Items where Subject is "Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous)"

  • ASJC Scopus Subject Areas (3608)
  • Arts and Humanities(all) (289)
  • Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (46)
    Number of items at this level: 46.
  • HBO and the Aristocracy of TV Culture : : Affiliations and Legitimatising Television Culture, post-2007. (2018) Kim Akass and Janet McCabe
  • In my life: memory, self and The Beatles. (2024) Shazia Akhtar, Martin A. Conway, Lucy.V Justice and Catriona M. Morrison
  • The prevalence and impact of online trolling of UK members of parliament. (2019) Shazia Akhtar and Catriona Morrison
  • Analysing Trade-offs in Frameworks for the Design of Smart Environments. (2019) Carmelo Ardito, Giuseppe Desolda, Rosa Lanzilotti, Alessio Malizia and Maristella Matera
  • B
  • Why are we not flooded by involuntary thoughts about the past and future? Testing the cognitive inhibition dependency hypothesis. (2019) Krystian Barzykowski, Remi Radel, Agnieszka Niedzwienska and Lia Kvavilashvili
  • What About NOT: a Tertúlia Fenomenológica. (2022) Michael Biggs
  • Shaking the usability treewhy usability is not a dead end, and a constructive way forward : why usability is not a dead end, and a constructive way forward. (2018) Simone Borsci, Stefano Federici, Alessio Malizia and Maria Laura De Filippis
  • The British Ju-jitsu Society and the influence of Kodokan Judo on early jujutsu in the U.K. (2023) David Brough, Slaviša Bradić, Mike Callan, Lance Gatling and Llyr Jones
  • C
  • The Programming Historian. (2012) Adam Crymble
  • Strategies for Landscape Representation : digital and analogue techniques. (2016) Paul Cureton
  • D
  • Food security and food practices in later life: A new model of vulnerability. (2021) Angela Dickinson, Wendy Wills, Ariadne Beatrice Kapetanaki, Sue Halliday, Faith Ikioda and Amy Godfrey-Smythe
  • E
  • Patients, Practitioners and Lodgers: : Male Sexual Health Patients’ and Their Healers’ use of Location in Early Modern Medical Encounters. (2018) Jennifer Evans
  • F
  • Real imagined communities: : National narratives and the globalization of design history. (2016) Kjetil Fallan and Grace Lees-Maffei
  • G
  • The Corporate Baby in the Bathwater: Why Proposals to Abolish Corporate Personhood Are Misguided. (2023) David Gindis and Abraham Singer
  • I
  • Ethnic differences in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest among Middle Eastern Arabs and North African populations living in Qatar. (2021) Furqan B. Irfan, Maaret Castren, Zain A. Bhutta, Pooja George, Isma Qureshi, Stephen H. Thomas, Sameer A. Pathan, Guillaume Alinier, Loua A. Shaikh, Jassim A. Suwaidi, Rajvir Singh, Ashfaq Shuaib, Tooba Tariq, William J. McKenna, Peter A. Cameron and Therese Djarv
  • J
  • Comparing music‐ and food‐evoked autobiographical memories in young and older adults: A diary study. (2023) Kelly Jakubowski, Amy M. Belfi, Lia Kvavilashvili, Abbigail Ely, Mark Gill and Gemma Herbert
  • Gender and the Visual Arts. (2018) Alana Jelinek
  • The role of motion and intensity in deaf children’s recognition of real human facial expressions of emotion. (2018) Anna Catherine Jones, Roberto Gutierrez and Amanda Ludlow
  • K
  • High-dimensional cluster analysis with the masked EM algorithm. (2014) Shabnam N. Kadir, Dan F.M. Goodman and Kenneth D. Harris
  • The Finance–Mining Nexus in South Africa : How Mining Companies Use the South African Equity Market to Speculate. (2015) Ewa Karwowski
  • Attention bands: Some implications for categorical judgement. (1980) D. Kornbrot
  • L
  • The frequency and cueing mechanisms of involuntary autobiographical memories while driving. (2024) Andrew Laughland and Lia Kvavilashvili
  • M
  • An Interneuron Circuit Reproducing Essential Spectral Features of Field Potentials. (2018) Reinoud Maex
  • Rethinking Corporate Agency in Business, Philosophy, and Law. (2019) Samuel Mansell, John Ferguson, David Gindis and Avia Pasternak
  • Dissociations between directly and generatively retrieved autobiographical memories: Evidence from ageing. (2023) Ioanna Markostamou, Chloe Randall and Lia Kvavilashvili
  • Impaired executive functioning after left anterior insular stroke: : a case report. (2015) Ioanna Markostamou, Jobst Rudolf, Iakovos Tsiptsios and Mary H. Kosmidis
  • Civility and Politicized Love in Gandhi. (2014) Tony Milligan
  • Speciesism as a Variety of Anthropocentrism. (2011) Tony Milligan
  • N
  • ‘Innovation in the Arts in Therapy’: A Special Issue. (2023) Gary Nash
  • Placing art at the centre of art-based practice and research. (2023) Gary Nash
  • Working Alongside: Communicating visual empathy within collaborative art therapy. (2023) Gary Nash and Michiyo Zentner
  • Conflicts of power, landscape and amenity in debates over the British Super Grid in the 1950s. (2019) Katrina Navickas
  • Age-related differences in everyday prospective memory tasks : The role of planning and personal importance. (2013) Agnieszka Niedzwienska, Beata Janik and Aleksandra Jarczyńska
  • Phonological recoding under articulatory suppression. (2018) Dennis Norris, Sally Butterfield, Michael Page and Jane Hall
  • The effect of processing load on loss of information from short-term memory. (2019) Dennis Norris, Jane Hall, Sally Butterfield and Michael Page
  • Learning nonwords: The Hebb repetition effect as a model of word learning. (2018) D. Norris, Michael Page and Jane Hall
  • P
  • What do family caregivers want from domiciliary care for relatives living with dementia? a qualitative study. (2020) Kristian Pollock, Samantha Wilkinson, Lucy Perry-Young, Nicola Turner and Justine Schneider
  • R
  • An Exploratory Design Workshop to Elicit what Feels Natural when Interacting with an Automobile’s Secondary Controls. (2018) Simon Ramm, Joseph Giacomin, Alessio Malizia and Bennett Anyasodo
  • Prospective memories in the wild: Predicting memory for intentions in natural environments. (2023) Jan Rummel, Jean-Paul Snijder and Lia Kvavilashvili
  • S
  • The role of rehearsals in self-generated prospective memory tasks. (2011) Kaja Szarras and Agnieszka Niedzwienska
  • T
  • The ERP correlates of self-knowledge in ageing. (2022) Annick Tanguay, Ann-Kathrin Johnen, Ioanna Markostamou, Rachel Lambert, Megan Rudrum, Patrick SR Davidson and Louis Renoult
  • W
  • Absence of age effects on spontaneous past and future thinking in daily life. (2019) Elizabeth Warden, Benjamin Plimpton and Lia Kvavilashvili
  • Reflections on a personalized cognitive rehabilitation intervention : Experiences of people living with dementia and their carers participating in the GREAT trial. (2020) Krystal Warmoth, Sarah Morgan-Trimmer, Aleksandra Kudlicka, Gill Toms, Ian A. James and Bob Woods
  • Autonomy, Leadership and Leadership Development in England’s School System. (2021) Philip Woods, Amanda Roberts, Joy Jarvis and Suzanne Culshaw
  • Constructions and Purposes of School Leadership in the UK. (2021) Philip Woods, Deidre Torrance, Caitlin Donnelly, Tom Hamilton, Ken Jones and Ian Potter
  • Ö
  • Collective remembering and future forecasting during the COVID-19 pandemic: How the impact of COVID-19 affected the themes and phenomenology of global and national memories across 15 countries. (2022) Sezin Öner, Lynn Ann Watson, Zynep Adıgüzel, İrem Ergen, Ezgi Bilgin, Antonietta Curci, Scott Cole, Manuel L. de la Mata, Steve M. J. Janssen, Tiziana Lanciano, Ioanna Markostamou, Veronika Nourkova, Andrés Santamaría, Andrea Taylor, Krystian Barzykowski, Miguel Bascón, Christina Bermeitinger, Rosario Cubero-Pérez, Steven Dessenberger, Maryanne Garry, Sami Gülgöz, Ryan Hackländer, Lucrèce Heux, Zheng Jin, María Lojo, José Antonio Matías-García, Henry L. Roediger III, Karl Szpunar, Eylul Tekin and Oyku Uner