Items where Subject is "Geography, Planning and Development"

  • ASJC Scopus Subject Areas (3608)
  • Social Sciences(all) (474)
  • Geography, Planning and Development (46)
    Number of items at this level: 46.
  • Using volunteer-employed photography to inform tourism planning decisions : A study of St David's Peninsula, Wales. (2014) Nika Balomenou and Brian Garrod
  • Doings with the land and sea : Decolonising geographies, Indigeneity, and enacting place-agency. (2019) Adam Barker and Jenny Pickerill
  • Deathscapes of Settler Colonialism : The necro-settlement of Stoney Creek, Ontario, Canada. (2018) Adam Barker
  • Environmental sustainability or commercial viability? : The evolution of the EC regulation on genetically modified foods. (1996) David Barling
  • GM crops, biodiversity and the European agri-environment : Regulatory regime lacunae and revision. (2000) David Barling
  • Morphology and evolution of supraglacial hummocks on debris-covered Himalayan glaciers. (2021) Oliver T. Bartlett, Felix S.L. Ng and Ann V. Rowan
  • UK pension funds’ patience and liquidity in the age of market-based finance. (2023) Bruno Bonizzi, Jennifer Churchill and Annina Kaltenbrunner
  • Playing games around climate change - new ways of working to develop climate change resilience : New ways of working to develop climate change resilience. (2022) Malachy Buck, John Sturzaker and Ian Mell
  • C
  • Self-organising floor plans in care homes. (2020) Silvio Carta, Tommaso Turchi, Stephanie St Loe and Joel Simon
  • Tourism, ageing and the demographic timebomb - The implications of dementia for the visitor economy : A perspective paper. (2019) Joanne Connell and Stephen J. Page
  • Modelling regional imbalances in English plebeian migration to late eighteenth-century London. (2018) Adam Crymble, Adam Dennett and Tim Hitchcock
  • D
  • Austerity urbanism, local government debt-drive, and post COVID predicaments in Britain. (2024) Hulya Dagdeviren
  • Financialisation, Welfare Retrenchment and Subsistence Debt in Britain. (2020) Hulya Dagdeviren, Jiayi Balasuriya, Sheilla Luz, Muhammed Malik and Syed Shah
  • Land Tenure and Food Security in South India. (2023) Hulya Dagdeviren, Arthanari Elangovan and Ramanathan Parimalavelli
  • E
  • Patients, Practitioners and Lodgers: : Male Sexual Health Patients’ and Their Healers’ use of Location in Early Modern Medical Encounters. (2018) Jennifer Evans
  • G
  • Coupled Cooling Method and Application of Latent Heat Thermal Energy Storage Combined with Pre-cooling of Envelope: Optimization of Pre-cooling with Intermittent Mode. (2018) Xiangkui Gao, Yanping Yuan, Hongwei Wu, Xiaoling Cao and Xudong Zhao
  • H
  • Outdoor learning spaces: the case of forest school. (2018) Frances Harris
  • Progress in tourism and destination wellbeing research. (2016) Heather Hartwell, Alan Fyall, Cheryl Willis, Stephen Page, Adele Ladkin and Ann Hemingway
  • Ethical principles in an increasingly diverse planning profession : The potential impact of different types of planners. (2022) Hannah Hickman and John Sturzaker
  • EIA and EMS integration : Not wasting the opportunity. (2014) Rid Hollands and Lisa Palframan
  • J
  • Designing Resilience of the Built Environment to Extreme Weather Events. (2018) Ljubomir Jankovic
  • Tourism and Neurodiversity: A Problematisation and Research Agenda. (2023) Allan Jepson, Raphaela Stadler and Brian Garrod
  • K
  • Dimensions and Determinants of Financialisation : Comparing OECD Countries since 1997. (2019) Ewa Karwowski, Engelbert Stockhammer and Mimoza Shabani
  • The Finance–Mining Nexus in South Africa : How Mining Companies Use the South African Equity Market to Speculate. (2015) Ewa Karwowski
  • M
  • Emergency Management and Tourism Stakeholder Responses to Crises : A Global Survey. (2017) Yeganeh Morakabati, Stephen J. Page and John Fletcher
  • N
  • Conflicts of power, landscape and amenity in debates over the British Super Grid in the 1950s. (2019) Katrina Navickas
  • Legal and historical geographies of the Greenham Common protest camps in the 1980s. (2023) Katrina Navickas
  • O
  • Demystifying the roles of organisational smart technology, artificial intelligence, robotics and algorithms capability: A strategy for green human resource management and environmental sustainability. (2023) Samuel Ogbeibu, Jude Emelifeonwu, Vijay Pereira, Raphael Oseghale, James Gaskin, Uthayasankar Sivarajah and Angappa Gunasekaran
  • Machine learning for energy performance prediction at the design stage of buildings. (2022) Razak Olu-Ajayi, Hafiz Alaka, Ismail Sulaimon, Funlade Sunmola and Saheed Ajayi
  • P
  • Historical review of ‘the higher-density housing agenda and the “urban renaissance”’. (2019) Susan Parham
  • Exploring sustainable urbanism in masterplanned developments: : a collective case study of slippage between principles, policies, and practices. (2020) Susan Parham and Alasdair Jones
  • Conceptualising Disruptions in British Beef and Sheep Supply Chains during the COVID-19 Crisis. (2022) Sophie Payne-Gifford, Louise Whatford, Mehroosh Tak, Steven Van Winden and David Barling
  • The glacial geomorphology of upper Godthåbsfjord (Nuup Kangerlua) in south-west Greenland. (2018) Danielle Pearce, Douglas Mair, Brice Rea, James Lea, J. Edward Schofield, Nicholas Kamenos and Kathryn Schoenrock
  • S
  • Statistical and Electrical Features Evaluation for Electrical Appliances Energy Disaggregation. (2019) Pascal Schirmer and Iosif Mporas
  • Air Passenger Duty and Outbound Tourism Demand from the United Kingdom. (2014) Neelu Seetaram, Haiyan Song and Stephen J. Page
  • Ideology, Statecraft and the ‘Double Shuffle’ of Conservative Planning Reform in England. (2024) Edward Shepherd, Andy Inch, John Sturzaker and Tim Marshall
  • The people: Where will they go? (2021) John Sturzaker
  • Sustainability trade-offs in Climate Change Geographies in England. (2024) John Sturzaker, Dr. Maurizio Catulli and Beate Kubitz
  • Profit or public service? Tensions and alignment in private planning practice. (2024) John Sturzaker and Hannah Hickman
  • Disruptive Localism - How Far Does Clientelism Shape the Prospects of Neighbourhood Planning in Deprived Urban Communities? (2022) John Sturzaker, Olivier Sykes and Bertie Dockerill
  • T
  • Localism: a planning panacea? (2019) Edward Taylor, Frédéric Santamaria and John Sturzaker
  • Which formula for national happiness? (2019) Chris Tofallis
  • Troubling meanings of family and competing moral imperatives in the family lives of young people with a parent who is at the end of life. (2017) Nicola Turner and Kathryn Almack
  • W
  • The climate emergency in Africa. (2023) Lee Wengraf, Janet Bujra, Chanda Mfula, Elisa Greco and Ray Bush
  • Construction as a Springboard for Industrialisation: Chinese Overseas Construction Projects and Structural Transformation in Angola, Ethiopia and Nigeria. (2023) Christina Wolf
  • Z
  • Experimental investigation on environmental control of a 50-person mine refuge chamber. (2022) Zujing Zhang, Ting Jin, Hongwei Wu, Rodney Day, Xiangkui Gao, Kequan Wang and Ruiyong Mao