Companion robots for elderly people : Using theatre to investigate potential users' views

Walters, M.L., Koay, K.L., Syrdal, D.S., Campbell, A. and Dautenhahn, K. (2013) Companion robots for elderly people : Using theatre to investigate potential users' views. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

A theatre production of a play illustrating the functionality, social and ethical aspects of robots helping with aspects of elderly care was presented at a residential care home. The audience consisted of mainly elderly residents and carers. The residents suffered from various physical and mental disabilities which impaired their ability to provide responses through standard questionnaires. Therefore, additional structured interviews were used to gain insight into their views on the theatre scenario. Both carers and residents were generally positive towards the idea of using robots to help with care. Residents in particular stressed the desire for care robots to also provide social interaction and entertainment.