A Biometric Approach to Prevent False Use of IDs
What is your username? What is your password? What is your PIN number? These are some of the commonly used key questions users need to answer accurately in order to verify their identity and gain access to systems and their own data. Passwords, Personal Identification Numbers (PINs) and ID cards are different means of tokens used to identify a person, but these can be forgotten, stolen or lost. Currently, University of Hertfordshire (UH) carries out identity checks by checking the photograph on an ID card during exams. Other processes such as attendance monitoring and door access control require tapping the ID card on a reader. These methods can cause issues such as unauthorised use of ID card on attendance system and door access system if ID card is found, lost or borrowed. During exams, this could lead to interruptions when carrying out manual checks. As the invigilator carries out checks whilst the student is writing an exam, it is often difficult to see the student’s face as they face down whilst writing the exam. They cannot be disturbed for the ID check process. Students are also required to sign a manual register as they walk into the exam room. This process is time consuming. A more robust approach to identification of individuals that can avoid the above mentioned limitations of the traditional means, is the use of biometrics. Fingerprint was the first biometric modality that has been used. In comparison to other biometric modalities such as signature and face recognition, fingerprint is highly unique, accepted and leads to a more accurate matching result. Considering these properties of fingerprint biometrics, it has been explored in the research study presented in this thesis to enhance the efficiency and the reliability of the University’s exam process. This thesis focuses on using fingerprint recognition technology in a novel approach to check identity for exams in a University environment. Identifying a user using fingerprints is not the only aim of this project. Convenience and user experience play vital roles in this project whilst improving speed and processes at UH.
Item Type | Thesis (Masters) |
Uncontrolled Keywords | Fingerprint; Fingerprint Recognition System; Biometrics; Identity; Attendance and Exams |
Date Deposited | 18 Nov 2024 11:08 |
Last Modified | 18 Nov 2024 11:08 |
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