Large aperture harmonic conversion experiments at Lawrence Livermore National Lanoratory

Linford, G.J., Johnson, B.C., Hildum, J.S., Martin, William Eugene, Snyder, K., Boyd, R.D., Smith, W.L., Vercimak, C.L., Eimerl, D. and Hunt, J.T. (1982) Large aperture harmonic conversion experiments at Lawrence Livermore National Lanoratory. pp. 3633-3643. ISSN 0003-6935

Large aperture harmonic conversion experiments to 2 omega (532 nm), 3 omega (355 nm), 4 omega (266 nm) on the Argus laser at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory are described. Harmonically converted energies of up to 346 J have been generated at external conversion efficiencies of 83%. A discussion of the harmonic conversion experiments and a brief summary of enhanced 2 omega and 3 omega inertial confinement fusion target performances are provided.