relation of the n_TOF neutron beam : energy standards revisited. (2004) G. Lorusso, N. Colonna, S. Marrone, G. Tagliente, M. Heil, D. Cano-Ott, M. Mosconi, C. Moreau, A. Mengoni, U. Abbondanno, G. Aerts, H. Alvarez-Pol, F. Alvarez-Velarde, S. Andriamonje, J. Andrzejewski, A. Angelopoulos, P. Assimakopoulos, G. Badurek, P. Baumann, F. Becvar, J. Benlliure, E. Berthomieux, E. Bisceglie, P. Calvino, R. Capote, P. Cennini, V. Chepel, E. Chiaveri, C. Coceva, G. Cortes, D. Cortina, A. Couture, J. Cox, S. Dababneh, M. Dahlfors, S. Davids, R. Dolfini, C. Domingo-Pardo, R.B. Duran, C. Eleftheriadis, M. Embid-Segura, L. Ferrant, A. Ferrari, R. Ferreira-Marques, H. Frais-Koelbl, W.I. Furman, I. F. Goncalves, E. Gonzalez-Romero, A. Goverdovski, F. Gramegna, E. Griesmayer, F. Gunsing, B. Haas, R. Haight, A. Herrera-Martinez, K.G. Ioannides, S. Isaev, E. Jericha, F. Kappeler, Y. Kadi, D. Karamanis, V. Ketlerov, G. Kitis, P. E. Koehler, V. Konovalov, E. Kossionides, M. Krticka, H. Leeb, A. Lindote, M.I. Lopes, M. Lozano, S. Lukic, J. Marganiec, P. F. Mastinu, P.M. Milazzo, A. Molina-Coballes, F. Neves, H. Oberhummer, S. O'Brien, J. Pancin, C. Paradela, A. Pavlik, P. Pavlopoulos, L. Perrot, V. Peskov, R. Plag, A. Plompen, A. Plukis, A. Poch, A. Policarpo, C. Pretel, J. M. Quesada, W. Rapp, T. Rauscher, R. Reifarth, M. Rosetti, C. Rubbia, G. Rudolf, P. Rullhusen, J. Salgado, E. Savvidis, J. C. Soares, C. Stephan, J. L. Tain, L. Tassan-Got, L.M.N. Tavor, R. Terlizzi, N. Tsangas, G. Vannini, P. Vaz, A. Ventura, D. Villamarin, M.C. Vincente, V. Vlachoudis, R. Vlastou, F. Voss, H. Wendler, M. Wiescher and K. Wisshak
  • A Gentle/S approach to robot assisted neuro-rehabilitation. (2004) R. Loureiro, Farshid Amirabdollahian and W. Harwin
  • High-resolution imaging polarimetry of HL Tau and magnetic field structure. (2004) P.W. Lucas, M. Fukagawa, M. Tamura and A. Beckford
  • Interventions for promoting smoking cessation during pregnancy. (2004) J. Lumley, S.S. Oliver, C. Chamberlain and L. Oakley
  • Spectropolarimetry of Compton-thin Seyfert 2 galaxies. (2004) S. Lumsden, D.M. Alexander and J. Hough
  • A theoretical basis to the automated detection of copying between texts, and its practical implementation in the Ferret plagiarism and collusion detector. (2004) C. Lyon, R. Barrett and J. Malcolm
  • Atomic lines in infrared spectra for ultracool dwarfs. (2004) Y. Lyubchik, H.R.A. Jones, Y. Pavlenko, S. Viti, J.C. Pickering and R.J. Blackwell-Whitehead
  • M
  • The ‘EDHF’ Antagonist 14, 15 Epoxyeicosa-5(Z)-Enoic Acid has Vasodilator Properties in Mesenteric Vessels. (2004) Louise Susan MacKenzie, John R. Falck and Jane A. Mitchell
  • Not so EEZE : the ‘EDHF’ antagonist 14, 15 Epoxyeicosa-5(z)-enoic Acid has vasodilator properties in mesenteric arteries. (2004) Louise Susan MacKenzie, John R. Falck and Jane A. Mitchell
  • Classically integrable boundary conditions for symmetric-space sigma models. (2004) N. Mackay and Charles A. S. Young
  • Promoting contraceptive services to teenagers. (2004) J. Magnusson, S. Kendall, L. Oakley and J. Townsend
  • Immobilized peptides/amino acids on solid supports for metal remediation. (2004) L. Malachowski, Jacqueline Stair and James A. Holcombe
  • What is the usual length of stay in a psychiatric ward? (2004) D. Malone, Naomi Fineberg and T.M. Gale
  • Synthesis, in vitro evaluation, and antileishmanial activity of water-soluble prodrugs of buparvaquone. (2004) A. Mantyla, T. Garnier, J. Rautio, T. Nevalainen, J. Vepsalainen, A. Koskinen, S.L. Croft and T. Jarvinen
  • Migration and fusion of tactile sensation - premorbid susceptibility to allochiria, neglect and extinction? (2004) A.J. Marcel, P. Postma, H. Gillmeister, S. Cox, C. Rorden, I. Nimmo-Smith and B. Mackintosh
  • Anosognosia for plegia : specificity, extension, partiality and disunity of bodily unawareness. (2004) A.J. Marcel, R. Tegner and I. Nimmo-Smith
  • Patient power, human rights and access to primary health care services in an NHS system. (2004) R. Martin
  • Public Health Ethics and SARS : Seeking an Ethical Framework to Global Public Health Governance. (2004) R. Martin
  • Rethinking primary health care ethics: ethics in contemporary primary health care in the United Kingdom. (2004) R. Martin
  • The Exercise of Public Health Powers in an era of Human Rights : the particular problem of tuberculosis. (2004) R. Martin and A. Harris
  • A low-mass neutron flux monitor for the n_TOF facility at CERN. (2004) P. F. Mastinu, U. Abbondanno, G. Aerts, H. Alvarez, S. Andriamonje, A. Angelopoulos, P. Assimakopoulos, C. O. Bacri, G. Badurek, P. Baumann, F. Becvar, H. Beer, J. Benlliure, B. Berthier, E. Berthomieux, S. Boffi, C. Borcea, E. Boscolo-Marchi, N. Bustreo, P. Calvino, D. Cano-Ott, R. Capote, P. Carlson, P. Cennini, V. Chepel, E. Chiaveri, C. Coceva, N. Colonna, G. Cortes, D. Cortina, A. Couture, J. Cox, S. Dababneh, M. Dahlfors, S. David, R. Dolfini, C. Domingo-Pardo, R.B. Duran, C. Eleftheriadis, M. Embid-Segura, L. Ferrant, A. Ferrari, L. Ferreira-Lourenco, R. Ferreira-Marques, H. Frais-Koelbl, W.I. Furman, Y. Giomataris, I. F. Goncalves, E. Gonzalez-Romero, T. Rauscher and nTOF Collaboration
  • Multiyear aerosol observations with dual-wavelength Raman lidar in the framework of EARLINET. (2004) I. Mattis, A. Ansmann, D. Mueller, U. Wandinger and D. Althausen
  • Siberian forest-fire smoke observed over central Europe in spring/summer 2003 in the framework of earlinet. (2004) I. Mattis, D. Mueller, Albert Ansmann, U. Wandinger, T. Murayama and R. Damoah
  • Sensationalism and the Sensation Debate 1855-1890. (2004) Andrew Maunder
  • "Stepchildren of nature": Ellen Wood, East Lynne and the spectre of female degeneracy, 1860-61. (2004) Andrew Maunder
  • Love's Conflict. (2004) Andrew Maunder and Florence Marryat
  • Multiple Companions to HD 154857 and HD 160691. (2004) C. McCarthy, R.P. Butler, C.G. Tinney, H.R.A. Jones, G.W. Marcy, B.D. Carter, A.J. Penny and D.A. Fischer
  • Speaker-specific formant dynamics: an experiment on Australian English /aɪ/. (2004) Kirsty McDougall
  • Veterinary anthelmintics : old and new. (2004) Quintin McKellar and F. Jackson
  • Pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic relationships of antimicrobial drugs used in veterinary medicine. (2004) Quintin McKellar, S.F. Sanchez Bruni and D.G. Jones
  • The relationship between radio luminosity and black-hole mass in optically selected quasars. (2004) R.J. McLure and M.J. Jarvis
  • A sample of radio galaxies spanning three decades in radio luminosity - I. The host-galaxy properties and black-hole masses. (2004) R.J. McLure, C.J. Willott, M.J. Jarvis, S. Rawlings, G.J. Hill, E. Mitchell, J.S. Dunlop and M. Wold
  • From Dependency to Work: Addressing the multiple needs of offenders with drug problems. Researching Criminal Justice Series. Bristol: The Policy Press. (2004) Tim McSweeney, Victoria Herrington, Mike Hough, Paul Turnbull and Jim Parsons
  • The influence of maternity units' intrapartum intervention rates and midwives' risk perception for women suitable for midwifery led care. (2004) M. Mead and D. Kornbrot
  • An intrapartum intervention scoring system for the comparison of maternity units' intrapartum care of nulliparous women suitable for midwifery led care. (2004) M. Mead and D. Kornbrot
  • Spectral types and masses of white dwarfs in globular clusters. (2004) S. Moehler, D. Koester, M. Zoccali, F.R. Ferraro, U. Heber, R. Napiwotzki and A. Renzini
  • Estimation of the rotational terms of the dynamic response matrix. (2004) D Montalvao, A. M. R. Ribeiro, N. M. M. Maia and J. M. M. Silva
  • Epidermal growth factor, neurotrophins and the metastatic cascade in prostate cancer. (2004) Ximena Montano and Mustafa B.A. Djamgoz
  • Epilepsy in the United Kingdom : seizure frequency and severity, anti-epileptic drug utilization and impact on life in 1652 people with epilepsy. (2004) N.F. Moran, K. Poole, G.S. Bell, J. Solomon, S. Kendall, M. McCarthy, D. McCormick, L. Nashef, J. Sander and S.D. Shorvon
  • A radio and mid-infrared survey of northern bright-rimmed clouds. (2004) L.K. Morgan, M.A. Thompson, J.S. Urquhart, G.J. White and J. Miao
  • The Broadbalk long-term experiment at Rothamsted : what has it told us about weeds? (2004) S. Moss, J. Storkey, John W. Cussans, S.A.M. Perryman and M.V. Hewitt
  • Introduction : The Idea of a Third Wittgenstein. (2004) Daniele Moyal-Sharrock
  • On Certainty and the Grammaticalisation of Experience. (2004) Daniele Moyal-Sharrock
  • Closure study on optical and microphysical properties of a mixed urban and Arctic haze air mass observed with Raman lidar and Sun photometer. (2004) D. Mueller, I. Mattis, A. Ansmann, B. Wehner, D. Althausen, U. Wandinger and O. Dubovik
  • Characterization of Asian dust and Siberian smoke with multiwavelength Raman lidar over Tokyo, Japan in spring 2003. (2004) T. Murayama, D. Mueller, K. Wada, A. Shimizu, M. Sekiguchi and T. Tsukamoto
  • Biotechnology: a modern approach for the advancement of the sugar beet crop. (2004) Euphemia Mutasa-Gottgens, M. Stevens and L. Roden
  • N
  • Close binary EHB stars from SPY. (2004) R. Napiwotzki, C. Karl, T. Lisker, U. Heber, N. Christlieb, D. Reimers, G. Nelemans and D. Homeier
  • Double Degenerate and Progenitors of Supernovae Type Ia. (2004) R. Napiwotzki, L. Yungelson, G. Nelemans, T.R. Marsh, B. Leibundgut, A. Renzini, D. Homeier, D. Koester, S. Moehler, N. Christlieb, D. Reimers, H. Drechsel, U. Heber, C. Karl and E.M. Pauli
  • Asynchronous automata networks can emulate any synchronous automata network. (2004) C.L. Nehaniv
  • Balancing economic considerations and the rights of indigenous people. The Mapuche people of Chile. (2004) J. Newbold
  • Why is there the Need for Explanation Objects and their Realities. (2004) K. Niedderer
  • The molecular mystery of neuronal migration : FAK and Cdk5. (2004) M. Nikolic
  • Retroactive effects of irrelevant speech on serial recall from short-term memory. (2004) D. Norris, A.D. Baddeley and M.P.A. Page
  • O
  • Assessing the content of advice from practitioners claiming paranormal ability. (2004) Ciarán O'Keeffe
  • Some considerations on research dissemination with particular reference to the audience and the authorship of papers. (2004) O. Odena
  • Molecular variation of Potato yellow vein virus isolates. (2004) S.K. Offei, N. Arciniegas, M. Guzmán, G. Müller, L.F. Salazar and Robert H.A. Coutts
  • Improving safety and learning : case study of an accident involving medical equipment. (2004) M. Offredy, J. Scott and R. Moore
  • The Effects on Visual Information in a Robot in Environments with Oriented Contours. (2004) L. Olsson, C.L. Nehaniv and D. Polani
  • Information Trade-Offs and the Evolution of Sensory Layout. (2004) L. Olsson, C.L. Nehaniv and D. Polani
  • Sensory Channel Group and Structure from Uninterpreted Sensor Data. (2004) L. Olsson, C.L. Nehaniv and D. Polani
  • Food Shopping Behaviour among Ethnic and Non-Ethnic Communities in Britain. (2004) O.E. Omar
  • A Qualitative Evaluation of Women as Managers in the Nigerian Civil Service. (2004) O.E. Omar and V. Ogenyi
  • Store Loyalty of the UK Retail Consumers. (2004) O.E. Omar and S. Sawmong
  • P
  • Polarimetry research at the University of Florida. (2004) C. Packham, J. Hough, L. Kolokolova and C.M. Telesco
  • The Evolutionary Sequence of Active Galactic Nuclei and Galaxy Formation Revealed. (2004) M.J. Page, J. A. Stevens, R.J. Ivison and F.J. Carrera
  • Tourism: A Modern Synthesis. (2004) Stephen J. Page, P Brunt, G Busby and Joanne Connell
  • Fission barriers : How do they affect the R-process? (2004) I. Panov, B. Pfeiffer, K.L. Kratz, E. Kolbe, T. Rauscher and Friedrich-Karl Thielemann
  • The (Comedy) Fringe Producers' Guide. (2004) Andrew Parker
  • A new era for gastrointestinal research - novel therapeutic targets for drug development. (2004) M. Parsons and B.J. Whittle
  • Inhibition of cyclo-oxygenase-2 expression by resveratrol derivatives from peanuts (Arachis hypogea L.). (2004) B. Patel, S. Patel and R. Hoffman
  • Reporting by radiographers : A policy and practice guide. (2004) A.M. Paterson, R.C. Price, A. Thomas and L. Nuttall
  • Becoming a Client, Becoming a Practitioner : Student Narratives from a Dance Movement Therapy Group. (2004) Helen Payne
  • The return of personal property after death and disaster - is there a case for a national standard? (2004) L. Payne
  • Signs of telling: narrative voice and the interactive. (2004) A. Peacock
  • if mouseSign then: Semiosis, Cybernetics and the--Aesthetics of the Interactive. (2004) A. Peacock
  • Optimising a Neural Tree Using Subtree Retraining. (2004) W. Pensuwon, R.G. Adams and N. Davey
  • Invention Streetthe art of survival. (2004) Gabriela de Gusmão Pereira
  • Nutritional support for head-injured patients. (2004) P. Perel, T. Yanagawa, Frances Bunn, I. Roberts, R. Wentz and A. Pierro
  • NGC7538 IRS1 N: modelling a circumstellar maser disc. (2004) M. Pestalozzi, M. Elitzur, J. Conway and R. Booth
  • A circumstellar in a high-mass star forming region. (2004) M. Pestalozzi, M. Elitzur, J. Conway and R. Booth
  • ProSim'04-the 5th international workshop on software process simulation and modeling. (2004) D. Pfahl, I. Rus, D. Raffp and P. Wernick
  • Solid-state O-17 NMR of amino acids. (2004) K. J. Pike, V. Lemaitre, A. Kukol, T. Anupold, A. Samoson, A. P. Howes, A. Watts, M. E. Smith and R. Dupree
  • More gestures than answers: Children learning about balance. (2004) K. Pine, N. Lufkin and D.J. Messer
  • Some Recent Peculiarities of the Early Afterglow. (2004) T. Piran, E. Nakar and J. Granot
  • Some Recent Peculiarities of the Early Afterglow. (2004) T. Piran, E. Nakar and J. Granot
  • Resistance to Leptosphaeria maculans in the petiole of Brassica napus. (2004) E. J. Pirie, Bruce D.L. Fitt and A. O. Latunde-Dada
  • The Liverpool-Edinburgh high proper motion catalogue. (2004) R.S. Pokorny, H.R.A. Jones, N.C. Hambly and D.J. Pinfield
  • Defining Emergent Descriptions by Information Preservation. (2004) D. Polani
  • Developmental signals in skin morphogenesis. (2004) David M. Prowse
  • Looking after the Governor is the Business now : How do we retain our school governors? (2004) A. Punter and J. Adams
  • Weegee. (2004) Kerry William Purcell
  • Q
  • Decision making in controlling virus yellows of sugar beet in the UK. (2004) Aiming Qi, A. M. Dewar and R. Harrington
  • Uses of mathematical models in sugar beet agriculture. (2004) Aiming Qi and K. W. Jaggard
  • Modelling sugar beet growth and yield in soils with different water holding capacities. (2004) Aiming Qi, C. Kenter, C. Hoffmann and K. W. Jaggard
  • R
  • Identifying the causes of poor progress in software projects. (2004) A. Rainer and T. Hall
  • A partial replication of Thelin et al. s Usage Based Reading experiment. (2004) A. Rainer and A. Pedersen
  • Molecular Analysis and Genome Discovery. (2004) Ralph Rapley and Stuart Harbron
  • Modeling the nucleosynthesis of massive stars. (2004) T. Rauscher
  • Neutron captures and the r-process. (2004) T. Rauscher
  • Predicted cross-sections for photon-induced particle emission. (2004) T. Rauscher and Friedrich-Karl Thielemann
  • Platinum group elements in the environment and their health risk. (2004) K. Ravindra, L. Bencs and R. Van Grieken
  • Evidence that powerful radio jets have a profound influence on the evolution of galaxies. (2004) S. Rawlings and M.J. Jarvis
  • Learning and production of movement sequences : Behavioral, neurophysiological, and modeling perspectives. (2004) B.J. Rhodes, D. Bullock, W.B. Verwey, B. Averbeck and M.P.A. Page
  • Acute wounds : an overview of the physiological healing process. (2004) M. Richardson
  • Causes and effective management of insect bites in the UK. (2004) M. Richardson
  • Procedures for cleansing, closing and covering acute wounds. (2004) M. Richardson
  • Selecting a treatment option in subungual haematoma management. (2004) M. Richardson
  • The management of allergic reaction to venomous insect stings. (2004) M. Richardson
  • Colloids versus crystalloids for fluid resuscitation in critically ill patients. (2004) I. Roberts, P. Alderson, Frances Bunn, P. Chinnock, K. Ker and G. Schierhout
  • [3H]- resiniferatoxin autoradiography in the CNS of wild type and TRPV1 null mice defines TRPV1 (VR1) protein distribution. (2004) J.C. Roberts, J.B. Davis and C.D. Benham
  • Robotic Assistants in Therapy and Education of Children with Autism: Can a Small Humanoid Robot Help Encourage Social Interaction Skills. (2004) B. Robins, K. Dautenhahn, A. Billard and R. Te Boekhorst
  • Investigating autistic children's attitudes towards strangers with the theatrical robot - a new experimental paradigm in human-robot interaction studies. (2004) B. Robins, K. Dautenhahn and J. Dubowski
  • Robots as assistive technology - does appearance matter. (2004) B. Robins, K. Dautenhahn, R. Te Boekhorst and A. Billard
  • Robot-mediated joint attention in children with autism : A case study in robot-human interaction. (2004) B. Robins, P. Dickerson, P. Stribling and K. Dautenhahn
  • Submillimetre observations of z > 6 quasars. (2004) I. Robson, R. Priddey, K.G. Isaak and R.G. McMahon
  • Methods of quantum field theory for trapped Bose–Einstein condensates. (2004) J. Rogel-Salazar, S. Choi, G. H. C. New and K. Burnett
  • A Case harshly treated? Watteau v Fenwick re-evaluated. (2004) Kevin M. Rogers
  • Copper (II) mediated arylation with aryl boronic acids for the N-derivatization of pyrazole libraries. (2004) S. Rossiter, C.K. Woo, B. Hartzoulakis, G. Wishart, L. Stanyer, J.W. Labadie and D.L. Selwood
  • Experience of Service Provision for Adolescents with Eating Disorders. (2004) S. Rother and J. Buckroyd
  • FDiff3: a finite-difference solver for facilitating understanding of heat conduction and numerical analysis. (2004) M. Russell and S.D. Probert
  • Parental Responsibility : preparing for the change in the law. (2004) H. Russell-Johnson
  • Growth and development in very preterm infants : the influence of infant, maternal and medical factors. (2004) Libi Rust
  • Late stages of stellar evolution. (2004) Sean G. Ryan
  • Age dating a starburst: Gemini/CIRPASS observations of the core of M 83. (2004) S.D. Ryder, J. Knapen, L.M. Mazzuca, R.G. Sharp and I.R. Parry
  • S
  • Divestment and bank competition. (2004) B. Saha and R. Sensarma
  • Optical amplifier number and placement in the SuperPON architecture. (2004) A.J. Sakena, M.Y. Jamro and J.M. Senior
  • Guidelines for robot-human environments in therapy. (2004) T. Salter and K. Dautenhahn
  • Robots moving out of the laboratory - detecting interaction levels and human contact in noisy school environments. (2004) T. Salter, K. Dautenhahn and R. Te Boekhorst
  • An experimental comparison of imitation paradigms used in social robotics. (2004) J. Saunders, C.L. Nehaniv and K. Dautenhahn
  • Assessing usability through perceptions of information scent. (2004) G. Saward, T. Hall and T. Barker
  • Nuclear Properties of a Sample of Nearby Spiral Galaxies from Hubble Space Telescope STIS Imaging. (2004) C. Scarlata, M. Stiavelli, M.A. Hughes, D.J. Axon, A. Alonso-Herrero, J. Atkinson, D. Batcheldor, J. Binney, A. Capetti, C.M. Carollo, L. Dressel, J. Gerssen, F.D. Macchetto, W. Maciejewski, A. Marconi, M. Merrifield, M. Ruiz, W. Sparks, Z. Tsvetanov and R. van der Marel
  • Using Story Re-tell in Bilingual Assessment. (2004) Christina Schelletter and T. Parke
  • Sensitivity of the C and O production on the 3 alpha rate. (2004) H. Schlattl, A. Heger, H. Oberhummer, T. Rauscher and A. Csoto
  • A population model of the solar neighbourhood thin disc white dwarfs. (2004) K.P. Schroder, E.M. Pauli and R. Napiwotzki
  • Late-type giant variables in NGC 6522, LMC and SMC. How do they differ? (2004) M. Schultheis, I. Glass and M-R.L. Cioni
  • General homomorphic overloading. (2004) A. Shafarenko
  • Age-dating a star-burst with GEMINI/CIRPASS observations of the core of M83. (2004) R.G. Sharp, I.R. Parry, S.D. Ryder, J. Knapen and L.M. Mazzuca
  • Cinematic Propaganda during the Cold War : A Comparison of British and American Movies. (2004) Tony Shaw
  • Real-time biological agent detection using particle size, shape and fluorescence characterisation. (2004) M J Shelton, S P Evans, P D Smith, I A Simpson, Paul H. Kaye and J M Clarke
  • Analogical reasoning in schizophrenic delusions. (2004) Jane Simpson and D.J. Done
  • Parading myths: Imaging New Soviet Woman on Fizkul'turnik's Day. July 1944. (2004) P.A. Simpson
  • Peripheralising Patriarchy Gender and Identity in Post Soviet Art. A View from the West. (2004) P.A. Simpson
  • Review of J. Haynes, New Soviet Man, Manchester University Press, 2003. (2004) P.A. Simpson
  • The Nude in Soviet Socialist Realism : Eugenics and Images of the New Soviet Person in the 1920s-1940s. (2004) Patricia Simpson
  • Neither Generalism not Particularism: Ethical Correctness is located in General Ethical Theories. (2004) J. Singleton
  • Parallaxes of L and T dwarfs. (2004) R.L. Smart, C.A.L. Bailer-Jones and H.R.A. Jones
  • I Am Me, but Who Are You and What Are We : The Translation of Personal Pronouns and Possessive Determiners in Advertising Texts. (2004) Karen Smith
  • Fostering autonomy through work-based experiences : challenges for university students and educators. (2004) Karen Smith, Sue Clegg, Elizabeth Lawrence and Malcolm Todd
  • The (n,gamma) cross sections of short-living s-process branching points. (2004) K. Sonnabend, A. Mengoni, P. Mohr, T. Rauscher, K. Vogt and A. Zilges
  • A longitudinal study of bipolar disordered clients going through an intensive psycho-educational intervention program. (2004) John Sorensen
  • SAS Programming : The One-Day Course. (2004) Neil Spencer
  • How to do things without words : infants, utterance-activity and distributed cognition. (2004) D. Spurrett and S. Cowley
  • Ethical Dimensions of Management Decision Making. (2004) L. Stainer
  • Franchising as a small business growth strategy : A resource-based view of organizational development. (2004) J. Stanworth, D. Purdy, C. Stanworth, Anna Watson and S. Healeas
  • Passive models of neurons in the deep cerebellar nuclei: the effect of reconstruction errors. (2004) Volker Steuber, E. De Schutter and D. Jaeger
  • A biophysical model of synaptic delay learning and temporal pattern recognition in a cerebellar Purkinje cell. (2004) Volker Steuber and D. Willshaw
  • A Filamentary Structure of Massive Star-forming Galaxies Associated with an X-Ray-absorbed Qso at z = 1.8. (2004) J. A. Stevens, M.J. Page, R.J. Ivison, I. Smail and F.J. Carrera
  • Modelling seedling growth rates of 18 temperate arable weed species as a function of the environment and plant traits. (2004) J. Storkey
  • Innovative biological approaches to Botrytis suppression. (2004) Henrik Stotz, Y Elad, A L T Powell and J.M. Labavitch
  • Mobile phone use amongst New Zealand drivers. (2004) M J M Sullman and P H Baas
  • Wavelet neural network approach for fault diagnosis of analogue circuits. (2004) Y. Sun, Y. He and Y. Tan
  • Identifying word boundaries in handwritten text. (2004) Yi. Sun, T. Butler, A. Shafarenko, M.J. Loomes, R.G. Adams and N. Davey
  • Segmenting hand written text using supervised classification techniques. (2004) Yi. Sun, T. Butler, A. Shafarenko, M.J. Loomes, R.G. Adams and N. Davey
  • User Preference and Performance with UML Interaction Diagrams. (2004) J. Swan, M. Kutar, T. Barker and C. Britton
  • T
  • Detection of a warm molecular wind in DG Tauri. (2004) M. Takami, A. Chrysostomou, T.P. Ray, C.J. Davis, W.R. Dent, J. Bailey, M. Tamura and H. Terada
  • What does it mean to involve consumers successfully in NHS research? : A consensus study. (2004) Rosemary Telford, Jonathan Boote and Cindy L. Cooper
  • The r-process in supernovae. (2004) Friedrich-Karl Thielemann, D. Argast, D. Mocelj, T. Rauscher, J.J. Cowan, K.L. Kratz and B. Pfeiffer
  • Hard labour. (2004) Hilary Thomas
  • Women's postnatal experience following medically complicated pregnancy. (2004) Hilary Thomas
  • Open-access high-resolution mass spectrometry in early drug discovery. (2004) S. R. Thomas and Ute Gerhard
  • A Compact Array imaging survey of southern bright-rimmed clouds. (2004) M.A. Thompson, J.S. Urquhart and G.J. White
  • Collapse and expansion in the bright-rimmed cloud SFO 11NE. (2004) M.A. Thompson and G.J. White
  • Searching for signs of triggered star formation towards IC 1848. (2004) M.A. Thompson, G.J. White, L.K. Morgan, J. Miao, C. V. M. Fridlund and M. Huldtgren-White
  • Enhanced cognitive performance and cheerful mood by standardized extracts of Piper methysticum (Kava-kava). (2004) R. Thompson, W. Ruch and R. Hasenoehrl
  • The supernova 2003lw associated with X-ray flash 031203. (2004) B. Thomsen, J. Hjorth, D. Watson, J. Gorosabel, J. Fynbo, B.L. Jensen, M.I. Andersen, T.H. Dall, J.R. Rasmussen, H. Bruntt, E. Laurikainen, T. Augusteijn, T. Pursimo, L. Germany, P. Jakobsson and K. Pedersen
  • Changing Pedagogy: Does the Introduction of Networked Learning Have an Impact on Teaching. (2004) M.E. Thornton, A. Jefferies, I. Jones, J. Alltree and E. Leinonen
  • Investment Volatility : A Critique of Standard Beta Estimation and a Simple Way Forward. (2004) C. Tofallis
  • A Close Binary Nucleus in the MOST Oxygen-Poor Planetary Nebula PN G135.9 55.9. (2004) G. Tovmassian, R. Napiwotzki, M.G. Richer, G. Stasinska, A.W. Fullerton and T. Rauch
  • Routine examination of the newborn: the EMREN study. Evaluation of an extension of the midwife role including a randomised controlled trial of appropriately trained midwives and paediatric senior house officers. (2004) J. Townsend, D. Wolke, J. Hayes, S. Dave, C. Rogers, L. Bloomfield, E. Quist-Therson, M. Tomlin and D.J. Messer
  • Field and laboratory exposures of two moss species to low level metal pollution. (2004) A.H. Tremper, Agneta Burton and David Edward Barry Higgs
  • Traffic-related particles and their associated metals : influences of stress response in mosses at roadsides. (2004) A.H. Tremper, Agneta Burton and David Edward Barry Higgs
  • On the binarity of carbon-enhanced, metal-poor stars. (2004) S. Tsangarides, Sean G. Ryan and T.C. Beers
  • Phenotypic plasticity in virtual plants. (2004) N. Tsiolas and K. Dautenhahn
  • Entangled quantum currents in distant mesoscopic Josephson junctions. (2004) D.I. Tsomokos, C.C. Chong and A. Vourdas
  • Entanglement of distant electron interference experiments. (2004) D.I. Tsomokos, C.C. Chong and A. Vourdas
  • High Performance Associative Memories and Structured Weight Dilution. (2004) S.P. Turvey, S. Hunt, N. Davey and R. Frank
  • Structured connectivity in an associative memory model. (2004) S.P. Turvey, S. Hunt, R. Frank, R.G. Adams and N. Davey
  • A Decision Procedure for Equality Logic with Uninterpreted Functions. (2004) Olga Tveretina
  • A Proof System and a Decision Procedure for Equality Logic. (2004) Olga Tveretina and Hans Zantema
  • The development and use of farm-level indicators in England. (2004) J. Tzilivakis and Kathleen Lewis
  • Assessing the environmental impact of different crop protection strategies. (2004) J. Tzilivakis, D.B. Turley, Kathleen Lewis, S.E. Ogilvy and K. Lawson
  • U
  • Using ice crystal analogues to validate cloud ice parameter retrievals from the CPI ice spectrometer data. (2004) Z. Ulanowski, P. Connolly, M. Flynn, M. Gallagher, A.J.M. Clarke and E. Hesse
  • High-mass star formation within the bright-rimmed cloud SFO 79. (2004) J.S. Urquhart, M.A. Thompson, L.K. Morgan and G.J. White
  • XDR Chemistry in the Circumnuclear Disk of NGC 1068. (2004) A. Usero, S. Garcia-Burillo, A. Fuente and J. Martin-Pintado
  • Molecular gas chemistry in AGN: I. The IRAM 30 m survey of NGC 1068. (2004) A. Usero, S. Garcia-Burillo, A. Fuente, J. Martin-Pintado and N.J. Rodriguez-Fernandez
  • V
  • Information content of multiwavelength lidar data on the base of Eigenvalues analysis. (2004) Igor Veselovskii, Alexei Kolgotin, D. Mueller and D. Whiteman
  • GRB afterglows: illuminating the star-forming universe. (2004) P.M. Vreeswijk, P. Moller, C. Ledoux, C. Ellison, N. Masetti, J. Fynbo, P. Jakobsson and J. Hjorth
  • Current opinions for managing the problem of excess wound exudate. (2004) J. Vuolo
  • Developing clinical benchmarks to assess progress in wound-care management. (2004) J. Vuolo
  • W
  • Plagiarism: a process centered response. (2004) Kim Walden
  • Run, Lara, Run : The Impact of videogames on cinema’s action heroine. (2004) Kim Walden
  • The i-map research project: work in progress. (2004) Kim Walden and A. Peacock
  • The i-map : A new approach to assessing the process of information gathering and handling. (2004) Kim Walden and Alan Peacock
  • Air mass modification over the Europe : EARLINET aerosol observations from Wales to Belarus. (2004) Ulla Wandinger, Ina Mattis, Matthias Tesche, Albert Ansmann, Jens Bösenberg, Anatoly Chaikovski, Volker Freudenthaler, Leonce Komguem, Hoger Linné, Volker Matthias, Jacques Pelon, Laurent Sauvage, Piotr Sobolewski, Geraint Vaughan and Matthias Wiegner
  • Plant pathogen diagnostics : immunological and nucleic acid-based approaches. (2004) Elaine Ward, S. J. Foster, B. A. Fraaije and H. A. McCartney
  • Massive star-formation rates of y-ray burst host galaxies: An unobscured view in X-rays. (2004) D. Watson, J. Hjorth, P. Jakobsson, K. Pedersen, S.K. Patel and C. Kouveliotou
  • Understanding student behaviour in schools: : a Diversity of Approaches. (2004) J. Wearmouth and B. Connors
  • Multi-level responses to behavioural issues in schools. (2004) J. Wearmouth, R.C. Richmond and B. Connors
  • Stellar Populations of a Sample of Tidal Dwarf Galaxies. (2004) P. Weilbacher, U. Fritze and P.A. Duc
  • Predicting light leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza brassicae) risk on winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus) in England and Wales, using survey, weather and crop information. (2004) S.J. Welham, J.A. Turner, P. Gladders, Bruce D.L. Fitt, N. Evans and A. Baierl
  • Identification of a DO white dwarf and a PG 1159 star in the ESO SN Ia progenitor survey (SPY). (2004) K. Werner, T. Rauch, R. Napiwotzki, N. Christlieb, D. Reimers and C. Karl
  • Identification of neon in FUSE and VLT spectra of extremely hot hydrogen-deficient (pre-) white dwarfs. (2004) K. Werner, T. Rauch, E. Reiff, J. Kruk and R. Napiwotzki
  • A Policy Investigation Model for Long-term Software Evolution Processes. (2004) P. Wernick and T. Hall
  • Can Thomas Kuhn's paradigms help us understand software engineering. (2004) P. Wernick and T. Hall
  • A Policy Investigation Model for Long-term Software Evolution Processes. (2004) P. Wernick and T. Hall
  • The impact of using pair programming on system evolution a simulation-based study. (2004) P. Wernick and T. Hall
  • Interview with Alan Hollinghurst. (2004) Patricia Wheeler
  • Contemporary British and Irish Fiction : Introduction Through Interviews. (2004) Patricia Wheeler, Sharon Monteith and Jenny Newman
  • Interview with Fay Weldon. (2004) Patricia Wheeler and Jenny Newman
  • Interview with Roddy Doyle. (2004) Patricia Wheeler and Jenny Newman
  • Interview with Irvine Welsh. (2004) Patricia Wheeler and Nahem Yousaf
  • Smacking: a family perspective. (2004) Lisa Whiting, M. Whiting and T. Whiting
  • Leadership, power, ethics : leading and managing in a performative culture. (2004) Richard Wynne Williams
  • A mechanism-based approach to monitoring for insecticide resistance in the peach-potato aphid, Myzus persicae. (2004) MS Williamson, M C Andrews, James A. Anstead, LM Field, Graham D. Moores, SJ Foster, AL Devonshire and Ian Denholm
  • HI in proto-cluster environments at z>2: absorbing haloes and the Lya forest. (2004) R.J. Wilman, M.J. Jarvis, H.J.A. Rottgering and L. Binette
  • Measuring superstitious belief: why lucky charms matter. (2004) Richard Wiseman and C Watt
  • Pasteuria penetrans and P-nishizawae attachment to Meloidogyne chitwoodi, M-fallax and M-hapla. (2004) J. Wishart, V. C. Blok, M. S. Phillips and Keith Davies
  • Discovering interacting binaries with Halpha surveys. (2004) A.R. Witham, C. Knigge, J.E. Drew, P. Groot, R. Greimel and Q.A. Parker
  • Incidence and nature of dosing errors in paediatric medications : a systematic review. (2004) Ian C. K. Wong, Maisoon Ghaleb, Bryony D. Franklin and Nick Barber
  • Democratic Leadership : Drawing distinctions with distributed leadership. (2004) Philip Woods
  • Learning and the external environment. (2004) Philip Woods
  • The design space of robots: investigating children's views. (2004) S. Woods, K. Dautenhahn and J. Schulz
  • Models for Type I X-ray bursts with improved nuclear physics. (2004) S.E. Woosley, A. Heger, A. Cumming, R. D. Hoffman, J. Pruet, T. Rauscher, J. L. Fisker, H. Schatz, B.A. Brown and M. Wiescher
  • The relationship between the X-ray and radio components in the compact steep-spectrum quasar 3c 48. (2004) D.M. Worrall, M.J. Hardcastle, T.J. Pearson and A.C.S. Readhead
  • Cen A and its Interaction with the X-ray Emitting Interstellar Medium. (2004) D.M. Worrall, R.P. Kraft, M. Birkinshaw, M.J. Hardcastle, W.R. Forman, C. Jones and S.S. Murray
  • Pharmacokinetics of Bupropion and Its Metabolites in Haemodialysis Patients Who Smoke. (2004) S.P.R. Worrall, M.K. Almond and S. Dhillon
  • X
  • Asynchronous packet-switch for SoC. (2004) J. Xu and R. Sotudeh
  • Y
  • An investigation of calibration methods for solution calorimetry. (2004) B. T. S. Yff, P.G. Royall, Marc Brown and Gary P. Martin
  • Globular clusters as probes of galaxy evolution : NGC 5128. (2004) S.K. Yi, S. Kaviraj, S.-J. Yoon, E. Peng and H. Ford
  • Quantum, higher-spin, local charges in symmetric space sigma models. (2004) Charles A. S. Young, D. Kagan, N. Mackay and Jonathan Evans
  • Z
  • Evaluation of auditory feedback on task performance in virtual assembly environment. (2004) Y. Zhang and R. Sotudeh
  • Molecular similarity of MDR inhibitors. (2004) Mire Zloh and S. Gibbons
  • Inhibitors of multidrug resistance (MDR) have affinity for MDR substrates. (2004) Mire Zloh, G.W. Kaatz and S. Gibbons
  • Ionized gas kinematics and massive star formation in NGC 1530. (2004) A. Zurita, M. Relano, J.E. Beckman and J. Knapen